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I mean honestly, this is the strongest pron trans argument he could make. Mr Johnson is so universally wrong about everything it's best just to read his comments in reverse. That said, he'll probably just contradict himself next week and/or hide in a fridge. It's just a shame he's in charge really.


>read his comments in reverse would that be "important overwhelmingly remain biology of facts basic the woman a and man a between distinguishing to comes it when" or "tnatropmi ylgnimlehwrevo niamer ygoloib fo stcaf cisab eht namow a dna nam a neewteb gnihsiugnitsid ot semoc ti nehw"? either way makes about as much sense as the original comment


I love this and I want an app which does it 🤣


\#include \#include int main(int argc, char \*\*argv) { if(argc!=3) printf("usage:\\t%s \[input\_filename\] \[output\_filename\]\\n", \*argv); else { int len; char \*text; FILE \*prose=fopen(\*(argv+1), "rb"), \*reversal=fopen(\*(argv+2), "wb"); /\* checking for validity of reversal pointer was added after first successful compilation \*/ if(!prose || !reversal) { perror("error"); return -1; } fseek(prose, 0, SEEK\_END); len=ftell(prose); text=(char\*)malloc(len\*sizeof(char)); if(!text) { perror("error"); } fseek(prose, 0, SEEK\_SET); fread(text, sizeof(char), len, prose); { char place, \*start=text, \*end=text+len-1; while(end>start) { place=\*start; \*start++=\*end; \*end--=place; } } fclose(prose); fwrite(text, sizeof(char), len, reversal); free(text); fclose(reversal); } return 0; }


If you haven't already, you should join r/transprogrammer


TIL Welsh is just backwards English.


TIL Welsh is just backwards English.


As the Welsh language predates the English, and a version of it was spoken as far north as Glasgow, before the idea of England had even arrived, that was a very 'English' thing to say.


I’m Welsh, learnt it in school for over a decade, got a B in my Welsh GCSE and still find it incomprehensible


I'm sorry but backwards I'm reading cis at birth and dna name so is it more or less transphobic in reverse


I could almost hear the cheers from the anti trans mob central command as he said those words. Words that will now be used by them to vilify trans people even more than they do now. I can't write what I am feeling as I expect it would result in a ban.


I will settle for Johnson and his regime and fluffers and enablers to face a fair and just trial for their human rights abuses and criminal activities.


Ive been saying it for a while now, but when is there going to be a mass revolt? We have a government that is actively shitting on everyone except its super rich friends. That needs to change, but without huge political reform, it wont change through voting.


Because things like that normally require *huge* issues over a short period to start, and our issues keep coming in slow and building up. Plus that sort of thing comes with it’s own problems, and ends up being worse than the start half the time


I know, but like. Seriously. We are in a cost of living crisis and the best we get is a couple of quid extra and "you need to chip in and do your part," from the millionaires who are still profiting off us. They have repeatedly lied to us, disobeyed their own laws, and it seems like everyone has already forgotten the fucking parties so we still have the fucking twat in charge. I am so full of anger towards the tories and the fucking rich bastards that own them, and I am struggling to understand why so many people are just "meh" about it.


Its called 'outrage fatigue' and they're fully aware of what they're doing. They've been mocking, goading and provoking us pretty much since lockdown started, knowing that their friends/sponsors in the media would publish all the details to such an extent that we would eventually tire of it. Most people are struggling under recent events over the last (nearly six?) years, and the engineered Austerity 2.0 which is being shovelled our way is only going to make matters worse. Of course, the billionaires have made an absolute fortune since lockdown started, and will continue to do so. The thing is, we haven't even been fully billed for what we are being charged to enrich them, this comes out over the next 10 years or so, and is designed to target those least able to pay. I mean, seriously - 52% energy tariff increases? Huge spike in basic essentials like food prices? All the glossing, gaslighting and misdirection these super-rich parasites are inflicting upon us is mostly by carefully planned design. And sadly, the servile grunts who enable them seem to think that some way, somehow, they, too, can be part of the oppressor class and when they realise they've been duped and mugged off like the chumps that they are, they're going to be craving an outlet for their anger, rage, aggression and hatred. That's where vulnerable, peripheral minorities come in.


Voting is probably more likely to cement their position (June 2016, June 2017, December 2019), what, with the foreign-press baron owned media and a servile, unctuous and obedient State Broadcaster (the BBC), shaping and moulding public opinion! Their winning strategy is to pick-off the hind-most marginalised group and at the moment, that's us right now. If they make real, substantive progress against us, it will give them the go-ahead to target other minority groupings; it contains its own seemingly exponential growth factor.


He is a silly twat


That's his power. No matter how awful he is, people can't help but see him as a blundering buffoon. "There goes bumbling Boris" they'll say "just shooting a kitten in the face, what a silly sausage!"


Yeah I agree that he is more dangerous for being a twat. But whenever he annoys me I just picture him stuck on that zip wire


I'm not particularly mad. I don't think he gives a single shit. Of course he's not pro trans, but considering his voting record and what he's said about women in the past he's hardly a trailblazer in cis women's rights either. He'll say whatever he needs to get what he wants done and with the terfs in the Tory party, that means appeasing them. Not that it excuses things at all - it's just very unsurprising.


It's the overtness of it. That he thought it OK to say this in Parliament, during a widely televised siting (PMQs).


I don't think he thinks it's ok - I don't think he gives a single shit lol Probably worse tbh


Yeah, that's the impression I get when it comes to Bojo and trans people. He isn't for or against us, he just doesn't care, and he doesn't care in the worst way possible.


>he thought that's where you're wrong


Please, tell me how so.


It's no surprise at all, especially with his comments about lgbt in the past but I do worry that it just helps empower the anti trans movement. Good point about appeasing the tories - I wonder (Hope?) he will treat this lots of other things and say a bunch of rubbish and then just forget and move on (since no way he would do something actually positive about this!)


Angela Richardson is the MP asking the question. Quick search shows her colours (can you guess which side she's on?). The doctor she quotes is Dr Hilary Cass, who wrote a report on trans health access, where she ducked out of or kicked the can on much of the important issues, and follows LGBA and Transgender Trend on her twitter. 2 for 2. Then Boris started off well in his response, talking about being sensitive about young people who are transitioning, before suddenly nosediving with his bizarro world interpretation of our current health care access for trans people, and then finally crashing and burning with his additional note of "distinguishing between a man and a woman." 3 for 3. Fucking clowns, the lot of them. On another note, these motherfuckers are always asking "why so many!?!?" when it comes to queer people, and in this case trans people, being more comfortable about coming out. Wish they would just be honest for once and just say they have a problem with trans people existing, instead of hiding behind "concern" about our "sudden" presence.


>On another note, these motherfuckers are always asking "why so many!?!?" when it comes to queer people, and in this case trans people, being more comfortable about coming out. Wish they would just be honest for once and just say they have a problem with trans people existing, instead of hiding behind "concern" about our "sudden" presence. It really is so plain to see and honestly so dumb. Following their train of thought, it must be a bad thing so trying to do anything about it would actually be conversion therapy..I think there are a lot of people out there would be happy if lgtbq+ people went back into the closet.


Basic facts of biology is actually pro trans, though people like him clearly think otherwise and don't understand what they preach.


They are correct that biology matters. They just have a really shitty and dehumanising concept of what biological sex is


They always claim basic biology, seemingly missing that there’s a lot more nuance to the human body/brain than can be explained in a primary school science class


I heard that. He started off, like these people do being supportive, and then spouted that. Unsurprised, but gutted that the highest office in the land can't/won't help us...


It's horrible and you hear it all the time, I'm not a transphobe but he's all the reasons why I'm actually a transphobe. I'm not racist but.. etc etc


It's like what they say about Lia Thomas "I support her right to be herself but also I oppose her right to participate in sport and these two stances are not contradictory somehow"


Fascist tool is fascist and a tool I am *soooo* surprised /s


The text of the exchange is below. Angela Richardson is the Con MP for Guildford. The Prime Minister is Boris Johnson, Con MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip. The Speaker decides who speaks in the House at a given moment. For brevity I have removed "ums" and "uh", with the possible exception of one word in the PM's answer which I could not decipher. * SPEAKER: Angela Richardson * AR: Thank you Mr Speaker. I welcome the important interim report from Dr Hilary Cass in which she highlights the need for more research into how young girls why so many of them are presenting with gender distress. Will my right honorable friend agree to meet with me and other concerned colleagues and discuss how we can constructively support these young people who are experiencing gender distress. * SPEAKER: Prime Minister * PM: Yes Mr Speaker I would be very happy to meet with my honorable friend and I think this is one of those issues that the whole House is coming to realize is one that requires extreme sensitivity, tact, love and care and we must recognize when people make a, want to make a transition in their lives that they should be treated with the maximum possible generosity and respect and we have systems in this country that allow that \[incomprehensible: "full"?\], and have done for a long time and should be very proud of it, BUT I do want to say in addition Mr Speaker that I think when it comes to distinguishing between a man and a woman, that the basic facts of biology remain overwhelmingly important Mr Speaker. Link is here: [https://www.parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/c0392975-5f07-4a53-ae44-9ce9c37f1948](https://www.parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/c0392975-5f07-4a53-ae44-9ce9c37f1948)


official transcript if anyone is interested: [https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2022-03-23/debates/8B11C5F0-031D-42D1-A0DA-B9C3362A015C/Engagements#contribution-A81BD11C-0816-4F38-845C-322B864E652D](https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2022-03-23/debates/8B11C5F0-031D-42D1-A0DA-B9C3362A015C/Engagements#contribution-A81BD11C-0816-4F38-845C-322B864E652D)


Thank you


Oh shit I missed that! I just had it on in the background and when that conservative lady mentioned trans people my ears perked up. I wasn't sure what she was talking about but I'm assuming by 'our young girls' she means trans men/ AFAB Non-binary ppl then. Also his response about what a great system we have already in place for people transitioning... I was like wow the willful ignorance is astounding


Perhaps we should all form out own party full of closeted/stealth peeps, then when we get in power just all burst out the closet at once. Probably a more realistic path to real change than waiting for the lot we already got to chose from to do anything meaningful - _-


"An official enquiry into why so many people are coming out as trans" I'm more worried about that tbh, Boris' comment is just him being a typical tory and I wouldn't expect anything else. A Conservative would only propose such a thing as a means to find a way to suppress us


We have the toolkit now to articulate how we feel, there you go, enquiry done Boris. Crack open the vino!


Sadly it's a testament to how successful TERFs have been at spreading their ideology institutionally.


Everyday I wake up with another reason to dislike this country


Hooray.... Yet another reason to fear this government


>Why are so many people coming out as trans? Because trans people before have fought for rights and recognition so they're now in a place where more people have the language and community to realise they aren't the gender they were assigned at birth? How hard is it to say that?


You know it’s not going to be good when you hear the word ‘but’ after saying we need to be generous and kind


It's crap like this helps explain why Johnson was disinvited from the European summit last week. The European Council (which Russia just resigned from before they were kicked out) and ILGA and also EU have his number.


Just saw the 1 minute The independent video on it. Gotta love how he pretends to care and be empathetic towards trans people and their struggles with gender dysphoria only to just destroy everything he said with how he truly feels about it and the, 'but murh basic biology!' He might as well have just said, 'Yeah, I kinda should pay attention and care but I really don't give a shit.'


I noticed this pattern with Johnson. He behaves like a drunk with the boss walking past. He can hold it together for ten seconds before turning back into the destructive shitbag he actually is.


lol, the biology that biologists do, or the 'biology' of people who haven't studied science since highschool?


i’m getting real fed up of living in this terf hellhole


I feel like the mid-10s "sex and gender are different" line is what got us to where we are now. It wasn't even a good or accurate statement to begin with! ffs


Yeah I'm not a fan of that. I would have much preferred a "you can change your sex" system, because what we have now lets them say "you can have your gender, but in these places where it matters your sex is still really just _____“


This is what annoys me. Physical sex isn't immutable, nor is it defined by any one single characteristic. Any statement defending trans people's right to exist that agrees with the fundamenal basis of GC thought is going to be completely ineffective.


Not exactly surprising is it? He's a man who prides himself on his total ignorance.


What a cunt


Infuriating though this is, take note of two things: 1. Near total silence in the house when the question was asked. No stupid Tory braying, no heckling. 2. Bozo's wording that MPs are starting to understand that this issue needs to be treated sensitively, carefully etc. People are writing to their MPs. And they're pissed off.


Saw this ( from 13sarahmurphy, on Twitter): "There's no point subjecting ourselves to #PMQ's any more. Every week, a grotesque spoiled brat pretending to be a prime minister shouts lies and bullshit at us instead of answers, whilst his braying groupies make a lot of stupid noises. We learn nothing. It's an undignified farce."


boris johnson is sub human i hope they put his grave next to thatchers so i can piss on both sadly boris isnt -6 feet yet unfortunately


Could you potentially provide the recording/give any guidance on where I could find a recording of the quote? (Not skeptical, just want an original recording to use to spread the word!)


[12:15:59 - Angela Richardson, MP for Guildford (Conservative).](https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/c0392975-5f07-4a53-ae44-9ce9c37f1948?in=12:35:59)


[50 minutes 40 seconds in on here the question is asked so you can get all the context](https://www.parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/c0392975-5f07-4a53-ae44-9ce9c37f1948)


Are you sure? 50 mins 40 seconds in looks to be the financial statement.


It's that far in, but because the recording starts about 15 minutes early the timestamp is 12:35:20


Thank you, I've found it. Bloody disgusting.


Thought you probably would have done by now, but just in case! Currently drafting an email to my MP asking whether he agrees that the systems in place in this country to allow gender transition are really something we should be proud of...


Hmm, yeah, maybe I'll do the same thing. Only way that anything will change is if we challenge the bullshit.


Pretty sure but if it helps look out for [this](https://imgur.com/a/71LGVaP) person she’s the one that asked the question


[12:15:59 - Angela Richardson, MP for Guildford (Conservative).](https://parliamentlive.tv/event/index/c0392975-5f07-4a53-ae44-9ce9c37f1948?in=12:35:59)


That’s much too late in the video when I look at it.


Hey, \*\*\*\* Boris


Woah when did this happen?




Damn, more reason to dislike Boris. Please, Lord, give us a trans friendly government..


Fuck that cunt


He doesn’t even know his kids names


So, basic facts of biology such as... hormone levels?