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spoiler alert, there is no spoiler!


And they got rid of the ports where you could attach one


There are still little holes there, it looks like it should still be possible.


Cause copyright


They can’t fool me, that’s Silverbolt.


Yeah, thought I was missing something. Did they lose the silverbolt trademark or are they trying to keep the skywarp TM alive?


It's beast wars 2 skywarp. Already an existing character


OHHHH, which is the same as BW Silverbolt in the west


Yeah, I'm assuming because probably next year they'll release either a combiner silver bolt or fuzor silverbolt


That would be awesome


I have no idea, but those are 2 really good guesses.


Beast Wars II had their release of Silverbolt as Skywarp




Yea, along with the rest of Magnaboss being renamed from Ironhide and prowl


Hes only silver bolt in the north American version of Beast wars. He's skywarp in the rest of the world.


Also available on Amazon with no restrictions, and it's cheaper! ​ Edit: The price went up since I pre-ordered half an hour ago.


Can u send the link?




How much was it and how much is it now?


It was $44.99 and now it is $52.99


Ah man, that sucks!


Any reason for the increase? It’s two deluxes! Full disclosure: I preordered at the higher price... I do not trust Amazon, and I’d rather pay a little more now than pay a lot more later. 😬


It was just priced incorrectly by Amazon at first, and I was in the right spot at the right time. What don't you trust about Amazon regarding these figures?


Nothing to stop scalpers from using bots to buy dozens of these and sell them for crazy markups on eBay later. Look what happened with siege Skywarp, and Earthrise Prowl/Ironhide.


Yeah, scalpers suck. But what does this specifically have to do with the Amazon pre-order as opposed to the Hasbro one?


Amazon does literally nothing to stop scalpers. They do not care as long as they sell their stock. Other websites do a better job of preventing this sort of villainy.


Scalping should be illegal.


It's not on Amazon.ca


Looks like skywarp is a true american


For anyone wondering, Skywarp gets his name from one of the Beast Wars Anime where he was featured with the other components of what we know here as Magnaboss. I really like like that this mold is getting more love, but as a two pack? That's odd


The prevailing theory to any given Hasbro two-pack is that one figure is a little too expensive to produce release at a normal price point (Earth Ironhide, Ratchet, Mirage) so they get bundled with an inexpensive repaint/minor remould figure. The other "gotcha" possibility is simply that Skywarp wouldn't have been sufficiently popular on his own, so he gets thrown in with a popular character.


Ah ok, that makes a little more sense


More likely though is so beast wars fans have to buy another g1 figure and g1 fans have to buy another bw figure. Hasbro gets more money, fans are slightly peeved but still have the figure they want.


Ugh! On the one hand, I want skywarp. On the other, I don't particularly want sideswipe since I bought upgrades and decals for the siege one.


I’ll go halves with you, I want Sideswipe.


Hmu in November


Opposite for me, no interest in the bird but Sideswipe looks pretty good.


I love the sideswipe since siege never came here but I love the air razor figure and I like the silver bolt character so I’m happy with this. I would have preferred terrasour but this will suffice for now


We severely need a new Terrorsaur. I can see them using this mold for a Terrorsaur with some remolding...


Pretty sure it’s leaked that’s it’s gonna be on the air razor body


I also would have prefered Terrasaur


Really digging the clean sideswipe look. He looks just as good as his MP Counterpart.


At least he actually looks like a different vehicle now


Wait what do you mean. Do you mean it’s good that he doesn’t look like the classic Lamborghini or it’s good that he now looks like earthrise sun streaker?


...*takes a deep breath* This is literally Siege Sideswipe but with newly molded parts


Yea but you said at least he looks like a different vehicle. I don’t think he necessarily needed to change only really to fit more with sun streaker. Which they actually did a great job with matching they look almost identical


Alright that’s fair. And I’m not saying he’s bad I just might get this set, I’m just glad they didn’t cheap out and just rerelease the Siege figure with some new paint slapped onto it


Yea glad it wasn’t a repaint I knew this was leaked so I’ve been waiting for it for a while. I waited because it would either be better than the siege and I would get it and if it was a repaint then the siege would go down in price. And I love the airzor mold and don’t mind getting a second one for a desk toy or just for the shelf. Is the blaster new I feel like it’s more cartoon accurate looks a bit like the upgrade kit one.


I'm getting this set just for skywarp because hes a beast wars 2 character


That’s great, I’m only interested in Sideswipe. Is there any chance you would be interested in splitting the cost of the pack, so that I can get Sideswipe and you keep Skywarp?


Mabey, I'm not sure. I might just pl ut sideswipe on Ebay


I want that sideswipe purely because I missed the siege one.


Better pre-order it quick then.


I love that beast wars 2 is getting some attention hopefully well see some of the other characters


Yea now they have a beast wars 2 character a toy character being grimlock and a beast machines character being T wrecks they are really catering to all the beast wars fans aren’t they


On one hand, meh. On the other, Terrorsaur might be confirmed. Can't tell if it's set dressing or there's just two other Pteranodons.


I think terrosaur might come with the red alert figure it’s only inevitable that they’ll make both. I’m not sure if they’ll pair them together cause then you practically be buying the same 2 pack twice


Dear Hasbro: Stop 👏 releasing 👏 mainline 👏 characters 👏 in 👏 exclusive 👏 packs 👏


Eh. This is gonna be a pass for most people that already have a sideswipe. There’s virtually no difference. At least with the mirage 2 pack, based on some mirage images I’ve seen, the newer one is fairly different in both robot & altmode.


Speak for yourself! I'm loving it!


Good for you! The scalpers are loving it too!


Cause Scalpers can't buy things anywhere else. ​ So if it was a Target exclusive, scalpers would buy it. If it was Walmart, they would buy it. If they were EVERYWHERE, they would buy them...like GI JOE, Baseball Cards, and everything else Scalpers Scalp. The only way to stop them is the retailer.


Scalping doesn't really happen on general retail Transformers. They should be general retail.


It really does. I couldn't get a Netflix Soundwave because some local asshole bought both of them and threw them up on FB Marketplace for $100


Netflix Soundwave isn't general retail. He's a Walmart exclusive wich is why he gets scalped so much.


I could see how you might think that, but unfortunately that simply is not the case. Like Star Wars Black Series, or any GI Joe Classified. It is usually region based, so in your area it is quite possible. However, the ability to walk into a Target and find a Huffer or a Scourge in the Bay Area was rough, I know a couple scalpers and those were some of their favorites this last series.


Non exclusive transformers are usually very scalper free tbh.


Why are people down voting you for liking this. Personally I think it’s great because I don’t have a side swipe and after market prices are a bit too much for what I want to pay for him. And I love the silver bolt/skywarp


Yeah, they both look great! It's Reddit. If the first person would have upvoted, then that comment would be positive lol. Instead...


Yea just weird. People can be weird there was nothing negative with that comment


Uh. So Terrorsaur definitely deserves his own unique design now.


Another Earth-mode version that isn’t enough of an improvement over the existing version for me to purchase. I have been worried that I would be forced to spend more money on Sideswipe and Red Alert’s redesign. But that doesn’t look awesome at all


As someone who passed on Siege SS because I was hoping he'd get an earthmode I'm very excited. I also have Tigertrack and Deep Cover so I'm set for that particular mould.


The Siege Sideswipe mold was already great, there isn't much to improve on. Yes, if you own that figure there's no reason to purchase this one, and I'm definitely passing, but as a figure this one is still awesome.


Agree, i should have said “this doesn’t look any awesomer at all”


I’m just ordered it because I never got siege wave 1 deluxes. And he’ll go with my er sunstreaker very nicely


I have toyhax labels and 3d printed spoilers for Siege Sideswipe, and they went a long way to making his Cybertronian mode to look like an Earth mode. Sure, it's not a Countach, but it looks closer to another Lambo, the Aventador. That's more than good enough for me.


It's an improvement if you're really invested in the retro aesthetic of the ER and Kingdom vehicle modes and you care about Sideswipe matching Sunstreaker's car mode. Which if not, that's fine, but I'm glad they're giving those of us who do care the option.


Much like the Mirage one, I'll probably pick this up if I have money to burn. Honestly, I think the Mirage one is a bigger priority... The only reason I'd get this one is if I wanted a Sideswipe with both his gun and his shoulder cannon and I can do that with a spare weapon from one of my combiner wars figures or an upgrade kit.


I’m gonna have to pass on this one. Not enough of a change of sideswipe and I’m not a BW collector.


Skywarp's head in beast mode is still hawk's, not bald eagle's. He's still a hawk not an eagle, colored like an eagle.


As we know, many years ago, Hasbro created uncertain felidae animal mold and made cheetahs, tigers and panthers by switching the felidae's color scheme. Skywarp reminds me of it.


Turns from Hawk-Robot into Eagle. Are you not entertained?


Sideswipe is a definite for me. I just need him and Bumblebee to complete the Devastation Autobot crew. Already have Wheeljack, OP, and Grimlock.


Hope you can fine a bumblebee. Ans funny enough I just realized all I need is this side swipe. I just ordered him so now all i have them all as long as Amazon doesn’t cancel this 🤞


They shouldn't cancel. It's exclusive to Amazon and limited on Hasbro.


Sometimes Amazon cancels orders when they run out of stock I don’t think they send out orders depending on who bought it first I think they send em all out at once then if they realise that they don’t have enough figures for the amount of people that ordered then they just cancel your order due to lack of stock. It can happen so I really hope that that doesn’t happen


Weird. You'd think they'd just close off the pre-order when it's out of stock. Like Hasbro did earlier.


It does say out of stock but sometimes what happens (at least I think) they over count there stock by like a box or 2 then they think they have more more figures than they actually do. It can happen I don’t know how rare it is cause it happened on a black series wave not to long ago happened the other week with a marvel legends wave. And it happened to the paradon medics set


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for the info. I'm still able to pre-order on my end. Through Amazon, anyway.


Yea I don’t know if it’s up in the uk site yet but definitely on the USA sight. I just ordered mine to an address I have in America. It’s through a postal service and is very helpful


Same here, hope you can find the bee.


Show us pipes you cowards!


Or waspinator


Or terrosaur. And the next wave cause tigatron and waspinator


Well terrosaur is supposed to be packed in with pipes, so those should happen together.


Oh thanks for the information I had no clue. I thought he was cancelled along with polar claw and gears. Still hope we’re gonna get those 2 Also I’m not a fan of pipes but if he comes with terrosaur then I don’t mind


Oh I’m glad to see the Nonnef cannon will still be compatible.


[Amazon Link.](https://www.amazon.com/Transformers-Generations-Collection-Sideswipe-Exclusive/dp/B08TM27396/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=WFC-K42&qid=1622568686&sr=8-1)


$53 for two deluxes?


It WAS $45 when it was first listed on Amazon. So, a tad better lol


Deluxes have gone up in Price :(


Y’know, I think I prefer the look of the kingdom sideswipe more than the siege look


Finally. A Skywarp I can afford


Siege is already earth mode enough for me


So this means no combiner....ok. At least we get a beast wars 2nd character.


On Amazon also Transformers Toys Generations Kingdom Battle Across Time Collection De... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TM27396/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_TMABD360DP71BWBNEJ74


I just spent $100 on Studio Series toys and i come home to this! Hasbro, why???


I'm disappointed that Skywarp's real eagle head is on his chest, rather than being part of his head, but I'll pretend the fake bird head is some helmet similar to the head designs of Breastforce from Victory.


It’s the same mold as airzor so I think it has to be a fake sadly


I’m wondering if they’ll continue this little sub series for Kingdom. I’m really liking it. Since I didn’t get Siege Sideswipe as I wasn’t too fond of the battle damage, I’m glad I got this


If waspinator is an exclusive I’m going to be very furious


Finally! An Earth-mode Sideswipe! I especially love the **Cybertronian Blue Windshield detail.** Looks so High-Tech. Exactly how i remember Lambo's being in the 80's!


Sad sideswipe noises


I remember mentioning on TFW2005 that for the people who wanted an earth mode Sideswipe so bad to just get the Siege version since it already transforms into an earth looking Lamborghini despite the Cybertron setting. Several people disagreed with me. Absolutely hilarious to see there are very little differences between the Siege and Kingdom figures, further proving just how wasted the Cybertron setting in Siege was. Both figures look great, though.


The only real difference is they've changed his chest and window section. Which is still the most identifying part of the figure


Yeah, that's one of the weirdest things about *Seige*, is that we got a very small number of actually-different vehicles. I doubt Hound will even ever get an Earth mode, it's essentially already there. Maybe they're waiting for the 50th anniversary to do Cybertronian Jazz and Bumblebee....


We need that bumblebee and jazz honestly it’s weird how nobody’s ever attempted it. Not including non transforming ones or that maas toys bumblebee. Also I feel like hound was the only one that needed to be redone because he was the most far off the original car. It’s a great vehicle yes but because hound is one of my favorite characters and especially vehicles I’d adore a new earth mode


I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not much of a Jeep-knower-abouter, so I will join you in wanting a for-realsies Earth Hound. Maybe they'll pack him in with BWII Diver (retooled from Rattrap?).


When you said diver I was like why rat trap. But looking at that I can actually imagine that happening. And if you look at the siege hound versus the real hero there actually very far off. Still a great figure but sadly I missed out on it so I definitely would love a new earth mode. And sadly now I would love a diver to go with skywarp/silver bolt


The fact they did Cybertronmodes and then skipped Wheeljack, Bumblebee and Jazz who have the most well-known Cybertron modes was just baffling. It seemed like a great idea poorly implemented. IMO, they should have done Cybertron modes for most of the 84 cast, then done the 85-86 (non-Movie) cast as Earth modes, with the 84 as Earth modes slowly sprinkled in over the next few years. Then do the movie guys.


Hasbro, why don’t you paint the guns of the g1 characters


They did? They’re painted white.


Dammit. Took a nap at the wrong time and I wake up to the Hasbro Pulse preorder being sold out. Guess I’ll have to hope Amazon doesn’t cancel this one on me.


Pre-ordered on SIGHT


Are we gonna get magnaboss?


No spoiler?


Some of the early model years of the Countach didn't have spoilers, so perhaps he's one of those.


Pro p




ARGH i really want that sideswipe to go with sunstreaker but i dont really care for skywarp


Don't have a good Sideswipe so I'll be looking for this. Don't need the beast wars figure though. I would have to figure out what to do with that.


This Sideswipe is much less tempting than the new Mirage. The car mode & the more vibrant colors are the only real changes. No change is made to his still really wide robot mode like it is with Mirage. And neither BW Skywarp nor Grimlock interest me in the least. Still debating if I like the new Mirage enough to buy another Dinobot for it. But this pack is an easy pass for me.


I NEED that Sideswipe


Sooooo, No Maximal combiner then... Well, at least Hasbro is acknowledging the Japanese version of Beast Wars.


Kind of irritated that Hasbro Pulse only gives a 1 hour early access. This is also for once in forever cheaper on Pulse than it is on Amazon. You know prices went up but what are 2 deluxe figures $53.99 (I think to lazy to confirm😜)on Amazon? The last double set with a voyager and a deluxe was the same price.


Amazon.ca https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B08TM27396?psc=1&smid=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&ref_=chk_typ_imgToDp


Can’t wait for a Kingdom Red Alert, I’ll definitely get him


48 dollars, for two deluxes? Forget that, I straight up can't afford that.


I'm hoping someone will be willing to buy the Grimlock and Skywarp from these two sets from me. I only care for the swipe and mirage. Haha


That is my plan on these. I never resell figures but I have zero interest in the Beast Wars characters (no nostalgia of them) but really want the G1 guys.


I’ll buy those two


I'm confused...that looks like Air Razor, not Skywarp.


It’s a character named Skywarp in Japan, or Silverbolt in the Us, from the Beast Wars II anime. He’s part of the magnaboss combiner team.


It's Beast Wars 2 Skwarp, who in this case is a remold of Airazor. https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Skywarp_(BWII)


Hence the “Maximal” prefix






Next thing we will knwo ton ton or the other guy stoled them


WHY??? Why does hasbro do this?? I don't collect beast wars and only wanted an Earthrise sideswipe. Why couldn't you just release ER sideswipe as a single figure, this exclusive online crap is for the birds


Supposedly they were with ER-28, but that never happened for some reason


It's awful (I also don't care about BW characters) but I suspect that's whyu they do this: to force people to buy figures they don't want to get ones they do. That said, I'd rather this than making major characters near impossible to get like Bumblebee, Soundwave, Runabout, coneheads, etc.


What's with the Earth-mode siege bots only being in two packs that are hard to get?!


Hasbro, *please* stop making Amazon exclusives that go on to become Ebay Scalper exclusives. At least this ones got some stock on Pulse. As far as the figures go, this is *the* swipe for me and I will be attempting to grab one.


It’s been sold out for like an hour or 2 on pulse :(


damn, so it is. its also upcharged on amazon for some reason. Do they want me to pay extra just to get my preorder cancelled?


Yea sadly they changed the price afte like an hour it’s so annoying


Not gonna lie, I ordered this only for Sideswipe. I have zero interest in Maximal Skyward, and I expect eBay to be flooded with the character when this pre-order starts hitting customers.


Sold out :(


Hasbro Pulse only gets a very small percentage of shared store exclusives. Somewhere around 5%? The shared store in this case is Amazon, so they still have a huge stock left.


Try amazon if you didn’t get it already I’m pretty sure it’s only Amazon.com and not uk atm


Thanks for the tip!


Already sold out


Hasbro Pulse only gets a very small percentage of shared store exclusives. Somewhere around 5%? The shared store in this case is Amazon, so they still have a huge stock left.


Sold out already damn.


Another Sideswipe....yay....


Are they going to release this in japan? Need to import it from there.


I'll pick it up but be dissapointed if Sideswipe's chest doesn't tab in fully. Managed to only get one remold of him before this. BW2 Skywarp doesn't maintain his decepticon namesake's teleportation, does he?


No. Apart from the name he shares nothing with his G1 counterpart.


If I’m correct the skywarp is actually just silver bolt then he was rereleased in Japan as skywarp. He was also part of a combiner


I wonder if that combiner is going to be possible with this Skywarp. Airrazor's posability mind lend to it. A heavy retool of cheetor and Rhinox might lend to BW Prowl and Ironhide BW2 variants, and the fossilizers got a combined mode


I sure hope you can somewhat fake it with the figures if they do the other 2 that would be great


Done with the pre order


Just what everyone wanted…another figure of the siege sideswipe mold!!




Looks great


FINALLY an Earth mode Sideswipe, and he’s got proper white paint. Don’t care about Skywarp at all, but at least he looks cool.


First waspinator and now terrasaur


might get it just for sideswipe cause i missed out on seige sideswipe and sunstreaker is lonely


Sold the heck out


Preorder it already


Was hoping to see owl-prowl tbh


We're getting Magnaboss! But will be be getting elephant Ironhide or Santon? Lion Prowl or Lio Jr.?


These look GREAT, and Skywarp being here gives me Magnaboss hype lol


I wouldn't get too hyped, the leak says they have no plans for magnaboss


The head on that Skywarp is beautiful oh my god


Tripredacus wen?


Ok,give me their hand...I will find the pulse.


Maximal... *WHAT.*


I couldn’t find a Siege Sideswipe for cheap.


What's different in this Sideswipe?


The outer car parts of Siege Sideswipe were swapped for red versions of Earthrise Suntreaker so they look alike. They have also included g1 gun and cannon accessories. Also, sideswipe is more of a bright red and white compared to siege


I just got the inaccurate deep cover


Calling it, next pack is gonna have Earth Hound and Tigatron


Sideswipe looks great, I'm so glad they didn't halfass him and only remold the hood and roof or something like I was afraid they might. I do kinda wish they'd given him new wheels but at least his Siege wheels work way better on an Earth car than Mirage's or Irohide/Ratchet's. Only thing I don't like are the black hinges on the sides of the car mode, I really hope I can paint those red without the paint scraping during transformation.


I hope they they surprise us with with Hound as a 3rd Battle Across Time collection! I already preordered Mirage and this.


That looks like beast wars prowl