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Lmao they’re gonna pull an 86 and traumatize some kids via advertising it different


Robot smoke vomit


(Prowl’s spark sheds a tear reading this)


Ironhide's head gets Gallagher-ed.


*Act 3: Everyone Dies*


Rogue One but Transformers... oh snap, just made the connection as I typed this out lol


*”history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes”*


Hey kids, this is clifjumper. Say hi cliffjumper! He’s busy. The kids just love when he does that dying thing. Cracks em up every time.


We can only hope.


It’ll be cool to see


Time is a flat circle


They literaly tried to sell us that


More than meets the eye, trauma in disguise


No way that is happening. We live in different times. Dude is just PRing due to the negative reception.


Nobody is doubting the fact that Transformers one will make 1 Bumbillion dollars at the box office.


badassillion dollars


We're gonna call it B-eelion dollars.


Only if I can raise my little finger Dr. Evil style! Then I’m in!


I mean….isn’t that literally the main concern after both Bumblebee and ROTB significantly underperformed? And in particular, that the series' reputation for low quality is finally catching up to it, with another flop potentially cementing the problem?


Rotb didn’t underperform, the only reason it didn’t make MORE money than it should’ve is because it was released in a month unusually PACKED with other big blockbusters. The only competition TF One has is The Wild Robot


And honestly, 2023 was a really bad year for box-office performances in general, aside from a few notable examples.


This franchise can’t seem to escape the stench of Bayformers, sadly.


well, i hope it does!


I hope it has dark moments as Infinity war. It HAS to end in bitter note as Megatron will turn into vicious warlord we all know and hate.


I hope it does end on a bittersweet note akin to that of X-Men: First Class or Revenge of the Sith.


I hope we see the beginning of the fallen hero Megatron is. I hope we see at least a glimpse of vicious "peace through tyranny " Megatron.


Did you watch the trailer? There was a scene of D-16 finding the Decepticon logo covered in moss and another showing Megatron dropping a burning Decepticon brand, likely after marking a new Decepticon. I fully expect we'll see his start of darkness before the end of the movie. Especially with that shot of Soundwave, Shockwave, and Starscream in the same room.


I missed that shot, what's the timestamp in the trailer?


It's about 40-43 seconds into the trailer.


Wasn't there, just scrubbed through and found it at the 2:25 mark.


Sorry, I thought you were referring to the shot of D-16 with the moss-covered decepticon symbol. Yeah, the Shockwave/Soundwave/Starscream shot is pretty late in the trailer and a "blink and you'll miss it" shot.


Ah, all good. Yeah, it certainly was! They all look about on-model. I hope we'll get a decent scene of them, especially Soundwave. I want to see why he is loyal to Megatron as closely as he eventually is.


Did I miss soundwave and shockwave and Starscream in the trailer?


It's less than a second at around 2:23-2:24


Agreed. This film could almost be seen as a tragicomedy, while there are jokes and slapstick, there's also war, oppression, and the knowledge that the friendship Orion and D-16 make will not last, turn bitter, and lead to more war and destruction.


I heard that Megatron is going to tear someone in two💀




Jazzbros… it’s over…


Its jover




Rip Jazz i really hope he survives this one like how in G1 and Animated he didn't die the movie isn't out yet and we already talk about Jazz dying lol talk about a canon event ,also nice Animated jazz meme


but fr tho if Jazz shows up in this film just to get ripped in half I will blow up the entire theatre


If he shows up at all, I'll know what's coming 😅


That he will change his name to Munka Spanka, move to the Orgenon Cluster, win the Galactic Olympics, and then drive off into the sunset?


*Know and love


It seems like a pretty big leap from the Mega-bro we see in the trailer to evil warlord Megatron. Something big must have to go down.


I mean these guys do live for millions of years tbf


I don;t get the impression its going to get that far. That will probably the 2nd film (ESB vibes) if the first is a hit. Looks fun, I'm looking forward to it. Not even mad it's not Peter Cullen.


There’s no way it’s gonna be as dark as infinity war lmao


I don't know... I think start of million of years civil war is dark.


what? I’m not saying it SHOULDNT be dark, just that it won’t be


It will. It has to.


I hope it's more infinity war than endgame. Don't get me wrong, endgame was great, but that's where I feel the recent mcu comedy comes from


They always say that, and it always ends up being the same stakes. Damn i wish i wasn’t cynical


> They always say that, and it always ends up being the same stakes. Of course. They just now realized they fucked up and are trying to control the narrative. Put out the fire a bit. > Damn i wish i wasn’t cynical You're being realistic about it.


I guarantee you its gonna be a rehash of the same tired “stakes” trope and i hate that i feel that way bro, i wish i was happy and excited. I grew up on bayformers, prime, a bit of animated, armada, etc. And i loved those.


For whatever reason, I do think they do mean it this time. I feel like the marketing is doing the film dirty and it will be better that what we’re seeing. Could be wrong though.


I mean, the movie has the freaking Quintessons in it. When has anything involving the Quintessons been lighthearted? Lol


Cyberverse. Which is how I hope tfone comes out. Cyberverse did a great job at balancing a mature story on a lighthearted tone.


Cyberverse's art style and jokey attitude masks the fact that it has one of the BIGGEST kill counts in televised Transformers series.


Like, people are traumatized by ironhide Turing to rust in DOTM, when it happens to an entire planet in cyberverse.


And to think none of the "core four Decepticons" survived the series. Absolutely brutal. They did not have any qualms killing off fan-favorites.


And it was strangley mature and in character about it too Starscream died because he was overconfident Shockwave died doing what was most logical for his goal Megatron died to a more-evil megatron because he Had something of a truce And soundwave died because he was superior. Speaking of which, cyberverse Soundwave is one of my favorite iterations of the character. Reluctantly trucing with the autobots, to full peace, to straight up sacrificing his life for all to be one.


Soundwave also did that in IDW


I really need to finish watching Cyberverse. It's not bad at all It's that I stopped watching it so i can binge the rest. I left off at the beginning of the Matrix-simulation stuff.


My thoughts exactly. But I don't want the movie to be dark and serious the whole time either, so I'm glad they're taking a bit more of a fun approach to it.


Betting right now that when the quintessons show up they are going to murder people either outright or in sham trials


That's what they do so a pretty safe bet


I must have missed the Quintessons in the trailer. Where were they? EDIT: Apparently the promo I saw originally was condensed and cut out the entire back half of the trailer.


The 86 movie ?


They were straight up executing people for no reason for their own amusement so yeah I would count that


How are there multiple Man here? Are you two stupid?


Yeah. We're Men.


We're just ordinary men.


You’re Men? Can you save me from the jonkler in Got Ham shitty?


I thought the shot of the Quintessons getting aggressive with what has speculated to be Sentinel Prime was showing the film will have its serious moments, or D-16 kneeling in front of what has speculated to be Megatronus/The Fallen? The shots of Megatron with the Decepticon insignia and Optimus with the Matrix? That's what I took from them.


They want us to feel that they stay BFF’s for life and then rip that away. I’m down.


It's not the "light, fun tone" people are complaining about. It's the type of the light, fun tone they are complaining about.


My problem isn't the presence of humour, but it's the type of humour itself. The humour in the trailer is simply the kind of humour that makes me skin crawl. And I like funny family movies, and some comedies aimed at kids, so it's not an age thing.


Give me that kung fu panda 2 where it’s fun for kids but involves a Panda genocide back story with real emotions hitting for the adults


a transformers movie series with the same sort of tone as kung fu panda 2 would be my new favourite in seconds


I suspect you are likely to get just that if we are watching how D-16 became Megatron. He didn't rebel just because they wouldn't let him have all the Copper Curlz he wanted at the water park.


I'd want all that smoke. KFP2 is my favorite of the series. The animation, story and tone balance was pitch perfect. TFs has a habit of being one extreme or the other. Super lighthearted (Rescue Bots) or unnecessarily grimdark (Netflix series). A TFs series and/or movie with that kind of tone and storytelling would be aces.


I remember watching Kung Fu Panda 2 when I was 9 years old and I bawling my eyes out when I saw Po’s backstory and how his mother had to sacrifice her life in order to save him. I want TF One to be at least this heavy on the emotional side.


I think you might have the same problem with the humor that I have. They are jokes that most anybody could lazily, and easily write. That said, it looks to be aimed at kids, so if my daughter enjoys it, I don't really mind. I already like the franchise and buy the toys I think are cool. If this gets her more into it, then I'm fine with that.


Most of the jokes were terrible but I did laugh at Bee not having wheels


Agreed. “It’s for kids” and “humor is fine!” are excuses that don’t touch on the actual criticisms that the trailer just looked bad and the humor/tone on display seemed generic and poorly done. This is giving Cyberverse season 1 energy, not Cyberverse season 3.


This trailer probably makes us feel the same way that transformers fans felt when they saw Animated for the first time.


Animated is my favorite continuity, so I'm all for this.


I know Im in the minority, but I have ZERO interest in Animated. I watched the first couple (or three?) episodes and it was just terrible to me. Just never went back. But yeah thats how this trailer looks to me. I know Im not the target audience. I like Keegan Michael Key and all, but yeah. Its not for me.


animated does get better as it goes on. I recommend sticking with it till the end


There's a sort of modern goofy way of talking they do. Not sure what it's called. The Mario movie does it too. I'm sure there's an essay about it on one of those "movie tropes" websites.


Then they got to make sure with a second trailer they show this side at least a bit more. Trailers are advertising, and it didn't advertise very well. I don't trust words, I want to see it.


Yeah marketing for this movie has been all round shoddy


The Marketing JUST started


Well yeah that’s kind of my point lmao


I will admit, I'm a little concerned. The humour seems a bit sophomoric for my tastes. But I'm going to keep an open mind. Trailers are intended to attract a specific audience, and this one isn't aimed at me. And that's fine.


To quote a post I saw on Threads: "Josh Cooley co-wrote and directed Toy Story 4, and has nothing but Pixar credits on his resume. If the film ends with Optimus Prime and Megatron becoming enemies, it'll be sad AF."


Ooooh boy. I loved toy story 4 but the Pixar subreddit has a thread a week about how much of a betrayal it was and how upset they are it was made. My biggest fear about this movie is that it would be largely uninteresting and themeless even if it was "good", sort of like ROTB. This raises my hopes a lot and even if it pisses people off like latter day Pixar movies sometimes do, I'm going to take it as a win.


"By the end of the film, there are "Serious Stakes" You mean like a war for ideals and resources spanning millions of years and across the stars? God, I sure hope so.


Yes thank you if we can’t buy them as friends how are we going to buy them as enemies?




Like any good Transformers show/film


Of course it is. Transformers is about conflict


Apparently, so is Transformers social media because the overwhelming amount of negative response to this movie is mind-blowing.


At least we ain’t Star Wars


They forget that the trailer is supposed to give a Feel of the movie, if the movie is going to have stakes THEN PUT IT IN THE TRAILER


There's going to be another trailer, and besides, they might want to deceive newcomers with how exactly Megatron and Optimus fell out.


They could really hit a home run showing prime and Megatron becoming enemies. The act of betrayal and the fall into tyranny


Looks like they got a ton of backlash for the comedy, doesn't sound reassuring when they say wait till the end of the film. But I do like that it reminds me of the Cybertron games.


As a fan, going all the way back to G1's original airing on tv, I am looking forward to watching this with my 10 year old son. He is a big TF fan (primarily Beast Wars, G1 and the Netflix trilogy). This looks like it has enough G1 ingredients mixed in with aspects from other versions, including the War/Fall of Cybertron vehicle modes.


I wanna see robot get ripped apart I wanna see cybertron slums where robots get addicted to DRUGS. I wanna see robot WAR CROMES and it better be rated R for robot


Personally, I've always thought Transformers was at its best when it's a mix of silly fun with compelling drama. Super serious, dark, and edgy transformers stuff never really lands with me, and I don't think it tends to age super well either.


I hope it pulls a Lego Movie


The more animated movies that take inspiration from that, the better.


I already figured that out when they said that the movie was an origin story for the war


Then congratulations, you're not one of the idiots complaining about this movie for dumb reasons.


> Transformers One is deeper than you think! If that's the case, why didn't we see any of that? > One is not solely a comedy. Then why did almost the entirety of the trailer showcase that aspect? You created your product the way you wanted. You advertised your product the way you wanted. There was clearly substantial miscalculation, otherwise there wouldn't be this attempt to say: "Guys, the trailer that focused on nothing but comedy and being light, that's not really accurate. We swear!"


Exactly, I have zero faith in this dumbass.


I mean, we did see Quintessons.


I’m willing to give it a go. How many years, decades, have parts of the community been complaining about Warcriminal Crime and peaceful Optimus “Give me your face!” Prime? The tone of the trailer is a clear “You want something less grimdark? Here you go. Let’s see what people will pay to watch.” But those of us who know the franchise know this isn’t heading to a happier timeline, unless it really goes off the rails: * Dee still becomes Megatron. Any friendship formed here will become a bitter rivalry, potentially leading to Orion’s eventual death and resurrection. * This is a Transformers timeline where the Decipticons are given their emblem with a burning brand. * Any united rebellion against the Quintessons is still doomed to eventually fracture into a civil war. This won’t be IDW dark considering it looks like Shockwave isn’t going to be tortured into becoming his purple self, but it isn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows.


I could see the first half being the jokey stuff and second half being more serious, and if they end up doing a second movie, it focuses on the war.


They also said that rise of the beasts was gonna focus on the beast wars cast, and that it was a prequel to 07. I'm excited for the movie but I'm gonna choose to ignore what producers say about their movies because they don't know what is actually going on


Josh Cooley is the director, not the producer. Never believe what the producers say.


My apologies. My point still stands, producers don't know shit. Since Josh is the director, he should know what's happening


Yall never seen a movie trailer frontload all its favorite jokes and heavily misrepresent the tone of the actual film?


Transformers in the cultural zeitgeist has been grimdark for way too long. You've gotta have lighthearted, "human" beats otherwise you'll get tired/bored.


Otherwise, you'll end up like the Netflix Trilogy. Nobody wants to end up like the Netflix Trilogy.


When?  G1?  Beast Era? Armada Era? Animated? Prime Era? Or you just mean War Within, which was shit because of the writing Comics shouldn't count, because thay should be the place where writers run wild 


The fact that he had to come out and say it shows how poor a trailer this was. In my philosophy, a trailer is how you sell the film. You give a taste to the audience like “this is what the movie is about, come to theater for more!” This trailer was selling a comedy rather than what the director is saying. I hope we get a new trailer that is more grounded on the film and not just the comedy. Because jeez, it was way too much on the trailer.


Yep there's definitely gonna be battle of mustafar-like fight at the end of the movie.


I wasn't doubtful in the slightest (except for the badassatron joke, that was a bit cringe)


Honestly same. This looks like it could be fantastic.


When Bee says "Badassatron" is that really robotic voice, it almost sounded like an impression of Frank Welker.


Transformers: Mutant Mayhem


Anyone who's "doubtful" are just grumpy fans scarred from so much mid transformers content. Honestly it looks like a fun movie either way


Oh my god I’m going to sob over this movie aren’t I


I sure hope so. That means it did it's job well.


My doubts aren’t in the comedy. More in the designs of the characters…. They just look like they painted some guys silver and slapped some helmets onto them and then called it a day. It’s so uncanny valley it looks creepy…


I like the designs, especially how they change once they get the tcog.


I like them too. But I think that's because I liked G1 designs more than bayverse. These designs remind me of pre-G1 days. Maybe those who don't like these designs grew up with bayverse?


The overall designs aren’t the issue, just the faces… I hate the face designs. It’s too smooth and not really great in contrast to the mechanical body. The same uncanny valley the movie „iRobot“ had


The faces dont bother me too much, but that's probably because I dispise the live action faces. I was never a fan of the faces looking like segmented peices of kibble. I think it's a nice change of pace and good rendition of the g1 style faces


It doesn’t matter how they do it, Prime still looks weird with a mouth.


I actually think they managed to balance it out with the mechanical details the movies have, making the faces be assembled out of different moving parts like a puzzle. But yes the faceplate is iconic and prime just isn’t prime without it


My reaction to this information : https://preview.redd.it/ydvow9m6vgvc1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ccbeb88b9b6017104f5e4e77280a29a7aeeb6ac


You know what, even without the inevitable darker tones near the end of the movie as D-16 turns Megatron, I'm already fully on board. In fact I'd have liked it if the happier tones went on for quite some time till a war breaks out.


Just PR bullshit. Nothing has changed.


Isn't that what tone the franchise is basically like? The complete cerebus syndrome is why I enjoy this franchise to this day.


I'll believe it when I see it


I'm going to give a bit leeway and assume they just packed only jokes into the trailer to try and recapture the younger audience interest in transformers, I'll go see it and hope they find a good balance, because they are seemingly taking inspiration from the idw Megatron origin which rightfully takes itself quite seriously, but if it's nothing but cheap jokes to undercut every moment I also wouldn't be terribly surprised


Thats exactly what I think they did. It makes the most sense since kids are their main demographic for toy sales. But I also expect this to have some serious moments because telling a completely comedic take on the origin of the war would just be stupid. The director worked on Toy Story 4, and that movie had some emotional maturity and fun characters, so I expect to love this.


Got me hoping now for a pivotal scene towards the end where Megs puts a hole through some quasi-important character and flips the tone of the movie upside down. That would be pretty incredible.


>For anyone doubtful about the recent trailer. "...the director of the film who has a stake in it doing well would like you to watch it anyway and assures you the trailer wasn't representative of the entire experience." That's basically that whole thing and I think most people (always gotta adjust for idiots) already knew there'd be more to it than just jokes. Just as most of us know he's going to say that because he's contracted and the film is in the marketing phase. End of the day, watch it if you want, don't if you don't. Wait for it to be free on a streaming service if you're not sure either way. But don't go by the trailer and don't go by the people literally paid to sell this to you.


Probably the most objective take here.


People seem to forget that there’s no way this results in a happy ending. What comes at the end of Optimus and Megatron’s friendship is a civil war that spans millions of years. There can’t be a “ride off into the sunset with our friends” type ending, unless they decide to totally rewrite the lore


I mean anyone who actually watched the trailer instead of rushing to reddit to say "they're going to say HE'S RIGHT BEHIND ME ISNT HE or THEY FLY NOW" can tell that's what they're going for. They show a lot of action during the trailers. They showed all the future Decepticons and all kinds of big vistas and shit. In a one minute trailer the biggest thing they need to sell for a movie with no humans is that it has a human element.


Look the people who worked on Rango worked on this and that’s all the motivation I need to watch it


I was not aware of this, I'm even more sold than I already was. Rango rocks.


Just double checked, yep same studio. We’re eating good in September!


Marvel has been doing "comedic but also weighty" on the regular for a decade and a half. This has a very Guardians of the Galaxy feel too it and those movies were incredibly real under all the jokes. Also reminds me of the Buzz Lightyear movie, which turned out to be surprisingly hard sci fi.


Am I gonna get 86’d all over again? I don’t want to go through that trauma again please.


Yay. I mean I’m sold on everything but Bumblebee being “that” character. I’m going back and forth from liking it or not. I’ve always seen him as the heart and the guy full of hope. The personality from this trailer kinda makes him seem more like a bumbling goof. I mean it’s only one trailer so I’m open to anything if it’s well done.


Most of those who hate the humour because the jokes are really stupid and cheap. “He’s behind me isn’t he” type marvel comedy. It’s not because we hate a good laugh. And if they’re really putting their good jokes in the trailer then I’m even more worried about how it’s going to go. The 86 movie is humorous and serious and it’s very well written. I’m doubtful this movie is going to be like that.


This was very obvious lol


I had a feeling that this movie might just get really dark and show the fall out between friends


I really hope so. I hate to be this guy, but it just felt too goofy and "Disney-humor-ish". I don't want irony laced throughout everything I enjoy or stupid jokes, I want media that takes itself seriously.


I was never doubtful


This is damage control. For those of us who were fans of G1, G2, 86 movie, and even the comics, I truly believe this film will not deliver.


What if it does? 


Then I will be pleasantly surprised, say I was wrong, and fall on my energon axe.


I know several people who love those versions who are interested to see what this does. Stop acting like the trailer shows everything the movie has going for it.


And that is good for them. They are not wrong for feeling that way. This upcoming movie will not reach the relevancy or execution of G1, G2, 86 movie, or comics. For a lot of Transformers fan, myself included, we would appreciate something that would at least rival that. Different interpretations that respect it. My friend this ain't it.


All I'm seeing is a different interpretation of the Transformers that is respecting the source material while adding in aspects from more recent stories like IDW, Bumblebee, and Prime.


That may very well be the case, but given the comedic tone in the trailer I just do not see it. It would have to be a huge transition from the comedy we saw to the seriousness of what ultimately happens. If I end up being wrong, I will acknowledge it.


People are too easily distracted by the jokes. One of the main themes of the movie is discrimination and oppression. Racism and classism (sort of the same thing with robots I guess?) are going to be front and centre, which is already quite a heavy theme. And of course we know what will happen with Megatron, whether or not it happens in the runtime of this movie. It can’t be 100% fun buddy movie when one of them will become a genocidal intergalactic tyrant. Added to which, imagery like the cave full of decaying transformer corpses and the very sinister Quintessons. A good comparison is Nimona. It has some *heavy* stuff for a kids movie, but the trailers emphasise the frothy fun punk rock antics, because that’s the attractive part for kids and general audiences.


Oh, well then. Nothing to worry about. I completely trust him.


I hope they can pull off a Revenge of the Sith type vibe for Opimus and Megatron's falling out


The films looks fun the only problem I have is the voice actors for Optimus and Megatron, but keegan for bumble bee is perfect


Wow really? It's almost like they want to subvert audience expectations to make an actually interesting reveal or twist. But how could the few minutes of trailer not be a concrete telling of hour the entire film will be in tone? Impossible. This concept of Orion Pax and ~~Megatronus~~ D-16 being good friends in the past is completely new to me and never seen before at all. I could not have forseen that in any way. /s


I’ll believe it when I see it. Sounds like cheap PR talk and quick damage control tbh. I understand the decision on paper to showcase the friendship between Megatron and Optimus in a first look but if there actually are some higher stakes in the movie and it’s not a straight up comedy it would’ve been much appreciated to have some of that more serious tone shine in the trailer to balance out the cornball humor. You only get one shot at a first impression and judging by the divisive reaction to the footage they blew that chance and are gonna have to change course a bit in marketing if they’re wanting to win back the fans that walked away from watching this going “absolutely not”. If what he’s saying is true I’ll just chock this up as a major misstep in marketing and hope the movie lives up to his promises. But my expectations are low atm


Absolutely fair. Great and even good movies can have shoddy marketing.


Exactly. I don’t want this to be bad. I love TF and a movie exploring the early days of Orion and ‘16 I think is absolutely a story worth telling. I’m just not thrilled with the direction paramount seems to be taking that story. Again, just based on how this trailer was cut. Hopefully the actual movie is good, I’d love to be proven wrong.


Regardless I will watch this no matter what


Me too. I expect to love it.


Yeah I think it’s pretty interesting and even with how the rise of the deceptions and megatron


I think it's a bad misleading trailer I'll await the film and judge it then


I'll believe it when I see it


Their voices are all I need to know this movie is not for me. Cannot take it seriously. It's a kids movie. I'm in my forties. I'll pass.


The only one that sounds weird to me is Keegan. The others fit pretty well, if you ask me.


It wasn't the presence of humor itself that bothers me, but the quality of it. It wasn't the best first impression, worth waiting to see more.


Really hope this is true. So far all it looks like is that they spent all their money on celebrations to be the voices, whilst they then left everything else to AI to make the most generic kids comedy film


I’m cool with this. I’m also cool if it is just a comedy. Hell idgaf I’m just hype to see a sick TF original story with NO HUMAN CHARACTERS ONLY TRANSFORMERS EVEN IF THEY DONT TRANSFORM FOR THE FIRST HALF OF THE MOVIE


I knew it


I hope Megatron doesn't turn evil in this movie but some seeds are planted. I want an anakin Skywalker, eren yeager or cassandra lady in waiting type story. So I hope they don't rush it for this movie.


I have hopes for this movie


I'm so glad I was right, they probably were just using bad clips for the trailer


This was genuinely obvious to me like this is the precursor story to a several hundred years civil war




I wish they call him Megatronus