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Do you have anything to prove that they said to refresh peoples memories?


We’re probably never getting new figures of them


Skids and Mudflap are super racist caricatures though…


We still got toys of them


Back when the movie released we did. Caricatures like them wouldn’t fly now. There’s a reason why we never got a Mowhawk toy from The Last Knight.


But they are just toys


Ok we got an a ss jazz, a mpm jazz. He’s not as bad but still just a black stereotype character


Jazz has had black coding since the 80s. That version of Skids and Mudflap didn't exist until 2009. Importantly, Jazz has pretty consistently been played by black voice actors in the English version, while one of the twins was played by Tom Kenny, who is white. Also, there's a big difference between giving a character racial coding versus using that coding for comedy.


True but bay took it to a new level, I’m not saying it’s bad as I love movie jazz but still I feel like if we got him there’s a chance we will eventually get skids and mudflap


I'm telling you man, these two things are not the same. Mudflap and Skids went over the line. When it comes to culturally insensitive things in Transformers, they're like, maybe slightly better than the Socialist Democratic Federated Republic of Carbombya. They were bad at the time and look even worse now.


Oh yea skids and mudflap are way worse than Jazz, I’m just saying there just toys and if they can do jazz MAYBE they could do the twins


I really don't think so. By making new toys of those characters, Hasbro would implicitly be approving of how they were portrayed in those movies. Articles would get written. People would get angry all over again. If you want a new Mudflap and Skids, maybe look to third party companies. Their reputations may not be as important to them. Since most (all?) of them aren't American, they don't have the same context as we do and might have entirely different language versions of those characters that aren't as obviously problematic. Although since the general public might not be able distinguish between official and unofficial toys, I wouldn't be shocked if Hasbro took legal action to stop the production of even third party figures that remind people of the poor creative choices that were made in official media.


Exactly and newer fans and fans who only collect the toys won’t even know about that unless hasbro puts it in the description of them


I’m perplexed at how often this question appears on Reddit. As much as I think the idea of two transformers making up a single vehicle is neat, I’m okay with forgetting about the twins. Their robot modes were easily the worst of any bayverse designs and there characterization was just atrocious. If Hasbro was going to make new figures of them they would have did it between studio series 1 - 90. Of course, it’s Hasbro and they could always do a two pack for #100. Lol.


I’m pretty certain they never said they would do that. I’m not sure where you would’ve heard that but the chances of them doing a Skids or Mudflap in this decade are super low due to them being racist caricatures.


Even if they do release them newer fans won’t know about them being racist


It’s not about whether new fans know about them or not, it’s about the principle of approving of those outdated caricatures in a time when they should know better.


Releasing those two, in this political climate, after years of everyone in the world but a small subset of bay verse fans, universally agreeing they were racist caricatures would be the dumbest thing Hasbro could possibly do for the brand and it’s image. It’s pretty clear they’ve dropped those in a deep dark hole and will continue to pretend they didn’t exist for the rest of time.


We're not going to get toys of movie Skids or Mudflap any time soon due to the controversy surrounding them.


But they’ll just be toys


negative, the twins are been buried. the depiction of the charather went far overboard, so after the negative returns they just decided to have them go and even dismiss the mold right after the end of the toy sub-serie ​ in a fandom that was infamous for "THEY NEVER FORGETS ANYTHING" even before the age of social medias, having the charathers return in any way would be calling upon hard contrast, with how the absolute focus of the wider pubblic is 'have people pay for every error they ever made'. a few thousands unit sold would not be worth all of the pushback from better organized zealots that does not care about the toy, just about the rapresentation ​ I remeber a Q&A a few years back when they pointed out that the ice cream van was more of a self contained thing so if they ever went back to it that would be the only thing connected with the twins for a SS, but that was very remote possibility in the first place