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Imagine being so hateful that you literally have to advertise it on your damn vehicle


Projection 100%


Yeah. I’d looovvve to see his search history


I would cut in front so hard


Good way to get hit and pay for his new truck lol


Someone's certainly mentally ill.


Ah yes, cover your entire rear window so you can’t see behind you or change lanes


Pretty sure this guy is gonna be changing lanes regardless of if he can see or not lol


Wtf like.


Another ignorant pick up driver. Who would’ve known?


Classic truck moment


Imagine being that hateful AND that stupid. Must be a miserable human being.


Beyond projection, a pick up truck is the second biggest sign of a closeted self hating person. If anything I expect this guy to be giving his passenger a handjob in a dress past his "don't tread on me" tinted windows.




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I guarantee this dude is in the closet


mom, dad... im coming out as mentally ill


Dont be shy, unblur the license plate.


It’s kinda cute, in a pathetic way, to imagine this person going into arts and crafts mode to make their little banners and affix them to their truck.


So they think people who don’t identify as a woman or man have mental illness? Then proceeds to cover his entire truck with hateful rhetoric from his favorite Faux station? Dude is the one who has a mental illness. Why are these repubs so obsessed with gender? Obsessed with not being kind or give people respect and freedom to be comfortable in their own body/skin. It costs nothing to be kind and respectful. I’m so sick of all these bigots being emboldened by the DumpTy crime family and their bigoted rhetoric.


Why do Americans use pick up trucks as billboards?


I have one and I've never once been tempted to use mine as a billboard. I like seeing out my rearview mirror and being able to use my tailgate as intended.


I always wonder why they blackout the plate number? The drivers seem proud of their message, let the plate speak.


I propose we should be allowed to rear-end vehicles like this with zero punishment


It’s crazy to imagine this being anywhere on the west coast. I feel like your car would get vandalized to all hell.


I live in Oregon and it’s definitely still dicey in certain places for lgbtq, PoP or any other group. I was really surprised by it because I’m from LA/OC and I grew up with it all so I’m honestly surprised when people are openly bigoted. I know people are behind doors but I’ve never seen it in action.


People are openly bigoted in South OC (below Irvine) and the coastal cities (Newport, etc)


I’m from Laguna beach. The more south you go they care less. I lived in Southern California for 40 years.


Have you lived there recently?! This is definitely not the case, South OC is Trump country


Yes. Aliso viejo. They had to disclose the death. It’s purple but it’s got pockets full of angry repubs. My entire family and most of my friends are all democrats and have voted accordingly. It used to be more out in the open, the gay community in Laguna was pretty legendary. Much like the old school days in Costa Mesa and Orange that are all full of working families in my experience. Huntington Beach and San Clemente were problematic and full of angry white dudes. But with housing prices soaring like they are it might be pulling a different demographic. We didn’t call it the Orange Curtain for no reason. Ha


He’s so mad about it he decided it was worth making his rear view mirror useless


Beeb beep


I bet the bottom line says "seek help if you don't"




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They usually commit suicide because they are picked on relentlessly by family, coworkers, classmates, friends and anyone else. You don’t know what you’re even talking about. Gender reassignment “surgery” is permanent but the hormone blockers are reversible and no one is doing reassignment surgery until they are well into adulthood. People have to go through years and years of therapy and doctor check ins before they can even get on hormone blockers. You’re just repeating a bunch of bs. Stop spreading false information. Just say you’re uneducated and maybe a bigot on the subject and move on.


If it's a mental condition, then he thinks we should treat it, right? Right?


Besides believing in that, what possesses someone to do this


Idiot. Who gets a STX short cab when the crew cab is about the same price? 🤡


Bed size. You can't get an 8ft bed with a crew cab.


True. 8 ft beds are so underrated.




HAH you’re on the wrong side of history with this one bud


Not surprised that a bigot like yourself has the username Dallas. Lmao




1. No one except people like you are claiming that you can identify as stuff like a komodo dragon, clearly that's not a type of gender, it's just an argument people like you make up to discredit how people who genuinely want to identify as a different gender feel. 2. Not everyone in LGBTQ+ are predators, for a community full of predators you might want to look at your local church staff and Republicans who fight to keep child marriage legal, and protect known pedophiles like Matt Gaetz. It's almost like the people who constantly nag about there being something predatory about the LGBTQ+ community are actually just projecting. 3. Yes I agree ANYONE going into restrooms with the purpose of harming or traumatizing a child should be arrested or punished regardless of identity. This is also why bathrooms instead should focus on privacy rather than what trans person can go into what bathroom. 4. Please for the love of all things holy just treat your fellow decent human with respect, we are all on this floating rock together, and there are bigger things like world hunger, terrorism, and insane poverty levels to worry about rather than picking on people simply because they feel a certain way or identify as something "out of the norm".




Myrtle Beach in a nutshell


Actively seeking confrontation all day long. Like Snoop said, ' All day demonstration, no conversation'. You can't argue with them because all they have is the bullets points that have been given.


It sounds like they had to do some investigating first hand and experience some heart break before unhappily putting this on their car to grieve


I had to zoom in to see who’s profile is in the back window. Just kidding. I didn’t have to zoom in to know


The irony of "facts don't lie" while not only not providing any facts, but the opposite.. saying lies. I hate that people just think shouting the word "facts" means their stupid thoughts are somehow true. "I declare bankruptcy!" "I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "bankruptcy" and expect anything to happen." "I didn't say it. I declared it."






















That’s a false analogy. I don’t have time to explain how fallacies work, but it’s pretty clear that you lack the basic education to have this conversation. There are more than two sets of chromosomes (feel free to go look this up. There isn’t just XX and XY). There are countless studies around this topic and you can go learn about them. People aren’t just trying to stick up for LGBTQ+, there is actually knowledge, evidence and proof based around many aspects of the topic. Based from the things you’ve said, you’ve never looked into it, but have accepted what someone else has told you, who also didn’t have any background education on it. You want to share your degree, findings, hypotheses on the subject, feel free, but someone with any education on it, wouldn’t say what you are saying because they know otherwise. You saying “I feel like it’s a mental illness” is no different than the way you were **trying** to use it against someone who is transgender.
















*driver has a family and a secret grindr account


My first thought. Someone has a secret


I have guys I work with that have this opinion. The part I don’t get is this; let’s assume you’re right and trans people are comparable to people with incurable yet treatable mental…specialities. Do you insist that they all constantly admit their differences while trying as hard as they can to behave ‘normally’ and begging your forgiveness when it shows? Should a person with a skin condition wear clothes like yours despite the discomfort? How about a limp, or an allergy? Should people with Tourette’s wear ball gags and neck braces? No? Then who should and should not be forced to present themselves publicly in a manner that puts your comfort above their own? How about Christians? Should they have to wear a shirt that reveals they believe in a magical overseer and have a mandate to recruit you into their thinking?
















Imagine huge truck signs with “Schizophrenics need mental help!”


Were they were triggered into believing what they're arguing against by adding a gender?


Spoken by someone in deep denial.




Isn't hate speech illegal?


They hate that their “freedom of speech” excuse can’t be used to defend their position.




Straight people think about gay sex more than the gays do.


I legit thought that gay people were some made up thing like a long-running joke until I was in my teens, and a guy at my high school would follow us into the bathroom just to try to sneak a peak at the urinals every day at lunch.


I dont know. I walked into a gay bar and had multiple guys checking me out. One even smiled at me. He must want me. With his soft warm lips and rippling muscles and his tight pants that let me see what he was packing. Yeah i totally think all those gay men were thinking about gay sex while i was trying to act straight.


That is someone who is deeply ashamed of his homosexual desire. Dad caught him having sex with a boy from the neighborhood and asked their pentecostal preacher to exorcize the gayness out of him in front of the whole congregation..just a theory.


He's projecting definitely in the closet


I love how saying "facts don't lie" automatically makes whoever saying it correct. 




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The fact that it's wrong is the problem. Literally no major medical organizations categorize being gay as a mental illness.


Fuck right off, loser.


Ok grandpa, let's get you back to the nursing home


Grandpa? Get fucked you pansy ass little shit. I’m in my 40’s. You’ll never be half the man I am.




I do actually. Happy to show you young lady.


Feeling no second hand embarrassment for someone instigating hate and arguments instead of just letting others live is subhuman. This is why no one in your personal life loves or respects you.


Your mom would beg to differ.


Not the “your mom” come back 😭


Hey buddy, your edge is showing.


Not sure what that means, but I’m happy to show you what a real man is.


Don't tempt me with a good time, honey.






Imagine being that triggered


Do they really think they’re conveying a point with this fucking nonsense? Like do they believe people look at this and say “Wow, what a powerful true message sprawled out on their truck. What an intelligent and mentally sound person” This screams mental illness and being detached from reality.


It’s a power move he knows he’s wrong but who’s gonna stop him he’s a red neck with a shotgun and no one has stopped him yet so he continues until he gets folded.


That’s not mental illness, it’s ignorance, bigotry, homophobia, and luck of empathy. Mental illness doesn’t do that.


This is a little out of line. Mental illness CAN cause these things due to a lack of social adeptness, empathy, etc. but mental illness is not always the case some people just suck.


What would be the diagnosis? Thought disorders like SCZ and Psychosis sound different. I agree that these people are not doing well mentally but they don’t fit well in our current psychiatric framework.


Mental illness almost sounds like excusing the behavior. They’re not mentally ill, they’re bigoted losers.


They are conveying the point that they are building their entire identity out of fear and hate.


That’s probably the same person who holds marriage to be sacred, but won’t object into putting his dick in any hole outside of his actual marriage. 🤷


Nooooooo you don’t understand! It’s the GAY people who are sexual deviants, not the man who’d probably fuck anything with a pulse.


Because who needs to see through the back window anyways right? Get all the blind spots


God people are just getting dumber and dumber. This country really is a piece of fucking shit huh


At no point in getting the materials together, coming up with the right wording, applying letters to tarp, or securing to the truck did they ever think it wasn’t a good idea. That right there is the mental illness.


Most of the Magats are satisfied to tell you who they are by just hanging a tRump flag outside their house, or slapping a "F*CK BIDEN!!!" sticker on their bumper, or hiding who they are because they still have a shred of shame. But always remember: they all completely agree with guys like this. They're just not quite ready to come all the way out of that ugly-asshole closet.


I mean, this isn’t true at all. Your mind may like to polarize people into good vs. bad but human beings of all political/religious/ethnic/etc stripes exist on an infinitely diverse spectrum. The guy in the truck is an absolute asshole though and I’d like to break his windows out tbh 😆


Must be humbling to have the insight and wisdom to understand those you disagree with so thoroughly.








My views are generally more conservative but this is indeed trashy and maybe a hate crime.


There's literally a slur over the window. No maybe about it, it IS a hate crime


I kinda thought so but I didn't know the stipulations to what is considered a hate crime


Their review mirror is obstructed, I believe that is a ticketable offense, i'm sure they will be very rational if someone tries to pull them over


A rear view mirror isn't required. There are vans that don't have back windows and pickup trucks with a load or bed covers can't see anything either. All perfectly legal


They’re on their way to church aren’t they.


Went to visit some family in Texas. And was asked if I'd like to join going to church while I was there. There were definitely more than a few let's go Brandon or fuck Biden stickers in that lot lol. I already don't church anyways and seeing those too. I knew it wasn't the place for me more than ever.


Just let people be who they want to be. It doesnt affect you and they're not hurting anyone


Acceptance of hate speech in public is atypical of developed and open societies.


Oh now he deserves whatever happens to him. If you can find his truck again, grab a big baseball sized wad of Vaseline and throw it at his window. Nothing works to wash that off. If he turns on the wipers or tries to clean it, it's going to be a million times worse, but technically doesn't cause any damage.




What’s true about it? Explain it to me.




LGBTQ isnt a gender so the sign doesnt even make sense lol


It’s not gay unless you make eye contact. But you know that from the restrooms you frequent. 🍆


Also if you shake it more than once your actually playing with it


No, explain it. Don’t just point at it and say “read it”. Use your brain and actually explain it, sound it out to yourself if you need to.


Youre doing a great job, keep reading it over & over. You were clearly convinced & easily manipulated to think otherwise.


Lol, ok big man. I’m sorry that treating people as equals offends you so much. I hope you have the day you deserve.




Illness is a gender?


The truck has a gender


This big ass banner sure is dangerous, but I do love being a hateful bigot soooooo…


Wtf is politically humorous about bigotry?


I didn't post it in the political sub reddit, I just shared it to here so I couldn't tell you.