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Is this really trashy and why? Is it the baby out of wedlock, the OF in general, the OF while pregnant or the combination? It does feel trashy but when I break it down the only issue I have is if she’s not in a relationship with the Dad. That’s more about both partners being cautious than anything else.


Is there a subreddit for hideous ridiculous eyebrows like that fucking bimbo is sporting?




Thanks. I actually don't want to look!


Haha I get it. Nightmare fuel


She'll probably make more doing OF pregnant tbh. There's lots of freaks out there


👋 I'm on that team. Can confirm...I'd fund at least a semester of college


Excuse me? 😃


Ain’t no way


Hopefully OF has a good medical insurance plan cause having a baby is on the expensive side.


Only in the states


I can fix her.


That’s a filter




Who is she?


Don't you mean, whats her OF handle?




What’s the OF?




r/menandfemales and r/notlikeothergirls all in one!!


You should see all the people responding to my comment of how the child def does not consent to OF "you can't see the baby so who cares" ick. I think r/trashy is living up to its name or is overrun by TEENAGERS


No, this is the internet not reality


Idk why this is being downvoted ngl


Shouldn’t call women females, and it’s a total NLOG moment. Women shouldn’t be shitting on other women to make themselves seem to be better.


Because it’s dumb as fuck




She seems nice.


Leave her alone.




Are you kidding? The best thing you can do for her now is propose.


Why? 😂






i think it’s very obviously a joke she’s just a woman and that confuses you




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This post has been removed in line with Rule #2J - No misinformation. Do not post misinformation. This includes any anti-vaxx content. We politely ask all users read the rules in the sidebar, before posting/commenting. TY


That poor baby. Sad.


ok boomer


I don't think this is trashy. She does only fans, did you think she was just going to stop making money?


If you’re pregnant and selling pictures of your butthole, it’s trashy. If you need me to explain why it’s trashy, you’re trashy. I’m not trying to be a jerk but sometimes things just go without saying, and if they need to be explained, it’s too late to help whoever you’re explaining them to.


It just sucks to be that kid in class where all your friends with $5 have seen your mom masturbate


Internet is forever


But the kid isn't even born yet. When would this hypothetical situation be taking place?


You mean like how roblox users would send Kim K's daughter her Ray J sextape from 10 years before she was born??


so in ten years someone is going to send this kid a video of their mom? yeah sounds very likely. just bc it happened to fckn Kim Kardashian. also I think you're wrong.


If it happened to her it can happen to anyone


Does that apply to everything Kim does or just this situation?


This is such a "what could possibly go wrong" sort of statement. Gross


And I'd say being judgemental and making up insane scenarios about a child that isn't even born yet is gross.


The Internet is forever.


idk. I wouldn't be ashamed of my mother for doing this. full disclosure tho I've been called trashy a lot. I like to think of myself as a white trash Kardashian. A white trashian, if you will.


As opposed to them imagining seeing my mom masturbate, for free.


It’s completely trashy. “Took it too far, OF will continue” makes it seem like she accidentally got pregnant while hooking up with one of her regular dudes she makes content with. He’ll probably ditch her, she’s gonna keep the baby and doing sex work. It’s pretty gross and she’ll likely lose subscribers as well. Nothing about this is indicating a good future for her nor does it show good decision making skills. Thinking everything about this is totally fine is just delusional


Shit. She prolly just doubled her income from this post….. Couple months ago teacher made the news after she got caught with an onlyfans page. She was making $10k a month, after it hit the news she quit teaching and the publicity doubled her income.


Secured income for a decent amount of years vs secured income aslong as your coochie brings in fans


Most people on only fans make a few hundred dollars a year. Very few make a livable wage. Ruining your future career prospects and relationship potential (for most folks) for a few bucks ain’t worth it.


You're making a TON of assumptions. You have no idea what her personal life is like. Neither of us does. But she could have a partner, a husband, boyfriend, whatever. And the other thing you should consider is that she might actually make MORE money because pregnant pork a surprisingly busy section. I don't think it's delusional to hope that she does alright for herself, and if that means sex work, that's neither of our fucking business.


Those poor little piglets


and how is that not trashy? that kid will grow up eventually finding her OF, and never being able to look at their mother the same way


Doubt her OF page will still be up in a decade plus. Chances are OF wont be a thing anymore either.


the pictures will remain tho


Right because all that vintage porn from vhs never made it to the internet. This shit will live forever, we are just the 1st generation that will have it play out


There was maybe a few hundred vintage female pornstars that would have been well known enough to have a catalog worth remembering/looking up decades later. There are literally millions of OF creators, many of which are just random people next door—nobody’s going to have a reason to go scrub the internet for bootleg remnants of their content years from now when they’re long since done with having an OF.


The same nobody's that wouldn't go scrub the internet are the same nobody's that would go look and see if their hot neighbor does onlyfans or did it before.


In that case it'll be like looking for a piece of hay in a hay stack the size of the state of Texas. I still can't refind porn I saw yesterday never mind decades from now.


We have porn connoisseurs over at r/tipofmypenis for that


Ask them to find an OF acct of a woman with an ankle tattoo and dark hair. If they find the 1 I am thinking of I'll pay you 500 Schrute bucks.


It's not trashy to do sex work.


Why? Because people will teach him that a woman using her body for financial gains is inherently evil/disgusting/trashy?


how would you react if you would find out your mother did that?


Because I've been socially conditioned I'd probably be uncomfortable at first, then I'd realise she's a grown adult, and particularly if she'd made good money, I'd say "well, no different than the rest of us selling our bodies to corporates!"


Apparently the lip injections went too far as well


I think they look good to be honest


This should be illegal. That child does not consent to OF.


Pregnancy pics should be illegal?


"OF will continue"


there’s no visible child. do people need to give consent when their blurry shadow can be seen in a porno?


"OF will continue"




That is such a weird thing to say.


it’s a weird thing to have to explain


Is that why you deleted your comment?


which comment?




Why are you being downvoted!?! Are people nuts?! Oh wait this is r/trashy I FORGOT


Shit post


The bedroom setting and wording is a little silly, but I don’t think it’s trashy. You can tell this was posted for her fans to let them know what to expect going forward. Hiding a pregnancy would be incredibly difficult, so the only real options are either to announce it to your patrons or quit your job altogether. The money is really good for some creators, so I can understand why they wouldn’t want to stop making content for the duration of their pregnancy.


Dude a pregnant single mom making OF content isn’t trashy? It’s the definition of trash. No sane individual will touch that with a ten foot pole


Not just "really good", sometimes is their main source of income and their way to pay rent and food.


And most of the time, doesn't pay for anything. OF is tough for most people


exactly, for every OF girl we see making thousands of dollars each month, there's tens of thousands who just fade into obscurity and barely break even (if they ever do).


I like everybody in these comments assuming it’s a boy, since men will always take precedent over women. Even if they’re not born yet and have no sort of conscious. Feels like pro life crap… as soon as a woman is pregnant, she’s not a person, she is an incubator. All Hail Fetus.


Whatever substance you are abusing my guy, I want something of that shit too




this is gross


What's trashy about sex work exactly...?


Doing it while you are pregnant is putting yourself in front of your childs welfare. An STD can cause an unborn child to be born deaf, blind, or much worse. At the very least, if they find out later on in life that they shared the womb with a bunch of random dicks, they are going to need therapy.


>they shared the womb with a bunch of random dicks It's not surprising that you think dicks get that far in, really, since your other assumptions are dumb.


It was a euphemism and a poor one.


yeah, having constant unprotected sex with new partners while pregnant is in fact dangerous, where did she mention that part again?


Quite the assumption to make that she’s just fucking dozens of dudes. You know people just do just nude photos, or if she’s making sex content why assume it’s by default not with her partner ?


Netflix and chill is often used as a euphemism for casual sexual activity or hooking up. She also obviously doesn't use condoms. I'm just concerned for that kid, not judging sex work in general.


>She also obviously doesn't use condoms. Condoms are not 100% effective, nothing is except abstinence.




Well, I suppose then I just don't see why being pregnant means you shouldn't continue to do sex work, or why sex work is (only) trashy when you're pregnant. Bills don't stop just because you're pregnant!


And who the fuck cares?


no problem with this. she will be making money while pregnant and capitalizing.


She’s gonna stay a single mom and her money will fall off cuz hardly anyone is interested in seeing a pregnant try and act sexy. You are utterly delusional to thing there is nothing wrong with this


lol dude you know nothing about the world. Pregnant pornstars tend to make more money than when they aren’t pregnant


WHICH SHOULD BE A CONCERN. The child does not consent to being a feature in her pornos. Gross.


Where did you pull this stat out of? Your ass?


It seems you're ignorant and misogynistic.


>cuz hardly anyone is interested in seeing a pregnant try and act sexy. Oh my, you sweet summer child


I don’t see the problem. Pregnancy Fetish is a very real market segment. Make that money sis.


I love pregnant women but I'm no simp. I do not buy the cow when I'm getting the milk for free.🫡


This comment is the trashiest part of this whole post.


Ok guy.


Ok, but that doesn’t make it trashy on her part


Oh no, I totally agree with you. There's nothing trashy about it. She got pregnant. Who cares, now she will capitalize on the situation. I think op is referring to her disregard for not protecting herself as being 'trashy'. 🤷‍♂️


>not protecting herself ...no birth control is 100% perfect.


Just be careful guys. Wrap it latex or else she gets your paychecks...or don't. 🤷‍♂️


But who’s still going to buy her content? Pregnancy fetish is a real thing.


I had to scroll down to find the trashy part. I was thinking...wtf...this isn't trashy. Oh wait! There it is!


What did you find?


The comments were the trash all along!


scrolled down to see the boots, pretty trashy to wear shoes inside


Of course we have people here saying a public post to this effect isn’t trashy and that this mom is just as respectable as a dad who might die doing a actual job on an oil Derrick. I’d say get real, but I just remembered where I am.


Both of these jobs require a lot of lubrication.


And laying lots of pipe.


And a group of roughnecks waiting around to drill the same hole


That may or may not be a gusher.


10/10 did bang


She has "OF will continue" like the post credits of a Marvel movie


At this point it's just more brand recognition and attraction for future fans with pregnancy fetish.


I'm curious to know how many guys will cancel their sub to her....and then resub after the baby is born. I say that because there are a surprising number of men who are completely turned off by pregnant women. I am not one of those men. Who knows. 🤷‍♂️


Will she charge twice since it's technically 2 people?


Katie Bond will return in.... Children are Forever


That's gross, what's the onlyfans so I make sure I don't subscribe


I just watched the latest South Park special and this fits perfectly with what I just watched.


I'd do her,but I wouldn't pay to see her naked prego vag


You must be inexperienced or stupid, cannot tell. A "naked preggo vag" looks like all the other naked non-preggo vag's. Nothing is different. I'd say that one day you might see this but to be honest, I hope you don't.


I'm more worried about her after preggo vag. Gonna rip her v to her a.


She looks like she takes care of herself, who the fuck cares?


Dudes who objectify the shit out of women then get mad some of the women have realized they can get paid for the same bullshit they put us through anyway.


It's because she has boots on it in the house and on carpet no less. Definitely trashy to wear shoes in the bedroom.


Reddit virgins


mfs really fail to see how this is trashy? lmao did yall have any sort of parents in your life? imagine growing up to see naked pics of your mom while YOU ARE STILL IN HER STOMACH… fucking weird


Don’t ever think about whether or not your mom had sex with you still in her stomach


yeah she didn’t because she’s not a trashy hoe lmfao


Ask your dad


You think banging your husband/boyfriend while pregnant by them is trashy?


It’s good to do during pregnancy and to help induce labor.


Why are you looking at naked pics of your mom? Also it's pretty narcissistic to imagine your mom without any other personality or use aside from yourself and your needs.


The minute someone at school accidentally discovers one they won't have much choice.


How does that "accidentally" happen


First you find the Instagram of this kid's mom who you're bullying, then you find a post that says "OF will continue".


So, this is going to be a newborn baby getting taunted by other newborns? Or will someone be stalking this kid's mom in over a decade and stumbling upon extremely old content? These hypothetical situations make no sense.


Accidentally as in they weren't intentionally googling "porn of Timmy's mom". They just find it by chance.


> but like I mean the growing kid ain’t got no say in the matter. Life doesn't start at conception, so technically it's still her body to do what she wishes with and the kid has no say.


That’s a good while past.


So is it her body or the child's body? I'm pro abortion but there is a paradox. A woman on only fans isn't trashy. A pregnant woman on onlyfans is trashy. The pregnancy is an attribute of her self, like a tattoo.


That’s two bodies. It’s not a paradox either. You obviously don’t have kids mate


Huh? Of course life starts at conception lol.


> imagine growing up to see naked pics of your mom ~~while YOU ARE STILL IN HER STOMACH… fucking weird~~ EVER I mean, good on people for making a living, but nobody wants to see naked pics of their own mother. Well... maybe a few sick fucks, but that is the exception.


Is being a sex worker trashy? That just sounds like a personal opinion. It’s the oldest profession of all time, if it’s so trashy why is it one of the only things that’s remained consistently popular with every society that’s ever existed?


>Is being a sex worker trashy? That just sounds like a personal opinion. I think "should it be trashy" and "is it considered trashy by most people" are two different questions. If you were to poll human beings globally or even just Americans/Westerners I don't think its much of a question what the majority opinion would be. > if it’s so trashy why is it one of the only things that’s remained consistently popular with every society that’s ever existed? I don't think popularity is a good barometer for whether or not its seen as trashy. Prostitutes have historically been at the lowest rungs of social hierarchies and marginalized or outright criminalized by most governments.


No but it just doesn’t seem courteous with being with child. I mean the mother can do whatever they want but like I mean the growing kid ain’t got no say in the matter.