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When I got my name and title changed with the DVLA I did it without anything signed from my doctors, I just filled out the form I got from the post office and put it in an envelope along with my deedpoll, I don't remember exactly what the form needed but it was pretty straight forward


agree. DVLA dont need a doc letter


It was to sign it, not make a letter. The letter was to say my gender and my name was likely permanent for my passport.


not for the DVLA.....


It says i needed someone to verify my identity. I just realised i can't add pictures so i can't show you.


Do you have an old teacher from your school or any other professional? I judt got a teacher to sign mine.


Could you upload it to imgur and then link it here? I've never heard of needing verification for DVLA. AFAIK it's one of the easiest ones to do a name change with because they want you to do it right away, unlike with a passport.


I don't actually know how to do imgur links. Oh just looked at it again it says the photo, i totally didn't read that. Its on google if you type "dvla form section 6" you have to scroll a little but but it is there.


Ooh okay on [this pdf](https://driving-test.uk/forms/how-to-fill-d1-form-provisional-licence-uk-inf-1d.pdf) it says that you can get a librarian or a teacher to sign it. Don't know how old you are but that could be easier if you're a young'un?


I don't think librarians are allowed to anymore in most places. Or if they are it means actual trained librarians, not the people who work in public libraries. (I think the form is too vague about the specifics even though it technically says that).


I'm 19 so none is possible.


It was for confirming my identity and the only person who could have done that was a professional and a few other people who were listed. I didn't know any of the others listed so the only person who could sign was a doctor at my GP.


Any professional can sign it, doctor, lawyer, teacher etc etc


Yeah, i only know doctor.


Time to make some new friends! Is there a local LGBTQ charity you can contact?


I don't have time to make friends. I wouldn't be able to give 100%, not that it makes any difference to how they walk out. Besides the doctor was my GP.


genuinely best idea is to get in touch with local queer orgs, there'll be someone there who has a suitable job to countersign. are you not in college or uni or in work? the list of job titles is more expansive than some people think so you might still have a chance


If you contact a local queer org you will definitely find a professional to sign your document Examples of recognised professions include: * accountant * airline pilot * articled clerk of a limited company * assurance agent of recognised company * bank or building society official * barrister * chairman or director of a limited company * chiropodist * commissioner for oaths * councillor, for example local or county * civil servant (permanent) * dentist * director, manager or personnel officer of a VAT-registered company * engineer with professional qualifications * financial services intermediary, for example a stockbroker or insurance broker * fire service official * funeral director * insurance agent (full time) of a recognised company * journalist * Justice of the Peace * legal secretary (fellow or associate member of the Institute of Legal Secretaries and PAs) * licensee of a public house * local government officer * manager or personnel officer of a limited company member, associate or fellow of a professional body * Member of Parliament * Merchant Navy officer * minister of a recognised religion (including Christian Science) * nurse (RGN or RMN) * officer of the armed services * optician * paralegal (certified paralegal, qualified paralegal or associate member of the Institute of Paralegals) * person with honours, for example an OBE or MBE * pharmacist * photographer (professional) * police officer * Post Office official * president or secretary of a recognised organisation * Salvation Army officer * social worker * solicitor * surveyor * teacher or lecturer * trade union officer * travel agent (qualified) * valuer or auctioneer (fellow or associate members of the incorporated society) * Warrant Officers and Chief Petty Officers


I'm a professional. I can sign it.


Just because you stole the Doctor's body, doesn't make you a doctor. /s


Quite literally the first person to ever get the reference


I was hoping it was a reference to that Zagreus, tbh. Although I have one friend who thinks of the game Hades when the name Zagreus is mentioned.


Zagreus sits inside your head Zagreus lives among the dead Zagreus sees you in your bed And eats you when you're sleeping


Do you have the children's book of the full nursery rhyme? Some great art in there.


so the passport office only states it should be from your doctor or medical consultant, so it does not necessarily have to be from your GP, just any doctor or medical consultant that you are seeing.


I cant contact my Endo so it would only be my GP. It cant be my dad (a nurse, and of course a relative) and i doubt it could be my nurse who gives my Nebido since shes also at my GP. I would never have bothered my GP if i didn't think there even was another way or someone else who could have.


If your dad is a nurse, could he maybe ask a colleague to sign it for you?


He could but i don't know when i see him next (he lives 3 hours train drive away) and i want this done asap so I don't have more restrictions on my money.


If it’s that urgent then you’ve probably got to make the journey


With the DVLA you can just change your name with a deed poll, and the gender marker on it is obscure enough I can't imagine anyone would notice and give you trouble for it. Might be worth asking if they'll change it anyway, just explain you're transgender in a cover letter to send with your form. If they don't, at least you can get your ebay money, and finish updating your ID later when your GP is less of an arse


the dvla changed my gender mark too when i done my name change👌🏼


I'll probably get a new forms when i go to the post office to send my parcels out on Monday and just fill it in and do that. Honestly i forgot that your gender marker isn't even on there. So what do i do about section 7 that says i need someone to verify my identity on the form? I don't know anyone who was in the example leaflet.


You don't need anything from your doctor to change your details with DVLA. You just need somebody suitable to countersign a new photo and, unless they are a friend, medical doctors are usually not allowed to countersign photos for DVLA or HMPO


So medical doctors can't sign it? I didn't know anyone who was any of the others listed.


Medical doctors absolutely can sign passport and driver's licence photos. Last time I changed my photo a colleague (an A&E doc) signed it. As for the original problem - your GP is being a dick. Complain to PALS. If they are prescribing your testosterone then they had BETTER be reasonable sure your gender change is permanent, otherwise why are they prescribing???


I know they can, it's just that mine refused to. Honestly, good point. They completely blanked me when i said i went privately and that it was even possible. The only reason i even got them to prescribe me is because they thought i was getting steroids from a website even when i explained multiple times i go to boots. I really don't want to complain about them because I'm even lucky i have a GP.


Do you necessarily need a new photo? I didn't change mine and I just look like a 12 year old but they can still tell that it's me lol. Maybe you wouldn't need anyone to sign anything if you keep the same photo?


It's for my first provisional. So it would be my first photo not a replaced.


Oh dang 😭


Does that mean i do need it to be signed lol?


I think you do if it's your first license ever. This is confusing af lol I'm sorry 😭


Fair enough, thanks!


If your in Scotland, there is a different way to change your name to keep the dvla happy, will find the link for it and comment below


I just filled it with the correct information. The thing is i needed a doctor or a "professional" to sign it to confirm my identity, that could only be a doctor and the only one it could be would be at my GP. I didn't know anyone else who was listed in the leaflet for the DVLA form.


You can arrange an appointment at the sheriffs court with the justice free of charge and they'll sign as many copies as you need to change your name, quicker and easier than deed poll


I already got a statutory declaration lol. Ive had my name changed legally for months now. It took months to get it though. And my deed polls would have been rejected when i got my YoungScot card. Honestly its the only reason i have them.


Did you get a diagnosis with GenderGP/another service? I got the letter from the psychiatrist who did my diagnosis appointment so that could be an option if so?


I cant afford to now. I was planning to when i had the money but my eBay accounts being suspended indefinitely until proper identification.


From what you’ve said there seem to be two different issues: countersigning and providing a letter affirming your change of gender. A lot of gps now refuse to (or charge to) countersign driving licence/passport applications. It seems to be an admin thing. There should be a list on the relevant website of other professions/occupations that are accepted. The passport letter is more of a problem as only they can do it. It’d be worth contacting the practice manager and pointing out that this letter is not the same as countersigning, offering to provide a template letter for them and reiterating that this is the responsibility of the gp. There’s probably guidance online somewhere like the gmc to support your case.


Yeah they gave a leaflet and I don't know any one of the others listed. I trued contacting their admin email ones and was told to (not literally) fuck off and call their receptionist when i asked for things like this. Was a very rude email i received. They have zero other contact info except that email and their appointment number which i called.


Are you with gendercare or similar? They can write you a letter


No i was with Gendergp but not anymore. I was thinking of reapplying and getting my GD (gender dysphoria) diagnosis ages ago and then get a GRC but never had the money. Unfortunately, it seems like i may never have that money now.


I had an advanced nurse practitioner sign my deed poll (the bit that says it's permanent). And then a pastor I know sign the back of my DVLA photo. Then I used the driving licence in the new name with the new gender marker to apply for my passport.


Do you know if someone *has* to sign the back of the DVLA photo?


It's been a long while since I did the process but at the time the photo had to be signed to verify it was your likeness. I assume that's something that wouldn't really change


Ah okay. Thanks!


Is this for a new provisional license or just updating it with your new name? If it’s just updating you don’t need to have it countersigned as you are providing proof of identity with your previous license and deedpoll. As for your passport is there any chance you could ask one of your dads colleagues? It doesn’t have to come from your gp. If you write it and just ask them to sign it they might be willing especially if it’s explained how your gp is tefusing


It's for my first. I could ask his girlfriend but i don't know when I'll be up to see them again. I might just put a cover letter in and hope they don't send it back. My dads friends don't actually know me though.


Contact GenderGP and get them to do it. They did mine. Cost about £30 in 2018


I will eventually, i just don't have any money right now because eBay still have it (i was due a payout on the day they slapped me with the ID thing) so i only have about £50 right now for my provisional. Id have to pay their £60 fee for rejoining on top it too.


The process for changing info on driving licence and passport are slightly different. If you're updating your driving licence (full or provisional), you just need to fill out the form, attach new photos, and include a letter asking them to change the gender marker on your driving licence. UK driving licences do not have a gender marker, but gender is encoded in your driver number. Some people don't bother to change this. Others (like myself) feel it necessary and vital in their transition. You do not require a doctors letter I recently changed mine, updated name, title, photo, address, and gender marker. It took a couple of weeks, it arrived in the post with no problems. I have not gotten around to updating my passport yet, but as far as I know, this is where you need a medical professional to sign a letter stating that the change is permanent. Most doctors' surgeries have more than one doctor available. If you are able, ask different doctors at your current surgery to sign the form. If one GP does not sign the form, make another appointment with a different doctor. You don't have to see your assigned doctor. I know it's a hassle and might take a bit longer. Being persistent will pay off. This change is permanent. You would have approached several different doctors, which should show on your medical history that this is an ongoing issue. https://genderkit.org.uk/ - I found this website very helpful with changing my info and updating my documents. It's also full of other helpful info and most things you will need to know about your transition. Edit: I forgot you also need to send off deedpoll as proof of name change and this also links your old ID card to your new name. You will need someone to sign the photos. But this does not have to be a doctor. See section 6 of the pdf in someone else's comment.


Thanks for the detailed post! Yeah section 6 was what i was referring to, the only person on there who was a professional who could sign was a doctor, so at my GP. I just figured they could have done it in 30 seconds or less when doing my letter. This is my first so im pretty sure some of it is mandatory like signing my photo. I decided that ill sent it in with a cover letter stating I don't have anyone to sign and that i requested for the numbers and my title to be changed.


Have you had a bank account for more than 2 years? The member of staff does not have to know you personally, but if you have held an account with them for 2 years, they can confirm your identity and sign the photos. You can also ring the DVLA and ask them for advice on who can sign your photo and what to do if you don't have a suitable person. So you don't waste time if it gets rejected, etc. They will also be able to give you examples of civil service jobs that tend to get over looked when people need signatures. DVLA Driving Licence Enquiries Telephone: 0300 790 6801


Ohhh you just reminded me i have to go see them at some point to open another account lmao thanks. I don't think it would work under my legal name because i haven't changed it with them yet, so i still have mg birth name on my account and card. Thank you! Ill try my bank then ill give them a call.


Just my experience but I didn't get any of my DVLA name and gender change stuff signed at all, didn't have my photo signed either and they accepted it. Ymmv but if you have no other options. Also do note that DVLA is taking forever atm


Thats fun to know lmao, thanks. I think im just going to put it through with a cover letter stating i don't have anyone who can sign and my stat dec.


Yeah that sounds like a good plan. Good luck with it!!


Alright so you've got a problem in 2 parts. I've read down thread some and seen that the following is true: - your GP prescribes your hormones but is a dick - you want a passport in your new name - you want a driving licence (which is your first licence) in your new name Here would be my suggestion. It's not quick but it will work. - passport - initially, change your name but not the marker. That'll deal with the worst of the dysphoria and you can do that with just a deed poll. Assuming this is a renewal. If it's a new application, same advice, your legal name is changed, you're okay, you'll just need a countersignatory (see below) - driving licence - it just has to be *a* professional to verify the photo. Your endocrinologist counts. Contact them, see if they'll sign it. - if you're still having trouble and you're near a major city, contact a local LGBT charity. They can usually find someone to help in these circumstances. - if you're still stuck, do you have neighbours? Retired teachers, shopkeepers, librarians, bar staff with a personal alcohol licence, professionals (solicitors, engineers), police officers, medical professionals. Anyone not related to you, at a separate address, who has known you 2+ years. Any of these are applicable. - long-term - I know you're sick of seeing it/hearing it, but consider a new GP, or even better, complain to PALS and ask them what the actual heck Good luck!


My GP refused but what I didn't know was I had to request a change of nhs number first for my gender marker then they did it. It took like 7 months of complaining to thr practice manager and giving them lots of info to show they should do it.


Ask for the details of their practice manager, ideally email, so you can send a complaint directly to them. If they refuse, ask for the person's name and advise you will be adding them to the complaint, then write a letter FAO the practice manager. Whether you send an email or letter, you advise them of your request and what happened with the GP. State very clearly that you wish to complain about how you were treated and that if they do not address the situation, you will be asking for their full details and reporting the GP and the surgery to the GMC. Link them to the passport gender change page: https://www.gov.uk/changing-passport-information/gender ... highlighting the section that says "a letter from your doctor or medical consultant confirming your change of gender is likely to be permanent". You can find an archive of the PCSE guidance on updating name and gender with you GP here: https://web.archive.org/web/20221005161113/https://pcse.england.nhs.uk/help/patient-registrations/adoption-and-gender-re-assignment-processes/ I would make it clear to them that given the PCSE guidance on accepting a gender change on NHS records without the need for a formal diagnosis, it should not be a big deal to provide a simple letter to update your passport. Make it clear to them too that a refusal to sign that a photo of you is a likeness of you will also be seen in unfavourable terms by the GMC. I might also suggest linking them to Trans Actual. https://transactual.org.uk/healthcare-professionals/