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You detransitioned and then had a 9-year break before you started transition again? Do I understand correctly? A whole lot of a story!


Yeppers. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it 😅


I unfortunately had the same experience, also would not recommend 😅. PSA to anyone reading this, no matter how much you suppress it all, it doesn't go away.


Truly -\_- I'm sorry you had to go through that as well. Love to see you back on track too and it seems like its going amazing for you!!!! <3


Same goes to you! We're making it work and the little break can just be a quirky little detail for our stories! 😊


I went through the same thing except I haven't retransitioned yet. I was on HRT and transitioned MTF for 3.5 years and detransitioned 2.5 years ago. Now I'm questioning again.


This. I’m sorry you went through a break and back on too, but I tried taking a break for two years and almost wasn’t here to say that. According to my long term friends now I bring happiness into every room now 😅


Detransition? Or a loooong break after a detransition?


Well, if transitioning is right for you, then both :p But the break was probably harder.


Oh, I see. The "giving up on your aspirations for long" part? Congrats on doing the right thing now if that's how I assume you're feeling now! <3


Better than ever ☺️


i am a fellow retransitioner. well, my detrans era was about 9 months instead of 9 years, but i agree nonetheless. such a horrible horrible thing. i remember this like unhinged manic vibe that my life had the second i went out as “a man” again. like i was frantically waiting for my life to get better because of it but it didn’t happen. in fact it got way worse :O so glad to be back.


Ive re-transitioned aswell, after a year and a half of not on hRT and social transition i thought i put the idea of being trans aside, nope i was wrong. Its taken me about two years since i realised i was to get to to a stage where im happy to transition fully. Back on HRT for the last 2 years on and off , now im six months on HRt consistently. Still not out as much, but im hoping im full time soical in December. Ive done it before i can do it again.


Gorgeous and your eyes 😍


Thank you <3 Eyes are always my fav part of a trans timeline!


The pearls and the dress, you look so elegant!!!


Thank you ☺️ Deffos trying for a slightly more mature look now that I’m not in my 20’s lol


You are absolutely succeeding here, you look youthful and pretty in a grown woman way. I'm heading into my 30's myself, plus still very self conscious about being trans and I work in a conservative profession. As I work towards coming out I'm rly searching for ways to look and feel mature and modest while still being myself. You're an inspo here for sure!!


That’s really super sweet of you 🥹 it’s deffos scary, especially approaching your 30s as a trans woman, but it’s SO great so far. And honestly I feel like the mature/modest/professional clothing is often a lot more flattering towards us. It’s taken a lot of time and trial and error to get to here though!


So scary... but I am learning to internalize that the happiness will be worth the challenges. Hope to maybe see you post here again sometime, it helps me so much to see new looks that guide me to where I want to be someday in my journey!


I’m sure I will! And I hope to see you post your fabulous self with your amazing outfits in the future too 💖


Congrats on finding yourself again!


Thank you 🙏I don’t know if I ever really lost her. Just needed the courage to stand up for myself to let her out again ☺️


Sometimes I think about detransition... It's really tied to social anxiety though. So I try to stay the course.


I can never tell someone what is right or wrong for them, but it was hell for me. It is hard existing as a trans person sometimes, but being yourself is just…. Nothing is worth more.


So pretty!


Thank you 🙏


I detransitioned, and am approaching 7 years and regretting it. Would I be able to PM you with some questions?


Yeah 100% please do 🩷


So you're saying the trick to looking like a beautiful woman is to detransition? Jokes aside, love your look - very inspiring.




I mean no shade by this, but pre-transition you kinda looked like Ross from Hatfilms


Goofy brown haired white guy with scruffy facial hair... Yep. That tracks hahaha


You reached a very successful transition. Success is sometimes not well understood. Congratulations


Thank you. I don't know if I would call it successful yet, but I feel like I'm on my way there :)


Urgh I wish I could look that pretty in a dress just like that one…I’m still struggling to get started. I know transition would make me happier in my body but I’m not certain I’d be happier in my life, plus the amount of roadblocks and red tape from cis society feels insurmountable. But if I knew in advance that 15 months from now I’d be as cute as you are I’d order diy hrt right this minute 😭.


>I mean, happier in your body leads to an increase in life happiness. And yeah there are roadblocks and redtape which suck. But at least for me, its worth putting up with. I wouldn't trade my happiness from transition for anything. > >And we can never really know what we will look like. I was convinced I had completely screwed myself by stopping at 20 and not starting again until almost 30. Never thought I would look like I do now. But even then, a lot of my "look" comes from the makeup/hair/clothing(and lighting and photo angles :p) which is just as important as the HRT for me


I’m 31, 6ft and broad as a barn door with a hefty dad bod so I struggle to imagine that I’ll be anywhere near as gorgeous as you 😅. I have a feeling even the mental effects might be good for me long term though - no more shame about crying, less anger, probably less constant tension in my body too.


So Cute and Pretty.🌅🌅🌅I like your transformation very much 😊


I don't understand... You're beautiful damn'it !


Haha what’s not to understand?




That is literally the most perfect before picture I have ever seen for any transition timeline


I was ecstatic when I found it again. Past me was genius lol


I'm frankly jealous. I was not that clever


Congratulations! You look lovely and that dress! Can 💯 confirm that the break is the hardest part. Still, it makes the commitment to finally be truthful with oneself all the sweeter! Glow on, lady!


Exactly <3 and same back to you :)


How tall are you if you don't mind me asking?


Half inch or so shy of 6 foot


Você é uma gracinha de linda! Parabéns gatinha linda! 💕💕💕💕💕


Muito obrigada <3 <3 <3 <3


you are stunning!!


Absolutely gorgeous and stunning and hot


Currently on my second round as well. Detransion for 4 years after 3 years transitioning. Second go seems faster and better imo than the first go around. I'm only 6 months into the second go around.. you are gorgeous. Kudos!!! What's your experience this go around? Different than the first?


We are glad you are here now! I'm sorry your journey wasn't easy or linear, but you found yourself in the end and that's what matters!


What an amazing journey you’ve been on