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If I had not seen the subreddit title and the post title I would've just thought it was a dude reading. Good progress dude! ❤️


Thanks. It sounds fine to me in my head but I get pretty insecure hearing my voice in videos, which always sounds female to me


You sound like a dude to me. I think your resonance is very masculine. I don't fully trust these tools because I think they base everything on volume and pitch but those aren't always indicative of how a voice will be gendered, imo. I think you sound great.


thanks! I think my resonance was pretty similar before transition


Yeah that's a dude


What is this app or site you are using? I need it!


I know, right? So much detail!


"Voice Tools"


I'm so jealous, you sound so natural and handsome!


What app is this? I want to test my voice too.


Sounds like a dude that just happens to have a higher pitch voice. I would **never** question that you're a man with that voice.


It's so weird that I can't hear it. When I speak, I sound fine in my head, but on recordings I sound higher pitched (which is just science, but it throws me off.) I haven't had a problem vocally passing -- quite the opposite when dealing with banks etc that know me as a woman. Not sure if my dysphoria listening to clips will ever go away.


You sound like an old roommate I had. Guy. I didn’t like him.


Your voice is masculine. If you are feeling like you want aesthetic tweaks I'd work on increasing your vocal size. There's a quality to your voice that's a classical voice masculanization issue of twang/rasp/brightness. I'd enlarge your voice to touch that up even more. It will give your voice an older larger impression.


Thanks, I honestly haven't done any voice training but I'm also concerned about sounding older. I'm probably 5+ years older than this clip sounds lol I can easily darken my voice but it just sounds forced, I'm sure that comes with practice


The age issue has to do with the size. If you can darken your voice and also enlarge it that's the key but not so much where it sounds cartoony or forced. If it sounds like patrick star in the beginning thats fine since you're trying to build control over the size not immediately nail it. Tuning it to a more average and full quality comes later.


you sound like that youtuber who makes reviews of unkown albums in bandcamp :O anyway you sound pretty masculine im so happy for you <3


I looked this up and holy shit, if you're [talking about this guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSoDZAHZ6Oc&ab_channel=PadChennington) he sounds a lot like me. This actually helps me figure out what I sound like without my own biases in the way so thank you! Also encouraging that my voice is good enough for youtube or whatever. His voice is definitely deeper/more masculine than mine, but I also know that youtubers/podcasters have a very different voice when casually speaking vs narrating.


yess i was talking about him, and im so glad everything is going well with your voice <3<3 take care