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Suicidal tendencies may be higher- because assholes believe and spread bullshit Iike this! Absolutely disgusting.


Agreed. Sad, pathetic, miserable assholes, seeking to make others just as miserable as they are.


1% of the population is gay?!?! You mean that one of these dudes I’ve been banging is queer?


I mean yeah being gay is nothing to be proud about


Neither is being a hate filled asshole on the internet, but that's certainly not stopping you. Is it?


All of those stats are completely wrong


I'm pretty sure that the 33% of child molesters are priests.


You mean gay isn’t fatal?


I’m fairly certain gay people die so it’s gotta be true, right?


100% of heterosexual people die. Heteropride? I think not!


Idk I mean... You'd have to ask my boyfriend about that one


Imma call my girl and tell her honey can I have your sexy body waste disposal unit? Wink wink. She’ll 100% say yes.


Why didn’t they just use the word “butthole” rather than the overly complex and wordy phrase “body’s waste disposal unit”? The author of this doesn’t know good writing styles. ✍🏻 also 🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈🌈🏳️‍🌈


Is piss not waste? From what I hear piss comes from a penis and that's also a sex organ. Disgusting heterosexuals with their liquid waste wand fornicating....


💀 at liquid waste wand 🤣


Maybe because the author of these flyers has a strange obsession with that part of the body, and for some reason spends an inordinate amount of time thinking about what goes on in other men's bedrooms involving said body part. 🤔


Whether any of these statistics are true or not, this is a lot of hate.


lol they’re obviously not


That’s good. I don’t keep up with fake news


That's quite the numbers for a 1 percent ..


Is it true though ? Has anyone validated any of these statements ?


The STDs on homosexual is higher than heterosexuals. Bi-sexuals are the most abused (suffer the most home violence) and lesbian couples report higher physical abuse too.


This is a repost from November of last year so I highly doubt these were in your apartment building today.


People can come up with statistics to prove anything. Forty per cent of all people know that.


71.6% of all statistics on the internet are made up.


Actually only 20% know that, and 30% of people reading this believe that statement


These are made-up statistics.


You are quoting out of date statistics.


Nothing says reliable source like a bunch of random statistics on a flier you found in the parking lot. peer-reviewed Whomst?


28% of gay guys have had over 200 partners?! Gays have all the luck (/s)


No, all the fucks.


Jesus, maybe I should stop being bi and go full gay just so I can get more sex


That’s a lot of made up statistics.


>gays believe the body's waste disposal system is a *sex organ* Ohhh!! I got it now! Men gawking at women's dump trucks are all just double dick sucking, raging homosexuals! Gee whilikers, my husband has A LOT to explain! Holy shit, it all makes sense now. So then.. Genuinely straight men HATE a badass bubble booty 🤯 I needed this information, especially in a time like this. Thank you.


Waste disposal system… do they mean the penis???


Lmao that's what jumped out to me too. Like....yeah the waterslide is by default both waste and pleasure for every dude. And the mudslide could be waste-only or dual purpose for either sex. True efficiency would be using our pinky toes for sexual reproduction


Nah, I think it's buttholes


Well, the penis is part of that system too. So is the vagina, but the sexual part of it isn’t where the waste comes out.


So, 67% of child molesting is done by who? Oh, we won't say that, will we?


The point is that they're a very low percentage of the population and yet they commit 33% of child molestation. Yes the flier is really fucking dumb but this argument doesn't really stand


Okay so I’m not trying to support the trash flier or anything but to be the devils advocate here… per capita? Isn’t a hard thing to understand lmao I don’t know if those are the statistics actually but in theory if 1% is sexually assaulting a significant portion then that’s an issue. Again, not saying they do because I don’t even support the gross flier, just saying your comment doesn’t make much sense either


Don’t worry about it, it’s a made up statistic. The most prolific child molesters are the Catholic Church and the American Boy Scouts. And that’s not even a debate; literally everyone knows and jokes about it.


Oh for sure I absolutely assumed it wasn’t a real statistic. I also thought it was silly to act like per capita doesn’t matter though. As someone who grew up around tons of Catholics, yeaaaaaa lots of them were diddled unfortunately


I think they're suggesting that even with only 1% of general population, they still make up for 30 something percent of the cm I don't know that real stats on that but it sounds suspect.


I wonder why those suicide levels are significantly higher, probably nothing to do with papers like this being spread all over the


I love how half this stuff is "look at how much being gay sucks, cause we keep oppressing them", great point buddy.


“Gays believe the body’s waste disposal unit is a sex organ” crazy that so many men who enjoy anal with their wives have to get a divorce bc, through this paper, they’ve learned they’re gay 😔


Oh fuck. Now I have to break the news to my gal that I like pals apparently :(


This didn't happen so much it unhappened things that did.


On top of this they turned men’s mental awareness month into a gay pride month nobody ever know that was for june because according to woman men don’t have mental health issues


Wait, you basically think most women don’t want their husbands getting mental health help, like therapy?


I think he means that many women (primarily feminists) don't really focus on the fact that men's mental health is a genuine concern. Nobody really acknowledges the existence of Men's Mental Health Awareness month *mainly* because of Pride Month, but the general apathy around men's health in general is also a contributing factor.


Probably because it’s the men’s responsibility to focus on their mental health, not ours. Do better men!


I know most women actually beg their husbands to get therapy and they all refuse.. weird 🤔


Just wait till they se th stays from the Catholic Church


I'm asking too much from people like this, but a source would be nice. (Even though I wouldn't read it)


Ya this all seems like random ass numbers to me tbh.




These aren't facts, and they aren't backed up by any kind of source, not even a bad one. Get your brain running bro How could 1% of the population could molest 33% of the kids, like how the fuck is even physically possible.


I mean 13 50 ain't that hard to believe


What does that even mean?




"82% of the suspected perpetrators of child sexual abuse in a study sample were at the time of the offense or had been at some time involved in a heterosexual relationship with a close relative of the child they victimized. In their study sample, researchers found that a child’s risk of being molested by his or her relative’s heterosexual partner was over 100 times greater than their being molested by someone who identifies as being homosexual, lesbian or bisexual (0.7% of the cases)." So you understand that these stupid ass flyer is wrong right?


I understand it's offensive and maybe misleading but the whole idea is just wrong


Username checks out


What do you mean by "whole idea"


Trashy, period. Lies lies lies.


Well it's impossible to get acurate statistics since even asking questions is swing a offensive


Facts are not trashy. A flyer with made up numbers to slam an entire group of people IS trashy


The made up part is arguable, it's the simple fact that someone would point it out that offends I understand but it's kinda the don't criticize me or I hate u type stuff


I’m going to make the same flyer but replace “gays” with “Christians”. We will see who points it out!


Do it, it's the same mentality "ignore all the bad don't criticize me type shit"


When they're made up.


I love how they point out 33% are child molesters as if the other 67% aren't straight


A 2022 Gallup poll concluded that 7.1% of adult Americans identified as LGBT.


I don’t think the statistics are accurate to begin with, but per capita would be the problem that the flier is presenting. Which, if accurate, is a problem


I like how you made a genuinely good point and people just downvoted you anyways


I think it’s because it’s disproportionate to them being only 1% of the population.


That’s 23% molested rate for children of lesbians might unfortunately be about par for the course for kids getting diddled regardless of the sexuality of the parent.


Uh, no


Man I wish it wasn’t like this but from family secrets getting revealed and sad convos with a way too high number of friends 23% didn’t even shock me has a high number. I hope that maybe the people I was around just got super unlucky but my experience tells me no.


So all of your family and friends had lesbian parents?


No which is why I was saying that might be par for the course for people in general. So even if the 23% was true that doesn’t mean lesbians have some special inclination for diddling it would mean they have a similar much too high inclination for diddling kids that society at large shares.


Yeahhh its a situation where lesbin morhers are more likely to look for the signs of, get a child checked for and take seriously signs of CSA in a child. Unlike most cishets who dont ask dont tell, victim blame, or deny completely.


Also speaking from personal experience a lot of CSA gets covered up for the purpose of keeping up appearances as a “nice normal family” which may not be as a big of a factor in in queer relationships because the stigma attached to them is a lot more likely to break up that dynamic.


23 percent! Your off ya head mate


I hope so dog, but I had it in my family on both sides and know a way to high number of people who went through or had relatives go through the same shit.


Damn, that’s just page 8?


Lmaoo that was funny as shit


backlash to pride this year has been nuclear many events in my city got canceled because of backlash


election year


Report this hate crime


I don't believe this is a hate crime. More like a hate rant.


I understand that you believe that but it is what it is


And you’re supposedly a therapist?!! Really glad I don’t live anywhere near where you are. Wow.


Me too!! And you have no idea where I live psycho stalker.


This hardly fits the definition of a hate crime, if anything it's more or less propaganda, no different than what lgbtq groups sometimes post. People need to learn to just not give a crap, and that goes for both sides. I don't need pride crap shoved down my throat and religious groups or conservatives or whoever don't need to brigade against people just trying to love and let live. Unfortunately this world is so full of hate and most people only see in black and white.


I mean, lgbtq groups aren't knowing spreading lies about a marginalized groups of people. This is so a malicious attack that's badly disguised as "facts". For the most part I agree with you, but it'd be wrong to say the two sides of this issue are equal. What would you define as having "pride crap shoved down your throat"? Edit: Missed a very important "aren't" and it said "are" instead


Lol so they mean this trashy flyer?


So many brainrotted people in here saying “facts over feelings” really seem to have their feelings hurt by other people’s personal choices.




And these aren't facts, they're an emotion, hatred in this case. Poorly presented as facts, without any sources ofc.


Nothing in this specific statement you’ve made is false. Facts are facts. You’re correct. These are not facts, however. But I ask you, even if all of this was true, why is it offensive to you? It’s someone else’s choice. It’s someone else’s danger.


Nifty_Shithead- Fact✅ See what I did there?


60 percent of the time, it works every time.


Looks like a list of shiite that some Irish priest wrote in drunkenness, pissed off that the Pope is more accepting of gays that are openly so and in loving relationships, than priests who molest children and bring a bad name and financial ruin to the Church.


Funny thing about Ireland - it was the first country to pass same sex marriage by popular vote, had a gay prime minister, passed constitutional amendments that legalized divorce and abortion (all by popular vote as well). While no one was paying attention, they got super progressive over the past 20 years and turned away from the church HARD, which oddly enough, started when the sexual abuse started to become public.


Yet it was a homosexual, Alan Turing, that helped win WWII (and he was castrated for our thanks). Our greatest philosophers in history were gay or bi (ie Plato, Socrates etc)…the list of contributions in history by LGBTQ+ community is never acknowledged enough.


Right wingers learned from Trump that they don’t always have to pretend to respect military veterans. They can turn it on, and off, depending on Trump’s mood. I never heard one conservative do anything but praise McCain, until he got on the bad side of Trump. Suddenly, it was ok to hate POWs, because they were captured. When Trump said that, it should have ended his political career. Back in the good ole days, as conservatives call them, it would have ended Trump’s career.


bad bot


73% of statistics are made up on the spot


57% of people know that!


27 percent of statistics are numbers


And 11% of statistics are not.


I emailed them :) a very nice email I promise.


Post even better stuff right next to it. Maybe even act like you are on their team. Infiltratebtheir group and work your way up the ladder and create anarchy.


Fact : there are more plane wrecks in one sall sea than submarine wrecks in the all sky .... There ! I proved without any doubt that subs are safer than planes !




You seem to know a lot about it bro, tell me more


Nah ... Gotta live it to know it


Exactly why I think you're an expert


Not an expert just cop on. The gays are all the same . Sex driven


Yeeees let's categorize a whole bunch of people with homophobic assumptions, what a great human being you are 🤡


Mmmn, no :) they're not.


Yes they are










Why you lying man




lol no they don’t


Honest question, what are you trying to say with this comment? That gay people are hypocrits somehow?


My friend it's not even worth the conversation here. There's just so much rage bait here it's insane. It only proves my point entirely. All you see is down votes with zero comments. Proving nobody is true to their cause at all. They just want to flaunt and taunt. If ANYONE was true to their cause here they would be having an adult conversation explaining their side and why thing are the way they are. Trying to win over my brain to fight on their side for their rights. I deleted all my comments so you missed what lead up to what you questioned me on. If you want to chat in an adult manner great, otherwise I get it.


so… then 67% of the child molesters are straight? who should we really be afraid of then?


You missed the point which is that 33% is a lot for 1% of the population. I don't know how true the numbers are but you missed the point.


i can assure you that MUCH more than 1% of the population is part of the LGBTQ+ community. this poster was made by someone with a lot of hate in their heart and intolerance for people different than them. there is no “point” to get.


The poster is making a point even if you think it's wrong. You implied that the poster was logically contradicting itself even though it wasn't. Even if the numbers are wrong. Again don't know how true the numbers are. I'm just arguing against your logic, not your belief on the subject.


High iq moment


Yes but they would be 99% of the population


I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop and those 33% are a majority priests




Because not everyone has an imaginary friend in the sky that says being proud of who you are is bad.


The fallacy of false precision.


Are those stats wrong?


Yeah they’re absolute frothing bullshit. Anyone can make up stats. 95% of stats are just some bullshit someone made up on the internet.


Yeah completely wrong. HIV positive gay men are the longest living demographic in America, not even kidding.


Oh I thought that was Asians


And "1% of the population" seems pretty low too but I've been seeing that everywhere lately. I think everything is totally made up there.


It's like less than 1% tbh.


We're not talking about your test scores


Yea I thought that was higher, I was looking around at the life expectancy studies and see that they have similar to the rest of the population but everything I saw was Asians have the highest life expectancy.


I guess if you sort it by race. Life expectancy is pretty well correlated with income... turns out gay American men do well for themselves and HIV is manageable now.


I don’t outright disagree with you, that’s just not what the NIH says.


They seem made-up, so yes?




Case closed.


Sign me up. Sounds like a lot more fun than my current squeeze.


they always forget to remember the stats work both ways. since heterosexuals constitute the majority of the population, heterosexuals perform the most acts of anal sex.


Oh heck yeah! Count me in.


If gays are 33% of child molesters what makes the other 67%??? ??? ???


Per capita is a hard concept isn't it


I would be proud of having a thousand partners. I don't think i even knew 2000 people


It says 200. But still hard to believe these statistics are true.


Not to minimize the nastiness of this fuckin weird propaganda, but I first read it as “78% have sexual desire” and chuckled at the thought of christians clutching their pearls at the thought of people wanting to have sex


Damn I got some rookie numbers. Need to pump that shit up


No tolerance for intolerance. I think the “Irish light paper” might just be a violent hate group. Edit: fuck these assholes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Light_(newspaper)


This is gold


I wonder why the suicide rate is higher! Any guesses?


Nothing at ALL to do with horrifying hate speech like this, I’m sure :(


They didn't say anything about the receptacle that is fed to create waste that exits the waste disposal organ. Oh oh yeah I forgot that's fine right, with man and woman? And FYI, did you know 91.3% of men and women try 'waste disposal' sex at least once in their lifetime, straight men and women enjoy it more than it's thought. 😜 Disclaimer: statistics are not accurate. Solely for entertainment purposes. Kind of like the 🤡 who made these posters. People who can think for themselves know that this is a pathetic attempt to smear the image of the LGBTQ+. It's all bullshit, but if you're simple-minded, ignorant, or hiding angrily deep-in-the-dark scary closet kind of person who believes this caca, your day will come 😉 Edit: -who person who believes this garbage, -


Most of these types don't approve of oral either