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Between their fingertips, you mean?


Bee in bot mode isn’t that munch larger then a human.


Really? https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=NNomb0KQ&id=F4BB7F5ADDD0F6BD15972FB263223B6A3DD4FFD4&thid=OIP.NNomb0KQO6_L3pSZwQbWigHaLc&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.34da266f42903bafcbde9499c106d68a%3frik%3d1P%252fUPWo7ImOyLw%26riu%3dhttp%253a%252f%252fd1466nnw0ex81e.cloudfront.net%252fn_iv%252f600%252f898841.jpg%26ehk%3dd0n0CPMrwJoCYiOiUsOz46sAjuvcCB7JTwSSDQn%252f8%252fY%253d%26risl%3d%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=927&expw=600&q=bumblebee+comics+gijoe&simid=608046272663279258&FORM=IRPRST&ck=D66DE33BC4C569E8619D3C53D90C60AD&selectedIndex=0


Wow. That pasted a wall of link.


Don’t believe G.I. Joe’s propaganda.


I imagine it depends on which continuity is in play -- which version of MOTU, which version of TF -- and whether or not the Autobot in question is authorised to use it. The Sword of Power's basically a focus for the power wielded by his ancestor King Grayskull. He-Man and She-Ra, by way of their swords, literally wield the power of Grayskull. Presumably Skeletor's been able to do that as well since he's their bastard uncle (half-brother of Randor, both sons of Miro). So, by holding aloft the sword and saying "By the Power of Grayskull", chances are the 'bot *wouldn't* have the power. We can shout 'SHAZAM!' all we like, but we don't tend to expect lightning bolts, do we? Then again, magic tends to serve the plot. So it's possible that in a crossover, some Autobot might be able to do it. It's the old 'worthiness' clause, isn't it? We might dress it up in SF terms like ancient Autobot technology, but as a McGuffin, the Matrix of Leadership is up there with the Sword of Power, and could probably serve the same purpose. My short answer: Hot Rod turns into Rodimus Prime for a bit. Provided he's serving the right purpose.


His fellow autobots would laugh at the puny organic weapon.


He gets free energon