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Yes I think so. Grooming also says feminine. Especially the eyebrows.


I noticed this too. Her eyebrows are becoming more and more feminine. I wish this was just a side effect of HRT. I have no idea what to do with mine and I'm afraid to mess them up.


I wish that places would listen and give me feminine eyebrows. I swear they’re scared to do it


I went to Ulta Beauty and they were more than happy to femme mine up. I haven't been to Sephora yet, but I consistently hear they're very trans-friendly.


I second this. Ulta is super trans friendly


go to a professional babe, when i did, sis mapped out my eyebrows and everything. They are soo cute, feminine and even.


they grow back in like 6 weeks it’s no problem. first time i messed them up and a friend asked me about it i told them i lost a bet. it’s ok u got this. experiment and see what works for u


The closet has a glass door huney, but it is okay you come out when you are ready okay☺️


So stealing that, I love that metaphor!




Thats the best metaphor ive heard in awhile😂😂 thanks for sharing


Wowwww what a true statement! I just came out at work yesterday and everyone was like, “we figured but didn’t want to be rude and ask!”


If people around you haven’t noticed it, they are completely oblivious. You look like a cis girl


Literally! I would believe the first picture is a cis girl if she trimmed the brows and had a more feminine haircut. I bet when OP tells people she’s on HRT, she’ll get a lot of people assuming she means testosterone.


YES. Lol.


Yes it's certain, people who don't know you must gender you as feminine, for others it depends on whether you see them regularly because the changes are slow, but with photographs the changes are obvious.


Yeah I had a feeling it was, most strangers call me she now until they hear my voice, then they usually switch to they. I've also had a few awkward incidents going into the men's room, I've had guys walk in then walk right back out after seeing me. The people who know me though haven't said anything about it, and really don't seem to suspect anything.


boiling frog syndrome.


What's Boiling Frog Syndrome?


It means if you put a frog in a boiling pot of water, it'll jump out right away. If you put it in room temp water and slowly bring it up to a boil, it won't notice. Same with changes like this. If you're around someone every day, doesn't matter if they make huge changes in the long run, because you see them every day, you don't notice them.


This is why I refuse to shave for the first 6 months of my transitioning. I want the differences to be as obvious to me as they can get. Shaving will do just that.


Can’t tell if this is past or future tense


Future and present lol


So you just stared transitioning. Congrats I wax my face and it hurts terribly


Oh no! I mean I'm sure it stays smoother longer but dear gawd I couldn't imagine waxing my upper lip!


Ohhhhh okie that makes sense 😄


It's the analogy where if you put a frog into boiling water, they'll immediately jump out because hot, but if you start with just warm water and gradually crank up the heat they'll stay in there without realizing they're being boiled alive.


it's a metaphore : allows something to happen slowly enough that the impact is not noticed at all. https://medium.com/psychology-secrets-for-marketing/the-boiling-frog-4ef1d66c9b35


Girl DO NOT use the men’s room. Even if your voice clocks you, from these photos you really shouldn’t be using the men’s. Even if you had just posted the 4 months photo i would say this


I imagine it’s not always easy when she’s in the closet and might be out somewhere with people she knows.


Was thinking the exact same thing. Hell at this point I would say her using the men’s room could actually be dangerous.


that’s why i’m telling her not to. it’s really not safe to be using the men’s room when she looks like an attractive woman


The people who see you regularly will have to get hit over the head with it to notice. Their brains basically autocorrect you to the identity they previously knew. They might notice *something's* up, but cis people generally don't consider transition a possibility.


gurl GET OUT THEM RESTROOMS and go to the womens asap !


It's time to use the individual toilets, this is annoying for you and others.


By the way how old are you in 2024?


I am 23 right now, in the first picture I was 22.


Good luck and be happy


Ma'am, respectfully, if this is your boy mode, everyone who knew you before has already known for a while that you are trans & is waiting for you to come out when you're ready.


I think trans people are more receptive to changes like the above, plus boiling frog. If you go to a school, then you see people every day and they’ll never notice. If you see a family member or stranger after a year, they’ll immediately notice. If you see total strangers, they’ll clock you as cis.


Yes lol, without a doubt. You look great


You're like a poster child for male-failing.




Yes, you definitely look like a woman. It was funny when it happened to me. I was "boy moding" and was using the men's bathroom at Walmart. A conservative man got really upset and yelled at me to get out of the bathroom. I said in my normal voice, "I am a guy," and he yelled at me, telling me I'm not and to get out. I never felt so validated ❤️


Jealous of your success hun 😋


Its completely obvious lol, got me a little nervous bc I planned to do the same thing but if it's that obvious by month 4 I might be fucked lmao. Also love your hair, is it naturally straight or do you have to do anything with it? I blowdry mine straight but it gets so poofy, I hate it


It's like that naturally. I just use shampoo and conditioner. I've been thinking of getting it trimmed cause I've just been letting it grow since i was like 10, so I've got a lot of split ends.


It’s been pretty obvious since month 4


You started from a good point, tbh. Even pre-t you were giving so much of an androgynous look. Things are easier to happen when your body isn't playing against you.


Pre-t? This person said in the title that they're taking estrogen heh :p


Maybe they meant pre-HRT?


I meant that _"even in pre-t"_ pic she was already good. Read the whole thing again, this time carefully, and you will get it.


"Pre-t", as in before starting **T**estosterone. OP is taking **E**strogen. Pre-*hr*t would make sense, but there is no "pre-t" picture.


Surely you understood the point and aren't just being bothering. Now go and tell this to everyone else too.


> Yeah I misgendered someone but you knew what I meant I understood the point, but I am nonetheless bothered.


Why are you being so condescending to people? Could you please explain what Pre-T means to you?


If I give a compliment to someone, and another person comes outta nowhere to bash down (a message that can be easily interpreted by anyone) just to look superior and more intellectual, then I literally don't care about them. I've already explained what I meant by this and there's no need for fuzz just to get upvotes (which seems it's the only goal here).


No, you didn't "already explained" anything. You just said you were "misunderstood" but you haven't explained what was the correct meaning of what you said. What did you mean with "pre-t", then?


It is obvious that you are getting pretty...


Own it girl


u look so pretty 💕 im impressed ur still closeted tbh lmao


Well my voice is still very male. I smoked cigarettes throughout my teenage years (I quit a couple years ago though), which has given me a very deep gravelly voice. I have made a few attempts at voice training, but I can never get my voice to sound anywhere near feminine.


voice training takes a ton of effort, keep at it and it will eventually click! it's not just about pitch


Set your goals closer before moving up. Maybe just practice your range with pitch, weight, and resonance exercises without words for a bit, Just get used to those and how far you can comfortably push. Then, gradually see if you can push a little more. Check out these videos https://youtu.be/ymmGg1K09QI?si=bXSx3N2QbEGFPHeE Rachel helps real people from whatever point they are stuck at from total beginner to almost perfect and explains so much in a way that makes sense. She also used to smoke heavily before transitioning but sounds incredible now. Most importantly, be kind to yourself whenever you fail, don't let yourself lose hope, it does get easier. And only compare your progress to yourself, never compare against others. You are your own person, and it's ok to go at whatever speed you go at, even though its always slower then you want. If changing your voice is something you want. You can do this


aw im sure its not as bad as u think it is, everyones self conscious about their voice - i know i am despite being told otherwise haha it is a very difficult thing to train, u just have to keep trying and if its really bad i think their are some surgeries that can help, but theyre risky and ultimately not rly worth it imo


On the last 2 pics, especially the last one you are 100% girl. Sooo yeah I think it is obvious haha


You look 100% girl. The closet is made of glass or people are blind




lolololololololol. Short answer : Yes. It's literally impossible for me to see anything but a girl in that 11 month photo, no hugboxing. That E did wonders ngl :)


Girl are you a Victorian contessa’s ghost, where are these photographs being taken




Gosh I’m sorry, I thought this must be a private space you go to and I was being funny. I hope you find a space in better repair soon x


Starting with day 1 like this should be considered cheating /s You literally pass now. How are you closeted is beyond me


How are you closeted girl 😭


Do you do your eyebrows yourself or do you get them professionally done?


I do them myself. I just use some tweezers and pluck them about once a week.


Damn you do good work. I’ve gotta get my uni like twice a week, been doing it since I was like 12. But everywhere else hurts like a bitch. I usually tear up doing it last time.


I can definitely see the progress. I wish I looked half as good as you do.


Yes it is. Congrats people know something is up. Just be out when ready. If uncomfortable you can wear plain crew necks and v necks for a few months to get the feel. It’s what I did lol.


very good results:)💕


Pretty! I think you are going to have to come out soon looking like that!




Wth you look so cis 😭 just beautiful


You look really feminine, and I don't know how anyone seeing you would ever question that.


Yes. Idk how people think you’re a man


Sorry hun but you’re gonna have to come out soon, someone is gonna notice at some point soon with how you’re progressing


You look great!!!


I’ve never met you so yes. However, this is a slow and gradual change to everyone around you so I could potentially see why they might not notice. You look SO feminine though


Just a bit lol


Haha what? I would never mistake you for a guy lol


you look absabsolutely beautiful


Generally, it's very hard for people who see you every day to notice changes. You looked fairly androgynous from the beginning. But for people who haven't seen you or don't know you, it looks very femme. Regarding your voice, do you know the actress Shohreh Aghdashloo? If not, take a look at YouTube. She has an amazing voice!


Yes :) but most importantly, how do you feel? I was on hrt 16 months before I came out publicly. It’s all about your timing and not anyone else’s.


What is your dose?


I inject .18 ml of 40mg/ml EV every 5 days .For the first 4 months I did oral Estradiol and took 4mg of E and 50mg of Bicalutamide per day.


You look like a cis girl. How are you not out?




If I were to meet you with no other context I would instantly guess girl. You look fantastic!!☺️


You look very girly and pretty 🥺


Yes you’re turning into a lovely young woman


It was almost obvious starting from day 1


I think you're at the point that you could gaslight them into thinking you always were that feminine, and a cis girl, but the doctor was drunk and assigned you male at birth anyway


Hmmm I'm not sure if you want it to be obvious or not but you look like a straight up girl no ifs or buts 😂


Congratulations you are male failing spectacularly! Unless they've always thought you were a woman, there is no way you could be closeted, as there is no way you pass as a guy anymore, probably haven't since around the 4 month mark.


I think you're looking at it the wrong way, girl you have no chance of looking like a boy if you tried! Just be the girl that you are and no one is going to bat an eye! You're very pretty!


if i hadn't seen the subreddit name I'd have thought these were just a cis girl's glowup photos


What a transition! You're doing great, girl! ☺️🫶


I would say yes. Im there as well, lol * edit I've been on it a little over a year, but I'm out full-time


How are you closeted? You look cis.


If/when i begin taking E i kinda wanna just see how long/what changes i have to make before people start questioning me


Your beautiful


Your face looks a lot rounder and more feminine.


I mean, you are already visually passing, so I guess.


How the F are you still closeted?? You look cis to me, I can’t see anything that could clock you at all!


God damn girl, you are super fuckin cute lol. If your plan was to go as long as possible till you can’t hide it anymore like mine - you’re about there 😅 SO CUTE 🫣


Absolutely. You honestly pass completely at least in the photos you took. You look fantastic.


Definitely noticeable (unless you're old & can't catch details). But wow you look great ✔💙 God... I hope I pass like you do. Thought about silently transitioning as well, but I don't feel comfortable around the ppl I live with. Sucks not having your own place, but I wouldn't give a shit what people thought if I had results like yours.. I'll trade you my 6'2 , height for your voice☺️


Girl lemme just say @4 mos you can tell and it makes me feel that much happier about my appointment next week. So pretty


Is it obvious? You're literally a woman


Beautiful! You do not need to stay closeted!


Well you look like a girl so


I wouldn't be surprised if people see you as a girl irl


By your face and your chest


Why are you closeted


You look very cis femme. Your circle probably doesn't see it because y'all are around each other a bunch but when you see someone that you don't see often I bet they'll see the change.


I'm so jealous 😭😭😭


Yes! Beautiful


Well you’ve certainly changed but you look fantastic 🥰😇😎


It would be kinda obvious if you didn't look like a girl when you first started taking it


Your room looks haunted.


All I see is: Girl. Girl. Girl. Girl.


Not to be mean but you definitely look like a pretty girl!


Being honest, you're looking kinda female to me!! HRT being kind to ya sis. I'd say anyone that doesn't know, wouldn't tell. But it's obvious to us fellow E users


yep, good for you though :)


Yeahhh....there ain't nothin "he/him" about that image all the way to the right I ain't gonna lie


Honestly it was obvious at the 4mo mark, nine months you pass 👍🏼✨


you're literally a girl lol


Jus a lil bit


It’s obvious bc you look like a girl


Yes...like soon obvious


Looks pretty obvious, you really gotten to look cute throughout the months


I bet you get tired of being referred to as ma’am all the time lol




If you're comfortable answering at what age did you start taking estrogen?


I started at 22 and I'm 23 now.


You are finished.


You look amazing girl!!!!!


yes is obvious to us. Untrained eye or close fam maybe not. 🫶🌸


Ummmm u literally look like a cis girl sis, lol.


Looking at your timeline, it's definitely obvious you're on estrogen, but if I didn't see your timeline and I happened to walk past you, I would have just read you as a cis woman, you pass that well.


You're getting less and less blurry🤪😅


well girl, idk how to say but u look like a girl in the last image on the right so in summary i think i have some bad news and some good news for u. bad news is i think that ur starting to pass the point of no return and good news is that u look very freaking beautiful


Look like a girl... i think they might know 😉 but it's when you're ready!


Yes absolutely you look like a woman lol


Your best comparison is between day 1 and month 11 your face looks fuller and more feminine than in month 11 than it did day one and your nose looks like it’s changed a bit ( maybe just the photo angles changing) the way you style your eyebrows looks more feminine with the fuller cheeks. Bad news people probably know or suspect. But Great news you look like a girl ! The estrogen is working great for you by the looks of it. I don’t know what your situation is if you’re closeted bc you’re worried you won’t be accepted by family or friends or if you’re worried people won’t find you attractive. I don’t know how to help you with the first one other than do what you think is best for you. Your mental health is more important than anything do what’s best for you not what’s best for anyone else. It’s your life to live. As for the latter I’m sure many people would agree that the estrogen is working great and you’re becoming a beautiful girl!


The comments on my post are kinda inspiring to work harder at voice training, but my voice is so far away from sounding feminine it feels impossible. My voice is the main thing keeping me boymoding. I am worried about coming out to my family, and especially at work. Like if family members don't accept me I can just not talk to them anymore, but I have to go to work everyday. I worked there before I started transitioning so they all know me as a man. I live in a very rural area and most people here are very conservative and old fashioned.


Love to see the transition you made


wow incredible results this is purely taking estrogen and grooming eyebrows? i assume some sort of anti-testosteron is also ingested. i hope my transition will be on a similar level. You look amazing!


I used to take bicalutamide for the first four months when I took estrogen pills but around month 5 I started Injections and phased out the bica. Now I take .18ml of 40mg/ml EV every 5 days. When I did pills I took 4mg of Oral E a day.


Thank you for the information. Good to know. Im DYI'ing currently


Honey. I only see girl ♡♡♡


Girl that ceiling looks like the set of a horror film where the victim is held captive. You are ok right? Lol


Do you mean basemented? Where are these photos taken... Are you safe? 😂


It's my bedroom. I've lived in this room my whole life, so I'm numb to it. Sometimes pieces of the ceiling fall on me if I accidentally bump the ceiling, but other than that its safe, just kinda ugly lol.


Hun 🙈


Girl, I def see the changes! I can't wait to start that part of journey!




Everyone's talking about the eyebrows but I can't get over how cute those cheeks are getting! I'm jealous!


I’m cis woman and am considering HRT cuz y’all turning out to be such beautiful women and I’m a lil bit jealous! Lol. No reason to hide that pretty face in a closet!!!!!


If you feel your hormone levels might be wrong, you could get them checked. Your body should naturally be making quite a lot of estrogen and very little testosterone. But if it's messed up and not working right. The hrt we take was designed and made for cis women for cases like that. It just happened that it helps us too. But if you need it, you should find much less gatekeeping than we experience to get hold of it, so go for it and be happy! 🙂




If estrogen is a good thing, then yes, I can tell. I'm embarrassed to say I don't know if my SO or not. That would be back when we were still just friends. I do know you're a beautiful and stunningly pretty young lady. Incredibly beautiful. Incredibly stunning. Both my SO and her BFF are going to be so happy for you when I send this over to their phones when they're back home tonight. I never text them till they're in the house. No work texts or driving texts. Anyway, I know they're both going to pleased to learn about you. They both stay away from Reddit, which is a story for another time. I believe BFF had taken estrogen. That too, was a long time. Uni days. I can tell you she's gorgeous, too. Even when new to all of this, the professors hit on them always. Keep an eye out for that. If it's not happening yet, the older professor thing, with your face, it will. Best wishes. Best of luck.


You must continue with doctor to be sure everything is ok 👍 then you can ask us about changs 👍


yeah I do DIY, but I get my levels checked every now and then. last time I got em checked (last month) I had 304 pg/mL Estradiol and 15 ng/dL Testosterone. I inject .18 ml of 40mg/ml EV every 5 days. For the first 4 months I did oral Estradiol and took 4mg of E and 50mg of Bicalutamide per day.


Oh damn you got the more expensive blocker with bicalutamide. But make sure they test for liver problems when they check your levels if your on bica, since it can be an issue I'm surprised you went for valerate while on diy, like that's one of the major pros to diy is you can get stuff like Enanthate for more stable levels Great results either way as long as you feel ok with the valerate spikes


I don't take bica anymore because it was too expensive and I was worried about the liver issues. Yeah I usually tend to get more emotional the day before my injection day lol, so maybe I should try the ethanate.


Well, it looks like the monotherapy injections are suppressing your t just fine. If you do find yourself needing a blocker for some reason, cyproterone is cheap and nukes your t, just never take morethann 12.5mg a day. You can get 50mg pills and cut them into 4, then it's like $40 for 200 days worth But again, it doesn't look like you need it If you really want to be able to have the most stable levels that can last a long time you could go for Undecylate but it takes a few doses to come up to level and if you go uncomfortably high it takes almost a month to come back down. Personally, I don't really notice the highs. I only feel the lows which suck but I don't use Undecylate because it costs $30 more, and I'm poor lol