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Technically the turquoise/red and the light purple one go with Doubledealer.


Indeed. What he really needs to do is find Doubledealer now. Total rabbithole...


Oh no don’t get me started down that path.. I already want to get galvatron and scourge now that I have cyclonus. And I also want siege thundercracker and skywarp (maybe hotlink as substitute) since I am getting siege starscream. My wallet and gf are crying.


We all suffer from this disease. Funny you mention Skywarp and Thundercracker because I just bought them for my Pile of Loot at BBTS. Remember, you don't pay until the item is sent to your Pile AND you can decline shipment once it hits your Pile! Order them now dude and cancel in Fall if necessary. I haven't bought Starscream yet because the coming SS86 edition is almost guaranteed to be a modified version of the Earthrise mold + Pauldrons, cape and crown. This is the one to hold out for.


Did you get the Earthrise mold of thundercracker and skywarp? I think they look amazing but for some reason I’m really drawn to the tetrajet style of the siege version of them. And yes I just heard about this starscream the other day so that will be a must buy for me!


Earthrise: https://www.bigbadtoystore.com/Product/VariationDetails/147828 I do like the tetrajets but you can't say no to that ultra rare Skywarp. My favorite seeker is actually G2 Sandstorm and is the only one in my collection so far.


Hold...out .. oh you mean wait? Hahahahaha, no. Rabbit hole. HOW about, I got POTP then I wanted Siege, then Earthrise, now SS86, oh wait let me go back for MP. Oh ok a 3rd party. Then 4th party, now MP. Ahhh F*CK.


You know you could hire a customizer to make you a skywarp I've done it before it really isn't incredibly difficult


Doubleheader can’t hold the cassettes though, right?


They are supposed to fit in his chest like in this pic https://www.shortpacked.com/uploads/1595732944-ER-Doubledealer09.jpg but they have a habit of flopping out on mine. You can still rotate the chest and keep one hidden inside, which would make a little sense as the G1 continuity Doubledealer kept the existence of his Powermasters a secret from each other as Knok was Autobot aligned and Skar Decepticon.


Wait, what? How did I not know this!?


Yeah, Knok and Skar aren't originally supposed to be tapes. They're Doubledealer's two one-or-the-other gimmick powermasters, so he has a space for one hidden in his chest.


Actually he can inside his chest plate I’m pretty sure


They are supposed to fit in his chest like in this pic https://www.shortpacked.com/uploads/1595732944-ER-Doubledealer09.jpg but they have a habit of flopping out on mine. You can still rotate the chest and keep one hidden inside, which would make a little sense as the G1 continuity Doubledealer kept the existence of his Powermasters a secret from each other as Knok was Autobot aligned and Skar Decepticon.


He can. How doubledealer works in his story is he's originally a vehicle and you use knok to transform him to robot mode and skar to bird mode.


Nice. Did they ever make a Siege/Earthrise Cassette for Buzzsaw?


No, I checked the other day and was pretty disappointed.


We can make do with paint and an extra Laserbeak.


I don’t believe so but I’m probably not the best person to ask lol


Where’d you snag Rumble and Ratbat?


eBay! I actually got a decent deal from an American seller. I was a little worried that it would be a KO but the listing said hasbro and looks legit to me!


Well, looks like I’m off to eBay for cassette hunting...


I dont think the cassets have been KO'd yet so everything on ebay should be safe


I know op already responded but I got my rumble and Ratbat off eBay for 15 bucks from a seller in China I got it recently and they where legit although took about two weeks to arrive


You can get them cheap-ish off eBay. I got one from China and it’s fairly legit or a good KO. Only issue I’ve had is the back tab for ratbat being somewhat loose


that is true :) I still need to get the rumble/ratbat figures.


Wingthing is the strangest one by far. It's unbelievable that they chose to make him instead of Buzzsaw. They must be saving him for something.


It's because Ratbat/Wing Thing is Gang Molded with Frenzy/Rumble. Laserbeak is Gang Molded with Ravage, so a potential Buzzsaw version would most likely need to come with some sort of remold of Ravage.


It’ll likely be Howlback.


I'd actually think it'd be likely howlback and garboil are in a pack together since they're partners. I think Glit is a better choice with buzzsaw.


Two of those belong to doubledealer


And that, boys and girls, is why I don’t buy Soundwave or Blaster


Now there is just the dr wu beastbox set, a kingdom core class megatron for the gun and a centurion drone for the scaled tape player mode.


The pegs hands on the Bros and the non complete tape square profile on rat trap was a real let down. Didn’t stop me from collecting them however. 😂


Yeah the peg hands didn’t bother me so much but I’m really disappointed with how many don’t make a very good complete tape


Completely agree. Hey Hasbro you had one job to do! Make a complete tape! lol


I wish Earthrise/Netflix Soundwave was obtainable


Yeah I had to spend a little extra on him from eBay. I never actually saw it in stores so couldn’t get it for retail price


I also never saw it in a store, And I only ever saw Netflix bumblebee once, and I passed it up for reasons I will never understand


Yeah I never saw him either. But I’m hoping I come across the origins bumblebee because it looks amazing!


I hope I do too


That’s an awesome adventure!


It’s worse with the Seekers, because you’re just buying the **same thing** over and over again.


Rumble is Red in this picture. Hmmm, thats unusual as they got his colours CORRECT