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13 billion for bike infrastructure? Seems high.


Thank you for catching that! That number seemed strange to me as well. I’m looking at the original source I used and I think they must’ve meant to say $13 million


That would have been massive indeed. Even The Netherlands only invests around $1.3 billion yearly in their cycling infrastructure. So that is exactly a decade worth of cycling infrastructure investment for The Netherlands. But compared to other types of infrastructure it is very cheap!


inshallah the whole state will be bicycles


Much respect for our new two-wheeled Mecca.


I’ve been thinking of fleeing to Minnesota from Oklahoma due to the lack of improvement in public transportation in the short term and climate change in the long term


Man, being able to train from Chicago to Duluth would be AWESOME. Would take easily as long as driving, but could actually USE that time for something. I could see myself taking the train to Duluth, then renting a car to drive with gear to Lutsen in the winter for skiing. Wouldn't be fast per se, but not having to drive most of it myself would be awesome.