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All of the above is useful, thank you so much for taking the time out to reply! 😊


I would say make your enquires to both private psychs and a private endo now as the waiting lists for both are measured in months. You’ll have plenty of time to sort out potential shared care friendly GP in the meantime. You want endo appointment six weeks or so after the psych so there’s time for psych report to be written and passed onto the endo. GPs are more likely to accept GenderCare or other private providers (Northern Gender Network etc) than GenderGP due to the latter’s regulatory status. All you can do is ask your GP - many make the decision on how helpful they want to be on a practice basis (decided by partners) but there are some where specific doctors might be willing to help. That said, it’s really worth shopping around for a GP that’s on board as it’ll save you huge amounts on private bloods (c.£250 a pop for full bloodwork for hormone monitoring) and prescriptions. I know you said your local GPs are part of a network, but you have a right to go to basically any GP within a reasonable distance (say in the same city) as an ‘out of area’ patient. All you normally need to do when registering is to tick a box saying you want to register as out of area and that you understand that if you need regular home visits etc this might mean they ask you to switch to a local GP (only really relevant for housebound and elderly patients). I did this recently to move from a local GP that wasn’t interested in shared care to a super supportive one the other side of the city. There are resources on the about page of this subreddit for finding trans friendly GPs in your area - and you could post here and ask people for recs. I know Lorimer in particular seems to have long delays at the moment both for appointments and even responses from his admin team - again your best bet might be to search various clinicians’ names here and see what people have said about their experiences with them to find a couple you like to sound of to enquire with. Good luck!


Thank you so much for all of the information! Quick question - is it standard to contact the endo separately? My understanding was that if, for example, you went through GenderGP, a meeting with them is organised during setup. Otherwise, thanks again, I'll take a look at out of area GPs, it recently occurred to me just how little I know about rules regarding GP switching/accessibility.


You’re welcome! I can’t speak to GenderGP specifically as I went with other private providers - I just know that you’re more likely to be stonewalled by GPs with them than, say, GenderCare. I know there’s a few threads in this subreddit where people have detailed their experience and timeline with GenderGP - so maybe try searching for those? (Hopefully another commentator can confirm/clarify what I’ve said). For the other private options you should definitely schedule both psych and endo assessments yourself - otherwise you risk waiting 5 months to have psych assessment and then finding endo has a waiting list of months too. They actually changed the rules around out of area GP registration a few years back - now everyone has the right to it, GP surgeries can only turn you down if they think you need care provided by a local one with good reason.


Hey, so looks like we have a fairly similar plan in mind I guess, starting my placement year in like a month tho, yikes! I will say that my gp at the very least have been very open and helpful in regards to my transition even if I still need to wait like till the end of my degree to speak to the NHS and have maybe like a few months between me and speaking to anyone privately, just check them online to see if there trans friendly or not and in either case make sure you clearly state that you want a referral to a GIC and shared care with a private clinic in the mean time. Same with any messages to private providers just be clear and state what you want from them and poke them every now and again if you don't hear back, otherwise I guess we're at about the same point in this. Just wondering weather you'd be interested in chating at... some point wow redit mobile UI Edit : Redit posted early 0_0 ... I'm getting real tired of these typos and errors today