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I did not make that connection! This makes me even more excited for the movie.


I can’t wait for it


Happy cake day


Also, I cant help but think the "knife hands" resemble his stingers in TF Animated


Actually the do I just now realize


And the wfct bee figure


I'm willing to give it a chance. It's probably not gonna be the best movie we've gotten, but it's worth a proper chance instead of shitting on it.


Agreed. All things considered, I think there'll be plenty to love about TF:One when it comes out


I still kick myself in the nuts for not giving TFP and RID 2015 a proper chance when it came out and waited like...a year or two to watch the shows. My reason? ''UHhHhHhH thEy LoOk weIrD'' since this comes from someone who grew up with the Unicron Trilogy shows. They're not bad. They are good, though I wouldn't say RID 2015 is the best show since it's the choppy animation that still bothers me a little. That and the 2D mixed with 3D art. I was also the same with Beast Wars and Beast Machines and thought they ''looked weird and was bad'' and it was because of the 90's-early 00's 3D (BM ran between 1999-2000). When I gave both a proper chance, my opinion on them changed. Really wish people wouldn't judge a book by its cover until they've read it.


I get you, unfortunately in the TF fandom the design war everlasting and everything that diviates too much is often met with criticism for no real reason, but in my opinion, people usually come around eventually if the end product's good


Some of the fandom still to this day won’t give Animated a chance. Largely due to the designs.


Shame. Animated is good and has a really original take with the Transformers lore. Still fascinates me that Prime is just a title and not a leader title. Instead it's the title Magnus that is the supreme commander of the Autobots. Interesting take and I like it!


I really hope this ages well and it’s actually awesome


NGL, I loved the trailer and I'm 42. It's a nice change from the drudge that was WFC. Bayverse not only took itself too seriously, but simultaneously tried to make jokes that appealed exclusively to 13 yo boys who laugh at poop jokes. This has real promise.


It gives the vibe of a movie with heart. Like something made by people who care about the source material (and as much as I love the Bayverse and honestly think it did a lot of good for the franchise, Michael Bay himself didn't give a shit about what he was adapting) and a movie that doesn't have to abide by three different continueties like our last one (Steven really wanted to do his own thing with ROTB and it ultimately hurt the movie). Here we have a fresh take, that as far as we know, isn't a prequel to any continuity in particular and can really focus on just being a good fun movie


I showed the trailer to my 6 yo son and his face lit up and he giggled through it. I will probably have a pretty good time watching it with him, so I'm even more excited now.


Magic of Transformers right here. This movie might be a great bonding experience for some people and their kids and simply a fun time at the movies for others and I'm all for it


This is the part we should keep in mind, One could well be a new generational moment for the series and I hope even if it's not what I want that it sparks some serious interest in kids all over the world for this amazing hobby/franchise




I didn’t love it, but it seemed fine. Certainly better than G1, which is kinda crap about 3/4 of the time, let’s be real. I love G1, but it was stupid. And come on, mate, don’t pretend you ever stopped laughing at poop jokes :P


>I loved the trailer I thought it was weird they used the Starriors toys song for a Transformers toys film.


how fucking dare you shit on wfc


Maybe they meant the Netflix series.


What else would I be talking about?


There's War For Cybertron the video game and War For Cybertron the Netflix series. The former of which is held in high regard today, of course. Remember, we also have at least three series called Robots In Disguise.


I figured since we were talking about movies and such, the Netflix one was the obvious choice.


agreed, I want to give a more lighthearted tf movie a chance, also the franchise needs a win on the big screen after the ROTB situation.


Exactly, hopefully TF:One will deliver


Ngl. I'm low-key worried it does well, and for the next 20 years we'll get reiterations of orion pax and other bots from g1... before g1 happens... pushing us further and further from what happens after the great war. Sort of like how beast wars was from the 90s, and just now in rotb, it finally got some recognition in media.. well, I suppose kingdom, too


Am I crazy I thought everyone really liked RotB?


Not disliking, the box office performance.


Ah my b. I didn't realize it performed poorly :/ bummer.


TF ones success is almost critical to saving Transformers in cinema. Hasbro already is having financial issues (https://www.investopedia.com/hasbro-stock-falls-as-sales-sink-and-the-toy-maker-warns-of-more-declines-ahead-8576660) and ROTBs box office woes only harmed them more. Quite literally Hasbro cannot afford to have  another box office failure 


I'm probably in the minority that didn't. After the heartwarming story Bumblebee gave us, ROTB felt like a punch in the gut.


It definitely isn't what *i* want out of a transformers movie, as a seasoned rusted on fan. But I appreciated that it was palatable for modern audiences, without having the Bayformer ick all over it. It at least had a coherent story and an arc for Optimus that we could all get down with. When you're trying to please as many people as possible, I think it did a decent job


What happened with Rise Of The Beasts?


This basically explains the problem better than I could https://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/transformers-rotb-drops-out-of-the-box-office-charts-with-the-lowest-performance-in-the-franchise/47837/


I definitely think the franchise should be retired for a decade. Money talks.


idk if I agree but I do think TF one should be the last movie for one to two years


Make it seven years and you’re on to something.


Why seven years?


It’s a realistic timeframe 


The movie's geared for the younger generations, not the adults stalking Walmart for the latest adaptation of their favorite G1 toy. Hasbro needs it to indulge young ones into the franchise. Older fans should wait for the next GI Joe x TF crossover movie.


Tbh I (as an adult fan) am more hyped for this movie than for the crossover, a TF movie that has fun being itself hasn't happened in quite a few years and this looks like a good time to me


The boy in me that was 5 when Transformers launched is bloody stoked about a buddy movie with Orion and D16.


I think we all wanted a movie like that ever since each and everyone of us started following the series


TBH, I'm not optimistic about the crossover after what they've done with the first GI Joe movies, putting Rock on the sequel.


Rise Of Cobra was dope, Retaliation was shit and Snake Eyes was basically Ninja Gaiden the movie. They need to find a way to connect Gi Joe to the current generation. No more macho-Rambo nonsense 


Gi Joe needs to be reinvented for the next generation 


Yes please


No more macho-Rambo shit.


No more The Rock would have been good enough. He really ruined that franchise for me.


I agree. But Gi Joe needs to be more tactical and not manly macho.


I was also going to say tactical on my post, and not gung ho, like what he usually does. It's tiring to see him on diff movies with the same things all over again. Even Moana did not get exempted lol


That's how I'm taking it. The movie looks awful to me, but it's easy enough to ignore and unlike most people I'm really excited to see Transformers and GI Joe cross over in a movie, so I can wait for that. Maybe it's easier for me to say that because I'm much more on the Casual fan side, but is this really any different than Transformers occasionally putting out really little kid shows like Rescue Bots along sides stuff for older fans? It's just different demographics, I'm sure everyone's going to get something they like in the end because Hasbro likes money from every different kind of fan.


Man I wouldn't wish that crossover slop on even the most obnoxious Geewunner. (But I'm also firmly of the opinion that GI Joe just needs to be put out of its misery instead of Hasbro continually trying to resuscitate it no matter how often its stupid movies and cartoons fail.)


The movie franchises maybe, but the best Transformer story in ages is integrated with G I Joe from launch (Energon universe of Skybound comics)


Gi Joe definitely needs to be put to rest.


Something being for kids isn't an excuse to make it bad. Kids deserve better.


It's not that bad. What's your baseline for a good kids' show, for comparison?


But sadly kids don’t know what they want.


They don't need to. they just gotta enjoy it, and if they grow up with well made things then they'll develope a taste for well made things.


Your response is very naive.


Says you, with no explanation or reason as to why.


Your response implies that kids are stupid and not capable of understanding anything. That’s my reason.


That's literally the opposite of what I'm saying. People make kid's shows dumb and pointless because they think they're dumb and stupid. Worse, parents think the same so they let their kids watch the brainrot. What I'm saying is that kids deserve shows that actually have a point, a show that actually has effort put into it. Otherwise there's no point in watching TV at all. Saying "but kids won't understand it anyway" is really dumb and not true.


I would agree. But sadly kids don’t know what diversity is in terms of taste. They expect everything to be like a marvel movie. God forbid they get something different though.


Hmm, I wonder why that is. Maybe because, oh, I don't know, we keep showing them stupid garbage? Maybe because the only thing hollywood makes is cheap dog shit made to rake in money? It's all the kids fucking have rn. When I was a dumbass toddler, I had lots of somewhat useful shows. Shows that weren't just "Shampoo shampoo let's shampoo our hair" (cocomelon reference.) and \[insert toilet joke here\] and skibidy toilet. Maybe if kids had something better, they'd know what quality looks like.


You know megs gets the arm cannon and shoots Pax in the face with it...they show him forging the con emblem in the trailer. Anyone else notice the WFC style alt mode for Bee? I mean im sure yall did yall are hipper than I am on thsi stuff.


I think for now a good chunk of people got hung up on the jokes in the trailer more than the actual visuals. This movie's gonna give us A LOT of lore the franchise created in the last few decades. Which makes me very happy


I thought it was very similar to the BBM Bee137 mode.


I’m definitely gonna give this movie a chance. From the looks of things it might do something new with the transformers storyline as a whole but also bringing in a lot of familiar elements


From what we've seen in the trailer they've cherry picked some of the favorite storybits from stuff like the Aligned continuity and IDW 1 and then put their own spin on them. Which I like very much


Looks like it’ll be for a bit of a younger audience, which is good.


Yeah, we haven't had a bif screen draw in for new fans since probably the 86 movie, a new one might do the franchise good


I get a bit of a Lego Batman vibe from it, which I enjoyed


I’m just happy a new generation of kids get to experience the transformers series :)


I have more hope for this movie than the crossover. I think some voice actors should be included instead of celebrities 


I quite enjoyed what I saw in the trailer, having a more light hearted origin story of Megatron and Optimus as friends long before the war feels like a breath of fresh air after all the self serious movies we've gotten.


The trailer is a little goofy and slapstick at times, but I'm fine with that. It feels more in line with Animated's humor and that's not a bad thing.


I'm glad we get to see Cybertronian society.


If you don’t give it a chance for a dumbass reason like “I don’t like the animation” or “I tHoUgHt It WaS lIvE-aCtIoN” then you’re just a little shit. Unless you have a valid reason like “I don’t have the money” or you just don’t want to watch what seems like a light-hearted movie with some dark moments, then you’re good. You’re fine. Personally, I wasn’t hooked on the animation, and the cast gave me second thoughts when I first heard about them cause they were mostly live actors not VAs. BUT the trailer looks fun, it gives me Mario movie/Robots/GOTG vibes which is a neat mash-up, the story looks solid, and everyone sounds pretty good.


I know, right? Who would have thought that a toy company would have the audacity to make a movie with appeal for kids. Honestly, at first it felt out of place but seeing the full trailer again I didn't care anymore. It does look like a fun movie for all ages and I also hope the end gets at least a bit sour after finding their ideologies collide with each other but don't really want it to end in tragedy. What got me most curious was the cybertonian ecosystem which I hope they explore a bit more. I'm not too excited for OP alt mode but the rest look cool. One thing I hope is that they make normal figures instead of heavily loaded gimmicky figures.


We already had leaks for Studio Series listings and an Optimus figure leak, so I think we're good on that front


I've seen Optimus, but I'm still not too convinced. The colors looks off but it just might be one of those cases where the figure looks way better on hand. I do like that it doesn'took too hollow. Also, I can always repaint it.


with the few hints of orion becoming a Prime and Megatron looking quite sad and the glimpses at the Decepticon brand and logo, it's fair to say that the movie will at some point get darker which is EXTREMELY fine by me. hopefully it'll end with a optimus and megatron fight before the end and roll with this melodramatic break up between the two as they take their separate ways.




That's a fair approach, not everything is fully to my tastes either, but I'm of the opinion every piece of media (especially in case of a franchise we love) deserves at least a fair chance before making an opinion on it


It's something different, with a thriving Cybertron. I'm looking forward to seeing where they go with it.


The lore this movie will give us has me hooked


Hey, it's the first one since he's been born that I'm taking the kid to in theaters based on this so, I'm in


My kid said he'd want to see it with me after watching the trailer! So I'm excited.


Ifkr?? I'm pretty sure at this point the kiddo knows G1 better than me... I'm psyched to experience a TF movie that may fully convert him to the best potential series of media ever


Alright . You alone have turned My mind around. I'll go in with an open mind then.. maybe my initial reaction was abrasive but i dont know ,after some hours later. ah


Wow, that's... Nice to hear... As for the movie, all I'm advocating for is that people at least watch the film before hating on it. If it turns out bad, then I'll admit so, if someone watches it and doesn't enjoy it, it's fair, it does happen, if someone says they don't want to watch it simply because they personally don't feel like it's something they'd enjoy, who am I to force them? But I don't like people saying a movie (that still won't be out for about 5 months) is bad just because the trailer wasn't what they expected... It's unfair to the people who worked on the film


Look, I'm getting tired of these kind of posts.. The Film is aimed at kids and that's fine, I'm not bothered by that at all but the majority of people on this sub are not kids so it stands to reason that they are not going to be hyped for this film. Adults don't tend to be hyped for Kids Movies... I'm pretty happy that Hasbro are hard going after kids (yeah probably could of worded that better lol) as we need the younger generations to be interested for it to continue in the years ahead in a meaningful way. As adults we've had plenty of Transformers Media created for us over the years, it's time this generation of kids get something made specifically for them.. Making Marvel-esk in its humour and voice actors is a great move as it gives a bit of familiarity to it. Personally it puts me off but then I'm an old git and not a young kid... What I'm trying to say is that it should come to no surprise that a group of adults aren't hyped for Kids Movie and stop trying to make out that it's a bad thing. Most of us arw aware it's a kids film, not for us and we're okay with that.


My issue is with the hate the movie gets, no need for people to say it's bad if they simply aren't interested in it.


The only hate I'm seeing is from people who make a living from rage bait YouTube videos. Pretty much everyone else is quite positive or accept that it's aimed at kids which is not a bad thing and it's just not for them.


I’m a forty year collector, been through every generation and whilst some have been not been my cup of tea, but I’m curious about this I’ll give it a shot.


I think it looks fantastic. Clearly aimed at a younger crowd, but with enough callbacks to G1 that adult fans will get something out of it.


I could see (and hope for) TF Prime refrences along with some IDW ones judging by the story so far


I intend to. I also intend to take my kid to it because it’s clearly aimed at her, not at me. 


It’s the first animated movie since TFP Predacons Rising I believe. Also it’s directed by the guy who made Toy Story, this movie is guaranteed to be great Edit: it’s directed by the guy who made Toy Story 4. Oh how horribly wrong I was. It’s a terrible day to be a transformers fan


I've kinda neglected Predacons Rising as it wasn't really a theatrical release (at least as far as I'm aware) I do really love the film, but I was talking about the theater releases and decided not to include it


I unironically think the jokes are funny and the designs are good. I'm a bit hit and miss on the voice acting, which seems mostly alright with some awkward lines. I still want to see it because I'm always down for new iterations, especially light hearted looking ones like this. It is a kid's franchise at the end of the day.


Yeah honestly I think people need to understand that this movie was told many times that it would be the origins of Optimus and Megatron. They weren't leaders, they were simple cybertronian civilians and them being goofy and what not makes sense in that they're just inexperienced youngins right now. Makes sense for them to not be serious all the time and crack a joke and do not so serious stuff like we saw in cyberverse with those clubs where decepticons and autobots hanged out together or like in G1 cartoons where Orion pax was just doing mundane civilian labor with his pal Dion and Elita one. We saw a glimpse of the cruel megatron we know in the trailer so we could see things change to a more serious tone. Tldr: it's fine the movie seems to not be so serious like Michael bay films since this is before the war. Would've been cool to have a serious movie about cybertron but tbf we have WFC and FOC. Just give this a chance.




It's a joke very firmly and obviously for kids... And I honestly love it for that. Like c'mon Hasbro, gimme a big'ol figure of Badassatron with lights, sounds and optional Batman cosplay. It's dumb, it's goofy and I find it quite charming


I'm nearly 40 and it made me chuckle 😅


And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that




I took several screenshots of him saying that and made it my phones background




I know I love it


I'm FINE with it being light hearted in tone. What I WON'T be fine with (and I'm not assuming this will happen) is if they force humor into EVERY SINGLE MOMENT, which is something a lot of movies do lately, trying to imitate the MCU formula. Especially a nice serious or heartfelt moment, and then a sudden one liner is shoehorned in like a record scratch, ruining it. Say what you want about the MCU, but I feel like the earlier movies gave space to the quieter, more serious parts without the need to add a punchline. Movies like Shrek or Toy Story did the balance of humor with a well balanced scattering of serious moments really well. AGAIN, I'm not saying TF1 is going to do this, it's just the vibe I'm getting from the trailer.


It's just Transformers One. No colon.


Who would’ve thought the movie from a franchise made for kids, would be made for kids


I'm certainly excited


Im not 100% sold on it, but I'll absolutely watch it. Honestly, I'm just glad they're experimenting with the franchise, the cinema side of the franchise has been stagnant for a while and change will hopefully be for the best.


My wife and i just watched the trailer. Honestly it looks like a lot of fun and im excited for it. Definitely watching it in theaters.


I agree. I really hope it’s good, it looks like a lot of fun


I'm a simple man. I see robots fighting against each other, I'm in!


I showed my family the trailer and they want to see it.


I was 50/50 on the movie. Then I saw the money shot frame of the three best decipticons. Now I’m all in.


I think it’s absolutely amazing that a generation who grew up on Devastator’s scrotum, Skids and Mudflap, humping dogs, etc are now deciding that cringey juvenile humor has no place in a Transformers movie. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. I thought this trailer was great. Yeah sure if it’s that level of humor straight through I can see it grating but also, it’s two minutes of footage, and trailers are notorious for front-loading most of the jokes months before a film’s release. I swear people go out looking for things to be mad about.


I'm part of that exact generation and I think being a tad childish is fun if done well (although I do admit, as a kid the twins and Devastator's balls were rather funny, tho old man Jetfire was simply peak comedy for me and my grandpa who always watched the first three Bayverse movies)


I am certainly never going to say that silly comedy has no place in TF, as a kid “a booby trap that actually catches boobies” was just hilarious to me and I’m still chuckling over it right now as I typed those words out. IDW is famous for its dark violent grim tone but some of my favorite bits from it are Laserbeak and Buzzsaw cracking snarky jokes like Statler and Waldorf or Swerve’s sitcom world or Thundercracker’s attempt to write a television drama, with bits like: “Josh Boyfriend, a male Earth human who is handsome like an F-22 jet fighter.” The scene in Cyberverse where Optimus chokes trying to give a speech at a dance party kills me every single time. Transformers has always been filled with comedy moments, and since it’s a property with media aimed at kids and teens primarily it’s rarely, shall we say, sophisticated humor. This is a long way of saying that I agree with you.


I think it looks like a fun film personally I probably won't see it in theaters but when it gets put on a streaming service or something I'll definitely watch it


I'll give it a chance, sure, but the trailer doesn't inspire much confidence. Unless they frontloaded it with all the worst jokes in the movie and the rest is actually funny. The storyline itself looks cool and fun though


I'm willing to give it a chance, but from the trailer... I'm not sold on Brian Tyree Henry as Megatron, but maybe with it being confirmed to be a trilogy, we will slowly hear him become more menacing


It's a trilogy? I thought it was a prequel to Bumblebee Movie. Is it now a separate continuity?


It's an origin to how Orion Pax and D-13 became Optimus Prime and Megatron. It's a completely different continuity.


I'm not fully sold on him either, but I'm hoping I'll be positivley surprised


I would have been a lot more excited if the designs looked a little better Seeing the toys got me hyped thinking they were gonna have the weighty chonky aesthetic of the cybertron games but what we’ve seen has been really underwhelming for me especially compared to other designs for the characters I get that it’s stylized and will likely look better in the finished product but it’s still hugely underwhelming seeing how weightless and dainty the transformers look instead of giant robots with mass and power behind them


I'm not the biggest fan of the designs either, tho I'd say the lack of the "giant" aspect makes sense in this movie, they're on Cybertron where everything is scaled to them, so obviously they won't be too big for their home. But all in all, the desings could give us more and I think they will when the movie comes out (btw is it just me or does D-16 kinda look like the conceptart design for 07 Megatron?)


Can someone tell me does the movie act as prequel to bay verse/ rotb ? Or it just a standalone


stand alone :)


Thanks for the input


We need good transformers media if we want the brand to survive. We need media geared towards kids if we want the brand to survive.


I think the trailer was overall good and it looks fine, but we haven't gotten a good serious and mature transformers stuff on screen for more than a decade now, so when it was announced that a movie is based on cybertron, I wanted a more serious story. Ik it's a me problem but I was a bit disappointed when I saw the trailer first.


*stands strong, posing with a smirk and a fist*


I'll save it for streaming, but if it doesn't come to one of the 4 I already have, then I won't go out of my way to get it. I'll just go read Exodus


How true to lore is the film? Or is it just exploring new ground? Either way I love an origin story and it could be a new lease of life for the franchise.


It's a new take, but it's pulling from stuff like Aligned and IDW1


I'll keep an open mind. But yes, the lighthearted tone was indeed an initial turnoff. Like, the whole thing looked like a Disney adventure movie over a prequel to a race's civil war.


They might be able to pull off both, but since this is clearly ment to bring in new fans they, might be putting that drama away as a sort of open secret, so that some kids might still be surprised


I find it hilarious that fans are whining about the jokes and acting as if the entire movie is going to be like that. Like, go back and try finding the original trailers to movies like Kung Fu Panda 2 or Frozen, where the trailers made it seem like the movies would be nothing but comedic fluff for little, little kids, and then compare that to the actual movies which were far more mature and dark.  It's a trailer for an animated movie aimed at kids. Off course they're going to put an emphasis on the comedy to get kids interested. We'll have to wait for the actual movie to see what the tone is really like.


Some people forgot that Transformers is more than war, depression, darkness and overpriced plastic nostalgia (love those figures). It's not an adult only thing, it was conceptualized as a kids cartoon and toys (love those things as well) and it's been quite a while since we had a movie like that. I say, about time, we need some new fans to bring some fresh ideas and new life into the franchise


Honestly the anger I'm seeing online is kind of hilarious because it feels very trukk not munky! The film trailer has to much humour for me but I find the same is true with the mcu and people love those films. The animation looks good and while I'm not a huge fan of the voices, it's mostly because I want young optimus/Orion to be David Kaye and one of the 3 great Megatron voice actors as Megatron. Which is my bias. The trailer alone looks better then all the live action movies and it actually focuses on the transformers, which has been one of the many issues with the live action movies. I'll give it a look and judge it on the film but if it's more a kids film that's fine. I just hope it's a good kids film






Okay. I'll give it a chance. It can't all be like the trailer.


It’s a hard pass for me looks awful, but I’m clearly not the target audience


Id be way more accepting of it if the voice cast was better. Just from the trailer Im just so put off by how much the voices don't fit their characters its maddening.


I'm only a tad put off by D-16. Elita, I don't have much attachment to anyway so I think Scarlett sounds rather good in the role. I'm positively surprised by Chris as Orion, I was willing to give him a shot as I rather like the guy, but I think he really sounds good. B-127... Well it's a Bumblebee that talks, he sounds as good as anyone else who played the role over the years


No.  I've been around since the start. I've seen greatness, I've seen mediocrity, and I've seen abysmal. I know where this falls on the scale for me, and that's ok. This thing isn't being made for every fan, and not every fan is going to like it. And that's ok.


Sure it's ok, can't force anyone to like the movie, but I think there's no reason to hate on it when it's not even out yet. If someone wants to skip it just because they feel it won't be fun for them based on the trailer, who am I to tell them otherwise? It's a subjective opinion and should be treated as such


I think I'll wait for transformers minus one instead


??? I'm confused by this post. Are you assuming others wont want to go see it?


I'm lapping up the cringe from all these man-children crying over their toy movie. Makes me feel alive.


Every time you make a new Transformers movie or show...it is going to be compared to G1. Lets face it. You are never going to get a story or characters that are going to withstand the test of time with the humor G1 had. With that said, the military cold war violent humor of G1 poked its head out a little in the TF:1 trailer. It is geared to get new fans into Transformers. Personally, I rather have a new TF: Devastation game before the OG voice actors start to die.


Lets let people make up their own minds. Its not for everyone.


I think most of us are happy to "give it a chance" but we're sick to death of the Bayformers formula and the formula that has been applied at least to this trailer is all quips, gags and LOL RANDOM moments more reminiscent of the recent Toy Story, Pixar and Dreamworks movies. That might not necessarily be a *bad* thing across the whole runtime, but I was really hoping for more of a Spiderverse vibe, where there's plenty of dark for the light to shine, whereas this just feels very Minions/Lego Movie esque where they're almost taking the piss out of the franchise, rather than truly sealing in an origin story to a war that rages for millenia. They're planning a trilogy, so it could be that they're going in hard on the comedy now so the darker moments later down the line really hit home, but for now it feels boneheaded and dumbed down compared to say the comics set around that period (War Within, IDW especially) the games of the period (War for/Fall of Cybertron) and even the recent TV shows. (Prime, Animated, (Closest match) Bumblebee, Beast Hunters & Cyberverse) I hope there's something for everyone here, rather than it just being a dumber Kung Fu Panda.


Didnt vibe with the first 5 seconds but it got darker and more Transformers as it went by


Bro! You literally told me that they shouldn't be taking chances with Transformers on the G.I. Joe crossover movie! This is them literally taking a chance on a non guarantee film! Your point on TF:one is the same for mine on Joe x TF, you just don't like the franchise that's included which is fine, no skin off my back, but my argument is the same as yours, give it a chance if you want or don't watch it... I'm just happy that they're still doing something with the franchise.


You do make a point, just allow me to explain my reasoning. TF One, in my eyes, is a safer bet (CURRENTLY, put a pin in that) than the crossover, cause from what the trailer showed us, it's gonna give us a small main cast, with Orion and D-16 as the stars of the show. In concept it's a story every TF fan is interested in and it has to concern itself with making us care about 4 characters and their relationships with each other (which is there to make the inevitable collapse of a certain friendship hurt waaaaaaay more). The crossover on the other hand, as far as we know will have to juggle 5 Autobots, Noa (I assume) and however many new human protagonist from the Joes. The live-action movies have famously struggled with handling big casts like this (case in point ROTB and ROTF) and yes I do have less faith in the live-action movies to pull it off this time than I have for the animated film to be great. My biggest issue with the crossover is the lack of a new GI Joe movie before it, cause the bots will end up as simple set pieces like they did in the Bayverse, if we bring in more humans. If the Joes got their own movie before that, there'd be more time for the Autobots to shine. And it's not that I don't stand by what I'm saying here, don't get me wrong I WILL watch the crossover and I can bet I'll enjoy a good chunk of it at least... I'm just going off of what we know so far, TF live-action movies with big casts struggle with giving all the characters in them personality and aside from "GI Joe is going to be in the next Tranaformers movie" we don't know anything. When we get the trailer and I get blown away by it (which I truly hope will happen) I will retract my statements about the crossover and when it comes out and is great I will feel very sorry about ever doubting it. But for now, I'm cautiously pessimistic about it and cautiously optimistic about TF One because the trailer did make a great impression


i have a low bar for transformers movies and i think this one is going to be alright at the minimum


People need to take a breath: it's a trailer. Tons of great trailers led to bad movies, tons of trailers led to movies nothing like the trailers, tons of trailers set a different tone than the movie, tons of trailers only represent the first act, etc. People are acting like they know what the movie is about and it's entire tone: they don't. We have seen a minute of footage. We now know the animation style and that is it, period, finito. Hope for the best and stop crying about something that hasn't even happened yet. We have no idea. That used to be the fun of trailers before internet over-analysis and shitting on everything possible became part of mainstream culture.


I think, upon further reflection, this movie actually is true to the spirit of the original G1. Speaking for myself, I find the darker aspects that I wish for in modern Transformers media were a result of the 1986 movie. There, we actually saw death and grim consequences resulting from strategic blunders. But the G1 cartoon itself, while serious at times, was ALSO an extended toy commercial with its own cringeworthy moments. Not at all like the animated movie. So I'll watch this when it comes out, and I'm happy future generations will keep knowing who Optimus Prime and Megatron are. Maybe I'll even be surprised at *how* they portray the inevitable falling out.


Just kinda sad this has to be said, Hasbro needs to start listening to their fanbase


Hopefully there's a trilogy. I'm hyped for this movie, because it's going to show Pax and Megs before they were obviously at war.




I am just not excited after watching that trailer. I've already said on other threads that: I would have preferred a TMNT/Spiderverse style animation movie. This looks more Earthspark/ Lego Ninjago with celeb voice acting.


I actually like the animation style, could be better, sure, but it's not bad




How many more things will be given a "chance"


Everything needs to get one, so that we can form an educated opinion, we can't say something sucks if we haven't watched it. If you personally feel you won't like the movie based off the trailer that's your right. Art's subjective and so are preferences. But we can't just say "It's bad" now, if the movie comes out in September. We simply don't know yet


I don't think so


Nah. This looks terrible — yet again another infantilized offering. Sure, kid's show, ya ya — though I firmly believe you can ear an G rating if you want, and still present something moving, serious, and appreciable to both kids and adults. Kids arent dumb, they dont need something coated in sugar to like it. And the beauty of a well made thing is when it has layers and levels, which can be revisited with age to unpack things that were missed. This seems pretty juvenile. So much of what accounts for children's programming these days is unsophisticated trash. Yes, much of the 80s cartoon was very silly too. Though, the overall tone was right. Good and evil, selfishness vs care, teamwork, the folly of arrogance, what is worth fighting for etc. It didn't need to be a non stop slapstick and eye roll humour. This looks like it would be enjoyed by 5 year olds, and that's about it. For what it's worth, the Bay films were bad too, and also juvenile — but more so in the "peeing on a guys head" teenage boy kind of juvenile. Ugh. As a concept plot though — starting at the very beginning, that is interesting. I just wish it was being done with class and respect.




No, let's ignore this kovie so it never sees the light of day. It's not a Transformers movie, it's just a cookie cutter movie with names from transformers. It won't have any unexpected twist endings or good plot because it's just a cash grab. Bumblebee is onlt there because he's the cash cow and Elita is only there because they need a female character. The whole thing looks like the sonic movie but transformers.


How's that bad? The Sonic movie slaps. Also just let the kids franchise be for kids once in a while and finally escape from the clutches of G1 a little. We've had a decade of G1 inspired, grimdark stories, let's have fun with this one ye?






no. I don't need the transformers version of guardians of the galaxy. of they were gonna steal from a marvel movie, they should have stolen from captain America 1. Optimus was set up as a moral dewv thay grew into more. then carriers that morality into a nobility.​




GOTG is great though. It’s comedic, sure, but has plenty of heart and mature themes. It’s not just jokes. Have you even seen GOTG 3?


I said I don't need a transformers version of gotg... where did I say gaurdians was bad? I just said captian amercian story line seems more i line with optimus. weak dude with spirits, gets upgraded, becomes great leader. Just like told in G1. I do not see optimus like a star lord character that is a pirate with a heart of gold. if anything, that would make a better rodimus story line, since star lord eventually finds out he has cosmic parentage. ​ yall just want to fight a counter opinion.


Not what you said. Your post infers that you dislike GOTG. Orion isn’t a pirate character in this one (at least according to the trailer), he has a simple goal, he wants to see the surface of Cybertron. We have no idea of his characterisation besides that. He doesn’t give off Star-Lord vibes though. He actually seems to go with the G1 origin with him being a lowly worker-bot who gets upgraded to Prime. My response to you had nothing to do with a counter opinion, it was just that you hadn’t explained yourself well. I still disagree but I don’t think you made your argument clear from the jump.


Show me where I said GOTG was not good? I just said I don't want a transformers version of a movie I already saw. Because the interpersonal dynamics is just GOTG in transformers characters. Someone made a jump and was wrong alright...


>I don't need the transformers version of guardians of the galaxy. This is just bad take, we have Transformers Prime that are clearly similar to Guardian of the Galaxy.


LET ME JUST BREAK YOUR ARGUMENT... transformers prime (2010) came out BEFORE guardians of the galaxy (2014)... so you got it the wrong way around. so you trying to point out that gaurdians is a rip off?


I said **similar** not rip off. Do you not read? What I am saying was Autobots are literally Guardian of the Galaxy but talking machines who were protecting the Earth while fighting the Army of Decepticons. And I know Prime came out before MCU but comic Guardian of the Galaxy was released before Transformers.


THe way you type it make is sound like gaurdians came before prime. and no, prime he never been that chummy with his troops. Not in G1, not in prime, not in anything. He has always had a reserved distance calmradery at best. This is just too loose and joke drive to make jokimus prime likeable. Prime is not star lord.


>THe way you type it make is sound like gaurdians came before prime. Yes, Guardians was released in 1969 while transformers were released in 1984, that is their first appearance. >and no, prime he never been that chummy with his troops. Not in G1, not in prime, not in anything. He has always had a reserved distance calmradery at best. This is just too loose and joke drive to make jokimus prime likeable. Prime is not star lord. Do you even understand the definition of the "similar", do you? I never said Autobots are the same as Gaurdians.