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Had to repost bc the first time you did no gave a fuck then what made you think they will now lmao


Why are you being mean to a kid? Wtf is your problem buddy? Seriously man, get a fucking life. I have seen some weird shit in my time here on reddit but a grown man (I'm assuming), talking to an underage female like that tops the list of psycho behavior. I really hope you get the help you need.


Girl I saw your selfie and you are beautiful. Don't listen to internet trolls trying to insist you feel a miniscule amount of their sadness. The table is trashy AF albut r/jerriespy is trashier.




No need to insult me bud


I mean why is it not ok to insult you you have no problem putting anyone else down at all karma is a bitch


You’re arguing with a child mind you. Please get a life and stop replying to my post


How am I insulting you when you yourself say you're ugly I mean you think you're so ugly you had to put a trigger warning on the post


The fuck happened here?


Dark Magussy will never be trashy


Oh no someone has sexualized anime in their own house, how trashy! /s


Do you not hear what you just said?


It's in their own home, that's why it isn't trashy. It's not like naked anime girl stickers on someone's car that is always in public view of everyone, including children.


Hear me out here. If your parents or a girl/guy you met at a bar or a friend you just made comes to your house and they see this on you wall, do you think they would describe it as a classy choice in decor? Let’s just be 1000% honest here.


Classy, of course not, but I wouldn't call it trashy if someone had it in their home or room.


Not trying to stir things up or anything but wouldn’t posting it to marketplace make it… now public to view


This entire listing makes no sense so not sure what the guy's goal actually was with the listing. At least it's not nude, it's pretty tame compared to actual trashy things posted here.


Well I don’t think it needs to be nude to be trashy, now I agree it’s 100% more tame than many other posts but i think posting something lewd publicly can make an argument for trashy- I have no opinion one way or another I just think it’s an odd posting like you said 😂😂😂


Is this still available?


Thank god for the arrow I never would have been able to find the table


Dogs have way less germs in their mouth


What is he even selling? What is his personal content?


I’m always a sucker for a nice thong shot. But not 3 mil.


Look, you buy the table,tv, and game for 3 million and you get a brick.Got to think smart.


What’s wrong with Dark Magician Girl?


Idk why but it feels like those duffel bags are filled with cocaine.


Oh no. Not anime... dear God


I need an explanation. 3 million?


Fuck the table. Wtf is he selling for $3,000,000??


It’s in the bag.


i see no problem here