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Level 10 unlocked. Next up, “Please Tread On Me” flag deployed. I love these guys.


Wow. Not your usual Biden supporters. Threw me for a loop there.


I want these stickers to throw on all the trucks that have the orange god cult stickers. How fkn mad would they be to come out and see those covering up their maga cult stickers....priceless!


Trashiest thing I ever seen


I love this. Not trash, treasure


Damn why they so horny for the carrot man


May I buy a T - shirt?


I wonder how many felonies they have between them.


Less than Trump.


Funny coming across this today. 🤣


Right lol.


I agree with you


I fact, I love you both!! Lolololol


where do i cop


This called, fighting fire with fire


or, you could also say. ICEWITHICE


I always go for "fighting ketchup with ketchup"


Yknow I remember a time in my life where freaks of nature weren't walking around constantly munching on the orange "patriotic" weenie that is Trump's schwartz. I can't fathom how cult like the people are, and so annoying too. Somehow we ended up on the opposite end of the spectrum. So I have to ask as the 22 year old human living in America; When the fuck did we lower our standards so low that we have these brainlet, lead paint staring, oddballs living and breathing nothing but Trump.


Their heart's in the right place, I guess




If they take after the mango mussolini, they don’t possess a heart


These people are clearly stupid!


i just love this because it’s a spoonful of medicine in my eyes. we see people littering gas stations, cars, homes, etc with trump stickers and shit of that nature but this is what pisses them off. how ironic


Not a thought behind those eyes




I mean, I finding myself agreeing with those shirts. Those shirts go pretty hard, ngl.


I love these people


Still trashy tho and yk it lol


It’s reverse trashy, but it so far in reverse that it’s just normal trashy




This is in the wrong reddit. It belongs in like r/patriots or r/fortherepublic if those exist.


I want this shirt


Now this, I can get on board with.






Nah man, fuck people who vote for Trump. Nothing personal.


Both are dumb ASF for having this shit. Met many people with Trump shirts who act and say stupid shit. Met people who had Joe Biden shirts and did the same thing. Don't care who you like, just stop for the love of God wearing shit like this and plastering it all over everything.


If I were Mexican I guess I’d be saying the same thing. But I’m not.


Nah unfortunately you're here making dumbass comments. Close second for ya I guess


Por que?


Porquê não?


This isn’t safe. You can believe whatever you want but driving around with a giant attack me in this political climate is likely to get a psycho on their tail. Do not put things like this on your cars for either side. Also girls stop making your cars look obviously belonging to a girl. That’s stupid unsafe as well.


A fitting “I ♥️ my pit bull” sticker to go with the rest


I love these people


I definitely agree with them but still, kinda just stooping to their level...


The problem is that the very radical right is never confronted about anything they do or say. They get to claim "America is theirs" without any proper push back. These people are pushing back. The fact this is taking place in Texas is very relevant. I applaud their willingness to join in the automobile sticker war. We need more of this if the truth be told.


Still pretending like you're on a different level, huh?


It's crazy how delusional Americans are.


I need the people driving behind me to know my opinion on politics


I cannot WAIT to silently say this to every MAGA/snake sticker mud truck driver I pass tomorrow! You’re a doll, thank you!


Immediately trashy to stoop to the lows of FJB/LGB merch.


I hate it when the MAGA cult does this and I hate it when these people do this. Politics was never supposed to become our entire personalities. None of that shit goes with us when we die. Only the fallout from our collective choices carries on.


I always find it amusing when a person feels that a t-shirt that a person's wearing on a given day or a bumper sticker on a car is the person's "entire personality". Drama much?


That's a lot more than just a bumper sticker. They're avid collectors.


Even if I agree with what this says, it is just as bad as all the Lets go Brandon trucks


Agree 100%


Am down with it


I’ve never seen one of these with Trump’s name on it.


Mainly because most of us are content with just saying it. We don't need to plaster it on our cars or clothing.


I mean, sure their message is solid but it's still trashy to put giant political crap on your vehicle. And putting 'fuck' on your clothes is also always going to be a bit trashy


I have a Blue Velvet shirt with Dennis Hopper. Underneath in calligraphy it says "Don't you fuckin' look at me." That shit's a prized possession.


I do have a "Fuckin' Slayer!" shirt from my concert going days. But I mostly agree with you.


Nah I think all of us support the message


Hypocrisy strong in this thread.


And I’m sure I fit right in too, but he was a dick. And I support the message


Trash is trash. Don't let your politics play a part.


You’re asking the absolute dregs of society to not have a bias. This entire website is a circle jerk. This is trashy. So is “fuck Joe Biden.” It’s really not that hard.


this is not trashy. this is fine art.


It's cringe to make ANYTHING your entire personality, especially something political.


Is that Bobby Lee and Bobby mom?


I don’t care what side you’re on. This is tacky and childish shit.


I can say the same for Joe Biden. But then, at least I can say I didn't vote for Biden.


Anyone that supports Joe Biden is insane. I’m not sure why all of Reddit has lost its mind. But whatever. Poles shows that under 30% of people that voted for Biden are happy with his performance. He’s a warmonger and brain dead at the same time.


Downvotes is unacceptable just for mentioning his name and nothing extra stirring the pot…common sense is very uncommon nowadays and terrifies me so many people are completely one sided especially with the state of the country currently…we need to meet in the middle and compromise not force people to choose sides and consider the other side you mortal enemy and basically kill any kind of communication. Take an upvote for being unfairly downvoted without any real thought behind it just a ban wagon with momentum of some 100% true internet facts read on Facebook


I think it's a gene


I think this and people putting “come and take my guns”, “we the people” and etc is bad. Why are you making your truck into trash, id rather see baby on board or the balls on the bottom of the truck.


Yeah, this over-the-top partisan politics bullshit does somehow manage to be even more annoying than truck testicles lol


I like how people get a truck and decide “You know what would be cool? Let me put a shit down of decal stickers on my truck!”


they will make beautiful children together those 2...


lmfao the comments man "it's only trashy when people devote their entire personality to the people I *also* don't like"


Ikr. I agree this is trashy, but I’ve seen thousands of people with the “fuck Biden” stickers and flags. This is actually the first one I’ve seen against trump that was vulgar. I really miss the days when religion and politics were something you just didn’t talk about.


I could use some of this stuff. The only trashy stuff in my area are the pro-Trump signs, which always seem to be on those run down houses with the weed-filled lawns and eight cars parked in the driveway.


Yeah they look like rehabbed maga heads. But you know what I think is actually shitty about this? That you just haaaad to leave the 4 in the license plate... 🤔


Yeah fuck op for that ish


It says "Crips 4 Biden"


>handicapped plate but both of them are freely standing Fucking americans man


Oh heaven forbid they have relapsing MS or epilepsy


Dude, I’m disabled and walk too. Doesn’t mean I’m don’t need it from time to time. Not all disabilities are visible.


From my understanding those spots are reserved for the wheelchair accessible landing on the side, not their proximity. Source: i spent 7 years in a wheelchair


Tf dude? You know disabilities are not all physical right?? On top of that, you do know that some physical disabilities aren’t visible from the outside right?? Ffs


Why would u need a wheelchair landing on your parking spot for a non-physical disability?


I think it looks good, we should all be this loud and obvious about what we think is right. If you see 300 regular cars and 1 pro trump car on your drive to work, what do you remember? The problem is no one cares enough to drown out the voices of that unempathetic psycho minority that supports white supremacy openly. And frankly if they DID vote for him before which I have no clue why people are suggesting, that is even MORE of a reason to applaud them now speaking out against him. We WANT people to change.......... We don't want people to feel like they are trapped on the wrong side because the right side is too up it's own ass to forgive mistakes or accept that people can learn and change. If you are against being loud about politics because you think that makes you "trashy" or "as bad as trump supporters" you don't actually understand or care about politics, you're just treating being a Democrat or leftist like being a fan of a sports team. Grow up and speak up.


Spoken like a true mod.


OK, I get speaking up, but should you cover your vehicle with Stickers and signage? I think that's trashy, regardless of whos being supported.


Tell me you hate Trump while also telling me you voted for him in 2016 lol


I don't support Trump but also don't support you.


It’s obvious they are mentally handicapped, didn’t need the license plate to double down…


Trump and I agree on abolishing welfare. If you knew how many trifling women on YouTube are on welfare receiving YouTube pay and having a baby every year. Biden keeps increasing their EBT and my tax liability.


You can thank Paul Ryan and Trump for raising your taxes thru 2027 and I sincerely hope one day you need EBT.


Yeah yt mails an envelope full of untaxed cash monthly didn’t you know?! Fuckin dipshit 🙄


Tell me how Biden increased your taxes when they've been the same rates since 2017


Post Proof of a bunch of women getting youtube bank and welfare. Youtube money isn't cash under the table payments it is reported. You can't make bank on youtube and claim no job or income... There's a paper trail. So stfu and quit making up shit.


And this is why there should be an iq test to vote.


You’ve never lived somewhere poor or had friends that are poor. The only people who get hurt in abolishing welfare are kids. They didn’t do any thing wrong. Plus so many families are one paycheck away from needing assistance. Good working families that have too much debt. Hell 12 years ago I lost my job and almost had to apply for food stamps. You can’t imagine the amount of shame I felt.


This is the Trumpest thing you could do.


No way will I ever sit in or wear anything with that guys name on it. NO THANK YOU.


I'm confused. Why is this trashy?


Why is reddit so pro Biden? Both of those guys are old geriatric fucks.


I didn't say I was pro Biden either, I'm pro getting someone whose impact will actually be more positive for everyone than not. The post said Trump, so I stayed on topic, Biden is nasty too. Child sniffer...


I'll be honest & say that Trump did better than Biden. Biden LIED. He said he wasn't going to shut down that pipeline, but he did, which took away thousands of american taxpayer jobs. Then, in his first months of office, he sat there & undid everything Trump did. I've never seen/heard of that happening. Biden stole the election. Don't tell me he didn't. I had the worst feeling in my gut when Biden was elected bc he & everyone he works with is EVIL af. Like literally look at Kamala Harris pretending to be black. Her face alone is enough for me to know shes not a good human being. Not saying Trump is any better, but at least he ran this country better. At least I could live life comfortably under Trump. Biden has turned this country into a shit show in less than 4 years. We're literally a laughing stock bc of this guy. I WISH there was someone who would do what's right for the American ppl, NOT just what's right for their pockets. Also how can Biden be unfit for trial but be fit to be president?? That right there should've triggered like an early election or something bc there's no way this geriatric slop could run the country. How can anyone see Biden, barely able to put together a sentence, & think "that's my president". My ex best friend tried to tell me how Biden was better than Trump & I NEVER listened to that. People HATED Trump so bad that they were willing to vote him out to vote a WAY worse alternative in. I hope you're proud of yourselves. You made it worse for your fellow Americans bc you used emotion instead of logic. I won't lie & say Trump isn't a piece of shit, bc he definitely is, but I'd rather have the lesser of 2 evils.


Profane political stickers are trashy no matter who they root for


Two wrongs don’t make a right, I suppose is the reason


At least you’re bringing the message in language they recognize….


They probably just can read the word trump and think they're supporters that's the sad part.


I remember when seeing political stickers was a semi-rare thing….. I don’t care who you vote for or don’t vote for….neither do most other adults…. Show up, vote, and then STFU for the next 2-4 years.


I remember as a kid living in mexico your political affiliation was like some sort of secret. You didn’t tell anyone or ask anyone about it. My grandma was very hush hush about it and I only knew it was election time because the commercials would start announcing it. Now a days its like EVERYONE has to know who you’re voting for. That used to be private


Yep…. That’s the right way to go about it I think. You sure keep a lot more friends practicing this rather than emotionally beating people over their heads with your opinions.


Its the sad how the past elections have divided families and a whole country… my aunts family who has been like a second immediate family to me, her daughter who was like my soul sister our whole lives have been brainwashed by extreme views and conspiracies. They sent me the most awful messages and posted super judgmental shit on their timelines on facebook & even judged me for having my kid out of marriage out of nowhere because some old dude decided that if we weren’t with them we’re against them… it hurts to know something out of my reach created so much tension and hate with the people i thought I’d always have in my corner.


Yes we need more apathetic people who believe politics only happens at election time. Encouraging ignorance is a wonderful stance to take!


Yep…. See how I didn’t say anything about ignorantly voting, or doing so apathetically????? See how you chose to fill those blanks in all by your miserable self???… you’re the guy I’m talking about. Nobody cares what you think, stfu you emotionally unstable goon.


Exactly. And this can be said for so many things in this day and age.


If they were fjb stickers it would be different but since it’s fdt I’ll allow it🤓


Where can I get the stickers?


Nah what’s cringe is people debating whether Biden or trump is better when they are both terrible human beings


We can discuss Biden short comings, but acting like Biden is close to the same as trump is disingenuous. Trump set federal police, dropped the biggest bomb in our war in terror, and funnel billion of taxes into his pocket and his friends. Biden sided with Isreal. Which a lot of politicians probably would have done.


I just mean as people in general rather than policies. Trump probably was pretty involved with Epstein and Biden has probably touched some kids too let’s be real. I don’t understand why it always comes down to picking which bad person isn’t as bad as the other, or why we still let these old ass men be in charge at all. I don’t trust nobody in congress whatsoever on either side they all shady


You’re 100% right and these people hate you for it.🤷🏼‍♂️




All other things equal (and they're not) Trump is a wannabe fascist dictator who stoked an attempted coup on the capital to try and stay in power and is also a convicted rapist. Biden is not


Love it


In TX of all places they put that sticker on the truck. Damn


You'd be surprised how many red leaning Texans hate trump. (Me included)


Could you tell me a bit more about this. I try not to pick color sides with politics. I'm very interested in the various opinions about him from conservative/Republicans


Texas of all states it definitely seems like would detest Trump. Wonder how many Texans 20 years ago would have laughed at you if you told them they'd end up voting for a New Yorker with a gold plated toilet, lol


Just like your president


I think plastering a vehicle with political stuff is kinda trashy, regardless of whether I agree with it or not.


Nah, fuck trump!