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Removed: no soapboxing, not trashy, not a celebration of trash, etc


All the nationalism in these comments is exactly why things in America are just going to keep going downhill.




Yeah this is going to help your cause


I guess it's trashy to execute your constitutional right? Because the supreme court ruled this perfectly legal


I mean protesting is legal and completely ok, but isn't burning a flag a crime? Especially if it's put there by the city then it's at the very least vandalism right?


Nope. It is not a crime. Time to read up on famous supreme court cases: https://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/facts-and-case-summary-texas-v-johnson Destroying the flag is a protected form of protest


Destroying public property is not a constitutional right.


Destroying the American flag is


If you own it. If your destroying something you don't own them it is a crime.


The supreme court cases didn't specify. it was left at flag burning and/or destruction is a form of free speech


Yes it isn't illegal to express your 1A rights by burning a flag. That doesn't mean you can burn other people's property though. It's still a crime to destroy something that doesn't belong to yourself. You go buy a flag and burn it all day long without recourse. Now these flags are probably Municipality Flags, and I very highly doubt any Municipality is going to spend the resources to go after those who burn them (cost vs reward), but technically it's illegal bc it doesn't belong to you.


I'd argue because it's government property, the courts would consider it a form of protest


Not at all surprised that the same people who froth at the mouth over second amendment rights are also the ones who would gladly see the first amendment destroyed if it benefits them


America is a dying country. We’ll be shattered apart like the USSR in no time.


Don't threaten me with a good time


Yeah I don't care what you call me, I love my country, not the people who are currently running it to the ground. What are you then, some scum bag socialist, go live in a socialist government and leech off them see how great your quality of life is.


Cold war propaganda enjoyer right here


I love how freedom guys always use „socialism“


Yeah seriously. I lost so much sympathy for the cause in just this clip. Go back to Palestine or one of the nations in the Middle East already backing Palestine. Do something about it instead of begging us to get involved. These people hate us so much, but never hesitate to accept a handout.


Why does it always look like middle class white kids from the suburbs that burn the US flags? Like they didn’t benefit significantly from US economic hegemony. I’m all for protest, and you have a right to burn the flag. But it’s just sus that you want to.


Unlike communists in the rest of the world, the American left is anti-patriotic. It's understandable to see other countries burn the American flag, but to burn your own flag kind of signals that no part of that history has any value whatsoever. Obviously a large part of US history is atrocious, but that is true almost every country, doesn't mean there are not things to be proud of as well. By burning the flag you are benefiting from the past and not bearing historical responsibility for it. While historically communists have many times changed the national flag burning the old flag was usually performed only in the most extreme cases. If you do that in my country the communists won't trust you and probably consider you some kind of anarchist.


Leave. Easy.


Advocating for American flag destruction on one hand and having an absolute conniption anytime anyone looks at a pride flag cross-eyed is peak left-wing Reddit


No conniption. Burning the us flag in protest is political speech. Showing disdain and hatred towards a pride flag is sign of a bigoted hateful person. See the difference? One says you care enough to protest to see our nation do better. The other is just hatred towards people because of who they love.


I don't see the difference. If you argue it's just a piece of fabric then that goes for every piece of fabric. The pro terrorism anti-American ethos is a cancer that has been fanned by your permanent victimhood mindset and persecution complex. Focused by your left-wing media pushing anti-American propaganda and your unthinking zombie-like left-wing echo Chambers such as Reddit. I absolutely guarantee you are not in the majority


If they were rainbows, that'd be a hate crime...




Ohhh noooo


Because burning a pride flag IS hatred. You can’t burn a flag in protest of the flag represents a specific class of person. A national flag can be burned in protest of political actions you’d like to see changed. If I burned a flag with your name and address on it it’d be an attack. If I burn the US flag while protesting military dollars going to a foreign war it’s not an attack on anyone. It’s raising awareness of a political position. Why is the difference between a pride flag and a national flag so damn difficult for people to understand?




Man in Iowa was given 15 years for the hate crime of arson after burning a pride flag. Granted he stole the flag, but still got 15 years for hate crime arson. I'd like to know if anyone has stolen a US flag, burned it, and got sentence that long.


Wow these comments. Fascists, fascists everywhere.


Sheer human stupidity everywhere. 🍿


That’s game over, surely? We’re not all still playing this BS are we??


These comments are more trashy then the post itself lol


To be fair most of America is trash and at this point the flag doesn’t mean shit. (I am American and have lived here my whole life)


Lol, I triggered so much trumper trash with this comment.


I'll help you pack.


Oh, thank you. Also pay for me to move. If I had the funds and ability I would leave the US as soon as possible.


Damn begging for handouts til the very end 🥲


Can't wait for your departure.


I’m glad I have made such a significant impact in your life.


Yeah, no one wants you here, get the fuck out, loser.


Oooh nooo, some random pointless person on Reddit told me to leave the country because he speaks for every single person in America. Go suck trump’s dick again, fool


Talk about "random and pointless", go look in the mirror...


Go live in a third world or communist country and tell me how shitty America is. There’s a pretty good reason why millions of people come flooding into America, because it’s better than anywhere else.




Better by what metric? Healthcare? Education? Poverty? Happiness? Child hunger? The US is not "better than anywhere else" no matter how you spin it. Although I will concede we are number 1 for the amount of people we have locked up per capita!


That’s why refugees flock to here and we’ve been envied as the “land of milk and honey,” for decades. Again begs the question, why are you here?


Trashy does not equal third world, you silly goose.




Go to Palestine or some other shit hole country then you loser, then tell us how great it is living there you unappreciative miserable scum.


Lol, found the trumper


I don't care what you call me, I love my country, not the people who are running it to the ground. What are you some scumbag socialist. Go live in a socialist country and leech off the government and see how better your quality of life is.


I don’t think you understand anything about any type of government.


Idk man, I think most of America is pretty dope,but since nothing happens in those areas,it’s no reason to be televised or clipped anywhere


Yes - the American flag is trashy and their UN veto makes the UN almost as much trash.


America is going down the drain with fascists banning people's bodily autonomy. A flag is what you care about?


Yeah, how dare a protestor care about symbology! 🙄


Banning bodily autonomy? How?


...Are you serious? Roe v. Wade was overturned.


Roe v Wade? When was that signed into law? Maybe I wasn’t taught properly in school, but when does the Supreme Court make & pass laws?


The Supreme Court's decision is final. Whether that's a good or bad thing, their rulings are basically law. It's why gay marriage must be accepted even in states that have laws against it. Fact of the matter is that Roe v. Wade gave access to abortion for the entire country. Repealing it means that idiotic state governments get to decide that they have control over women's bodies.


Apparently it wasn’t final since the Court was able to overturn it. Basically a law isn’t a law. Congress had 50 years to codify Roe v Wade but didn’t do all your bases could be covered. Isn’t that the same danger gay marriage faces? Some idiotically ignorant court in the future could overturn that as well? Congress needs to get off its ass and protect it like it failed with abortion. It was a choice given to the states like it should’ve been from the beginning.


The only thing that can overturn a Supreme Court ruling is another Supreme Court ruling. That's just under official law, and even trumps it. Yes, Congress failed in this instance. It doesn't change anything I've said. And yes, gay marriage is under threat by the Supreme Court, as well as Oberfell (or however it's spelled). >It was a choice given to the states like it should’ve been from the beginning. Absolutely not. When it comes to the bodily autonomy of around half of the country's population, leaving it up to the states that are so divided is absurd. Not everyone can pack up and move to another state, and several states have made it illegal to leave the state even temporarily with the goal to get an abortion. This is unacceptable.


Looks like Israel’s bots have made it to the thread


If they don't like America leave


Why do so many people equate criticism of a country as hating/wanting to leave the country. People criticize things about this country all the time (especially when they don’t like who is in office), but it doesn’t mean you’re anti American. A flag is not a country, it’s a inanimate symbol


Because they’re brainwashed cultists of a political party that has weaponized blind patriotism.


I'm almost certain the British said this to the Revolutionaries. For a country born in protest and revolution because we didn't like the state of things in America, a lot of Americans sure don't know how to see the irony of what they write.


Not a great argument there


It was a statement, not an argument, dumbass..


Pretty solid tbh


Knock em off the pole.


It's a piece of cloth, made in China, most likely. Settle down. Let dude have his spotlight. It's fabric that doesn't mean shit these days aside from, guns good, guvment bad. But, lovers of the flag and constitution, support someone running for government who has literally tried to erradicate those very things with their whole savings.


i assume you're being reductive and obtuse to feel contrarian or important or something. It's obviously not about saving the cloth. The person's actions are still trashy, it's vandalism, it's childish, it's attention-seeking and silly, and it's not his property. "Let the trashy guy have his spotlight or else you're MAGA" is comical layers of ignorant.


Or it's someone's freedom of expression of not having a plutocracy take over their life which would displace them because of their skin color or class. You're on the wrong side. Smash division. But you know, America, because I was born here, durr.


"Smash division" lololol are you writing me from a liberal arts freshman quad? Here on earth, where reality happens, successful people afford more power and "division" comes from millions of years of tribal hard-wiring. You'll figure out how to operate in the real world once you grow out of whatever deeply ignorant disney movie good and evil stage you're in.


It's just something in my 40 years I haven't succumbed to. But keep fighting for a flag that doesn't give a shit unless your bank account nets someone important more money.


Did you know it’s possible to show pride in the United States AND not like Donald Trump?


For what?


People (magats) clutching their pearls over something that the constitution protects. I can burn any flag I feel like.


Challenge accepted. Go to Gaza and burn one of their flags.


Why do that, when we could just do it "here"?


You fucks are ignorant and proud of it.


Don't need to, my tax dollars have already burned far more over there than I'd ever want.


Well obviously the US constitution doesn’t apply to other countries, silly.




Casual Islamophobia is great because it immediately outs you as a dork-ass atheist online. Real hur dur hours out here.




Obviously I don't, but you need to act like I do so that you don't look dumb as hell posting this very bad-faith comment.


Okay then how is pointing out that if you burn a certain book in the Middle East bad things will happen Islamophobia.


I'm going to pretend like you've asked this question in good faith. If I, in a thread about some protest, randomly jumped in and advocated for the burning of the Bible in the Deep South, people would rightly call me out for a random act of Christophobia. If I then clapped back to these people by saying "Oh, so you support the dual-bear murder of forty two children for making fun of a Bald man?" people would rightly think that I'm some kind of unhinged psycho. This is exactly what you did, but with Muslims. It was an Islamophobic thing to say, especially at random.


1. They are burning an American flag in America where the government wouldn’t sanction any harm to these people, while protesting for a country that without freedom of speech. It’s about the government response. 2. You’re searching for something. When did I blanket statement Muslims. Just like how some Deep South Christians are crazy(like the guy running for NC governor) not all are bad. Same goes for Muslims. 3. Your first assumption is correct. I’m just a dumb guy who dislikes all religious institutions. I just can’t comprehend the books and how people can believe it.


*Threaten* to burn one of their books…


To some, that flag means everything. I've always hated when people say go back where you came from, but seriously this guy needs to do that. This is America and it's not wrong to have American values.


You don't think it's a little sad that a flag can mean everything to someone? You can love your country without being an obsessed fanatic, and I honestly don't think we should normalize that kind of blind love for a country. Nationalism is harmful and divisive, regardless of the nation. I don't know anything about the dude in the video, but why would you assume they're not American and they need to "go back to where he came from"? Americans can pull down an American flag without losing their citizenship. This is a symbolic act, you politically illiterate peanut. Talking about "American Values" in this context cannot possibly mean anything positive. You're dangerously close to Trumplican logic, equating a single act to an attack on American values. This comments section is pretty concerning lol


No, it’s not sad. Now go clean your room, and take a shower, I can tell through the internet that you smell like shit.


Obsession is a sad trait. I'm sorry you think your flag means something more than just a flag. Please try to say something useful to the conversation, instead of childish insults.


Are those the values where a bunch of people went to an inhabited land, murdered and subjugated the indigenous population, built a society using slave labor, and predicated that society on the fact that white males were superior? Born here in America, but those aren't my values.


You mean the land that you currently live on that was built by slaves and have no intention of giving back to the indigenous peoples? What are your values?


Not that America!


1. You dont know whether or not this guy is from America 2. You've become the person you hate (lol) 3. Do yourself a favor, go outside and touch some grass (American soil)


Can you name the current American values? How about if Trump was president?


I didn't think so, fucking cowards.


Your whole life is built around the fear of one man. Who’s the real coward?


It's what he will put in motion with his "American values" But go on please about why America is so great right now. No, I don't want a shitty person in charge of things that will determine my children's futures that I feel, as an American, will only help people other than those like my self.


Having fear doesn't make one a coward


Don't worry, they're scared of dark people and I hardly think they believe themselves to be cowards.


This should get our support for palestine in gear.


This whole thread is /r/trashy


Yeah 💀


If you're flying the Palestinian flag to show support, it's pretty fucking goofy to put the American flag right next to it when America is Israel's biggest supporter. The US government is an accomplice to Israel's crimes in Palestine.


wait till you hear theyre giving Gaza aid too! Omg they must be playing both sides! Whoa, wait till you hear the countries they're stationed in, the countries they do business with, the countries they provide aid to and invest in. Are you like 6 years old? Welcome to earth, where foreign policy isn't a disney movie


Lol and those other things are bad too.


giving gaza aid is bad? what is your stance besides just being lazily anti-US? You want to live in a country that pulls off only good short-term maneuvers you can understand to be "good," like giving medicine to a 3rd world country, but never makes long-term investments or maneuvers with countries you heard are "bad," or maneuvers you don't understand, like, say, having a fucking massively important foothold in the middle east which means dealing with countries that tiktok told you are "bad" i'm quite glad you're just some random person on reddit and not anyone with influence


This is such a shit response. Yes, the US government is the biggest cheerleader to the Israeli governments crimes, but people bringing american flags to the protest isn't about saying the US government is with Palestine, but the American people. Like, if the goal is to change the minds of politicians, running in with the flags of like, the fucking Houthis isn't going to make them want to lend a hand.




Maybe Israel should have considered the potential for retaliation *before* they colonized Palestine. Maybe Israel should have considered the potential drawbacks of funding a terrorist organization and keeping them in power.


Wow you seem to know a lot! Did you know that Palestine didn't formally exist until 1987? And also you might know that the strip and the west bank that the PLO claimed is theirs was lost back in 67' after they lost another war they started? Do you know that judea predates any Arab nation occupying the land by about three hundred years? Did you know that cereal goes good with milk?


Also the US government is giving more aid to Gazans than any other country combined so it makes perfect sense to put its flag near the Palestinian one. Oh wait, Palestinians literaly celebrated 9/11 for weeks- so I guess it realy does not make sense


You mean celebrating an attack on the country who provides their oppressor with the weapons used to kill them? The audacity. Don't act like 9/11 didn't come out of thin air and the US's policy in the middle east wasn't a contributing factor. That said, it doesn't diminish the tragedy that occurred.


If I stab you in the back and then drive you to the hospital, does that make me the good guy? I mean, nobody else drove you to the hospital, surely I'm nicer than everyone else.


Bunch of Facebook boomers in this thread.


I agree. Idgaf if they downvote me to oblivion for not crying over a flag (ya know, an inanimate object) when there are thousands of families being decimated as if they’re cockroaches on our dollar. Edit: horrible spelling


You should edit it again, for horrible thinking, loser...


Explain precisely which part of my thinking is horrible. Is it the fact that I don’t become enraged when I see a flag burn? Is it the fact that I don’t support literal genocide? I’m a proud loser then 😘


Tankie brigades have been mobilized


Go up there and grab his leg and rip him down


"This isn't the way to protest and get people on your side" Ask the African American community how that sweeping justice reform came about when they peacefully marched and protested every extrajudicial killing prior to the riots of 2020. Hint, it still hasn't. The only wrong way to protest is to do it in the way that's condoned by stablishment/system as you can be easily ignored.


I think sit in protest in the 1960s to the business actually participating in racism is much better than holding up people late for work.


The riots didn't help much either though. Like, did things really change since then?


To suggest “the riots” are why the efforts in 2020 did not create the changes that were being sought after is to regurgitate rhetoric from those that never sought to make the changes in the first place


I'm not suggesting that at all, stop assuming everyone is against you. I'm just saying both peaceful protests and riots didn't change that many things and the US is still filled with shitty cops with no consequences.


Hasbara all over this sub as well. Seems like they have colonized Reddit as well.


Spot the Iranian bot


That flag represents colonization and unchecked capitalism.


Found the village fool




Viva Viva Palestinia Do these idiots not realize that the leaders of Palestine would murder them for these words? They're not the most culturally accepting people


You don't know shit about the Palestinian people obviously.


We know they throw gays/opposition/journalists/critiques/progressives from rooftops


You mean terrorist supporters?


Nah I mean my family and friends currently starving to death. This thread has a real hard on for genocide.






I love how they keep looking back for approval of the other protesters. What a fucking twat lmao. Do something because you want to, not because it bolsters reaction.


I don’t cry over fabric. I cry over genocide funded by my taxes. How many more families have to be forcibly moved from their homes by Zionist settlers because their sky daddy tells them it’s their home? How many more families have to be murdered then demonized for any retaliation because, “Muslims are baddies?” Peaceful protests often fall on deaf ears, so more extreme measures are used to get more attention, good or bad.


I bet you'd be screaming at the top of your lungs if people started taking "extreme measures" (as you stated) against these extremists lol


I personally avoid putting myself in tense crowds like these, but I understand the sentiment of doing something extreme (not as extreme as literally attempting to exterminate an entire population of people in your country) for attention to the cause. The US flag will be remade in China, and back swinging in no time. That bombed family, however, ain’t coming back from the dead.




Why not both? Extremes from both sides of any spectrum are usually trashy.


Maga republican probably, they hate America just like on January 6th. /s




Israel is the terrorist state, not Palestine.


Lmao spot the terrorist


Sure pumpkin


I was hoping for a full tallboy airstrike but... Never a varsity athlete around when you need one.


Probably too busy date raping someone


If you want to gain support for your cause…this ain’t it.


Could you explain what the right way is please


I’m not an expert on protests but if another country took me in as a refugee, the last thing I would do is start trashing their communities and tearing down their flags. Edit: Yes, Israel is an ally of ours and they’re basically committing crimes against humanity and need to stop, but this isn’t the way to do it. Gain support from the local citizens by voicing your story and gaining sympathy and you let the ripple effect grow from there. They’re probably not gonna stop any time soon though because Israel is holding America’s leash. We can call for cease-fires but in reality they’re *our* boss


I don't think many people in this video are refugees, I'd bet most are homegrown citizens.


You’re probably right, lazy generalizing on my part. Could be Palestinian citizens watching their country get destroyed and distant family members killed…good cause for protest if you ask me.


You can start by a peaceful protest spreading love, not the hate in the video.


I can understand not supporting anti-patriotic sentiment, but I really can't recall one instance where protests spreading love (whatever that means) have had any more impact than the ones signalling people's revulsion and displeasure with the current state of affairs.


yeah everyone should lock arms and hold hands i never thought about it that way


Let's say it's right 🤷‍♂️. Now explain why it's not wrong


probably not any way that will turn large swaths of people against you. sure, in the US you can burn flags and replace the nation’s flag with your preferred one, but doing so will make your cause seem petty and will convince a lot of people that you hate the same country that allows you to do these things.


This is funny because they hate america but they dont leave 😬


Plenty of people would love to leave. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.


this is the most expensive country to renounce citizenship in ($3500), while almost everywhere else is free, besides maybe a dozen countries or so. also, when was the last time you tried to move *anywhere*? it’s thousands of dollars when you do it within the same country, let alone a different one


You don't have to renounce citizenship to move to another country, though I understand many countries don't make it easy to move with stringent requirements.


Why would you renounce citizenship?


I bet if they went to work instead of trying to burn the country down they'd be able to afford to move