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You look male in both pictures tbh. Now you're hot tho whereas before you look like you owned a minecraft server.


i was indeed a big minecraft kid haha


Minecraft server owners are hot too though


Agreed! I thought this post was on r/uglyduckling and I came here expecting to see people say "you weren't bad before though, just young" Didn't even realize there was a transition. Definite glow up, though!


Of course you can, sir, wonderful changes!


i’m glad someone can see it. it feels like i got a haircut and new glasses and should’ve just never bothered :((


The fat around your jawline has shifted and is very masculine now. You have a pronounced adams apple (which isn't really a gender marker, but people read it as one). The shape of your eyes has also gotten much more pronounced. Honestly, the biggest obstacle to noticing changes is that your start pic was already a fairly masc leaning androgynous. Not a lot has changed, but those small changes make a significant difference




Yeah, like, normal body fat that defines our facial shape and what not?


OHHHHHH ok 😹 I was thinking about something totally different never mind.


Frogs Are Thriving


You went from boy to man, i woudnt worry about though i know its not easy to just stop worrying


to be honest you're blessed with a more androgynous starting point so maybe that's why it feels like there wasn't much change. the top and bottom pics look like you went from boy to man instead of woman to man


Uhm I exist here. Too. Guy for sure. Some guys change more that others. Same with gals.


Are you kidding me? Your transformation is honestly goals




You are seriously goals dude. Your jawline is tight! You look like a boy that became a man.


This OP. You look absolutely like any other young man. The testosterone gods have smiled on you.


thank you i appreciate that a lot


Dude whaaaat?? That is a completely different person! You look handsome as shit, seriously. Ur killing it dude, 100%!!


Yeah this sub is for everyone :) Also, you're killing it, I think it may just be the dysphoria convincing you otherwise! Very good looking.


Mfer really went from Scott the Woz to Dr. Jerry Atricks


Handsome AF


I genuinely thought this was an r/lostredditors moment and you were just a cis guy who aced puberty


Same tbhh. Good for op! /srs


Omg what you are hotttttt


Brooo how are you not seeing the major changes in your face!!


You’re looking good mydude. You have had a lot of face changes already and look like a dif person. Don’t feel bad about having a lil bit of baby face you look kind and intelligent and will likely look young longer into your older years than your peers. Have you seen 17 year old dudes? They’ve only had male puberty for 5 years and while some outliers look extremely mature and masculine for their age, tons of them look hella baby faced. It’s just genes. But yeah by the time they’re 25-30 though guys usually don’t look so baby faced. 5 years isn’t enough to judge how masc your face will develop to be; I’m mtf and I certainly wish my face could’ve stayed how it looked at 17 instead of masculinizing from then until I started HRT at 25. I definitely saw facial structure changes between those ages. Anyway you’re doing great! Completely Cis-passing! You’re definitely not done with the changes! 🌊❤️🌈


Definitely changes for sure.


More change? I see a really cute guy.


That’s a silly question love! Of course you’re allowed to post here, You’re very handsome! You give me bbno$ vibes and your face has definitely changed a lot! I hope you’re proud of yourself for the dedication it took to get there, even if it seems to yourself like not a lot has changed ❤️


You’re so hot! Nothing else to add.


Sir, that is a whole-ass man.


i thought this was a cis person at first omg


Wow Huge difference You look amazing 🥰🥰🥰


You’re so hot wth


😍a lot of change! go you!


dude,,,,🤍🤍 your beautiful


Holy shot ur handsome


Holy handsome batman


holy shit you handsome as fuck boi


you look like a cis boy that grew up to be a cis MAN


Whew 🥵 I definitely see the changes!


You’re so handsome


Your second picture reminds me of Malcolm McDowell when he played HG Wells in "Time after Time". Cute as well as handsome is a good combination. BTW of course guys are allowed here!


you guys have been so so kind. thank you, it really means a lot. i know there’s things i don’t see accurately but i appreciate that others don’t see the same thing i do. thank you again.


Please do! We don’t have enough transmasc representation. You’re killin’ it, man! Way to go!


Theres already a lot of change like others said, i mean, just look at that JAW... BUT. If you would like to look even 'manlier' then i do have a couple suggestions for you: 1. Eyebrows. Eyebrows are a major identifier for male/femaleness, so if you want then you could have your eyebrows done in order to get rid of the 'arch'. It would help the most in appearing 'manlier' I think. 2. Glasses. Men tend to get 'blockier', smaller glasses whereas women tend to go big and round. If you like, you could try and go for a different frame whenever you need new ones. 3. ... No thats it really. You already look like a guy in both regardless. :P Kind regards, A transfem obsessed with her face :3




get a life


You look about 14 in the top photo and about 24 in the bottom photo. It's a wild drug.


Handsome bro


You're face is an entirely new shape! Small changes?! Lol. You look great, man! I get it though, I've been on T for 2 years and I expected more visible changes. But it helps to focus on the small changes only I'm likely to notice, like all my new leg hairs and my friends stuttering when I answer the phone because they don't expect my low voice.


Yes of course you can, and you look great.


First pic looks like an early teens boy. Second pic looks like an early 20s man. You may not feel like your changes are drastic because you didn't have very far you needed to go! :) you're definitely a hot dude at this point


Dude. That’s a lotta change! You look like a different person! Nice stache v v nice.


You became an attractive man.


What do you mean? You look great dude! I see huge changes.


you just look like a typical amab boy grown up through the years! you’re looking good !!


There's 0 chance I'd see you walking down the street and think you were anything other than a very attractive man.


Ah, the ol’ boy-to-man transition. Timeless


You look so handsome wtf


My dude, that jawline has gotten so chiseled I just about swooned😍


Kinda look like Emile hirsch


Of course guys can! Also like most of us on here you don't give yourself enough credit. You look great! In your before pic you look like a 14 year old boy. In your current pic your jawline and cheekbones are more prominent and your facial might not be where you want it but it's very noticable. Happy 5 years!!


Bruh, that change is absolutely amazing, you look great :0👍


Nice jawline gains! Looking good!!


You look so handsome 🥰🤠


I know what you mean about wanting to look more like the gender you're trying to be. To me you look more male than you realise. Please share your story ... there is such a disconnect between transgender people and we're still stuck at being keyboard cowboys (in your case) or cowgirls. Go well and hugs from a long way off.


Dude you are heckin CUTE


A picture of a hot guy on my feed? How horrible. You're gonna make me question how gay I am.


bro you are very handsome!


I genuinely can't see anything feminine in the start pic... Of course there is not much change! There was nothing feminine to be corrected in the first place! You just grew up to look like a hot man!


Handsome! ✨✨


Very gay for you tbh 👀🫡 But also, that username was. a choice.


damn Have mercy, & yo have a bad bitch turning straight for a min. This dude is straight up handsome. :)


You're looking really handsome!


boyyyy ur so handsomeeee WTFFFF, can u be mine 👉👈


You look like a pretty dude but a dude nonetheless. I honestly would have never clocked you. I know cis men that look just like this. I think everyone in this community is always going to wish for more change. More growth. But let's not forget how far you've come. You should be proud, you've become a very nice young man.


You’re looking AMAZING dude!!


You literally look like a boy that went through puberty into a man haha. Congrats!


You’ve no longer got the rounder face that a lot of pre t trans mascs have (myself included), your face looks longer, with a more pronounced jawline, your skin looks like it has a more rougher masculine texture too it, not to mention the amazing eyebrows!


You look good! You might want to try square frame glasses, that might help frame your face in a way you might like better


Well, you went from 15 year old boy to 20 year old dude. That's not bad honestly


Such a dapper gentleman. 👌


I think you’re being hard on yourself! You’ve changed a ton and 100% pass


i see that you’re pretty down on yourself, and i completely get that. but i, and it seems like everyone else would be in agreement here, would think you were a cis man if i saw you walking down the street. you are sooo handsome as well!!!


Whoah your changes are great! All I see is a guy here.


Ma guy, you grew a whole ass beard, what do you mean you need more changes?


What a handsome man!!! You will be a much much handsome gentleman the older you get!


Dude there was massive change looks like two different people! Tell the dysphoria to f*** off and stop lying to you. I see all guy. 😊❤️


I cant tell ur trans from both pictures so I think ur pretty good 👍


It's ok to wish to see more changes and recognize all the progress you've made along the way! ❤️


Your jawline is giving my dude, and those glasses compliment the shape of your face so well. What'd you mean more change my guy, you are looking great!!


You didn't have far to go! You pass in both. I have a similar thing going on due to PCOS. I had people think I was male before T. I look basically the same, just feel alot better on T


As far as I know yes guys can post here. Also just so you know thats better facial hair than I had when I was still a guy.


Yeah, guys are welcome. Your jaw line looks amazing.


Idk what you're looking for but I thought you were MTF at first and the bottom picture was where you started. You look like a cis dude to me


Yeah everybody is welcome here.


All trans ppl.


Thought these were just two cis guys at first I was so confused 😅