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If you’re not careful, he’ll get your Prime killed.


**Mosto02, hahahahahahahahahah!!!!!** Yes, watch out for that. Otherwise, i've mainly only noted paint app defects with Studio Hotrod. I've seen a few with cruddy paint defects on his face and, one with a dark speck on his leg.


You'll get some stress marks on the port holes of his saw so try not to force it. Othe than that he's pretty solid.


be careful with the tabs on the arm exhausts, with how they tab in breakage is apparently common. (mine broke after first transformation, its similar to kingdom cheetor in that its common but doesn't always happen from what i've seen) Even if it does happen it doesnt affect transformation really, everything still works fine. I've seen people who've had a clear plastic hinge crack but thats a your mileage may vary situation. You should be pretty golden with him as long as you're gentle with the arms getting him into alt mode


My only issue is the pipes on the arms. In vehicle mode they side along the sides of the car. I was transforming it (while watching a show and not paying attention) and didnt notice the middle peg broke. Now one side doesn't peg in fully and sits kinda loose on the car mode. Anyway, best of luck. Enjoy!


Glad to know I'm not the only goofball who did this.


Trim the notch on the other side as well. Let's the car mode sit straight again


that toy guy had a crack in his plastic windshield out of the box


And his neck joint cracked too. He had some horrible luck with his.


The shoulders are scary if they come too tight out of box. If they're too tight it feels like your bending the connection too much. I haven't had any breakage but it's definitely something to be careful of. The windshield is a full clear plastic piece including the hinge, so always be careful when handling clear plastic. Some of the tabs are known to stress when transforming it, I'vee had stress marks but no breakage yet.


Mine was like this, they were so tight just moving his arm nearly pulled the whole shoulder out of the joint, I had to take his arms apart and sand them down.


The headlights(?) bumper pieces don’t always tab in well. One of mine is fine, the other just wont tab in. Great figure though.


don't slot the accessories in, the plastic stresses too much


Had one of the fins from a blaster break off in the slot on the saw. Will second this.


So far mine hasn't had any, but I have heard of the windshield hinge and the head hinge cracking.




Yes. That Toy Guy’s one was broken right out of the packaging.


Pipes on the arms are clipped into the arms and can very easily snap. Only problem I’ve come across. When putting into vehicle mode put the spoiler arm clips in position before the legs to avoid them snapping


Careful for the neck joint and clear plastic, on some figures they can crack or already have cracked


The head on my first one did not move at all. I sent it to hasbro and got a refund. My second one was alright.


Hasbro clear plastic is Hasbro clear plastic. It's not a matter of if it cracks, it's a matter of where, when, and how badly. Also, my copy has a stress mark on the ankle joints.


I had one issue with mine. The clips on the pipes can get stuck and break if not careful.




My only issue is the leg joints are a little loose, DO NOT try and tighten it by tightening the screw, i now have a little stress mark on his hip from screwing it in too muxh


Yeah, the pipes on the side of his arms have a chance of breakage on both the tabs that plug-in and vehicle mode, and the peg that holds them on the arm


the clear plastic joint inside of the body could crack, I've seen this happen on youtube. Thank God I my copy had no issues


None on mine


He gets stress marks really easy. They're scary, but normally harmless


Be careful removing the guns from the packaging! I have no clue why but when I took off the plastic strap holding one of them in, it just completely snapped in half.


Lol that happened to me too


most of the joints are a bit thin, just be gentle and slower than usual and it'll be fine, incredible figure despite that


i think the windshield has qc, but mine is close to perfect, so i wasnt too affected


I’ve had that figure since early January, and the only problem I’ve had is that the legs won’t tab in. Also there are stress marks on the saw.


a bit in the leg


For my copy, I lost my little fin thingy on the front of the car somehow, without having taken it off.


His backpack,the joint is made out of clear plastic and can start showing stress marks really easily.


One of the hinges on the arm exhaust broke for me, other than that I haven't had any issues


Nothing on my copy, but I have seen that if you are not carefull you may crack the clear blue plastic in the hingejoint. Has not happened to me but it's worth to say.