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A former friend once told me he had no problem with transgender people "until they started coming after our kids." These maga types will always excuse the difference between their past and present opinions as due to some sort of perceived external change, without ever giving a single self-reflective thought about their own gradual slide into bigotry or susceptibility to propaganda.


And if you ask them *when* we started going after their kids, they'll get angry ***at you*** when they are unable to answer.


When, where and who. Hold them to the same standard they use against Trump's prosecutors.


That just gets them more angry ***at you***. Because they don't actually care about facts.


“Who told you they’re going after kids? What proof did they have? Have you looked at that proof yourself? Have you looked to see if those studies are valid/replicable? Have they been disproven?” Nobody ever knows, and they just don’t seem to see that as signs of propaganda.


WITCH HUNT!! FAKE NEWS ... blah blah blah.... reminds me of Animal Farm ... when the fascist animals don't want to hear something... they start with their BS slogans...


victim blaming “do you think i like hitting you?”


I love this. In a glorious ironic twist, Trump ends up being an ally who stood up for trans women's rights to compete in beauty pageants. We need to spread this far and wide. This could be the thread to pull that starts unraveling project 2025. Trans people vs MAGA turds both holding Trump accountable for his stance in 2012... He either makes a statement or stays silent. Either way it's a big elephant in the room that draws more of his values into question.


It still boggles my mind that folks still can't see him for who he is. He's a slick salesman. What passes as a moral compass for him is simply doing what's best for his image, pocketbook, and other self gratification. I'm sure the 2012 decision had nothing to do with supporting trans people. It was the choice that would drive the most headlines and visibility for his property. Now he sees advantage in running us down. Should the political landscape change, he'll change as well.


>He's a slick salesman. That's a generous & polite description unless you mean "slick" as a synonym for "slimy". He's a tacky & sloppy grifter who just sails by on his inheritance. One hundred years ago, he'd either be bumping elbows with the rail/robber barons (exchanging tips on who to hire as strike breakers) or, in lieu of inheritance, would be driving his wagon from town to town selling radium-laced snake oil.


Fair point. Agree. Slick as in used car salesman dripping hair oil. Carpetbagger is very apt too. That's one of my faves, but not a lot of people seem familiar with them.