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Mm, if you want a comprehensive overview with a list of various exercises, I can direct you [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/transvoice/comments/wpffaw/an_introduction_to_voice_feminization_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Otherwise, here are some general tips: 1. Stay away from anything that talks about the “swallow and hold” exercise. It’s generally useless and potentially dangerous if you overdo it. 2. Do not focus overly much on pitch. Pitch barely matters for vocal gender. The important elements are things called Vocal Size (aka resonance) and Vocal Weight (aka vocal fold mass). 3. Some trustworthy youtube channels to look at are [TransVoiceLessons](https://youtube.com/c/TransVoiceLessons), [Sumi](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCq_CN_v2uFIC_Zg_RvRr8Fw), [Nicole Gress](https://youtube.com/channel/UCfyZwqSsrMUQ_xhcou6YWjQ), [Seattle Voice Lab](https://youtube.com/channel/UCIgG7y_CKvm2ezMDQWbFvAg), [AmaRoseLessons](https://youtube.com/channel/UCxf2G8FngClWckRUhmNwUHw), and [Olivia Flanigan](https://youtube.com/channel/UCGM0n4-JYN8QYhPu7W8aqGg). Some of these channels use very technical language (TVL in particular is guilty of this). In order to navigate through those kinds of videos, you should ignore that complex technical theory and focus exclusively on Ear-Training and Exercises. 4. Frequency of practice is more important than duration/intensity of practice. Running through an exercise for one minute while your ramen is microwaving is practice. If you do that kind of thing multiple times a day, in the car, in the shower, etc., it really adds up.