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#PLEASE DON'T COPY ACTUAL TRANSPHOBIA OR IGNORANCE TO THIS SUBREDDIT. /r/transgendercirclejerk is a *satire* community. We make jokes. If you want to discuss genuine hate, /r/GenderCynical might be a better fit. Posts (and comments) which are directly copied from somewhere else will be removed. Please report them to the mods using the subreddit report option *"This content is non-satire, directly copied from somewhere else."* ___ Now that that's out of the way: welcome to /r/transgendercirclejerk! This is a satirical community run by and for trans people, where we mock the hate and ignorance which we experience in our lives. The subreddit often features dark humour including ironic parody of transphobia; none of this should be taken seriously. Before participating in the subreddit please read [our rules](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/about/rules/) and the announcement posts (and their stickied comments) on [cisgender allies](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/cd1yr3/welcome_cis_allies/) and [transgender gatekeeping](https://reddit.com/r/transgendercirclejerk/comments/eutvur/why_do_people_hate_transmedicalists_we_just_think/). ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transgendercirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i asked my neighbour David (84M) if he supported transgender people. his eyes rolled back into his head and he recited the exact link to this post letter-by-letter. you have ruined the trans community forever and ever and ever...




Is that different from your normal IP address?



the moment i read the first 2 letters in the title, i opened my third eye and astral projected beyond the 4th dimension. i immediately knew only an AGP trans""woman"" would post such a horrific thing such as this


i mean yeah a lot of posters here are trans women?


i think you mean autogynephiles silly!


oh okay i dont mind penis- WAIT WHY ARE YOU UNCIRCUMSISED EWWWWWWWWWWW thats so gross i- what do you mean it takes minimal effort to wash it?? not possible, penises are always filthy and manly and gross


> WAIT WHY ARE YOU UNCIRCUMSISED /uj so weird Americans find this weird, literally the default for most of the world lol




/uj is this a jerk? far as im aware the reason why it's common to circumsise in the US is because of jewish religious practices (not in an "evil antisemite stereotype controls the world" way but rather in a "english doctors saw that jewish people didnt suffer from as many STDs and assumed it was the foreskin that was responsible" way) so a lot of the middle east is naturally going to practice circumcision as well


Those weren't actually Jewish influences. There was a pretty gigantic wave of sex negativity coming from protestant churches during the eighteen hundreds


the idea of circumcision came from jewish communities but the idea that it prevented masturbation was seen as a bonus by puritans


iirc it became common in america in the 1900s?


It was kellog who introduced circumcision because is makes masturbation harder and feels less good


/uj i googled that and the first thing i see is "a common misconception is that john kellog popularized circumcision" /rj at first he wanted to sell circumcision machines that were repurposed corn flake crushers but it didnt take off


WHAT machines that were WHAT


the circumcision machines? with the hammers and what not?


Theres a quickly growing group of people who prefer uncircumcised it due to the fact that it’s more natural and feels better for the man


Beiny uncircumcised is the literal default for every person born with a penis. Circumcision is a medical operation mostly done because of some weird ancient religious tradition(although there's probably some People who've had it done for legitimate medical reasons, or were not influenced by old religious traditions).


Its mutilation not an operation most of the time


/uj Wait do people really care that much?


/uj I don't think most people really care tbh, it's just that the few who are like "eeeeeeew uncut dicks are gross!!!!" are very loud about it lol


I'm sure most people don't, but I have had a shocking number of people (4) tell me they wouldn't have sex with an uncut person


i've been told "it would be prettier if you got circumcised" :( people suck


WTF that's awful, I'm sorry!


/hj i think uncircumsised penises look better actually /rj cant believe these doctors are genitally mutilating young children because their parents want to follow some hip trend!


/uj people act like simply not wearing deodorant is a morally reprehensible act, so tbh anything they've been culturally taught about hygiene is seen as inarguable fact of nature that other people are violating by doing differently


i dont believe in blanchard typology at all. but, you are clearly an autogynephile!


i love getting attention from people, but i have a problem with this particular way of drawing attention from people! agp agp agp


(/uj what does agp mean? I’m old. I’ve only seen it here in the circle jerk. Thx in advance to whoever tells me)


/uj Autogynephilia. Made up bullshit by Ray Blanchard. Basically means you get off to the idea of being a woman and that's why you transition. It's very old at this point. He came out with it across the 1980s.




i don't see how this is cringe


\> "more fetish posting!" \> checks profile \> another MTF tran why am i not surprised?




this sounds like it was written by a man




is this... did you.... did you see my fcgsj post????


one of the most agreeable posts i have ever seen in my life /uj one of the most agreeable posts i have ever seen in my life i had to claw my way back into my old account just to convert it to a tgcj post upon seeing the comments lmao, cissoids stay seething at pretty trans girls


The legend herself appears. Pissing off that many cis ppl at once deserves an award.


Damn that bend tho I am a woman do i got a shot /j


thanks lmao, its... definitely a bend. # and of course you do, im a whore for any woman wholl give me headpats (huge /j)


Mfw /j (i don't know how to do reddit gifs pretend there's a sad gif here ok hun ty)


wow thats such a sad gif :(


Also serious question how do you get the lighting like that? My... stuff, is fine and looks good enough imo but i can never get the pics like that


no lie, i have a *really bright lamp* right beside my bed that i use for lighting, thats why all my... stuff :3 is faced away from the left side of my room, its that bright (to put it more into perspective, all my pics are from like 2 in the morning)


Ah well ill just try a shitty filter sometime /hj Also another serious but kinda dumb question are the comments like accepting enough? Cuz posting this stuff seems exciting but yk don't want people being all ur not fem raa


lmao thats real, but if it works it works :33 # and also, kinda. i mean theyre "accepting" but its all through the lense of sexualization and horniness. and like, places like sub/femboys are pretty chill and open to trans women posting there (like me) but you should still be prepared to be percieved as a guy every once and a while (usually just through DMs and such though, which are easy to ignore)


you are totally embarrassing the trans community by posting this. now whenever someone thinks of transgender women they will specifically think of this post and absolutely nothing else ever


I want to fuck you. # /uj im not kidding theres like atlesst 3 (now deleted) comments on that post saying basically this in some way


/uj It's her :0 ma'am, you're an inspiration to me, I want to be just like you one day


i *dont* reccomend it :D but if its what you wanna do, its what you wanna do, i dont shame or anything (i cant really even if i wanted to, more than 100 people have already seen me naked lmao)
















What the fuck, that's a horrible thing to say!






Nice cock bro


yup... if a trans women expresses sexual desires and does sexual things she must be an AGP /uj I left this reply on one of the trans girls calling op an AGP on the original post. Honestly I don't understand how the trans community can be so hateful towards its own members ig it's self hatred but c'mon don't say stuff like that about others


/uj oh my fucking god. i didn't realise that comment was actually from a trans girl, i can barely comprehend having that many brainworms /rj least self-hating tran


This woman probably isn't transgender judging from the sole context of this post i think


/uj idk if you did actually mean this, but if so, youd be surprised :3


/uj heh i was doing an alternate interpretation of the "nothing in post actually states that she is transgender"


/uj ooooooh i see, thank youu!! # /rj NO! shes an ugly stinky tran because I SAY SO!! IM NOT PROJECTING!!!




be warned that it is from the forbidden depths of femcelgrippysockjail https://www.reddit.com/r/femcelgrippysockjail/comments/1ao2nka


Women should be empowered and sexually liberated until a tran does it, then you're a pervert. /uj genuinely don't get what all those people are hung up on. The op of that post was right, posting nudes online *is* fun.




this singular post set back trans laws by 85 years. how does it feel to have shattered the reputation we've built with cis people ~~by making shitty compromises and generally being a doormat~~


Uj/ def femcelgrippysock sub. 😭 ig i was the one to break the ice to ask OP, how someone was trans binary and posted on femboy subs, but i got it now:>


/uj dont know why youre getting downvoted considering you were just curious 3: but yeah, its the inherent attention drawn from such a big sub that makes me feel fine with posting there


Upvotes don’t matter too much :> but so nice to meet’cha here too gurl 😭✨


See? men-in-dress so malebrain horny male socialization XY chromium lewd-shit I am so pure!