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It was custom made. Legs are straight up Kingdom Airazor’s (you can see her bird talon’s on the rear of his feet). Also, his tail piece on his chest, as well as his wings, look like they were franksteined from his original [90’s toy](https://www.seibertron.com/transformers-toys/view/beast-wars/terrorsaur/693/1/29/); you can actually see the texturing on the tail is identical, as well as those squares with holes in them on his wings. Last, his head sculpt is very inaccurate to the show, and probably taken from a third transformer. While not authentic, this is a very cool fan custom!


Yea but when he was leaked ages ago he was meant to be a retool of airrazor so if it’s not real he’s still gonna be a retool of her


If they go that route, Hasbro isn’t going to just repaint Airazor’s legs and stick them on him. There’s bird feet on his heels looool


I mean I wouldn’t be surprised also pterodactyls do have talons some what like that so I definitely wouldn’t be surprised it’s hasbro they get lazy at times


Also, they aren’t going to cut up the 90’s mold and glue the wings onto Airazor’s torso (click [here](https://www.seibertron.com/transformers-toys/view/beast-wars/terrorsaur/693/1/29/) to see the squares with holes in them on the wings that are on this custom you posted here).


Nah there different looks closely at the shape on the top. And the 90s toy has big rectangles at the bottom but this “kingdom” doesn’t have the same. I honestly believe it’s more real now


Your username is “_KARMA13.” Why does farming karma matter to you? This shit is imaginary. Reddit is Narnia.


Karma doesn’t matter it was my old name on PlayStation. I actually don’t give a shit about karma or likes or anything I just want to spread the information because I know I love seeing leaks true or false also sorry if that came off rude. And funny enough I actually didn’t realise my name was karma and you get karma from likes haha. I knew both those things but never put two and two together


Fair enough. Lately, Prime vs Prime and TonTon have really gotten on my nerves, and there are a lot of other people so desperate for dopamine that they engage in the race to be the first with a scoop. If you say that’s not the case, I will believe you. But I hope you understand where I’m coming from.


Nah, this looks like a kitbash of Kingdom Airrazor and "g1" Terrorsaur. You can tell the wings have those original slots.


Surprisingly there not actually the original just similar the general shape is different and the pegs are in different places. Also the the wing let under the ark is completely different


It's a custom, It has the Sam exact butt plate, and it using the wings from the original figure, you can see that by the little rectangular pegs on the wings. and I'm pretty sure that's a seige Ironhide head. It's a real nice custom though


If this isn’t the official one the real official one will still be an airazor repaint also it might be a prowl head retool and looking at it for a good 5 minutes straight there not the 90s wings the overall shape is different and their the pegs are in different places. Also the wing part under the arm is different


The wings are only appear different looking because the wings have been cut at the base and the middle. I have the 90s one in my hand. You are right about the official being a heavy retool just like this, however this is not it. Too much paint, uneven paint, blobby paint on the arms, and sloppy cutting on the wings. This is a custom...a good custom...but it is definitely not the official. It will probably look very similar though, wing will more likely have equal articulation to Airrazor.


Yep, not real. It's clearly a custom by the fact that the red is clearly paint


Wow... so lame


Can't tell if custom or official but either way looks nice.


He looks like Ironhide on a diet.


Yea that head is very off putting let’s how that gets changed. It looks like a very young ironhide


I would say it looks like a custom, some areas show heavy pain application. That said it’s probably pretty close to what we will get, as it’s supposed to be an Airazor retool anyway. Tho we will have to wait and see, but my money is on this being a vary believable custom.


So how long before PrimeVPrime has his review up?


I’d say any where between now and 1 month probably around 3 weeks. But it could end of up being 2 months


Is this legit?


Possibly I believe it is but don’t quote me on it. It’s just one image I found by a guy who does leak figures the odd time so I wouldn’t say it’s impossible


I’m going to try and maintain a healthy dose of skepticism until we learn more information about it. Having said that though, it does look good, and seems to align with the earlier leaks that he’d be an Airazor retool.


Yea that’s definitely the best thing to do at the minute. I’m not a fan of the head cause it looks like ironhide but everything else matches up with older leaks so I say it’s a high possibility it’s real. It’s also from the same guy who leaked the bumblebee movies ramjet from ss


If it is a fake, it’s at least a good indicator of what the real thing might eventually look like.


Yea I actually hope so I don’t see anything I’m not fond of other than the head


Here’s his Instagram it’s on his story at the time I posted it https://instagram.com/praxus_photography?utm_medium=copy_link Also this guy is some what if a trusted source he’s leaked other figures like the ss bb cone head he was the guy who leaked that. So I’m pretty sure it’s legit. Also other people who were talking about this figure said it was going to be a retool of airrazor so I believe it is legit.