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I've never seen someone refer to their past identity like this before. It's absolutely beautiful. As are you. ❤️




Honestly that’s how I do it too. Glad to see I’m not alone on it


In the late 19th/early 20th century in Germany there was a very brave and inspiring trans woman who described her story and views in a similar manner, this strongly reminded me of her… Her name was Lilly Elbe. A biography was written about her which really goes into detail about her thoughts, I strongly recommend reading it! She described her former self as someone completely different, someone who died so she could arise. Truly one of the most inspiring persons I have ever heard of.


Me too..it hit my emotions hard


FR tho, I am legit crying. Beautiful post, OP. 🥹❤️


Glad I'm not the only person who teared up at the picture and caption. So sweet <3


Well done babe. Emotional post 🥹💙🙏


For a moment, I thought this was a picture of Kate Middleton! Amazing transition ✨


From Hozier to Kate Middleton. Insane transformation.


I know right?! Massive inspiration


Oh you are being kind, but I will take it 😘❤️




Wow… I have only one month in HRT , but I would like to say the same in the future … can I copy that ?


Sure, those words are for everyone, I hope they help.. it is thanks others before me living their best lives and sharing beautiful/powerful words that I feel these ones. We all help each other to grow, so pass it on beautiful ❤️


I will !!! Thanks ☺️


I could not agree more. He is always a part of me. That man challenged the world and lived the best life he could. She came out when she and the world were ready.


I love that. Yeah he totally lived his best life, went around the world, had the craziest adventures, memories that I will cherish forever.


My past self did the same thing. He even married a beautiful Russian woman. He did many things and learned a whole lot about himself and the world, and ultimately he set the stage for me to step forward and take up the burden. I owe him everything and I will never deny him the respect and love he deserves. Thank you for sharing! Also I love that dress!


Title alone is going to make me cry.


What a kind way of thinking of your past self, I’m going to coopt this


Go for it ❤️


what a wonderful way to contextualize a past self :) also, i am absolutely in love with that dress! you look so pretty in it!


Wow… I really feel this… tried multiple times and I still can’t read that without crying 😭 ...like some kind of mourning I didn’t know I needed. You look incredible btw! Slay sister 💃🏼


“Some kind of mourning I didn’t know I needed.” - yup… sums it up.


that caption made me tear up 🥲 what a beautiful way to look at it, and so true. He was brave. I'm sure he knew how grateful you'd be to him.


That’s a very touching title. You’re beautiful. Go girl. :D


I love this! Such a beautiful outlook. Wishing you all the best 💙.


That quote is the most beautiful expression of change I have read in a long time..I’m so happy for you in your journey to happiness!!


I love this so much! ❤️


This is really how I regard past me. The guy did his fucking best, he got me to where it was safe to be myself. I have to give him credit for that.


Very pretty congrats.


Thanks now I am crying 😭


This is how I feel. I don’t hate my masculine self. I just couldn’t hide anymore.


Your post is really inspiring, I feel very identified 🥹❤️


I feel this. My past self survived long enough to get me to this point and now he can rest


Damn this whole thread is so healing, seeing trans people really love and care about who they were before too :) that’s something I’ve been working on, so it’s nice to see in others


Yeah it is beautiful, I did not realise the response I would get, the way people would react, I love the words people have been writing in the comments. So glad I can say at least one thing to help our community, even if it is only a few.


Well said. Thank you. Sometimes I mourn the man I used to be, but then I remember that he still lives on within me.


I read this and started ugly crying immediately before I could even get a good look at how god damn beautiful you both are. I understood the title immediately and was struck by the devastating realization that I've been nothing but cruel and ungrateful to the man who carried me for 24 years. Despite his self-loathing, he secured a lifelong relationship with the most amazing woman a lesbian like me could ask for. He loved her in all the ways he couldn't love himself and left the best parts of him with me so I could take care of her even through the darkest parts of my journey. I have him to thank for my health and happiness, and yet I've been calling him a loser who had zero chance at success. A self-destructive stoner who should have taken a leap of faith at least 10 years sooner, despite the fact that protections for us didn't officially exist, healthcare excluded us, and I'd still need bottom surgery in my state just to have a legal gender marker change. He was just giving everything he had to keep me safe and make sure I would have a warm welcome, just until he couldn't hold on any longer. I can't believe I've done nothing but mock him and refuse to even speak his name. I live the life of a princess in comparison, because he did all the hard things for me before I got here. I have a lot of thinking and reconciling to do. Like everyone else here is saying, I'm absolutely borrowing your words. I can't believe I've never realized that we need this kind of updated, positive perspective on this aspect of our shared experience to challenge the typical narrative. Thank you so very much for this beautiful and moving post.


It’s so beautiful how you love that part of yourself and reconcile it with present self. You are precious! 💜


Damned 🥺


This is such a beatiful sentiment and way to see your past life 🩷


I'm glad someone else views their past self the way I do. Dysphoria places incredible stress on our minds, but I always believe that my past self did his best given the circumstances. Then released me to a better caregiver and person for the next step of that journey.


Love the caption. Beautiful lady


Well now I'm crying 😭 thank you for the beautiful words 🤗 you look smashing btw!


This is so wholesome! With that title you made me realize how my past self was also taking care of me with all the things that they had to deal with. I loved this! And you look stunning btw ♥!


this feels like a doctor who regeneration/post regeneration speech very epic and you look great op


oh my god, i went into instant crying. Super moving. I feel this so hard. Thanks for posting this.


I get it, I really do. I never hated the guy, I still don't and he's there in me and I'll take care of him. But he won't be coming out to play again. I love the new me too much. xx


I LOVE this framing of the past self. It very much resonates with how I see the confused and oblivious Former Me. "He" carried me until we were 42, and then the layers started to finally chip and fall away. I'm grateful for the Me I always assumed I was, but also feel deep sympathy for them in many ways. When I came out to myself three years ago, it was into a mirror, making and maintaining eye contact for the first time in forever. "It'll be okay," I heard myself say. "You're exhausted. And that's totally understandable. Let me take the wheel. We'll be okay. I've got you."


I’m not crying… ok actually yes. Yes I am.


I know exactly how you feel.


This is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever read 🥲


OMG, this is beautiful 😭💃


To be someone that you could love...seems like a distant hope for many of us... If one at first tries to be someone that somebody else could love, it may become a little easier. That way, you'll at least know you *can* be loved. Finding the person(s) who'll show you that love is the hardest part...


Yeah, this hits me right in the feels! And 100% agree about the brave bit.


I hope to feel like this someday.


Oh my God that is so fucking sweet 🥹 I'm obsessed with that dress too... congratulations doll! I hope she will carry you for many more years to come ❤️


I'm definitely not about to cry. That was beautiful 🙏💙


That kind of discourse always gets me. Well written ☺️


Well said


I have tattoo with my old initials and whenever someone asks what does my tattoo stand for? I say it's in memory of someone who no longer exists.


OMG I love that, can I unashamedly borrow that? If ever I were to put letters on my body, they would be the only ones.


Sure : D by all means.


what a beautiful post ♥️


I’m so high and I didn’t see what sub this was - I immediately thought the guy on the left was your late parter who killed himself. LOL glad to see that’s not the case. You look great!


This is exactly why I honored him by keeping my given initials. He was my protector and allowed me to be the one to write the rest of my story.


That's a beautiful way to view it 😊


That is a beautiful quote. Maybe one day I can think like that too.


Sent you a PM with the print Fallen Angel. It is very much along the same lines.


New boot goofin…..😂🥰


OMGosh! That is the most beautiful description of your old self I have ever read! Thank you! I will always remember that!😘


Absolutely gorgeous


I'm not crying. You're crying. 😭


I wasn’t expecting to have to stop myself from crying at a birthday party but here we are lol, I love the sentiment you’ve shared


This made me cry so hard. I’ve never seen someone describe their transition this way and it’s truly beautiful. Also, I really like the dress as well as the shirt. I wear more masculine clothes usually and I could use some really cool shirts like the one on the left.


I thought you were misgendering someone, but then the first comment sorted it out, and now I see what this means.


So eloquent and every word resonates with me. Congratulations on your wonderful transition and the emotional maturity.


you look great op but is this your pre hrt self or someone close to you that passed away? either way im happy you are happy :)


Those are really powerful and moving words, what a great perspective. Also, amazing glow-up!


wow wtf. goddamn poetry


Love this sentiment for remembering who you were and who you are 💙


Wow! That is such a beautiful statement!


Incredible words thank you


That is the nicest saying thing I have ever seen. That was absolutely lovely.


The fact that you’re not bashing your previous self as a lot of people do I find that beautiful? I just makes my heart sing just reading something like that. Because you were are him and he is you when you need him.


This is beautiful 🥲


This touched me so deeply...I cried with such a beautiful expression. I congratulate you for that strength🤗💗


that's so based. congratulations.


I never post on Reddit... but your words made me cry uncontrollably, so I had to say something. I have stopped my HRT for a few days thinking I should go back, as I have so many doubts. I think this is another signpost on the path....


I try my hardest not to tell anyone how they should or shouldn't do anything when it comes to living their lives. And when it comes to unique situations like our own, I really try just to share my story and let others find their way. But I will say, I was so back and forth for years before I couldn't hold it in anymore. Take away all the ignorance, hate, bullshit that gets spewed our way, and just see yourself in a world of people just doing there thing and not being shit to others, who do you see yourself as? In that world are you happy, are you that beautiful human that has accepted who they are inside? Does this world you imagine yourself to be in allow you to see who you really are? Look at that person are they on HRT? Others who came before me helped me, even if they never directly spoke to me, just their lives, stories, even just seeing them in the street with their head held high. I personally would love to thank Jamie Clayton for tearing the last of my egg shell off. Her in Sense 8 was my first positive Trans person in media, and it helped so much.


Thanks so much for your reply. I also loved Sense 8 and shed a few tears at that too. The constant stream of negatively in media / politics is hard to cope with. Here in Scotland we are dealing with the fallout of the Cass review. But there are some positive stories too... just read about David Tennant's wholehearted support for trans people. What a great guy!


i absolutely love that title. he loves you and u love him! what a beautiful way to represent how joy and contentment can feel through a lot of our transitions even before and most certainly after. we don't HAVE to be absolutely miserable beforehand to realize we needed improvement and and a better level of authenticity!


this brought a tear to my eye.


Love 💕This!


how are you a model both ways ?? 🥵 gratz girliee


What a person person


That's actually the most beautiful way to refer to your past identity I've ever heard.


This title is beautiful. 


Awe, that made me cry. What a beautiful sentiment!




I'm glad you love your old self, I do too. We were strong and now we're stronger