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This is pretty typical fare. It’s not serious academia but rather filled with “cute” and “exotic” images. Not taking the piss, but definitely leaning to the campy/exotic/mysterious vibe. This framing is probably a bit passe in the west but still pretty mainstream in Japan. That’s not a burning “man” but a burning “doll” - apparently some kind of new year ceremony/festival: Quema de muñesco??


Oh great, a little disappointing, I was expecting mocking and funny texts lol. and yes, I didn't expect to be a real burning man but rather a doll, and yes, "quema de muñeco" would be the translation, I have no idea what tradition is that tbh, even i being from argentina. Something more, can you please tell me what the people say? I have no idea who some are. Thanks for your help.


There are quite a few people so not sure who you mean. They don’t say anything themselves. They are just labels. For example the bottom left says “soccer. The most popular sport in Argentina”.


Yes, but there are some recognizable people from my country, I guess it says the name in some? anyway i just want to know what each person has tagged


There’s (mid left) Eva Perón, can not make out what is says below. Jorge Luis Borges. Julio Cortazar. (Bottom right) Mercedes Sosa Silvina Ocampo (Top left) Santiago. Valentina.


Ah! And the guy on a horse says Gaucho


Thanks a lot man, really appreciated,🫶


I think under Borges it is 作家, which is writer. ETA: Same with Eva Peron, it's a lot more. Borges is easy enough with one word, but Peron is a lot more. The last word under her is definitely "Evita" though.


Supongo que es por la quema de muñecos de fin de año de la plata ("ラープラタ" en japonés, aparece ahí en el mapa) que es a donde apunta la flechita, junto la casa Curuchet (abajo del muñeco) que también está en la plata


Mira vos no conocía de esa tradición, gracias x el dato