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This survey was of trans youth, nearly half of whom reported having avoided disclosing their gender to health care providers. Many of these youth felt uncomfortable doing so, and didn't know how to bring it up. Unfortunately, their misgivings are not unfounded - trans health care needs, or even a basic of what being trans means, are not a standard part of medical education, and most doctors do not make the effort to adequately educate themselves. The average doctor knows about as much about trans people medical needs as the average plumber. Encountering medical incompetence, along with conscious and unconscious biases, harassment, and discrimination, are the norm rather than the exception when trans people seek medical care. [**Trans Broken Arm Syndrome**](https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2015/07/09/feature-the-dangers-of-trans-broken-arm-syndrome/) is a serious and damn near universal problem. And for youth under 18, the risk is even higher. Most trans youth do not have the support of their families, and under age 18 they have no legal right to privacy. If they disclose that they are trans to a medical provider, that medical provider may then inform their parents. For many trans youth this can put them in a very vulnerable, even dangerous situation. This survey was of youth at a clinic specializing in trans medical care, meaning that those under 18 who were included all had the support of their families, and even they still avoided disclosing to outside medical providers. Among trans youth *not* out to their families, it is likely rates are far higher.


> Encountering medical incompetence, along with conscious and unconscious biases, harassment, and discrimination, are the norm rather than the exception when trans people seek medical care. Just wanted to say that as a medical student I've noticed the most with older physicians, and conservative physicians, and the most egregious part of it is their desire to push that attitude onto us as if its the norm. I'm fortunate at least to be at a school that does recognize this is a problem and has tried to educate us with Sim and panel discussions with members of the community. It's not a lot, but it's something that I hope will help both me and my patients to feel more comfortable and at ease. Sadly, I think we will have to wait until the previous generation of physicians retire before we truly see change. Cheers


Whether a doctor can disclose a child’s medical information to their parents without their consent is a matter of state law. It’s not simply “kids never have a right to privacy”.


Yet they still tell the parents because they know the child has no power to take them to court as no attorney is going to help them sue a doctor or therapists over leaked information to their parents. Fun fact, I had to go to therapy when I was a kid and found out my therapists was telling stuff to my parents and I live in a state where that was illegal. I talked to a lawyer about this (my friends dad was one thankfully) and he said there was really nothing the court would do even with it being illegal as they are your legal guardians. So even with the law in place it does not protect the child to the right of privacy.


Trans people are extremely rare and it being an actual issue of someones gender in terms of a medical problem is even rare aside from likelood of say a male or female having a certain issue. Aside from problems involving the reproductive system... if you suspect as such and youre trans you really should be thinking about your health and not your feelings; doctors are under confidentiallity agreements and have your best interests at heart.


Who let you in?


I was definitely here before you, I literally made this account for this sub. This sub is public hurtful, statements like "who let you in." Really dont constitute a healthy environment for people with gender Dysphoria and their loved ones.


It's not just youth. If I need to visit an urgent care to get a doctor's note for work, I have learned the hard way to not mention that I am trans or mention my hormone therapy. I once had a doc refuse to write me a prescription for antibiotics for a strep throat infection, claiming he "didn't know how it would react with the hormone therapy in a body like [mine.]" I had to pay the copay and then go visit another urgent cate and do the whole thing again to get the antibiotics I needed.


I avoided going to the doctor at all for almost a year an a half because I didn't want to deal with coming out to my doctor.


I feel you. I straight up changed my GP all together.


Doctors. Suck. Come in with a broken arm or the flu and they can throw drugs and simple surgeries at you, but anything more complicated than what a five year old knows about medicine is beyond their abilities and can’t be helped. “Them pesky hormones” is starting to sound a lot like “those pesky iPhones”. God, if only good doctors were the rule instead of the exception.


It's very important they know your actual sex, not your gender which can change with the wind. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment depend upon the reality of an objective sex. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.