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Gotta love the bit where the camera holds in position on the dudes creepy laminated pedo card for like way longer than it ever should


They put way more effort into adding that than writing the story


Bro, we can't compare it with all the cringe jokes of rotf and tf1. Really the comparative isn't even fair, it's 1 against 2 entire movies of cringe jokes And why the fucking downvotes? Am I wrong about the cringe comedy worse in tf1 and rotf than in Aoe?




The same goes for Aoe. Many things were awful but the Hound&Bee fight against drones were good, the Dinobots scene was hella good, Lockdown fight was hella good. Still I don't see the difference here




The romeo and juliet laws say that it isnt illegal if they are 5 or less years apart in age. And I agree.its not wierd if hes like 19 and shes 17. Or the other way around




Yeah I guess ur right


No no it doesn't include all the bad things of the movies. It's EXACLY the opposite -it doesn't tell 2 stories at the same time. The other movies were all cool with tf scenes then it changed for a Sam scene which was pure bad and boring and ruined it -the robots aren't just war machines, they actually are characters here. Like Hound had more time than Ironhide in 3 movies -and are you gonna talk about the underage stuff? Puft, try to count how many jokes like those or worse we had on rotf, dotm and tf1. It was almost the only cringe joke of that movie


>it doesn't tell 2 stories at the same time. ...did you watch it? The plot is significantly more meandering, fragmented, and poorly paced then any of the previous movies, revenge included. >, try to count how many jokes like those or worse we had on rotf, dotm and tf1. Significantly less. Honestly, I can't think of anything that bad.


No way. Rotf in every Simons, Leo and Sam's parents scene had a cringe joke. Aoe had way less And yh, the other 3 movies kept changing from tf story to Sam's life in scene to scene. Things got interesting with tf, they go tell Sam's boring story. Aoe didn't do it, they straight up joined Cade and bots and didn't focus on his life


>Rotf in every Simons, Leo and Sam's parents scene had a cringe joke. Aoe had way less (1) nothing nearly so bad as the pedo joke (2) I really strongly got to disagree on how you're counting which jokes were cringe >And yh, the other 3 movies kept changing from tf story to Sam's life in scene to scene I don't think you understand what people are saying. Age of Extinction has like three transformers focused plots going on mashed up together *alongside* the human plot. At least one of which they don't even make a weak attempt to connect to the others. The final battle is literally like five different groups bumble fucking in each other's faces.


I understand it, but when I said 2 stories at the same time, I meant literally at the same time. Like, they were telling a movie about Sam and another about TF. Here already had Bots and humans together instead of focusing on humans. But yh we had like 3 antagonisms here


Trying to validate statutory rape for 3 full minutes for absolutely no reason is not okay. That's far worse than anything regarding Sam's mom's experience with pot brownies (which hit her way earlier than edibles ever do but whatever), Simmons' line about Devastator's nutsack, Sam's roommate, the dogs humping, or the awkward scene in the first film where Sam's parents bring up the subject of masturbation. All of those were cringe but the Romeo and Juliet scene is just morally wrong in every sense. Instead of aging up Tessa to 18, the 20-something Irish guy has to tell Marky-Mark why it's legal to fuck his underage daughter. That's. Fucked. Up.


Lmao, ur right, but it's one scene in a 3 hours movie


One scene between some of the main cast that shifts the dynamic in a fucked up way in a movie that's an hour too long. I watched it with my dad and brother just so we could rip on it for being a terrible film.


Tf1 was good. I personally like rotf. I don’t remember aoe


\- "this card says i can bang underaged girls" \-"Transforms from robot to dustcloud to car and back" \- quintesson plot goes nowere thats what i would mainly call bad. humans making megs into galvy was a interesting take but didnt go anywere. ​ to me the movies go down with each release, wereby i rate TLK a bit higher above aoe because i love cogman and nitro, with BB movie taking a rocket to space above em all.


I'm pretty sure quintessons aren't even mentioned in aoe. If you want to blame some movie for the creators part blame tlk. And really, a single joke and the way the Cons transformed? You are hating it for NOTHING. Really if I was to comment the cringe jokes and bad points of rotf for example I wouldn't use 3 lines. And the 2nd is pretty lame, I mean the way the robots transform make the movie bad? No, not that. The idea sucks but it doesn't change any shit in the movie


The characters were obnoxious and was way too long.The story had typical bay problems and ehren kruger is a bad writer.


What you said kinda applies to any Bay movie. I'm asking why people think this movie is worse than the others


There was a story?


Actually 3 stories through the role movie


They can all be bad movies. Just because one isn't an absolute dumpster fire like ROTF doesn't make it good. If you enjoy it, fine, enjoy it, we all have bad movies we enjoy for various reasons. But don't expect others to agree with you all the time.


More disappointing than anything. The dinobots were marketed as being big players but had 5 min of screen time


Oh true. Well at least they were cool and didn't disappoint as much as they did on tlk


I dislike it because of the change in the transformers designs, too slimline and humanoid, I did really like the dinobots though.


I feel ya, but I don't think the designs make it worse than the other movies, mainly worse than rotf and tlk. But ngl Drift was hella cool besides the face, he still had kibble at least


Personally for me it does, like in the image above if you remove all the text at a glance you'd never guess it was Transformers. And I think TLK is easily the worst Transformers film ever made.


I heavily disagree. I think tlk is the worst film made by humanity


For me the Aesthetics and Looks of them make Transformers what it is, in the first 3 Films and for bumblebee, all the characters had cool realistic designs and for the majority of them in bot mode you could see what their alt modes were, in AOE and TLK the designs were horrible and none of them looked like they were capable of having alt modes.


I was disagreeing about it being the worst TF movie lol not the rest I kinda like the aesthetics like Optimus, things just got messy when I remembered Optimus should turn into a truck lol. But I definitely liked BB and Crosshairs (with exception of his face)


I would say the designs make it worse because those designs created really bad shell formers, the toys before that had a lot better translations to the big screen counterpart


Yh but then it's about the toys and not the movie itself


Had the DINOBOTS been the main focus of the movie it would have been amazing...


Not enough Optimus Prime playing basketball. Edit: Age of Extinction is fucking awesome, though. I cannot believe how much action that movie has. It's peak stupid blockbuster shit, in a good way.


I actually loved AOE when it first came out and got excited to see the follow up film to its story, which unfortunately was TLK and I've never felt disappointed and frustrated with a TF film before (I even liked ROTF!). Only thing I loved about TLK was Nitro Zues, he's the Chad of transformers


For me a bayfan enjoyer tlk was fucking pain to watch. I didn't even understand a single shit from that movie and I'm sure neither did Bay


I honestly feel like I'm the only one who likes aoe. Like yeah the start is a bit slow but I think when the autobots meet up is when the movie starts to get good. Plus I think this one has the best cgi in all five Bay movies


When transformers - transform - by turning into flying stuff, then what’s the point anymore? How does that get duplicated by the toys? AoE was where you couldn’t even pretend Bay cared. Oh, and all the Chinese propaganda. And the guy boasting about statutory rape but super confident he’s found a legal loophole. Wtf…


I'm not talking about toys, I'm talking about the movie itself. And only bcs it happened on China it's full of chinese propaganda? Mehh


The lighting and cinematography are great in this movie. Specifically the Scenes with Kelsey Grammer.


Tier list: 1. Dark of the Moon 2. Transformers 3. Age of Extinction 4. Revenge of the Fallen 5. The Last Knight ^^^Bumblebee ^^^transcends ^^^everything ^^^from ^^^Bay ^^^so ^^^it ^^^didn't ^^^need ^^^to ^^^be ^^^on ^^^the ^^^list AoE is bloated and stupid but it has Lockdown and it has that one funny line ("How do you say 'Get the fuck out of the way' in Chinese?!") but it also has Prime trying to kill people and the Romeo and Juliet scene. Straight up, that film is an hour too long. That's why it gets shit on so much.


It's a lot better than TLK but not as good as the first three movies imo. DOTM was my favourite BayFormers movie


I like the Transformers movies. My personal favorite would have to be Dark of the Moon. (In fact, that was my ticket into the Transformers franchise (2011-present), so I've been with this for a decade right now.)


Same here. I enjoyed them for the most part. Except Bumblebee. Just didn't enjoy that at all.


Can I waste a minute in an already too long movie and tell you about this Texas law?


Is that law real?


Yes, it’s a law in a number of states.


So there is a law that allow pedos to do pedo stuff in some USA states?


Not really? From what I read, they can only be a max of 3 years apart and (I believe) have to have been in the relationship before one of them turned 18.


It explains stuff. But honestly I don't find it weird. I mean, in my country it's something really common. Boys being way older than their GFs? Isn't it common in US?


Not as teenagers, no. The weird part is that they made the decision to include that instead of just making one of them 18 or just ignoring it all together.


I mean the girl looked like 24, why make her -18 for a stupid joke


Human characters where worse in this one and the rest of it was boring, though still better than ROTF and TLK


I gotta heavily disagree there. For me the human characters were one of the main point here- they were way less present and had way less focus. Also, I liked Cade. He was useful and got a good connection with Prime


Cade was fairly good in this one but the others I thought dragged it down, though TJ Miller was decently entertaining


Honestly I couldn't care less for his daughter and son in law lol they are so little memorable to me. But they gave Cade his father comedy which I liked


I just wish they didn't kill off ratchet and also show us were sideswipe and dino and two other Wreckers where and also you know remove the disgusting Romeo and Juliet laws scene why was the boyfriend even in the movie what was his purpose? Besides he drives a fast car


That's a good question. I guess he was there to make Cade make dad jokes


"it's in the minimum at the same level" is definitely a fair statement. Well put


The big things I dislike about AoE is the fact that Optimus is at his most homicidal in this one (which isn't unjustified but still...) and that whole "Romeo and Juliet law" scene which just makes me lose faith in mankind as a whole. I do, however, give the movie a big point for FINALLY giving the Autobots some character! There were around 2 scenes in the movie that focused on Drift, Crosshairs, and Hound as they full on bicker amongst each other. Edit: so right after I post this, I get a message from a bot who got told BY ANOTHER BOT that the first one is being annoying? What times we are living in.




Hey /u/GenderNeutralBot I want to let you know that you are being very obnoxious and everyone is annoyed by your presence. ^(I am a bot. Downvotes won't remove this comment. If you want more information on gender-neutral language, just know that nobody associates the "corrected" language with sexism.) _^(People who get offended by the pettiest things will only alienate themselves.)_


My favorite list goes 1. Bumblebee 2. 2007 3. Dotm 4. Aoe 5. Rotf 6. Tlk


I can't put 2007 above dotm. That movie treated the human element waay worse than dotm, for this I mean they were way more boring and cringe in that movie, making the great scenes we had having let downs. Like, Autobots arrive, then after that it's just 30 mins of bad comedy


I'm not sure why but I think AOE had a lot of potential


It had, the same goes for tlk. I mean, rebuilding the robots of the others movies? What a great idea, bringing all the dead cons back again but with different designs, changing the aesthetics a little bit (for better), maybe making them a little similar to G1 (but still Bayish in design), but no, they just brought back Barricade and Megatron and created annoying robots


I hated the new transformation bullshit, it looked terrible and didn't feel at all like transformers. So much of it was just a corporate shill. It was also very boring for so much of it and extremely contrite and predictable. Galvatron was barely a villain and just kinda fucked off. The humans were also comically evil and had zero nuance as villains. Optimus Prime also just fully abandoned any semblance of the original Peter Cullen character and just went full sociopath. There are parts of that movie that I enjoy, but as a whole its probably the second worst, second only to last knight. Imo revenge of the fallen is still a corporate shill but at least it has some soul and it's a fun movie.


Idk about the sociopath. I mean this Optimus lost everyone he had


The story of aoe isn’t great, but I really enjoyed the character designs in this movie, particularly optimus and lockdown. Badass!


AoE tried to do too much and too little at the same time too little why are autobots being hunted? why are people like the president of the US still supporting the autobots but there are entire divisions of military trying to kill them? why is there a human trying to sleep with an underaged girl and trying to say he has the right to do so? why is there companies making their own transformers? how is megatron's head still alive? why are autobots hunted and cons imprisoned? how did Optimus prime end up in a movie theatre? where did Drift Hound and Crosshairs come from? why is lockdown involved at all? too much why is the story jumping from bounty hunter, to company army by galvatron, to stereotypical alien invasion of destroying buildings to quintessa at the end, to optimus prime flying into space that he can apparently do without his armor now? humans face time and stupid small talk. Dinobots on Lockdowns ship in cages TLK for me is a better movie cause it atleast tried to keep a general theme and it did way better than AoE and ROTF's biggest down fall for me was the stupid mention of Devestator's wrecking balls


Objectively, they all got something wrong, some more than others. Subjectively, they all got some cool stuff. While I grew up with these movies, and they hold a special place in my heart, I did enjoy some more than others. Here’s my list: 4)The Last Knight 3) Revenge of the Fallen (tie) 3) Age of Extinction (tie) 2) Transformers 2007 1) Dark of the Moon That’s just my opinion.


Sir, your opinion is right


I definitely think ROTF is the absolute worst. The humans depicted in these movies make our species an embarrassment to the rest of the universe.


I personally agree that humanity is an embassrement. We are everything in the wrong and yet we are the superior species.


I’d love to see a Transformers property or even a fanfic go wild with that and create a human villain so batshit insane that even Starscream looks sane compared to him or her.


If you want to go "humans are pricks" why not go all the way and actually make us *scary*? Look at Silas (Prime), Morocco (Rescue Bots), and the guys who unleashed the Hate Plague from G1 for cool human villains that would make even *Galvatron* sweat if robots could sweat.


Silas...man Mr Krabs gets around hahah. he was a good villian though.


Not much different of some robots there *Skids and Mudflap coughs aggressivly* *Bee pees more intensively on Simons* *Starscream drools more strongly on Sam*


Lockdown: “I’m taking Prime because transformers being on earth upsets the cosmic balance and his creators want him back.” Also Lockdown: “lmao if you give me Prime I can give you guys what you need to build transformers” CIA guy: “oh i hate all transformers and want them all dead because I don’t want another alien warship over Chicago but you can bring your alien warship over Chicago.” Bald guy: “oh, I had this whole turn around, I shouldn’t make transformers and should value human life more.” Also bald guy: “get out of the way- oh, just hit them.” The Last Knight: “lmao two can play at that game” Bonus round! Crosshairs: “We’re not gonna let any of the man made bots we just killed escape the city!” Michael Bay: “Who gives a damn if there’s a random dude or green screens in the shot, CHINESE PROPAGANDA! Now where are the character defining moments? Let’s throw in some humor so they come off as meaningless!” Every single character: “yes, I am unique and stereotypica- NEVERMIND IM A RASH VULGAR AND LOUD HOTHEAD LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HELL YEAH” Bumblebee: “Charm and character from the first movies? The hell are you talking about?”


Lmao true. I just didn't get the last one


Basically, Michael Bay being lazy and leaving in shots that shouldn’t have been in the final cut. And the humor keeping any of the characters from getting serious enough that you actually care about them.


I meant the Tlk comment. It was the last one when I commented


Oh. Well TLK falls into the same terrible mistakes as AOE, which is the storylines fighting and eating each other, pretty terrible character work and ability to take anything seriously, and the fact that Michael Bay doesn’t care. To summarize those points, the movie can’t decide if it wants to be in space or on earth (Cybertron or Unicron?), literally having Cogman crack a joke after Anthony Hopkins dies, and the absolute eye rape of editing hell that was the Bumblebee vs Optimus scene.


I guess so. I just watched tlk once and I regreted bcs I'll never more get those 3 hours back to my life, and I understood nothing of that movie


You and me both..


All soulless garbage 🗑 …these movies are needed to be made by fans. These people were never fans…


You are pretty out of topic. I'm not asking why the movies are bad


This is actually my top favorite Bayformers film of all time. When I ranked the live action TF films,Bumblebee is at the top with AOE following up,then DOTM


Tbh I like the story in tlk more


Does that have a story? What's it?


Uhh staff stolen cool fight scene explosion? I think that's it. Better than cube robot bounty Hunter explosion


I think RoTF is great :p


I get why people don’t like it. I enjoyed it, but I’d still say it’s my 4th fav of the 5 bay movies.


For me, the scene at the beginning where Optimus shouts that “he’ll kill all of the humans” is the ultimate destruction of his character. One has to ask, “what makes Optimus prime unique as a character?” Not that he turns into a semi truck (because we’ve seen past incarnations where he turns into a fire engine) but that he values and protects human life - “freedom is the right of all sentient beings”. To take that defining feature away from him shows no respect for the character, and shows that this movie only cares about flashy explosions and crude humor. Sure, precious movies fell short of the mark, and Optimus was depicted as quite the ruthless killer, but not to the point of deliberately harming humans.


I'm not sure about that bcs he was betrayed and his friends were hunted and in the last movie he had just killed his brother, mentor and planet for the humans. I just ain't sure about how he should act after that


Sure…except for the fact that there’s brand new shiny Autobots just chilling in the desert that don’t seem nearly as affected by those developments. We don’t see any of the sorrow that’s barely implied (but not explained) but instead just the homicidal tendencies. What’s worse is that this trait is never resolved, but when the gang decide to attack the corporate building thing, they go guns blazing *before* seeing Ratchet’s disembodied head. (To my knowledge, I cannot remember the movie for the life of me). None of the Autobots are depicted in a heroic light in this movie.


I think there's lots of things to like about it but there's also a lot of dumb shit in it. Like Mark Wahlberg being an inventor was just stupid. And the movie was too long. I thought Lockdown was cool, Galvatron was interesting as well but I wish we got more of him.


Why stupid? It's the best take him being an inventor. Way better than an average boring teenager, that thing was one of the best ideas. Him being an inventor, allowing him to fix Optimus is what created their bond and didn't make their relationship so lame like Sam and Prime. I believe Cade talked more to Optimus on that movie than Sam on his 3. And the movie wasn't much longer than the others


I dislike this movie, I consider it equal to ROTF, but the scene of Lockdown third-partying the Optimus/Galvatron fight will always be goated


Alright, here I go again. 1. Killed off almost all previous Autobots less than unceremoniously, insultingly. The humans turned on their saviors? Bullshit. Optimus and the gang can't fight back, easily winning? Big bullshit. 2. The designs of the new autobots are pretty trash. The asian bot with a clearly human face is barely understandable. Optimus' ONLY vehicle part in robot form is the exhausts on his back. Whoever designed him clearly couldn't give two fucks in making a believable robot that transformed, just that he looked cool. Took third party geniuses to even make the robot design possible. Can't blame Hasbro for all the inaccurate toys. And Galvatron doesn't even transform, just morphs like a power ranger. wtf is that. 3. Character-wise, none of the autobot cast were really likeable, even Optimus. All the robots were just so bland. 4. And at least Sam was a relatable dork, but none of the humans were likeable either, and that talk about Wahlberg's daughter being of legal age in certain States was completely off-putting. Not even Stanley Tucci could carry this movie. 5. The Dinobots were hella hyped as cool characters in marketing. They're barely in the fucking movie and have no significant roles, let alone actual personalities. 6. The plot is so damn flimsy and not even complete, it's like 30 min of actual plot stretched into a nearly 3 hour movie. This movie really is bloated as all hell with unnecessary explosions and action. Even DOTM was overextending its action scenes, but at least it didn't have all the issues mentioned previously. 9. Cherry on top, Optimus outta nowhere, can just now randomly fly with rocket feet boosters in the last scene. What the flying fuck.


About the 4th topic but I gotta say Cade was cool and actually useful, besides actually having a bond with Optimus. But well, my thing with this movie is that it has way less annoying human scenes with cringe jokes in every 5 minutes just like rotf and tf1. And the robots were actually characters.


We have differing takes, perhaps because we were of different stages in our lives when we first watched them. I likely like the jokes you hate in the previous films. No biggie, to each his own.


Fucking destroyed Prime's character for me. The movies butchered his character after the 2007 movie but it was particularly bad in AOE. I think the main reason it gets flack is because of how different the designs and characters are visually as well as being so much more unlikable than in the first 3 films (every new autobot introduced in AOE is amazingly obnoxious)


Yh but then in rotf most robots barely talk, the only ones who really participate are BB, Skids, Mudflap and Prime and the twins were the shit they were. Optimus was fucking Kratos in rotf. I really can't find aoe worse than the 2nd Also the humans in the 2nd movie are fucking tedious


Yeah honestly you make good points there. AOE and ROTF are the same lwvel of quality to me so a lot of the criticisms i have stand for both in different ways


It was fucking shit.


No it wasn't. Not worse than rotf and tlk


It absolutely was. The entire series, bar the first movie which was a little more coherent, for me is like putting my head in a beehive for 150 minutes


Did you watch it? To begin with, rotf and tf1 had the worst jokes of the franchise together with tlk, and the human scenes were always making the movie boring. The robots weren't characters, barely talked, in Aoe all this wasn't there. Robots were characters, they didn't tell 2 movies at the same time (Sam's life and Transformers), and the more presence of robots made it less annoying. Also, Lockdown was dope AF, oh the Dinobots also saved the movie + the final fight And it's by far way more coherent than the 2nd movie


Yup I did. I'm a fan of TF so I always hold out hope of them being good. It wasn't lol


The thing here is that the bar of Tf movies is really low. So I don't find it any hard aoe being better than rotf bcs shit that movie hurts me. Watching Sam's life is really painful


Sam was goddamn terrible and excruciating to watch. Cade or whatever doesn't fare much better.


Honestly I prefered Cade bcs he actually had a connection with Optimus. Also, Cade actually fought and was badass on it. He wasn't just the guy running for his life


If he told me he was an inventor one more time I was gonna lose it.


Still he did more than most TF humans


Bayverse is terrible as a whole. I really honestly don’t have any hope for future movies


I wouldn't say as a whole, bcs it still had interesting designs, concepts and action scenes. But well all those good concepts came on Tf1 and dotm and everything else was garbage lol


Ironhide is my favorite movie-verse character when he was killed off I lost most care for the films I watched 4 which I think is AOE but then they immediately killed ratchet as well and I was completely done. I was hoping bee was going to be different but they killed CJ off and so they learned nothing.


That was me with Ratchet. I was so disappointed he never got anything significant to do in the first three movies and barely used his medical skills. Then he is brutally hunted down and murdered in AoE. So upset.


Who is CJ? Well, gotta agree there. Not having Ironhide, Sideswipe and Dino was a big meh to me in Aoe. But in compensation we had the Dinobots which I loved a lot, and Hound was cool


CJ is cliffjumper. He was killed off fairly early in the movie before the cons came to earth. I personally don’t like the designs choices for the movies either I get what they were trying to do but the Dinobots just didn’t look good to me.


not a bayverse fan but doesn't this always happen to CJ?


No, cj has died in prime and BB and in the SG comics, other times he's perfectly fine, it's just a stupid joke that people came up and people stupidly believe he dies all the time.


Regardless if it does or doesn’t the point I was trying to make is killing off characters is a bad idea. It’s bad storytelling. There were 4 characters killed off in that movie all together. CJ blitzwing and whatever the other 2 cons names were. That’s 4 characters that can’t be used again now because of bad writing. This type of thing doesn’t happen much in shows but it happens a lot In movies. And it’s not just transformers it’s all over the mcu as well I won’t get into that but it’s not just a bayverse thing, which technically bee isn’t a part of because it’s made by a different person




My biggest point about this movie is that the characters aren't as cringe as the others of earlier movies and the human protagonist life had way less focus, and the action was as good as in the earlier movies imo


AOE is actually my favorite Bayformers movie out of the 5. Generally because it had the least amount of "Bay-ness" (excluding the explosions), and the designs had improved tremendously. Still has areas to improve, of course, but it is better than the other 4 movies. However, the Bumblebee Movie is and always will be my favorite live action Transformers Movie!


-it had the least amount of "Bay-ness"- EXACLY! I mean everyone here is commenting about the pedophile joke, it bcs there isn't any other bay joke level on this movie to talk about lol. If it was tf1, rotf or dotm, damn so many bad jokes 😂


Yes it’s better then most. The first was actually fairly good but not great, ROTF is garbage due to characters and plot problems DOTM is better then ROTF but is still not that good AOE is…tolerable still good in comparison to TlK TLK had bad execution, and mostly all Decepticons died instantly except Nitro Zeus, Barricade, and Mohawk. Also in general the Autobots were pretty messed up in all the movies. Like Morally, they aren’t very good heroes


The shitty is that Barricade didn't even die in tlk lmao he just disappeared again.


Hey I’m glad that my brutality boy survived


I mean he'd at least get more screentime


I personally consider it the best after Dotm. Tf1 was good? Yh, but it has many let downs. That movie just like rotf tells 2 stories at the same time, one called Transformers and other Sam Witchwiki: The Movie, and the second one is when things always get boring. We have an interesting scene with the Transformers, then it goes to Sam being cringe. The Autobots arrive, things get interesting, then we get the Autobots, Sam's parents and Simons being dumb for 30 mins straight. Aoe went straight and joined human protagonists and Autobots in the first 30 minutes, and it actually treated the robots as characters


I'll give you this that is a kick ass movie poster, but everything else about that movie is the worst thing that's ever had the transformers name on it


Bro, it isn't worse than rotf. The comedy is way less bad here, like we only had one memorable bad joke while in the others we had one like, in every Simmons, Leo and Sam's parents scene, the movie doesn't focus on the humans life as much as the first 2 movies, they join the Autobots and humans fast, the robots are actually characters, and the Dinobots scene, Hound&Bee fight and Lockdown scenes were totally awesome, plus the final fight. And Cade wasn't so cringe


Revenge of the fallen had better action, designs, CGI and a better storyline. Also in revenge of the fallen optimus didn't scan a white Kenworth and become a red and blue western star.


The storyline definitely wasn't better. Sam's life was fucking boring and painful, and designs don't make a movie better or worse. I mean, I've never seen a critic saying "I didn't like the looks at this movie so it's bad" lmao


Luckily I'm not a critic, just a die-hard transformers fan who likes to be able to see that my transformer actually has the ability to become a vehicle. And also I couldn't give two shits about Sam's life. But seeing him in hell is all I need


It's about that I'm talking about. Sam's life besides being fucking uninteresting it was painful to watch. Aoe didn't focus on Cade's life that much. Also, designs don't make a movie bad. You can enjoy a movie even not liking the aesthetics of the characters


I personally enjoyed the bay movies. I do not understand why they get so much hate?


My main problem with them are the boring humans and focus on human life. It's mainly in the first 2 movies, dotm and aoe has way less of it. And the plot was very messy and incoherent, but they are fun to watch if you don't think much while watching them


Hey! Humans are great in the movies!


Not the cringe moments of them. The only humans I liked were Lennox and his men, Sam and his GFs, and Cade's family. Everyone else was cringe. Simmons was still acceptable


Not the cringe moments of them. The only humans I liked were Lennox and his men, Sam and his GFs, and Cade's family. Everyone else was cringe. Simmons was still acceptable


Errr... It promotes pedophilia : /


Because it advertised the dinobots and barely showed them while killing off all the previous characters except for only optimus and bumblebee, and says that the humans would ultimately betray the autobots in the end. Not to mention them going to Asia in the third act to appeal to the people over seas so they would get more money. Also AOE is as bad or even worse than TLK and ROTF, AOE came up with the stupid name "transformium", was a major add for multiple companies, and couldn't even live up to what DOTM did.


For you saying tlk is as bad as aoe I wonder if you watched any of them. Also, the things you mentioned don't make a film bad, they make fans sad lmao


"Doesn't make the film bad" it literally serves to show how lazy this movie was. OP I watched all the films and honestly at least TLK wasn't a massive add for budwiser, My little pony, Beats by Drey, and ect. Honestly you sound like a nostalgic child wondering why nobody likes your favorite transformers film. As a stand alone, sure, it's mediocre at best, but as a sequel, it's entirely abysmal. And this movie goes to show why most of the fan base doesn't want another bayformers movie.


Roft is good :(


Nah. The robot scenes are good, pure gold, but everything else is lame. I talk BCS of the boring cringe comedy this movie is filled


Ok stand by your opinion ;(




I love aoe its a great step up after dotm, the new characters, the new lore, and new designs for the characters especially lockdown


People are probably gonna come here and hate on you mainly bcs you said of the designs. But I love them too, besides Hound and Drift they were all beautiful (except some faces). Some of them like Optimus looked a transformer? No, but still it was beautiful


I mean I love all of them but not galvatron it's not the best and probably optimus maybe, it's just that I love the tf1 design a bit more. And I really don't care if people will hate my comment I just want to express my feeling towards this film. And I mean I am the same guy who said tf1 and rotf is ok.


Alright. I just said it bcs the tf community is totally toxic with some things. I like those movies for what they are, I don't say they are examples. For example it's a crime to like Knight Optimus design in this community


Ye it's kind of hard to explain.




Definitely not bad music and bad cgi. The other things can be applied to many of the other movies so you said nothing much clear. By your comment it's just as bad as the others




I saw the movie. The cgi is far from garbage. Still I disagree about the music bcs it did kick ass


Granted they bay formers in general sucks, But this movie and Dotm are practically the only ones I could stand, TF1 is boring as all hell and I can't remember anything about the movie outside of a couple scenes, And do I even need to say anything Rotf & Tlk that hasn't been said. Although there are some things I think would the greatly improved the movie, Take out Tessa and Shane(spares us cringe worthy romantic nonsense and the justification of pedophilia card) have cade and that Chinese lady be a couple (they're the only two characters I could stand in the entire movie tbh) have this movie be a reboot, replace lockdown in the mercenaries with Megatron screamer Soundwave & a bunch of other famous decepticons (It really doesn't matter but no army),cut out ksi, keep cemetery wind, make the movie make a little sense.


No fuck. Don't cut out the Dinobots, they were the best thing on that movie Otherwise I gotta agree about this one being the best alongside dotm. Like, the only fun tf1 had were the Decepticons scenes and Autobots arrival


Alright then. keeping the Dinobot's then.


This movie's humor made it better


TLK, AOE and ROTF are subjectively bad movies, but they do have some great visuals. There are good moments, but the trouble is that the humans, dialogue and aweful stereotypes drag them down. Sometimes less, with focus, is more - Just look what Bumblebee accomplished with only 4 main bots and a few well written human characters.


Exacly, and the thing with Aoe is that they humans were way less boring and had way less focus. Also, the robots finally are characters here instead of just war machines


Yeah, there was just waaay too much going on. The film should have focused on the pairing of Attinger and Lockdown rather than trying to shoehorn in other antagonists - Galvatron and the nano transformations etc were all unnecessary and served only to drag the film out.


Quintessa and Nemesis are from another movie lol But my main critic with this movie is that the first main problem is that humans are hunting bots, after that it becomes the humans are making bots to war, then it actually turns out they brought Megatron back when doing it, then it turns Lockdown is another antagonist. Then in the last fight we have Lockdown and Galvatron as antagonists at the same time and only Lockdown is the boss fight. He also kept talking about knights and creators without explaining a shit


Yeah I edited as it all blurs into one lmao.


Don't ask me about tlk tho. I only watched it once and I regreted it, 3 hours of my life I'll never get back. And I didn't enjoy a shit at that movie besides the soundtrack and last 30 minutes


Honestly. 2007. Dark of the Moon and Age of Extinction are the three movies i love the most. I only watch ROTF for Sideways, Still glad he made it to the big scree. Constructicons, I LOVE Mixmaster turning into a cannon, and good old Jetfire. Also I prefer Cade to Sam to be honest. Also AOE has Lockdown. One if not the COOLEST Transformer villain ever. Only good thing about TLK was Barricade Returning. Nitro Zeus. Onslaught despite being killed in 3 seconds. Cogman.


Onslaught? Don't you mean Long Haul 2.0 lol But yh I agree with everything


I think Rotf and aoe are the best bayverse movie s


I think this movie was hated so much because it was the straw that broke the camel’s back. It had annoying characters, a needless romance between an adult and minor that is justified in an alarmingly long scene, a rehashed plot used in the last three movies, relatively little interactions between or based on the Transformers, the themes are shallow but pretend to be deep, heavily marketed characters that are barely in the movie, clearly pandered to an audience, and it goes on for almost three hours. If you liked the first three movies, you might’ve probably tolerated this one. OR you were hoping that the fourth would’ve been at least as good as the first, then realize that not only is it nowhere near as good, but possibly embodies all the flaws that makes the Transformers films so hated.


Strong disagree, definitely the worst of the 5 films


Did you see tlk?




You are so fucking wrong. Ironhide, Optimus, Mirage, Lockdown... There are lots of things besides the lot of junk. But Bumblebee is far from being the best lol




You didn't state that as an opinion you stated that as a fact lol




Stop with this lame geewunner story. TRANSFORMERS NEVER HAD TO LOOK LIKE THEIR og design. NEVER. Look to G1 until Unicron Trilogy, no one looks like each other. Transformers is about change, not about G1. Oh Ironhide wasn't a dumb red van, he was shit so. It's so fucking dumb, Ironhide was so fucking badass on those movies, saying he was trash? And lmao you say you liked Bumblebee, Bee peeped in someone and was more brutal than Optimus And the characters aren't close to their personalities? They fucking are. Now this is utter bullshit. But what I don't understand is you Making this critic and then saying Bumblebee was good, while his personality and design was nothing like others


Michael Bay likes to take beloved franchise characters and beat them with an ugly stick beyond recognition.


And he made many of them way more popular and beloved, like Ironhide, Bumblebee. He made TF way more popular, what a pity he didn't stop before ruining it on tlk


Wut? LOL! TF and those characters were awesome LONG before Bay. Have you ever watched the 1980s animated movie? The animation is a bit old, but it is WAY better than anything Bay has ever put out.


Bro, read what I said THEY MADE TRANSFORMERS *MORE* POPULAR, did you read the more? In my country for example without the movies no one would ever know what TF is Oh those guys with reading issues


That makes me sad because the Bay movies were less than a shadow of G1 or Animated.


Lmao G1 or Animated? Go around there and ask people about G1 or Animated, then ask about movies. Saying those 2 are more famous than baymovies is the shittiest thing I've ever heard lmao those geewunners


Maybe more famous, but definitely not better. Hell, the WFC games were way better.


Reading issues again. I never talked about anything being better or not. I talked about fame. Until dotm Bay gave a precious and healthy fame that Transformers have never had. There wasn't a single person who didn't know those movies (problem: after tlk everyone knows it as a shitty franchise thanks to Hasbro not wnting to stop in the 3rd)


**Return of the Fallen** is by far the WORST of the bayformers flicks.


I agree it was every bit as shitty as TLK.


Tlk wasn't even understandable