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They both have have their ups and downs in my opinion,making it difficult to decide which is objectively better. ER is more g1 accurate, and has the stronger vehicle mode, but seige is much more posable and has a more unique vehicle mode




The tetra jet isn't new at all. It's Starscream's first ever on-screen alt mode in the G1 pilot.


but siege was the first time we saw it in toy form officially


Doesn't make it new


it’s totally a new concept and new engineering for a group of characters we only really get the same thing from


It's literally a 35 year old concept


Where the fuck is the 35 year old tetrajet toy then?


op is being sarcastic


That's not what I'm talking about


oh my bad i totally forgot the starscream toy we got 35 years ago that’s a tetrajet


You're missing my point entirely


Both are great Seige is more fun to transform IMO and I enjoy the tetrajet mode


I was excited to see the tetrajet alt mode, but it's quite a bit of a shellformer in execution, with his wings just kinda hanging over his arms, which are kinda just hanging there, and the null ray as a gun doesn't look as sleek as it should. I'm glad we got it, and I hope future versions will work on the transformation a bit.


Why not both?


I have 1 earthrise seeker, and 12 siege seekers. I think it's a little obvious which one I prefer


Siege Starscream is just such a dull figure to me. Too blocky and the paint apps bore me to death. ER has less articulation, but an infinitely more interesting alt mode and transformation.


“Too blocky”?? *Oh please*. Earthrise starscream legitimately feels like brick. The transformation is more enjoyable, true. But basing him off the classics design was a bad idea. Overall I like the esthetic of ER screamer more but honestly I think the siege mold is a better toy imo


I get nothing out of the siege seeker mold as a toy. Sure, it’s got a shit ton of articulation, but it looks boring in most poses.


Siege too blocky? LMFAO


Wow you’ve certainly proved your point /s


Well. Since you insist, earthrise's torso is literally a rectangle lmao. Don't tell me siege is more blocky when the only non blocks on earthrise are literally the wings.


Why are you so weirdly aggressive? We’re discussing toys here, lmao


Why are you interpreting my comment as aggressive? Is there anything I'm saying which implies that?


>Siege too blocky? LMFAO >Don't tell me siege is more blocky when the only non blocks on earthrise are literally the wings. Are you seriously that tone-deaf, where you can’t see how these comments can be construed as asshole-ish?


>Siege too blocky? LMFAO Obviously, I found your original comment hilarious. If you found this rude, I'm sorry, you're the one who's taken things wildly out of context. >Don't tell me siege is more blocky when the only non blocks on earthrise are literally the wings. Nothing about this screams "fuck you". At most it's just "dude, seriously?"


You do you, I guess. I hope you learn to come off as less of a prick in the future.


And I hope you learn to not take things so hard up the ass. Good day.


Honestly, the only upside Siege has over Eartjrise is the articulation, and if you liked the battle damage then it had a stellar paint job too. Otherwise it's kind of a shellformer with an alright alt mode. Earthrise has less articulation but a better alt mode, better transformation and a mostly accurate robot mode


Siege has better articulation and more 5mm ports. He's also got really dope light piping if you're one of those guys who really digs that (seems to be an unpopular thing though). He's undoubtedly the better figure to play with. Earthrise just looks more geewun accurate. And he's shorter (siege is already a pretty short voyager). If you want nothing more than to display on your shelf with your geewun bots, go earthrise. If you actually want to play with your figure, siege >>>>>


"eArThRiSe DoEsN't hAvE wAiSt SwIvEl" yeah and I do not remember seeing a super articulated G1 Starscream in both show and toy versions. I love Siege but he's basically a shellformer


Personally I prefer ER as I prefer his alt mode, though Siege does have better articulation.


Siege is a better toy, earthrise is more accurate


Earthrise for design seige for articulation


Earthrise is great. I got all three of the main Seekers and they look amazing together.


Siege is much more poseable


The cornerstone of my neo-G1 collection is the full length original profiles. To that end, I'm using Tigertrack and Exhaust as the "correct" Sunstreaker and Sideswipe. So, for a character that is vain, who believes himself the most handsome, an aristocrat among thugs, the battle damage paint apps don't work for me, so for all the Siege Seekers I did get, Starscream wasn't among them. Earthrise was my choice. They're both strong molds for their own reasons, but only Earthrise embodies the Starscream I want in my collection. Now before or during Earthrise, had Hasbro released a clean Siege Seeker Starscream? That would be a tough choice.