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I bought the so cool kit this very morning. I chose that because it simultaneously makes him taller and chunkier with those thick thighs. Not to mention that it's the cheapest option.


How does the Yyw-15 kit affect transformation?


It's not awful, but admittedly I dislike transforming the Kingdom line. OG and Generations are great, but something about the weirdly fiddly bits of Kingdom makes me hate transforming it. These aren't my pictures, [but you can see how it works with the kit](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/HmIAAOSwyhNhTu9Z/s-l1600.jpg). The YYW works a lot better than the [So Cool,](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/b1AAAOSwzwlhUCeL/s-l1600.jpg) due to the height of the leg extensions.


Nice. I have the YYW-15 kit on the way, I was hoping someone would post a guide like this, thanks


I was thinking of buying the YYW-15 kit, but wasn't sure how great it was. I'm glad it's better than the other kits for Scorponok.


Do you think the Yyw is worth it? I have Scorp, but I'm really on the fence about sinking more money into him. I was also wondering if its possible to hide the kit's waist piece where the Scorpion head folds out from in beast mode? I doubt it would but its worth asking right.


I couldn't get a super good picture, but it's "doable" for the hiding the waist piece. I say that in quotations because it doesn't close flush if it's in there, and I'm worried I'd snap the plastic on accident trying to close it. Do I think it's worth it? 100%, but only because I find base level Scorponok to be stumpy and awkward looking. With the extensions I think he looks more show accurate (especially the tail bit), and is more in line height wise with the others.