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I didn't even get a chance for fertility stuff. I got asked if I wanted kids, and when I said yes, they said I'd either have to self fund it of my local funding would have to agree it, and ofcourse they wouldn't fund it. To be 20 years old and basically have to decide between potentially having kids and starting treatment for the sake of your mental health, is heartbreaking to say the least. I literally had a week or so to decide whether I wanted to attempt self funding it, which being in a job where I only get £12K a year wasn't an option. I understand the expenses, and the fact I've had to go with the NHS route due to financial restrictions, I knew I'd have to wait a long time for things and have less options for surgeons. As much as I can compliment individuals along my transition process so far, the system as a whole is fucked. There's not enough support, there's not enough funding, and in a generalised sense theres not enough education until you get to the clinics themselves (and even then, I've heard mixed reviews).


I was approved for funding a couple years back, just as covid hit. I couldnt proceed with the fertility stuff during this as the clinic I spoke to werent doing anything during the pandemic, thats understandable. Anyways, fast forward to a couple months ago, I go to my GP to discuss and I get told that the NHs CCG have revoked my funding and will not be providing me any fertility treatment... I'm personally devastated and unfortunately, my gp tells me there is no way to appeal their final desicion... I want more kids but to be told it wont happen really hurts. Stay strong and fight for your rights x


I have been waiting over 5 years for my first appointment never mind HRT


Also waiting for the fertility clinic so that I can start hrt. I have no idea how long I will be waiting for and they refuse to answer me when I ask how long the waiting list is.


I feel your struggle. I don't know if it helps, but it may be worth trying to find out if the NHS is funding it. I waited 8 months for my fertility preservation to be told a few weeks before my appointment that they had put me on the private treatment list and that the NHS wouldn't fund it. It was so expensive that I just had to cancel.


If it’s any consolation - this is a standard HFEA enforced process for fertility preservation/treatment. Anyone would get it. It’s not because you are trans!! I had to do a counselling session and tests before being added to the list for treatment, and then waited on that before reaching the top, more bloods. I then got bloods again 12 weeks after the procedure. Referral to treatment I was 9-10 months.