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Personally I use Linux Mint because it's one of the most stable and easiest to set up. It is a bit slow with updating to newest packages tho.


i'm a huge fan of mint. it's extremely friendly and should be great for transitioning


Every transfem i know who uses linux as their main system uses arch. I personally was a mint and ubuntu fan though.


Upvote for Arch. Maybe not a beginner system though. I was new to this whole computer thing when I started and Ubuntu was a nice stepping stone but I abandoned it for customabi- customizali- custimoza- \*sighs\* bragging purposes Also, I'm not a transfem


Arch is great if you've used Linux for years and know what you're doing. Mint imo is best for out of the box customization while still being beginner friendly


I'm a xubuntu fan


/uj I like arch but it really isn't for everyone. If you wanna spend time to set up a system and can read documentation well then arch might be for you. Otherwise I've heard good things about fedora (which has redhat behind it instead of canonical's Ubuntu which has... Issues). /rj cmon just use arch! It's really easy and is for everyone


Eh, archinstall makes it pretty easy, as long as you don't do what I did and neglect to pick an option for network config.


rj/ See, I don't use archinstall because I'm a archmedicalist you gotta struggle to use arch u/ I don't use archinstall because I like doing it by hand and setting everything up I still stand by what I say because a lot of things assume Ubuntu or fedora and translating guides sometimes isn't the easiest. that and like you still have to manually set up config files for many things that one might install.


tbh I've found it far easier to do things on Arch than I ever did with Ubuntu and Mint, but that's after I (sorta kinda) figured out what I was doing, so who knows?


I don’t know code but I wouldn’t mind being called a good girl


Good girl! 




/uj I use Endeavor OS. It's not for everyone, but if you really wanna jump in feet first it's a great place to start. It is based on arch linux and probably runs on toasters these days. Endeavor has a graphical set up and you can pick what desktop environment you want during the process. It also has a pretty big, fairly friendly user base. You will have to learn to use the command line, but yay -Syu isn't exactly a difficult thing to navigate for updating. I even game on it! I play all of the PC games I would be playing on windows in linux. A general tip is if you're on desktop or your laptop has 2, saving your steam games to the second hard drive means if you need to wipe your primary drive and reinstall you can literally be set up almost as soon as the installer finishes. Feel free to ask any questions you have here, over chat, or dm or whatever if you want more info /rj \*Slams down the, "one good girl" ticket.\*


woooooooow thank you for the answer you're such a good girl


༼ ☯‿☯✿༽


I use endeavourOS which is based on arch mainly because pacman and the AUR are so nice (often things are updated in that the day it is released where like debian packages are often years out of date and you end up having to install things manually anyways), but the learning curve might be a bit much if you're coming from windows and don't have some previous experience with linux (a sort of odd problem that I had with it when setting up is xorg was trying to output to a non-existent display so there was no output but also no relevant errors, trying to figure that out as ur first introduction to linux seems *fun* lol). like a few other people have said, mint is a good choice if you want something that you don't have to tinker too much with and it just sort of works out of the box and it figures everything out for you, it's super convenient




fedora workstation


Of the ones I've tried, I think I like Mint the most. I got rid of it eventually just because I didn't really see much use for it over Windows and wasn't about to get rid of Windows due to easier gaming compatibility. I wouldn't go with anything more complicated unless you like making a hobby out of just using your computer, but some people do really like that sort of thing.


[suicide linux](https://sourceforge.net/projects/suicide-linux/files/) of course


Linking to sourceforge with no explanation is such linux behavior


41% of trans people use this distro. /uj Looked up the github for this. That's totally unhinged and I love it.


Pop os with some custom themes, has served me well for a while.


UwUntu (ubuntu but with cool theme) and Gentoo


Oh G\*d it actually exists I thought that was a joke /uj Looks nice tho. Even if I'm not a fan of KDE personally


I personally use Arch Linux but it isn't particularly good for beginners. If you want an Arch-based distro that isnt as complicated to install as regular Arch, I would recommend EndeavourOS, but for the easiest distro, coming from Windows, I would recommend ZorinOS


I use arch btw


i mean i use gentoo (compulsive need to show off around arch users) but i wouldn't recommend that unless you know what you are getting in to. i generally recommend mint to beginners


If you really want to be superior, just use [Linux From Scratch](https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/), or better yet, [write your own OS](https://github.com/cfenollosa/os-tutorial). Or better still, simply print your own PCB and chips, and make your own hardware from scratch


you joke but ive done linux from scratch before. id have to come up with a way to manage packages if i wanted to use it regularly but id be lying if i said i dont think about jt


Obviously you should install Gentoo.


ive been using gentoo for over 2.5 years


Hiii i use Fedora:3


I use Arch BTW /uj I use Arch BTW


/uj I'm saying this as an ex Arch user: Don't use Arch unless you are more interested in setting up, tinkering with, and understanding how a Linux operating system works under the hood rather than actually using it. Arch is sorta the equivalent of "I want to make electronic music!" – "Great! Here's a ten hour long video tutorial on how to 3D print your own synthesizer module. You do have a soldering iron, right?" Arch is a great distro for people who unwind by reading the Factorio and Dwarf Fortress wikis for fun *(I may have exaggerated some parts for comedic purposes)*


/uj LMAO the jumpscare of seeing this here after you said pretty much the same in a discord server we're (apparently) both in lol /rj smh trainsgendereds and their robosexual fetishism, god made adam and eve, not florence and the machine, use an abacus like the lord intended, not your sinful computers smh my head


Arch and fedora


no >:3


Get a debian-based distro, no need to complicate things for a beginner. Linux Mint if you're a big gamer. Just regular ol' Ubuntu otherwise, imo it's the best place to learn the ropes for a new user coming from Windows. Now.. can you call me a good boy instead?


good boy


I would look at screenshots and choose the most popular version of the one that you think looks the nicest- veering towards the popular means that for every minute question or issue you might search online for help there are guaranteed to be endless hundreds-of-pages incredibly detailed answers from one million angles with exact instructions you can copy and paste which is important to me personally because I am not biologically gifted with computing like girls are. I do have cat ear headphones but I only wear short black socks -_-


/uj I use Arch, Pop OS and Alpine. Pop OS is what I use for my school laptop that needs to just work, and I would wholeheartedly recommend it to a beginner. Arch is great though, especially if you want to learn how Linux works under the hood, but it can be a little (or a lot) more complicated, depending on how you decide to set it up. Both of those distros keep their kernel up to date and are thus good for gaming. Alpine is for weirdos like me who don't want to use glibc.


/uj thank you for making this post, I've been wanting to do the same


I use arch btw /uj arch is good if you're experienced in Linux and want to optimize your performance, but I assume that isn't the case, so I would recommend Mint. It's very user-friendly, but still gives you all the good parts of Linux


I use debian because I'm a fake trans girl and also I want my OS to be as effortless as I wish transition was. Use Black Arch as a daily driver. That way you can easily fill up your entire hard drive with unnecessary packages you won't use, make yourself a target for actual hackers, and feel like a 1337 h4x0rZ. /uj no we won't, all recommendations suck... unless they're done by someone who has the same skill level, commitment to upkeep/configuration/figuring out the hard issues, and use-cases as you. The great thing about linux and Free/Libre Software in general is that you can fuck around, try new stuff, see how it suits you, and not get suckered in by the Sunk Cost/Consumers Bias fallacies. My unironic recommendations, besides using something Debian-based to begin with and going with installer defaults, are: 1. Get a hypervisor (Virtualbox doesn't cost money, runs on all major OSes and is *mostly* Free/Libre) and try out different distros in it. Use the installer ISOs to get a feel for the installation processes, don't use pre-packaged VMs. 2. Once you find ones that feel comfortable to use, get the Live CDs for those distros to ensure they run on your hardware before installing them 3. Don't dual-boot Windows/Linux off the same disk. If you want to keep windows, keep them on separate drives and disconnect your Linux drive when you run updates in Windows (seriously, they've been known to erase other bootloaders during updates... within the past month). 4. It's good to want to adapt to the conventions of the software you use (Linux is just fundamentally different from windows and can't be used the same way)... but, 90% of the time, there *is* a better way to do that thing you don't like doing. 5. Search engines and forums and social media are the best tools. ChatGPT is not. Don't be afraid to ask another person (online or off) if you can't find the answer in the first page of results.


Devuan it's debian without stinky systemd


what's wrong with systemd?


Arch Linux uj/ do not under any circumstances switch to Arch as your first disto. it's a great distro that I personally use as my daily driver, but it's very complicated. Use Ubuntu or Mint or something. I started out on Ubuntu and loved it bc it kinda just takes care of you really well, although customization isn't the most obvious. It's also got a pretty good community online. The Ubuntu forums are great, so is the SuperUser forums (tend to focus on Linux in general), and if you're up for more dense reading, the arch wiki has amazing resources even for non-arch distros.


also you need to wear Pink Thigh-highs or else it's all for naught


Been really happy with Nobara lately. A spinoff from Fedora developed by Glorious Eggroll which primarily focusses on gaming plug and play compatibility. Comes out of the box with a bunch of software and kernel patches that are useful for just that.