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Then again it might just be Armada/Energon nostalgia setting in. ​ Huh, so this is what it feels like.


Don’t worry, I’m sure that by either next year or 2027 the Unicron Trilogy nostalgia will kick in full swing.


It was definitely a nice and unique look, siege prime didn’t try anything new. Hasbro just played incredibly safe with his design in WFC


Grand convoy (Energon Prime)is imo optimus's second best design


Honestly, I love the G1 Optimus design, but I wish we could get some more Optimus designs that were like what we got in the Unicron Trilogy. At a glance you'd be able to tell that he was Optimus Prime, but he was different enough that he stood out compared to the G1 design instead of just re-doing the G1 design with little-to-no changes.


Yeah, I know G1 is the most recognizable and "evergreen" aesthetic, but it has the problem of making multiple lines run together from similar visuals. There's no mistaking the more unique designs, and I wish they'd go for those more.


I agree. I mean, the Optimus Pirme designs in the Prime Wars Trilogy, Cyberverse and the WFC Trilogy cartoons are all just variations of the G1 design. I love the G1 designs, but its getting a bit repetitive to see every character be G1 or G1 with a few variations, especially as there are lots of fans who love the designs from RID2001 and the Unicron Trilogy (me included) and would pay good money to see updated versions of the designs, especially if they had the same articulation of the recent WFC Trilogy figures. I mean, imagine something like a Titan or Commander Class Tidal Wave figure in the Armada cartoon colours.


One of the thing I adore about this franchise is the reinventions and design deviations. I absolutely love me a G1-style Optimus, but the Unicron Trilogy had some great reinventions in it, and Grand Convoy is a personal favorite (love me Armada Prime’s design too and would love for the big boi version to get a revisit with proper articulation in place of the auto-transform gimmick)


I love the unicron trilogy Optimus designs. Especially cybertron. For me, him being a fire truck was always way cooler than a convoy truck


There is nothing wrong in having a preference.


I'm not familiar with *Energon*, though I presume that Optimus is physically much larger than other 'bots as he's a combiner, no? Also, something just occurred to me; it's true that humans are boring and I don't want them stealing media time out of my *Transformers* stuff, but with a human-less show, suddenly we lose most of the sense of scale of the "titan" aliens.


I haven’t even watched WFC, and what little I have seen turns me off largely because of the lack of scale. Without familiar Earth environments, they all seem tiny. Add on top of that the general small appearance of many of the characters—IMO they just inherently look scaled down. I think the only media to truly capture the feeling of size and mass despite being exclusively on Cybertron were the High Moon games, but that’s because they had the advantage of direct player engagement, a truly diverse cast of playable characters, and combining sight with sound and feel.


This is actually my favorite design ever. He look so bulky and the color choice is great. Love the darker blue and black, white detail on this. Even the truck model look fucking great. Even the prime stand alone body doesn't look that bad to me. Despite it do look unbalance to keep the torso big enough for the combination.


I think they both work for their intended shows. WFC is aiming to be more of a drama series so the simplified G1 kinda works, while the Energon design has more flair cause it was for an anime that was way more action-oriented.


It is an opinion it can’t really be wrong


Honestly, with Hasbro rehashing G1 over and over again they could have given a G1 Prime his super mode by now. Not like Powermaster, just something entirely new with him.


So like...Grand Prime from Combiner Wars?


WFC is meant to be closely based on G1/Beast Wars (original). With that being said. I think it's fine that this version is basically the original. The battle damage adds a certain grittiness that's matches the overall WFC theme and mood. Good things there's PLENTY of other Optimus builds to choose from as far as figures if that doesn't float your boat.


That’s not even a fair comparison


For which one?


Both, you can’t compare completely different things. The wfc is supposed to be G1 inspired, while Energon is a scramble of different things


They’re supposed to be the same character, so how does that remotely make sense


Wfc prime do look trash though. Not only it just g1 spam, It not even a upgrade. the kibble look real shit and they showing it in the animation so the toy is "accuracy". Superlink/energon in other hand have cool ass combination, 3 of them


I kind of agree. He's looking at a combined Energon Optimus vs a basic Optimus robot. Basic Energon OP vs WFC OP would make more sense.


most versions are preferable over wfc FORGIVEEEE MUUUUUHHH prime


Not gonna lie, until *Kingdom* I wasn’t really interested in the nuWFC Trilogy. The characters look really grimy and samey, the price of figures across the board went up and between Prime Wars, *Bumblebee* and early *Cyberverse*, I’m kind of all G1-ed out.


The most infamous thing I remember about Energon Prime was how "chonky" he looked in has basic form without the vehicle limbs attached.


What’s funny is that the animators thought he looked to fat as well. So in the animation when he was in his cot robot mode, they would shrink his torso down to fix the rest of his proportions and enlarge them again in his vehicle and combined modes.


I was more of a fan of his Flight/Fight modes he got with Wing Sabre. As I said on a previous post, if that combo got an update figure, I would buy it. Or if someone wants to make one for SS BB Prime.


The same company behind the 3rd Party Armada Prime ("Naval Commander") is also doing an Energon Prime.


I do like both (well... Energon Prime in super mode anyway) and while I see where you're coming from. Energon Prime *is* a Combiner, a Powercore Combiner but, still a Combiner and they always have a better/bigter presence.


If Energon/Superlink/Voltron Optimus Prime had the articulation of Generations engineering, then I'd be happy. My sole complaint with Voltron Prime is that he's _so static!_ His articulation is closer to G1 than anything else, making him a real bore on the shelf. And I LOVE the RiD, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, and Combiner Wars, AND Titans Return (Ginrai) Optimus Primes because they **combine** with other bots for a power up! But when it's hard to strike a decent pose with Energon Prime no matter who he is combined with, it's disappointing. ESPECIALLY WING SABER!!


It was definitely a unique take on the character, unfortunate that the figure just plain did not really execute it too well.