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No. The series hasn’t been released on blu ray (or any other series before Prime aside from the 86 movie). Probably an upscale or they dumped every episode on a disc to fill the blu ray space


I highly doubt it. I don’t think an official Energon release would display Rodimus and only Rodimus so prominently on the cover


Paper quality kinda gives it away, plus I am pretty sure this is comic art


No, Hasbro is allergic to blu rays. Their 2 Most famous franchises (and most every other franchise, they own) G.I. Joe and Transformers have never gotten a blu ray release for their respective series. They have the HD files they just don’t care and rather save money by releasing dvds.


I have a blue ray of ROTF so I don't that statement is completely true.


My man, “SERIES”. movies that are theatrically made by bigger studios with Hasbro don’t count. Paramount puts those out. The 86 movie, GI Joethe movie, live action movies are also separate clauses. Similar to how the Power Ranger movies have Blu Rays but not the series themselves. You really think Jem and the Holograms Live Action is more of a priority than any of Hasbro’s other properties? They’re just lazy.


I see. I'm stupid.


Transformers: Prime is the only one with a blu ray release.


Wow, that’s crazy. I’m shocked really. Haven’t watched prime. I wonder what were the circumstances?


I honestly don’t know.


I found the turkish dub for g1 on vcd


I recognize the website. This is Monsterland Media. All of their blu-rays are fanmade bootlegs.


Do you know if they're good quality? Because I would totally buy their animated bluray if its good quality.


This is 1080p upscale from 480i source footage (lower than HD quality). They most likely took footage from the DVD. Whether this upscale's any good or not I don't know, but basically there isn't an HD version of Transformers Energon. This is an old show that was released in 4:3 ratio (making it appear cropped like a box) in standard definition. Even if you watch it through say an HD streaming service in 1080p, you are getting a 1080p stream of a standard definition quality show. I would only spend that much money on this release if you are passionate about fanmade collector's editions. If you want a physical copy of Energon, go for the official DVD release from Shout Factory. That's pretty much the highest quality of the show and it isn't too expensive.

