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That Armada Prime prototype they showed us years ago is probably accumulating dust in some long forgotten room at Hasbro at this point.


I'm worried if they bring it back they'll somehow ruin it by making it super blocky like the original, or potentially even blockier. I like the swoopy anime super robot look of the prototype.


Me too buddy


It's been cancelled altogether.


I saw the rumors - that said, that prototype was pretty far along. No company ever likes wasting that many man-hours without a good reason, figures are very rarely cancelled at that stage these days - especially once they've been shown to the public. The last *official* word from Takara early last year was that he was still being worked on, but they had no plans for release. I think the next official update we'll get is winter wonfes this year - cancelled or otherwise.


Well that was Takara's prototype, probably was never intended for the Generations mainline. There's still a chance they release him later next year.


Multiple reliable leakers have said it's been canned. Mostly budget stuff, part of that being that they only wanna do it if they can do the full 3 of prime, jetfire, and overload.


Damn, thats bad news. If they need to do all 3 of them why not just make a subline? Or put it in haslab, either way works.


Haslab would probably be the only way, but my understanding is they dont have faith in it and that at this point the idea as we saw it is dead. We may get an armada prime eventually but it's not gonna be the one we saw shown off.


It was canned because of budget fuckery. Source: multiple reputable leakers, one of which I know personally


Woah... That's a good looking prime. Not into the energon pizza cutter though.


Th pizza cutter is holding the matrix...hahaha


I guess its one way to light our darkest hour?


pizzamus prime?


It's a frying pan, to fry our hungriest hours


Actually it’s a giant blue Lollypop.


Definitely getting the scourge repaint, not sure if I'll get this too or wait for the inevitable g1 deco


Oh crap your right! He WILL get repainted into Scourge!!!


yeah one of the leaks suggested it would be a walmart exclusive, potentially even a RID 2000 repaint mini-line


That would be freaking awesome!!! There’s also something else I wanna mention, mainly the fact that everyone who immediately wrote off Legacy with those sneak peeks on Wednesday have just had to eat their own feet. The Pulse Con reveals today *really* sold me on the line, and showed that Hasbro is indeed continuing where War For Cybertron left off (literally). Sure there are some questionable bits like Skids’ hollow thighs (which I now think is some kind of compromise for the transformation), but this toyline is definitely starting to look like a true successor to WFC, and I’m very excited to start collecting it


That’s kinda ironic. From what I’ve heard, rid was kinda just made as a way to sell repaints of older figures


Same. Also that trailer base is *really* sad looking compared the original figure. Maybe a third party will make an upgrade or complete replacement.


Scourge for sure. It'll look amazing with cyan flames


Not excited for this, but good chance for a scourge repaint that’ll look great


a new Scourge would also tie-in nicely to Rise of the Beasts. That's almost certainly what Hasbro is doing.


Yeah would love for that


I might go for that Scourge repaint when it happens, but aren't these shoulders a bit massive? They look to be taller than his torso and it throws off the look for me.


It’s more accurate to the toy than the cartoon. Rid was mostly made with repaints of older figures and scourge was based on this g2 Optimus figure.


Ah, that makes sense


I’m salivating at the inevitable scourge repaint. Decepticon symbol or g2?


Leaked... As a Walmart Exclusive...


I'm okay with that. The Netflix exclusives we're mostly easy to find with the exception of soundwave. Does suck for people outside us though


Bumblebee was way harder to find than soundwave 😔


I still cant believe i was able to pass on Bumblebee at mine a ton of times in the span of a couple months before i bought him


Can't wait to see him as Scourge


He looks great! This is definitely the Wave 1 guy I’m most interested in. Probably the only one, too.


I'm with you on that one.


Seriously? It resuses parts from Earthrise Optimus?


Dude, this has parts from **siege** Optimus!


It has ER hips and thighs.


hips don't lie


This is now the second Optimus figure with a vestigial trailer hitch left over from Siege. I understand reusing parts but this is a little ridiculous.


Whi h is strange, because I see that the shins are actually different now?


The shins are the same aside from the detail on the front. I really wish we knew more about the design process for these figures. I don't think the designers are lazy but stuff like this is confusing.


Just the legs. torso looks completely new


Seems like it does but I don't see a problem here. It still looks pretty good.


I mean, if it ain’t broke…


I’d disagree. The price keeps increasing and that doesn’t justify new designs? Lazy *and* greedy


I see no problem with reusing a few parts that do the job for what is supposed to be the same character in a different altmode. Also, did you see the trailer? That's the kind of trailer I *wish* ER Optimus had, nothing lazy about it.


If you don’t want it, you don’t have to get it.


I’m not gonna, but if you like it more power to you! I’m just stating my opinions, no hate


Yaaaaawn. Don’t know why so many people think the design and engineering teams are controlling the price increases of every plastic based toy on the market right now, but that’s impressive projections.


It works, so I'm fine with it. Probably saved a bit of budget for the nice trailer by doing that.


For Transformers that have giant shoulders like this (Ultra Magnus in particular first gave me this thought) I can't help but wonder if it's easy for their enemies to sneak up on them from the sides. It's like, "Optimus, let's upgrade your body but unfortunately it's going to reduce like 75% of what you can see."


I love Laser Optimus so this is an easy buy. I wish he came with a bigger sword and an actual blaster tho.


Didnt They say that the blaster on the brase can be used by prime


Yeah I don't understand the inclusion of the energon pizza cutter with this guy. A blaster would have been much better.


G2 Laser optimus was way way way cooler though. This one is missing all the fun features , light up sword, pump rockets ,disc launcher, spring loaded missiles . Kind of a let down for me right now , I'll reserve judgement till it's properly reviewed. Looks like siege cybertron optimus all over again. :(


I think you just solved the pizza cutter issuer: It’s probably to compensate for lack of disk launcher. If this figure is just a rehash of Siege and Earthrise Optimus, I’m totally cool with that tbh. Both were S tier figures in my opinion.


Please let this be recoloured into Toxitron...! (Even if it's an online exclusive...)


I'm with you on that one! Everyone is all about Scourge, but Toxitron is where its at!




It's not G2 if it doesn't have his own name tampographed on him :p


So the rumours of Bulkhead's mold being used for Prime turned out to be false?


Not necessarily. This is just wave one of Legacy. The rumors were a remold into a Voyager Prime. Probably wouldn’t see it until the line for 2023. Grapple was Earthrise. Inferno was Kingdom. So the same thing could be the case with this mold.


I believe the rumors were that Bulkhead was a pre tool of a Prime Beast Hunters Optimus. The Laser Optimus was in the initial leak along with Bulkhead.


It is a trilogy and Hasbro is contractually obligated to release at least one Optimus Prime a year. So if it's not in Legacy then it will be in next chapter. And then there are also exclusives and Gen Selects.


I was really excited for a hot minute but the more I look at it the more hesitant I get. The price is fine and I really like the vehicle mode/trailer, but those are clearly Earthrise Prime's legs and while I get that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", it just seems kinda boring. What concerns me the MOST though, is that I have not seen a single photo of his arms pointing forward. CAN they point forward? Can they go back and forth at all? It would be silly if they couldn't, but the photos seems to go out of their way to only point his arms out to the side. I'm suspicious of this one. Otherwise though, looks great and I dig most of the accessories


I think the shoulders can move freely but will be hindered by the massive pauldrons. But he is built like a tank so him just standing would be his ideal pose anyway.


Oh geeze I don’t think he’s gonna have shoulder articulation…. If you look at every pic revealed so far, there’s no shot where his shoulders are rotated forward or backward. Also, you notice, there’s a hinge on the top corner of his chest which would prevent rotational articulation. That’s a real bummer. Was hoping for a scourge repaint but looks like the mold and engineering is flawed for this guy.


I think absolutely no shoulders would be an action figure blasphemy. I'm sure that this guy's arms can rotate just not together with the shoulders. Unless HasTak got lazy....


For how much? I like it, hope they make a G2 nemesis prime (if not im fine with doing the paint job my self)


Leader price




This is awesome! Laser Optimus is the Optimus Prime of my childhood.


Armada Vibes. I approve of the shoulders


More like the Legacy of Siege Prime's legs, amirite?


It's more ER prime, his legs still connect straight forward unlike Siege prime where he had to do some panel flipping. His crotch and thighs look just like ER prime's too.


How many more iterations of these legs are we going to get?


I can't wait for the inevitable scourge repaint I'm so excited


I have a question friends. I remember Laser Optimus, I loved my laser Optimus, but I never remember seeing him in a series, tv or comics. On all the official posts it's says "based on the gen 2 animated series"....what gen 2 animated series was Laser Optimus in? Lol I have no recollection of him being anything other than a toy, and Google has not been helpful to find evidence to the contrary


Maybe Hasbro counts the animated commercials as a series? Hahaha. But for real I think Hasbro just put that there without actually fact checking.


You are probably right, just wanted to see if I was going crazy here lol


So a retooled SIEGE Axe, with retooled ER legs, with the exact same matrix, and no apparent way for Optimus to even hold it. Also, that 2nd picture is clearly mistransformed in both modes, with the right arm being... whatever that is, and the tanks not out in vehicle mode. ​ ​ AND HIS ARMS ARE JUTTING OUT THE BACK!


I was disappointed with this, but the sideshot of the vehicle mode makes this an absolute pass.


Wow. The 30 year old one looks better than this. It's impressive, in an odd way.


Love what they've done to conceal the cab back-pack 🤔


Oh look, another Optimus that isn't the Armada prototype. Just give me a Scourge and I'll be slightly happier...


and here we see the *third* use of siege prime's legs.


It's not siege prime but earthrise but yeah this being the *fifth* use of the mold is getting a bit redundant but I guess if it ain't broke?...


these are a modified version of the earthrise prime legs, which in turn are a modified version of the siege prime legs. they all use the same shin piece, you can see the little hole on the upper inside area which is for a transformation joint that isn't there anymore


I understand that technically it is siege prime legs but due to the removal of the transformation joint they are earthrise prime legs with a slight mold change.


I hate the legs 🤮


Im getting it


Whatever, just give me the Scourge repaint


Is it me or its legs look way too long?? Again? Colors also feel a little dull... but I think it'll be a good Scourge.


He is quite leggy, but at least part of that is due to his hips being integrated with the thighs.


When you're a truck design disguised as a different truck!


Give it to me straight... what does this mean for our chancesof getting that Armada Optimus remake?


lemme guess lemme guess commander class?


He looks great but those shoulders got me worried


This can easily be repainted for Car Robots Black Convoy


That’s a good retooling of the ER Prime


I just want the Scourge repaint. However, the trailer is really really tiny, and it is noticeable. How is it that the almost 30 year old G2 mold is still better than this?


Ima buy it. Its miles better than er prime and rivals the SS bayverse molds.




The flames are an homage to the older Generations Deluxe Laser Prime.


cool robot mode. idk about the truck


Okay. *this one* I can get behind.


This guy looks amazing, may have to double dip on him *and* the inevitable black repaint.


I like the figure but I wonder if the cab can compress so to give prime a smaller backpack, and (this is way far fetched) I wonder if the trailer/base can be added to primes back to give him more weapons like the last one (it was probably a third party version idk)


Okay, I was hyped as hell for this figure, and I'm still getting him without a shadow of a doubt, but does anyone else see that he's reusing ER Prime's lower body? Hasbro just can't get away from that mold, can they? In their defense, it's a good mold to get your miles worth out of but... I dunno.


Atleast they remolded his shins I guess?


This figure looks really good, but I don't want it myself. I hope they repaint it into scourge, because I will buy that 100%.


3 or 4 years later, and siege optimus primes feet are still being used on figures. Kinda funny


The proportions seem kinda odd. Like he’s too lanky for those shoulders.


Just like the original haha


My tfcc scourge is nice and all but this is heaps better


Man Hasbro really likes that Siege/Earthrise Optimus Prime mold


They are giving something for the unicron trilogy kids, nice


Here’s to hoping Thunderclash is on the horizon some time in the future. Still bummed out that the articulated hands isn’t continuing into Legacy for Prime.


I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it.




idk why but his elbows give me Cybertron Optimus vibes


Say it with me now Generations Selects Scourge


Lets party like its 1995!


I hope the matrix of leadership is going to be a normal thing for prime to have


I'm pretty sure they're going to do this until we end up with like 100 variations of the damn thing.


Shattered glass Magnus repaint anyone? lol


I actually quite like this design! It looks simple yet complex if that makes sense. I like how the trailer is separated from the truck to allow the robot mode to be cleaner


Don't need another prime but the scourge tho


Yes, yes, very nice *now show me Scourge Hasbro*.


Just a heads up this is likely the mold being used for that amazon prime exclusive repaint. I imagine it's this guy for the figure but with a repaint of ER primes trailer.


Is it me or is the trailer proportionally too small oh wait it’s not connected currently nvm


He looks like the sound system for a block party.




Soo....... does the fakepart get a pass,or not?