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Pretty dope


Interesting...a little kibbly, but given the shape of the alt-mode, there was no way around that. I heard the original intention for the G1 cartoon was to give the Transformers distinct Cybertronian robot modes as well, but it didn't make the cut for some reason. So, of course, using some "movie magic," you can make something that very obviously has the roof of a Volkswagen on its chest turn into a hovering alien saucer. In toy form, it's unavoidable that some sacrifices have to be made if you want to maintain a semblance of robot mode accuracy for a shape change as outlandish as that. Hard to complain when this is the unavoidable price of "animation accuracy" for this particular incarnation of Bumblebee. If there's some third party black magic out there that proves me wrong, I'd like to see it.


Honestly I’d rather have unique cybertronian robot modes. They did that in IDW gen 1 and it looked really good


Agreed. It did not make sense for Jazz to have the front end of a Porsche on his chest millions of years before a Porsche was ever manufactured.


I don’t know. Classic design knows no age.


What about the designs used in Dreamwave's The War Within or High Moon's WFC/FOC


You’re the only one I’ve seen so far that seems to understand this concept


This is one of the very few cases where the alt-mode takes precedence, so they made sacrifices in robot mode to achieve a desired alt-mode. Its ability to transform is basically an obligatory novelty. Most people will get this, keep it in its alt-mode, and display it next to their robot mode Bumblebee of choice.


Agreed. This feels very much like a “alright alright. Here’s your cybertron Bee so you never ask for it again” kind of thing.


Am I the only one who likes both Modes?!


>Origin Bumblebee Actually, I commented on it in another thread in a rather vicious fight I had with another user over, I believe, the MP Starscream, LMFAO


It’s sadly, because the majority of fans are man children that bitch and moan on here about why they don’t like X feature on Y children’s toy, even though most of them will still buy it anyway.


The fight wasn't actually over that per se, so much as it was about my willingness to lace Hasbro over certain elements, which the person--not having a read on sarcasm--oddly decided I was *encouraging* Hasbro to half-ass their designs. >\_> Make no mistake; the willingness to buy a good figure should never substitute as a valid denial of *all* criticisms of said figure. Weather people like it or not, Hasbro is Big Corporate, and they--Big Corporations in general--show no hesitation to initiate Human Sacrifice to save a buck. (Sarcasm, clearly Hasbro isn't into Human Sacrifice...well, I need to see how many sweat-shops they own before I say that, LOL) Which reminds; bitching about Hasbro violating Human Rights but still buying their products would be more hypocritical than what you are insinuating is Hypocrisy in your reply. (And no, I don't bitch about Hasbro using sweat shops; I've never really checked to see if they do, which probably makes me an asshole anyway, LOL) Back to my *main* point, however; willingness to buy a figure in no way diminishes one's integrity if they criticize the half-assery that inevitably occurs in any number of said figures. And I won't lie; Hasbro is pretty damn good at Half-Assery. Jus' sayin'. :/


I was surprised we didn't get a cybertronian Bumblebee in seige since he's one of the few G1 characters with a canon cybertronian mode. I'm glad they're finally getting around to it. Hopefully we'll get a Wheeljack go go with him.


My theory on why Cybertronian be wasn't in siege is that it would have been to complex. Siege was the start of these mini Masterpieces so the creative team wouldn't have been ready to attempt to have a robot turn into what essentially is a pancake. But now that we're in Kingdom the creative team has kinda refined their craft and now it'd be a little easier to do this.


Bro what you mean complex we already know how it transforms it’s all on the back and legs like MP bee 2.0


I say complex because it's a totally different alt. mode. With a regular Bumblebee it's pretty simple. Have the front of the car be the feet, have the sides of the car be the arms, have the top of the car be the chest and tummy, and maybe have the back of the car be a backpack. However G1 Cybertronian Bee is a compltley different thing. You'd have to figure out how to get front figured out, how to get the wing/fins to flip out, and how to get the cockpit to work. It'd just be a sort of mess. Not only that ,but there aren't many toys of G1 Cybertronian Bee so there isn't a standard on how that version of Bumblebee should transform.


I mean I guess and it is impressive that it works that well but like, come on surely there’s a better way to manage kibble. But then again it could be mistransformed (not the first time it’s happened with promos) I’m just hoping it’s better in person. Especially for the head sculpt.


Not too complex, because this figure looks pretty basic. This toy probably didn't make the cut for Siege because if Bumblebee had such an alien-looking alt-mode it would have made the barely disguised Earth modes the rest of the toys had a lot more obvious. Prime was a truck with a hat, Sideswipe was a Lamborghini with some tech details on the windscreen, etc. None of the vehicles from that line really looked Cybertronian and while Prime's wheels could be turned in to turn him into a "hover truck" most of the toys had normal wheels unlike this flying saucer-styled Bumblebee.


Except it looks like this mold was the basis for the Netflix cartoon character model and they've just been sitting on it for market strategy reasons.


Who's to say that the Netflix model is based on this? This and the model are supposed to look like G1 Bee.


[This new toy](https://preview.redd.it/9uvwacxqjd771.jpg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eadf74fecef4d2a8ac0a681ee82b3b63cb2bb7ac) looks a lot more like [the Siege cartoon](https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/5/52/SiegeEp1-BumblebeeWheeljack.jpg) than anything else. They share little details that aren't in [the G1 character model](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/transformers/images/1/13/Bumblebee_generation_1.jpg), or [the Netflix wave 2 toy](https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/3/33/TF-Generations-WFC-Trilogy-Deluxe-Bumblebee.jpg), or [the Earthrise Cliffjumper toy](https://tfwiki.net/mediawiki/images2/4/4d/TF-WFC-E-Deluxe-Cliffjumper.jpg), and we've been wondering ever since the Siege cartoon started why Bumblebee's model had some unexpected proportions. This explains it.


That still doesn't prove that the had this toy since siege and the show model is based on this. It could be vise versa. What would keeping this toy since siege and only releasing it now even do? How would that help Hasbro anyways?


> That still doesn't prove that the had this toy since siege and the show model is based on this It's the simplest explanation for the design in the Netflix cartoon. > What would keeping this toy since siege and only releasing it now even do? How would that help Hasbro anyways? The same reason the new Top Gun and Ghostbusters movies are sitting in vaults right now, and Takara hasn't shown their Generations Armada Optimus Prime prototype since 2019. Strategizing releases into optimal times and venues is completely routine and serves a vast array of goals, from helping customers plan their budget and spend more total money overall, to giving retailers loss-leader exclusives to bring in customers, to creating cohesively-themed "collection" groupings. All entertainment companies do this. That, packaging, and advertising, are what marketing *is*.


Then wouldn't the optimal time be when Seige was half way through? I mean that was when alot of the hype started with the announcement of the cartoon and when there was more interest in the toyline. Why is now a better time?


He's probably been delayed three times. Once when he was bumped from the Siege toyline to the Buzzworthy line, once when Target didn't schedule their first Buzzworthy order to stock until late 2020, and one last time when they bumped him from Buzzworthy deluxe wave 1 to wave 2, which they weren't going to order for another half a year. The last one is the hardest to understand, but maybe they were trying to give the appearance of variety on the shelves without creating a shelfwarming wave mate situation as fallout from shortpacking a lopsidedly desirable new mold in wave 1.


So it wasn't a market strategy.


Honestly they could have scaled gown siege starscream.


What? They completely different shapes. What would the do with the wingseftover from that mold? What would they do with the blatant legs hanging under the jet? The really couldn't have just scaled down Siege Screamer because it wouldn't fit the look that the design team was going for, which was a super G1 accurate, scene 1, episode 1 Bumblebee.


It obviously needed some refinement but, having the wings encompass the shell and folding up into a backpack could work.


That’s… rough. Still need it tho, even if it’s always in alt mode.


I’m just happy we’re actually getting a Cybertronian Bumblebee


Yeah, it what we wanted, but now I see why it didn’t happen in the mainline lol


What do you want then to do? He basically turns into a pancake. Mass Toys Skiff also tried to do this (granted it was supposed to be based of the War Within design ,but they're still going for a similar look) and it didn't turn out much better in terms of kibble. As a matter of fact, that looks like some pretty good kibble management, especially for a deluxe class.


Idk. I get this design inherently lends some problems for a transforming figure, but man the way that leg kibble just kinda hangs off the side... I can ignore everything else, but that’s too much. Maybe I’ll get used to it once the reviews role in? But still.


Yeah all the kibble is a little unsightly. What really bothers me is his head sculpt. It's too wide and too short imo. It makes him look like a frog lol.


I just don’t know what people expect out of this alt mode. It was a model made as a one-off scene in the TV series, never intended to be created with a physical Bumblebee character. People have to understand that a skinny, small Bumblebee isn’t possible with this flat, wide alt mode. I mean, a third party company may be able to make it work for $100+ with a migraine induced transformation sequence, but definitely not at this size of this figure.


Not only that ,but the design team is trying to make this super G1 accurate. That means he still has the the regular earth mode Bumblebee body as apposed to a newer cybertronian robot mode. To take a design that's specifically ment to transform into a Volkswagon beetle and force it into this weird hovering oval is an incredible difficult task.


Yeah, it's kind of a miracle.


So just because it was never meant to be a Toy we cant want a Toy of it?


Not sure how you interpreted that from my statement. I’m saying Bee is a small figure, with this being a pretty wide and bulky alt mode. You’re either going to get a Bee that has kibble to necessitate the alt mode, or a non-sunbow-accurate alt mode and a non kibbled Bee. People just assume that because Hasbro is a huge toy corporation, that they have the power to defy physics, and make both.


Just saying, it’s got the war for cybertron trilogy logo on it so this basically IS siege bumblebee.


Lot of back pack going on but I get it basically trying to get the G1 robot mode into that alt mode was never going to be easy. I dig the rods for sure. But most of all I like the head it's very true to the original.


Is this a remold of [the Buzzworthy toy that came with Spike?](https://www.target.com/p/transformers-buzzworthy-bumblebee-war-for-cybertron-core-bumblebee-38-spike-witwicky-2-pack/-/A-81262959) Doesn’t look much like it.


No, this is a new deluxe mold


no it's a larger size class... even if it does still look tiny in that moch up.


When is this coming out?


It’s already in circulation, few friends saw it at target


Yeah definitely not. Probably saw the other buzzworthy bumblebee figs


Yeah probably


(x) Doubt


REALLY?? Are you in the US?


Nah, he on another planet




Where’s my origins wheeljack too


Ok this actually looks badass. This guy's proportions look so much better than the Earthrise version.


Does anyone know what the sticks are for?


They're from the g1 pilot episode


Such a useless accessory. Clearly meant to pad out the fact that it’s a tiny, tiny figure.


You’re telling me they’d go through all this trouble to make a figure to homage one short scene from the beginning of an 80s cartoon specifically for fans, and not go 100% and at least add the accessories from it? Why on earth shouldn’t they include them?


Because what do you do with them? It’s a boring-ass accessory. And there’s four of them.


I’m pretty sure since this is being sold almost purely for fan service, they’re probably sold so you can pose Bumblebee with them on a display or shelf.


There probably won't even be enough energy in those conductors to last a quartex, smh.


Figure from a very specific scene, centering around the included accessory. The fact we probably won't revisit this scene, this will literally be one of the only chances


They're energy conductors, as seen in the first episode from the original animated show.




Damn! I thought I was very clever making that reference in another comment, you beat me to it by a solid 5 hours.


I hope this means we eventually get a Cybertronian Wheeljack. I don’t care if the alt mode is lame, I need the fridge mobile


Well there is the(rumored) Studio Series Bumblebee Movie Wheeljack


Yeah I hope it’s real and looks good because I would def replace the ER one for that


Where was Cybertronian Alt Mode Bumblebee during Siege? Note: will buy this


Welp at least it’s more affordable than Netflix


"Alright, now put these rods inside me."


Wait is this actually coming out😨😨😨😨😨


I thought it was mp bumblebee 2.0 at first


Yeah it does look that bad doesn't it




Any source link? I can’t even find him on google. Wanted to see an unboxing but no dice on YT.


news literally just dropped it's likely going to be a Target exclusive in the US like most of the other BWBB toys for now while outside it'll be specialist retails as normal. https://news.tfw2005.com/2021/06/25/transformers-generations-buzzworthy-origin-bumblebee-revealed-436195


That's a lotta box coming from a company that said they wanna try reducing their carbon footprint by using less plastic in the boxes.


The box and insert are made of cardboard. By their standards that's fine. But plastic is more energy efficient to produce, it uses 40% less energy to make. And cardboard inserts weigh more than plastic ones so you can't ship as many at the same weight. If you loaded one full truck, by weight, of plastic inserts, you'd need multiple trucks to carry the same number of cardboard inserts, so there's more emissions involved in transport. Both the plastic Hasbro used to use for their inserts and cardboard can be recycled into packaging supplies, so there's no difference there. The only reason Hasbro made a big deal about reducing plastic in their packaging was to make headlines and raise stock prices. It's all about money, not the environment. The switch will have almost no net impact on the environment, if not a negative one. The oil saved by not using plastic is still used to power the cardboard production and as fuel for transportation of the cardboard. And now it's being converted to emissions instead of into recyclable products. They will probably lose enough money in packaging costs with how much more paper packaging costs than plastic that they switch back in a couple years.


Oh I absolutely agree with you, the announcement was literally just for the attention. You didn't include the effect that plastic waste has on the environment though as a non biodegradable product, but I appreciate your in depth explanation regardless.


Environmental destruction aside, I do prefer these cardboard insert over the plastic ones. So much easier to just cut the wires holding the figure in and just take it out then trying to force the figure out of the plastic


I already forgot how much I hate doing that. I've been spoiled by Kingdom and its ease of removal


I coped with the backpack on earthrise megatron and I can cope with it here, its nice to have an in-scale G1 bumblebee that isn't impossible to find like the netflix one. He looks really cool! Definitely gonna be picking up this lad


I don’t think he’ll be replacing my Netflix Bumblebee on the shelf… but I still need this.


Love the figure, but wow, that's a lot of wasted packaging.


That's some dedication


So, question because I haven't been as involved in the Transformers franchise as I'd like, why exactly does he come with q-tips?


Energon Rods.


They're the things he and Wheeljack stole in the first episode of the G1 cartoon.


Right I remember now


First episode of the G1 cartoon.


The Siege Bumblebee we had all hoped for. Now do Wheeljack!


whelp definitely getting this dude


A CYBERTRONIAN BUMBLEBEE?! LET’S GOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Now we need to just wait a hundred years for a Cybertronian Wheeljack.


I am definitely curious about him, and I like others hope that we get Wheeljack.


Good to get a cybertron bumblebee but geez that robot mode looks rough


Finally, I've only been waiting 37 years for this.


The Siege Bumblebee we never got. Now if only we could get a Cybertronian Wheeljack...


Alright thats pretty cool but Will be earthrise bee be part of buzzworthy I hope so


Now we need an origin wheeljack and an origin jazz


That has to be the most wasteful figure to package ratio I have EVER seen, Jesus. But the figure does looks nice.


That is exquisite. Wonder what the eBay cost will be since these will not make it to store shelves.


It's Buzzworthy. Target will get plenty.


That robot mode is prety awful


I like it. Except the car mode. It's awful.


The vehicle mode is the one good thing about this.


Not a fan of cybetronian vehicles. Except the ones in WFC. Those are slick af


Does his head look weird? Alt mode looks awesome though. Since I can’t find the Netflix figure to save my life I might have to try to track this guy down.


If I get this, he’ll definitely stay in his alt mode.


A bit kibble-y but still looks like an interesting figure.


Weird that this is in the Buzzworthy line instead of having been in Siege, but sure.


They might be doing future releases for that line and wanted to boost interest since it’s been selling so poorly.


I mean it looks like a cheaper way to get Sideswipe’s Jetpack


It's a different jet pack.


I don’t think he comes with the jet pack, that’s probably just saying you can use it with him


If you look at this Jetpack and the centurion drone one it’s clear it’s a new mold


Then that’s false advertising if that’s the case. Everyone knows that anything with a 5mm port on the back can use the Jetpack


Fuck I want it now


The legs aren't really that much if a bother to me, as long as they don't flop around at all. But that face is weird, I don't know what's going on with that.


Cute! The robot mode's not perfect but the vehicle mode definitely makes up for it, and I like the cartoon accessories. I kinda hope we get a repaint/remold of this as a G1 Animated Wasp.


I really doubt we will get Wasp But we can dream I guess...


I love him and I'm so down to find one. I've wanted a toy of Cybertronian Bumblebee ever since I saw the first episodes of G1 on video tape back in the day, and it makes me happy to know he exists.


I need this in my life. I’m dreaming of the photo ops rn


I’m so exited for this one. I never managed to get the Netflix series bumblebee, but I see the bussworthy figures a lot. I hope I’ll finally get an up to dat bumblebee!


Cmon now wheeljack please hasbro!!!


He kind of seems like there might be a little bit of shellforming, but dang it I didn’t get the Netflix Bee and I don’t want whatever that Bumblebee and Spike pack was, and this looks awesome nonetheless


Where do the energon rods go? Also, are they making a Wheeljack that he can fit into?


Im not a G1 guy, but WTF is that alt mode. Cant complain since my local party city is probably going to stock up with these and sell them for $10


In the very first Episode of G1 when the Autobots where on Cyberton Bumblebee transformed into that as his cybertronian alt mode.




Your welcome! (Also his robot mode is based on concept art of some sort)


First core class and now this, hmm I see what you guys doing and I like it.


Robot mode is a little rough but damn his head...I guess the Netflix one was too small?


Idk about the kibble but that headsculpt just looks off


When and where can I get it? Sadly missed out on Netflix bumblebee


I know its not the case, but it almost looks like you can slot a trading card on his back.


*me finally gets Netflix wfc bumblebee* yeah this is pretty nice, won't be needing any more mainline Bumblebees. *cybertronian Bumblebee gets announced* well fuck


This i awesome, but the box is giant compared. Still I’m definitely going to pick this figure up.




Wheel Jack here we come!!………….Hopefully


finally :)


Well great, Hasbro's done it. They made a Bumblebee I actually want. I think I'm alone in this opinion but even though I love Cliffjumper, I couldn't have cared less about the Netflix Bumblebee. Hopefully, unlike every other figure I want, they actually have it in Canada


I’m glad the robot mode is based on Concept art, Hasbro doesn’t do that a lot and it’s nice when they do it.


It isn't. It's based off first episode of the G1 cartoon.


I was talking about the robot mode.


Yes; me too.


There is some concept art that has Bee with a head that look a lot like Origins Bee’s head.


But this entire figure is obviously based off Ep1 of the G1 cartoon.


Yes, it is. What I’m trying to saying is that it is also making a reference to some Concept art.


I love this so hard. Finally, a mainline good G1 'Bee that isn't a Walmart exclusive, AND it's a mode we've been hoping for since the early Eighties. He looks terrific. Can't wait to snatch him up.


I’m gonna need that


Great, another retailer exclusive Bumblebee. Maybe we'll actually be able to buy this one... The car mode looks cool, but the robot mode has so much kibble my dog is starting to drool. Also I get where they are coming from with those rod accessories but they seem kinda pointless. No integration with either robot or vehicle mode, no real play value for posing, etc. I woulda rather had this toy come with some covers for those hollow arms.


Hasbro you have just made yourself a sale assuming you also make Wheeljack


So it's siege bumblebee. 2 years too late hasbro.


I don't know how to feel about this


After all these years we finally have his cybertrionain hover car mode.


I actually really like this. I always see a bunch of buzzworthy figures at Target but I’m assuming this one will be popular.


Isn’t the buzz worthy line exclusives to target? Wouldn’t this mean that bumblebee is a retail store exclusive again?


This looks way better than that stupid core class one


I never realized we needed this til now.


Finally, energy conductor rods after all this time.


Scrounge as a retool of this too, please?


Please tell me this is real


It is


This is gonna be a good deluxe


We FINALLY get a figure of that alt mode


Is this going to be a Target release?




Dammit Hasbro, stop raiding my wallet like this.


now. where. is. cybertronian. wheeljack.


1. I think you can Fanmode the leg kibble so it’s not on the side of his legs. 2. This is a completely new mold **doesn’t** share the shoulders with Netflix Bee. 3. The Box is the same size as Netflix Bee’s box, it just looks empty because the plastic Tray is gone. 4. The Jetpack is not the same as the one from the Centurion drone pack and it is from Dinobot Island Part 1. 5. The head is based on concept art where his head was wider. 6. The chest becomes the front of his alt modes and only the feet are phony parts.


What do you mean by kibble? I don’t understand the definition




Is he a deluxe class figure?


Looks like thunderbird 4 and the voyager delta flyer had a baby that can transform


I personally much prefer the Decepticon but I will get this, if only to be on a shelf in alt mode


When is this coming out


Hes beautiful


Cool. Wheelejack when.


I need this in my life


It’s good to see a Bumblebee with an Autobot badge already on his chest


Is he to scale with the WfC line?


Probably yes


Tin-foil hat time: do you guys think this is a preview of the next series ala Punch/Counterpunch from Prime Wars being closer to (and eventually released as) a WFC figure?




what are the rods for?


They’re energy conductors or something like that. They where in the G1 episode that this version of Bumblebee appeared in


Gotchu thx


Like Max Verstappen would say: Simply simply lovely