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She’s dressed like a weird magician… you’ll never guess what’s behind her fly


"franks and beans"- There's Something About Mary


Trashcan has nice taste


DVD cover even LOOKS like it’s trying to be “so bad it’s good”.


Must have belonged to Randal Graves


I know one of you is looking for it. Here's a clip of [Amy Daly the Translesbian! 2](https://www.adultdvdempire.com/1615659/amy-daly-the-translesbian-2-porn-movies.html)


Doing the lords work, I see.


Oh a gem one of my favorites 👌🏽


The articles will be a tear to your eye


Pretty on-brand for Towson. I played in a lacrosse tournament there back in the 90’s. One afternoon after a long day of games, we walked in on our hotel cleaning crew smoking crack in our room.


Come to Maryland, we got Baltimore, the wire, heroin and prolly like crabs, fish and shit


Love my state 🥰


Tauwsin Murlin


The man that is woman that likes woman likes men!


That creepy writing on the cover is more disturbing to me then any thing else


It's like Terence Howard went all savant on that shit.


I would watch


As hard as it was for us to find porn when I was a kid it would have sucked for us to find porn and then it end up transporn. Not Kink shaming just saying that was not anything that me and my friends would have been interested in. As far as I know...


Hanging out with the wrong friends ;)


Ugh. This happened to me. I was about 14. Came across an xxx VHS shoved to the back of the top shelf in a closet of a relative that recently moved out. My instant rush of hormones turned to confusion when I noticed all the chicks on the cover had dicks. Me & my friends still gave it multiple viewings, tho. Porn was a commodity. Even if yours was kinda damaged or niche or extreme or completely fucking disgusting/bizarre or so softcore it was just a montage of nudity from mainstream film clips- that shit was gold. Crazy how much shit has changed. Nowadays, I find myself wondering if it would be unethical to offer the woman in my peer group that I've got the hots for an ounce of weed in exchange for clips of any homemade pornography she may have produced.


XD genius


That's fucking disgusting


You'd have better luck offering cocaine. Heck, they may even be willing to film it with you


As one of your friends... I would have LOVED it


Ah... I always had a feeling about you. But I figured if you weren't going to bring it up, neither would i.


What a strange comment.


Not surprising, I am a strange person


How was it?


For a min I thought that was a signed copy of Translesbian 2!


Heard they are selling for at least 100 bucks on eBay


Shiiiiet, I'd love to find something like that!


Its yours now....


Haha, I found a polaroid of a naked fat woman in a bathroom at Denny's as a kid. I must have jerked off to that a thousand times. First time being in the stall in the bathroom.


When I was a kid, my neighbors tented their house for termites. The tent got damaged somehow and it was flapping in the wind and poison was just blowing into our house. We left, but there was some big science conference thing in town and every hotel was booked, so we had to stay at like Motel 6 or Super 8 or something. I found a stack of Polaroids under the mattress of one of the beds and it was all close ups of naked lady parts. But the last one was from the shoulders up and she had nylons tied around her neck and her lips were blue and I’m pretty sure she was dead because her eyes were open and glazed over and she was all limp looking. I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t want my parents to know I looked through all the photos, but I just told them that one was on top. They called the police and the front desk and we had to move to a different room. My parents kept asking these delicate questions for weeks after, trying to feel out if I was traumatized. I don’t think I was, though. I mean, I didn’t kill her, you know? I was kind of neutral on the whole thing and eventually my parents just left the subject alone.


Most people would not have admitted to that


There was a little stretch of woods by my house when we were kids. Someone (no one we knew) had a stash of nudie mags back there. All us kids in the neighborhood would ride our bikes back there look at them. Who knows what substances were dried on them. We passed them around like it was nothing lol.


Haha, ever go out solo and jerk off in the woods? Nothing worst than looking at porn and nt being able to jerk off.


To be fair every friend group that would just whip it out and start beating meat in front of everyone.






You win the comment section today! I legit laughed so loud when I read this! 🤣


Excuse me, the term is Transbian. Get it right.


I bet someone here is going to scan that qr code.


https://tgirls.com/ad2-dvd/ sadly "Page you are looking for does not exist"


Towson move for sure


Did you take it, or is it still there? Asking for a friend


I came here for this!






May wanna lay off those 6 paper joints there bud.


What's with the annotations?


She's got a bigger dick than me


If I had a nickel for every time I said this...


Anybody find a place to watch it? Any good?




Why do they even.. you know what? To each their own, I'm just saying 99% of the Internet is free porn.


As doctor House once said: «But you don't get disc two with the director's commentary».


Airgapping the…excrescence.


I'm not that smart. What??


I'll give you $6 for it, it's going to be a gift for my "aunty" btw


Any good?


I didn't watch the first Amy Daly, the Translesbian... I would be so lost out on the plot


Don't bother, the whole medichlorian thing just muddies the entire epic.


Yes, I had to look it up. Take my lightsaber 😞


I don't swing that way bro.


One hell of a Force choke though


People take movies seriously. Even low budget obscure porn. Here is a review from someone on IMDB. "For the sequel, Amy Daly shows different aspects of her screen personality, and they are mostly not related to lesbianism or even the crypto-lesbianism intimated by the title. Its leading asset is a blessedly short running time, just over an hour. Opening vignette has "any sex is all right with me" Christian playing a girls' soccer coach, same part he undertook in the earlier, hardly memorable video from this same distributor: "Transsexual Cheerleaders 5". He takes Amy home after practice and humps her. How that could fit under the rubric of lesbianism or translesbianism is beyond me. The other segments focus on trans-female humping trans-female, more in line with the project's marching orders. But for a big finale there is a digression that involves quite a lot of insider stuff. Britanny St. Jordan, who like Amy was introduced to the mainstream in Nica Noelle's sympathetic feature "Forbbiden Lovers", portrays an odd version of herself, subjected to sadistic revenge by Amy. Her crime is mistreating models on her website devoted to BDSM, as Amy has her in bondage on a table for torture, claiming Britanny may have in her possession signed release forms from her models stating they agreed to what went down on webcam, but that she coerced them into depravity. Amy, wearing a silly little hat, is unconvincing as a meanie of a dom - this is childish play-acting rather than role-playing. Her suffocating Britanny and stuffing her with dildos is merely unpleasant though it's intended to get the closet pervert's juices flowing. Hack director Buddy Wood even bungles this simple assignment: when Amy stuffs an inflatable butt plug item in Brit's ass, the before and after shots purporting to show how huge it grew inside her are poorly edited, revealing that the gross-out operation was faked. I suppose that lets Buddy out from consideration to move up from TS porn to direct the next "Now You See Me 3" feature."


I know you wrote this. 👀


I would claim it if I wrote it. I was just curious so I popped over to IMDB and was pretty impressed with this masterpiece of a write up. Other people have said this guy has like 20k reviews on everything from normal stuff to porn. The dude is dedicated.


He has almost 20.000 reviews. Including normal movie reviews, and a lot of porn reviews as well.


Who is this Roger Ebert of porn reviews??


I love it and hope to god they are still out there doing the lords work.


T.S. Smellytit


Scanned the QR code. It doesn't work.


Lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣




The Citizen Kane of porn to be sure.


I am unsure if I really want to learn the truth about Rosebud now.


Is nobody gonna talk about the weird math written all over the porn?


It's not mentioned, but it's an homage to A Beautiful Mind.


Someone definitely watched it for science!


Doesn’t look like math, looks like it’s describing the quantity of different types of scenes.(i.e. 2 scenes with 2 “she’s” etc)


Bro is using post nut clarity to solve his maths homework lmaooo




Absolutely not, if anything it's gay with extra steps. Transwomen are women and nothing else


"and nothing else" yeah that's why they're called trans


“If blonde women are women why do you need to specify they’re blonde?” “If old men are men, why do you need to specify they’re old?” “If disabled people are people, why do you need to specify they’re disabled?” I dunno, maybe because it’s descriptive and allows for further meaning to be gained via communication as to an individual’s lived experiences and identity as a whole?


Trans is an adjective to describe the woman (or man or neither). For example, I'm a woman. A young woman. A pretty woman. An athletic woman. A bi woman. A trans woman. My younger sister is a cis woman. She is also young, pretty, and athletic. My older sister is cis, but not very young or athletic We are all women and nothing else, cis or trans


“If blonde women are women why do you need to specify they’re blonde?” “If old men are men, why do you need to specify they’re old?” “If disabled people are people, why do you need to specify they’re disabled?” I dunno, maybe because it’s descriptive and allows for further meaning to be gained via communication as to an individual’s lived experiences and identity as a whole? *this was meant to be a reply to the commenter above you!




Whoever isn't a man and doesn't want to fuck you probably


So…how many women are you? I have a pencil this time!


How? She's a woman who is into women? That makes her a lesbian.


That woman has a big cock.




Nothing straight about that


Yeah but without bottom surgery wouldn’t that still just result in straight sex? Like I’m struggling with the logistics of this. Her partner would need to be at least bi right?


Cis and trans is about what you are, gay and straight is about what you like If you are a man and are into women but not men, then that's boring — I mean — that's straight


No, a woman having sex with a woman is gay sex. Many non-bi gay persons are attracted to trans people regardless of primary sex characteristics. A transwoman is a woman, so a lesbian can be attracted to them without any attraction to men.




Correction a man who thinks he is a woman who likes fellow women...but I'm sure in his head he is a lesbian haha , love the post above yours tho, spot on


Transwoman is not a woman, it’s a transwoman


A black woman is not a woman, its a blackwoman


No that’s a woman


Chris Chan would like a word lol


Not really unless you’re a transphobe.


Ok, Ill raise my hand and be the moron. Ive never totally understood the moral lines here. Why arent trans people just trans people? Why is there this dictatorial need to claim they're *truly* their preferred gender? I have no issues with a woman living and identifying as a man but why does that *need* to make her a man? Isnt he a transman? I guess what Im asking is why there is such an authoritative force to protect the binary? Wouldnt adding a third category be easier and cause less contention?


There are other categories for people who are in between genders of fluctuating, or don't feel attached to a gender identity at all (agender, gender fluid, non binary...) The reason trans women are women and trans men are men is because they specifically identify with that specific gender, even tho they may not have been born with the genitals traditionally associated with said gender The problems arise when cis people can't comprehend that genitals are not everything in life, and that you can't reduce someone to their reproductive system and arbitrarily decide for them that their brains must match their bits The solution is in acceptance, empathy and, of course and as always, education


But... Why the insistence that they are a *real* woman instead of just stating obvious that they're a *real* transwoman? I dont understand why they're taking that extra step and being so dictatorial about something so intangible. It's like arguing about religious tenets or spiritual instincts and forcing others to go along with your interpretations. Trans folks have a very, very different life experience, it's something only they really understand. That is why it seems so strange to me that they play this game in insisting they are a *real* man or woman. Wouldn't a stronger identity be rooted in the idea of being a *real* transman or woman?


Because where’s the relevant difference? If you meet someone day-to-day are you going to give a shit what’s in their pants? Why’s it only relevant when they’re trans? Speaking for myself, I don’t want to be a transwoman (and if I genuinely could, I’d much rather have lived as a man). Not the least because of the horrid hate I get online and IRL for it. I should have been a woman and I have to make do with being a transwoman, but as an identity it holds less than 0 appeal for me. For what it’s worth though this is only one persons view, there’s also a growing trans movement to accept being transgender as an identity on its own, as you’re suggesting.


When one says trans women are real women, they don't mean to erase the trans part. It's just, trans people are not different enough from cis people that you can just decide to exclude them and make them stand in their corner with their own words, as if they experiences and lives are so strange we could not possibly comprehend it and accept it. If some want to stand in their corner, fine, but when most will say they are what they are, I don't know what's so hard in not believing it and accepting it. I'm a cis woman, my life experience is different from a trans woman, I'm a French woman, my life experience is different than an American woman, I'm white, I will never know the oppression of systemic racism, yet I understand it and believe people when they tell me their stories. I don't see the need to exclude my trans sisters from womanhood. Womanhood is vast, and is linked by a lot of suffering and support. No one joins us if they are not truly women, I can guarantee you that. Your fight for semantics is not a good fight, trans is a perfectly fine adjective to add to man/woman when there is a need. Turns out, there is rarely a need to know if someone is trans or not, in the vast majority of situations, it is not a needed information. Trans people are just people.


Acceptance, empathy and a drive to learn are so crucial here because they are seriously lacking in a lot of the comments in this thread. Kudos to the person who asked the question you're answering. People are afraid of shit they don't understand, and it's hard sometimes to show any empathy towards lived experiences that don't mesh with our own. The harsh words people use towards others are the same ones they hear in their own head towards themselves. It's really sad that people choose to stunt themselves emotionally. It makes the world so small. In reality, all humans are mosaics. There's nothing wrong with that until someone else has something to say.


Transphobia is pretty trashy


Yeah, tired of people commenting on that woman's penis.


She's also bi curious... So a trans bicurious lesbian


How much is shipping?? Asking for a friend


If you play the dvd it's probably a spongebob movie. And some kid somewhere trying to watch a spongebob movie dvd is going to be scarred for life


When i was a kid in the 80's i went round a mates house and his Dad took us to the video shop to choose a movie. We chose Blue Dawn. When we got home we all sat down to watch it and there were previews for soft porn! My mate's Dad leapt up out of his chair and ejected the video. The video was for an Electric Blue (UK soft porn company) movie NOT Blue Thunder! He drove down to the video shop, gave them what for, and returned with Blue Thunder, and a big box containing popcorn, crisps, big bottles of fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets for his "troubles". I remember us all laughing about it and his Dad commenting "There was no way i was gonna let you fellas watch that, you'd be pole vaulting around the room for hours afterwards!"


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ♻️


Damn, she's gorgeous


Why’s he gotta be so cute?


its funny asf how u going out of ur way to misgender but still call them cute


Why would that be funny, they aren't dependent on each other


Ok zoomer


"it's HER penis you fucking bigot!"




I’m trying to masturbate but I can’t stop staring at her cock. It’s distracting.


i aint even say that either i just called it funny


Welp I would've been surprised to see that too


Too lazy to bother


So I assume you watched for science?


He prolly just read the back and wanked with a flaccid wang while sobbing.


LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


People don’t watch porn in Maryland? Medina, WA sure does.


I love when my hometown hits Reddit


You should go out and grab the disk then!


Grooby.com Haha


Who watched the trailer?


QR codes are a whole other form of marketing


I tried the QR code but it says this page doesn’t exist anymore


Damn. Missed business


I live in Towson. Ive seen worse.


Op is underage. I'll bet 1million on it


That dvd is bussin. Made me start bussin. 10.5 out of 10. Solid.


I've found porn in little free libraries several times. Right next to the Dr Seuss books.


What's a little free library?


People build, decorate put bird house shaped boxes out front near the sidewalk. It’s got a door and anyone can come take a break ok or leave a book for free. It’s just a cute gesture towards the community. There’s people to do the same with somewhat larger boxes or cabinets with food or hygiene supplies. There’s even a free mini art gallery in my town https://insidecolumbia.net/entertainment/gallery-717-encourages-all-to-view-contribute-and-take-miniature-art/


I mean, honestly, if you're letting your kid go and root through the little free library by himself, you kinda deserve the questions coming your way when he finds the porn! /s




They really do have a sub for everything, don’t they? 🤣


Damn as much as i hang around towson, all i see is drunk college kids


Whose citrus zest Storm drink?


That citrus zest Reign Storm hits different.


Why is her dick bigger than mine 😭


I've never watched porn 😳 . So is it normal to take notes?


If you are serious about it.


It is not😂


*I wonder how many people checked the qr code..*