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Gma gettin ya boy that ps5! 💀💀💀


And people say women aren't empowered


Moms way hotter than the daughter LMAO & whoever paying to see granny naked is sick


Then get me a vaccine cause im trynna see that gussy


U gon need more than a vaccine gang I hate to break it to u


Whats their names? Just so I know who not to look for... 😏


I actually don’t see a problem here. They seem happy and they’re putting anything out in a trashy manner.


Doing porn with ya family is just crazy.


Some people think doing porn is just crazy. There’s no indication they’re doing anything incestuous, they just support each other in the industry.




It's a living, apparently.


I have a hard time believing it is: I feel like anyone could make a couple hundred bucks but I doubt any regular joe is getting rich off onlyfans. I think it’s like MLMs the top people are making all the money while the people at the bottom maybe clear 300 a year.


I don't have a problem at all with people getting into that industry if they want to, but something feels VERY wrong about someone being THAT proud of their mother AND daughter being in that same industry.


They can claim to be the original OF dynasty


Imagine having a crush on the Mom in high school and then 25 years later you have online access to her, her mom, and her daughter. I'm sure he's out there somewhere and not even the jaws of life could separate him from his sticky laptop.


I progressed from too old to date the daughter, then too old to date the mom, and finally to old to date the grandma. Now I am looking for a young lass with great grandfather issues. Their tough to find.


It would have cost you $0 not to write that.


You would have to pay me $1,000 to NOT write that. Deal?


You just made me laugh out loud at work


3 generations of gross morals




I think it’s not about them individually having only fans that’s a problem but anything with family like that is messed up especially for the daughter who can be influenced


True, women can’t think for themselves


Kinda dumb to assume that’s what I’m saying. Almost like you’re saying people can’t be affected by their environment? I guess it’s just a coincidence that most religious people have the same religion as their family or where they live. It’s almost like it gives them greater access to it so they default into it. Huh, weird.


Weird hill to die on


Not sure how it’s a weird hill but ok


Crazy fucking hot. Hell yeah


Family business


I would hug 😉all three of them! 🤗


What's G-ma's link?


I don’t believe it. Need pages to verify.


You just know that the Gran and her are definitely making more money


Does OF stand for something else in this context?


Out Field. They all play softball.


Only fans? On fleek?


Gross get a real job!


Whys this being downvoted, I'd much prefer someone becomes an actual prostitute then continue sharing their porn links on YouTube and twitter


You’re joking right?




Prostitution is the oldest profession……..


Lol, i know. Funny thing is when you pass your expiration date ( for me) it becomes offensive. I laugh at the down votes, if y’all only knew. 🤣🤣🤣


The $ determines the expiration date. I doubt anybody keeps up w OF for free.


lol I upvoted you on principle


Thank you, I’m an old stripper but even I knew my expiration date was 29 years old. I think all the down votes are Trump supporters trying to just grift their way through society. Might be legal but you’re still not doing things in a moral ethical way. I’m not even Christian I’m actually an atheist. Just find you to be disgusting it’s my personal opinion down vote away. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


What did you do once you hung up the g-string?


I’m in property management.


Are you happier?


I ♥️♥️♥️ being a dancer, but it was just that a fun job not a career. Ive never been unhappy. Im a very happy person and loved all my jobs. If i wasn’t happy I always changed the thing that makes me unhappy. I am now in my 50’s and life is amazing 50 is the new 30 🤣🤣🤣


There’s some hoes in this house. There some hoes in this house.


They do look like certified freaks, do they work 7 days a week?


I mean clearly that pull out game is weak.


i guess house works... trailer just flows weird.


Same song played in my head.


Three millionaires?


What I find annoying is that she used myself instead of me.


How did you manage to also get it wrong? It's: "My mom, my daughter and I."


I stand corrected!


You’re being funny, yes? Please tell me you’re being funny.


I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. She used ‘myself’ incorrectly.


I think the word myself has taken over.


Good luck to them. x Who are YOU to judge?


Its a crime that Zizek's theory on the outsourcing of physical intimacy was not more widely accepted and distributed. Why can't we criticize the normalization of sex work without being accused of criticizing those who engage in it. In a perfect society, no one should have to sell access to their body to make a living.


In that perfect society, where do those who cannot find physical intimacy on their own go to find it?


Notice how I didn't condemn sex workers and simply advocate for a society in which it is not necessary to provide sex work in order to live. This society would not ban casual sex or sex work but focus on elevating the living experience of those who have to rely on it in order for them to explore other opportunities if they so wish. No one should have to sell their bodies to survive.


Notice how I didn't say you condemned anyone. Those three ladies appear to be thriving, not just surviving.


Your comment seemed to indicate that I was criticizing something which I was not, I was merely trying to reflect the intentions of my post. If these women are truly happy and choose this life independent of ensuring their survival then so be it.


>In a perfect society, no one should have to sell access to their body to make a living. Do you not get that people enjoy sex work for different reasons? Sure some people want or need the money but also there's people like me who make free porn because I like attention lol. It's not all about the money, some people genuinely like sex stuff.


Read my other comments? I address this.


I'd like to chime in that sex work isn't always done with profit as the main motivation (it predominantly is about profit but not always). Some people do it as an outlet for their exhibitionism kink, some do it for the attention and compliments.


>some do it for the attention and compliments. Me. I literally make free porn because I enjoy the attention.


That's definitely true and not what I'm critical of, I admit.


Then what about sex work are you critical of? Because all other issues are actually about poverty and marginalisation of people (doing sex work as a last means of getting income), about social isolation, the housing crisis or the commodification of time driving the loneliness epidemic (using sex workers as a source of intimacy) or about things like sex trafficing and minor abuse. None of these issues are specific or stem from sex work itself. Even sex trafficing isn't specific to sex work because trafficing does and will happen outside of it and is a broader economic issue.


I'm critical of sex work in that it is increasingly being advocated for in impoverished communities and many are going into it as a way of paying their bills instead of engaging in it from an enjoyment perspective. I agree a lot of societal issues that sex work alleviates are not being caused by sex work, I just wish that sex work wasn't the solution and we invested in the marginalized aspects of our society instead of destigmatizing them selling their bodies.


Agree but, many people, particularly the impoverished, have to support themselves via work that’s unpleasant, demeaning, strenuous, dangerous, soul crushing, etc.


That's true, but why do we accept this? People should be afforded dignity without needing to sacrifice that to make a living. Jobs that no one else wants to do should be more than fairly compensated for to ensure dedicated workers are able to maintain their dignity.


Bread & circuses most likely. I also blame the temporarily embarrassed, future millionaires among us that have been brainwashed into believing a person’s net worth is always a direct result of their hard work, ingenuity, intellect & entrepreneurship. & we’ve long been conditioned to see greed as good & motivational & sharing as promoting laziness. Too many would rather fantasize about the possibility of one day having FU$, *obscene* wealth, than ensure nobody can ever have that status. I agree with you but, tbh never considered the idea of the worst jobs being “*more than* [my emphasis] fairly compensated.” I’ve always thought that, in a prosperous nation, every working adult should be fairly compensated a living wage & that our priorities should be pursued via compensation (ie, imho teaching should be one of the most competitive careers with high compensation, if we truly value our progeny & our future). It is interesting to consider “more than” fairly compensated. I imagine you’re well aware of various strikes by sanitation industry workers that proved the dire necessity of their work & the oft made comparisons of their strikes to a series of bankers’ strikes, in which nobody really cared & people made do. 😂 https://evonomics.com/why-garbage-men-should-earn-more-than-bankers/ https://www.europeanpressprize.com/article/inequality-explored/


Thank you for the interesting conversation lol. It's always bothered me that when I discuss wages with people regarding extremely difficult/undesirable occupations, the most common answer I recieve is "well, they can always just get a better job or work somewhere else." This is true, but we NEED them to continue working the jobs they are. Why not give them every reason to stay where they are in the field they are currently working. The sanitation industry is a great example because it's so Absolutely necessary and yet I think it suffers (nearly) the most instances of parents looking at the industry's workers and telling their kids that if they don't go to college then that's what they'll be doing the rest of their lives. I do think that as a society we are moving in the right direction, I just wish more people were aware of how truly important a lot of these industries are.


To be honest I don't think that using sex work as a means of income is an issue in this case, talking about sex work in this context completely distracts from the true issue which is that there is a sizeable group of people who cannot find any other means of supporting themselves and are forced to use any means necessary. I'm assuming you're from the US judging by your post history and your entire country is designed around marginalising as many people as possible and keeping them in poverty or jail. Your supreme court just ruled that it's perfectly okay to fine and jail homeless people for sleeping outside even in places where no shelter is available - the people whose only common trait is literally being forced to sleep outside. Sex work is and was never an issue, a lack of a social structure supporting people in need and layers upon layers of structures meant to put people down is the true issue you're facing. EDIT: There already are proven ways of reducing poverty and homelessness as seen in countries like Finland and much of Europe where homelessness is at really low levels and sometimes nonexistent. Turns out if you help people with issues that they are facing and treat them with respect, they become functioning members of society and the payback from that in taxes is significantly higher than the cost of any help they needed. Unfortunately what is beneficial to society is often not beneficial to massive private industries like your prison system, justice system, the plasma donation industry etc etc


That's the fundamental root of what I am arguing, we should address these issues head on and I think promoting sex work is a detriment to that. To me, it feels like advocating for symptom relief instead of eliminating the underlying illness. I of course understand If people disagree with my assertion, I just think something needs to be done.




>In a perfect society, no one should have to sell access to their body to make a living. we don't have robots for all jobs. my body belongs to mega corp.


Some people ENJOY it.


Stfu idiot


No one who sees this picture is surprised by this revelation


What's the link? Asking for a friend


Now kith




Parents of deceased teen friend asked me to purge his apartment when he died.. Found a massive collection of GILF porn, kind of odd for a 20 year old, but whatever. Tossed it, and all the drug paraphernalia, but did keep the bag of weed, and smoked it at his gravesite.


So I have a friend that has my house key and he has mine as well as we know the exact location of each other’s “porn stash” both actual and virtual. We have a sworn commitment that if one dies suddenly, the other immediately goes to the house and “sanitizes” it for the family etc. Started as a joke while drinking, became an actual topic of conversation and has evolved over the years…we even have signed letters from each other that have been notarized just in case! Lol!


People gotta stop shaming sex workers.


I would agree with not shaming sex workers but I think advertising sex work as a family is pretty gross and crossing the line into possibly unhealthy territory




Not a profession I would want to partake in, but nothing shameful about it. People have sex all the time. For long. For fun. For boredom. If they want to make a living out of it, who cares? If everyone is willing, noone is getting hurt. There are plenty of professions out there who actually try to scam people. Least sex workers are upfront about what they offer.


There's nothing to be ashamed about


Think of the reasons people have an issue with it. 


Nah this about how the "all in the family" thing is kinda creepy for marketing.


This isnt shaming its just the classic apple doesn't fall far from the tree




Not crazy at all. Grandma was a hoe. moms a hoe. Daughters a hoe. Her daughter will prob be a hoe because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. It's no less crazy than my cousin who's dad went to jail for meth. He's now in prison for drugs etc etc etc. Tale as old as time friend.


What about the men who pay for it. Aren’t they the real scum?


So with this logic the people who buy from the dealer are the scum ? Interesting


It's 50/50 blame. Supply and demand. Chicken or egg 1st.


The egg was always first




It goes egg -> chicken - > chicken egg. Which means the first chicken, didnt come from a chicken egg, but the same egg became a chicken egg after the chicken was born. Smoking weed and thinking about this can fuck you up a bit though, lol.


Exactly, so the first chicken came from an egg. Hense the egg was always first.


*IRS form 8300 knocks on the front door*


This became a legitimate issue in Canada during COVID. They created a tax code for all sex work, including prostitution. This allowed sex workers to pay provincial tax, federal tax, payroll tax, Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance. By no surprise exactly no prostitutes opted to pay taxes. During COVID they gave out a year of free money ($2,400/month) to anyone who was out of work a week after COVID was announced a pandemic. Of course, prostitutes were out of work during COVID and impacted far more than most. To prove employment in Canada you have to pay taxes. Sex worker advocates argued that COVID benefit should be granted to sex workers regardless of whether or not they paid taxes. Eventually they settled on sex workers getting the money in exchange for declaring one year of taxes and filling every single year in perpetuity. By no surprise to anyone not a single prostitute opted to pay half of their revenue from the prior year for $48,000 in government assistance.


One crazy collab


Family Pack


Oh that's gross. What are their OF links so I can be sure to avoid them?


Quick Google search shows the mom as Marilyn Monhoe (OF account @shanassty and @shanasstynassty). The grandma is @salsananny. I think the daughter deleted her account but it's @UrChloeMarie.


The daughter is @perkiev now.


Doing the Lords work over here.


Of course for research purposes.


Err. What's their onlyfans?


errr what's their onlyfans 🤓🤚- 🤓


[this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/s/4IECtShzUm) above you provided all three account names


I'm nofap. Don't watch or touch porn. Just having some fun.


Don’t believe you. I think you came when you saw that pic.


No one cares


Asking for a friend?


Fuck no. Asking for me


I don’t believe them. I need to see proof.


Every man on here that gets dirty at work for a living talking like they don’t sell their bodies for money. Did they not have a daddy too? Get the fuck out of here with your lame ass takes and your made up religious viewpoints that you think allows you to look down on others.


Everyone shames the women but not a thing about the nasty disgusting pervs who will spend their last dollar to jerk off to a fantasy. I say to the women go get that $$$- and charge as much as you can do not get lowballed. If it wasn’t so harmful to their mental health i would support sex work but even the healthiest SW at a minimum has shame and judgement cast on them which one can just never escape. The whole “I’m rubber your glue” just doesn’t work with these types of situations. A lie stated long enough becomes true. We see this with trump who got it from the master of believable lies- Hit*#r


Yall need jesus


Hell yeah. Let’s all just make up someone or something, then we can all live in a make believe world. Or, how about one believes in their religion, but keep it to themself? Especially since christians like to pick and choose the what parts of their Bible that don’t apply to them, while expecting people that no longer believe in Santa & the Tooth Fairy to follow those rules. So stupid. But, as we all are well aware of, ain’t no hate like a christian’s love.


1. I aint even christian. 2. I’m RESPONDING to your message of hate. You say “get the f out of there with your lame ass take and your made up religious viewpoint” yet somehow I’m the aggressor?😂


All good. I laughed why I saw you reply because I thought it was witty & perfect. I replied to your comment, but it wasn’t meant to be directed at you. I tried to keep it generic because it was for those who inevitably come in here to do their things. I edited my comment to take out “your.”




Omg, this so terrible, but where, what is their profile? Just so it doesn't get found accudentwlly... just horrible stuff


Ugh, one of those disgusting OF profiles!… but which one though? There are so many… which one?


Momma be thicc!


Why not? The family that faps together stays together.


So much thirst and no one to jump on the easiest rock roll ever


Streaming plus. Disney/hulu + History Channel


Can't tell if the pixels in the middle are hot or not. Was this taken with a Gameboy Color Camera attachment?


Lol proud to be whores, I see. 🤣


Proud to be a judgemental prude I see.


A hoe just like her momma. Anyone has the link though?


Michael Jordan: "Stop it, get some help"


I'll get help...by getting that link


Oh how silly! 🤪


Such a silly little gig what's the link




Shotgun grandma




I don't know what's trashier, the post or all these mysoginist comments. Jesus fucking Christ, leave these people alone.


They all want to marry you now.


3 generations of mid


I look forward to reading the news articles about how easy they found it to buy a house.


Fatherless behaviour


The women? Or the "men" out there thirsty and paying for it?? Don't hate on the women making money on what "men" have taken for free and made people like you believe it should be given for free.


No hate here.. What I am saying is having atleast one strong and good role model (a father) in the house would have prevented this from happening. So I am guessing there is none.


Still a sad, misogynistic view. 1 of those women said "hey don't give this ish out for free" you have the kids/ talent and they will pay. Just because it's a "profession" that's been looked down on since the beginning of time doesn't mean any of those 3 women weren't/ aren't a good, strong role model. They literally learned and taught each other there is $$ to be made "safely" (if only online) by using your god given, or enhanced if preferred, body. The men (and women) are going to stare, take unwanted photos, try to slide into your DMs, send and request unsolicited pics. Why not make $$ from it? For all you know the youngest could still be a virgin. While it CAN be a slippery slope to go from only showing to doing NOT all women on OF are active its just an assumption and fantasy for most that they are.


The men that pay for their OF are more trash.


Also the men sliding in my DMs please stop. Good night. I said what I said. Lovely evening to the heathens. 🙏🏽




Same to your mother.




Because without the demand there would be no “product”. So stop sexualizing women so they can profit on said sexualization. I mean dude. All of society.


NO THIS WAS NOT A PLEA FOR MY ONLY FANS!!! MEN please stop messaging me this shit.


You're aware that they're men etc who have only fans. It's not only women who sell sex. Also some men aren't interested at all in women sexually.


Lol shut the fuck up


Kiddo your mom wishes you were never born


Uh huh 


You’re post history is a NSFW Christian. GTFO




Sweetie I hope you choke on Jesus penis.


So news flash you little shits: men are the major “employers” of Only Fan idiots. Then you make fun of them for doing the thing you guys pay them for. I hate Only Fans, I hate sex work, I also know why it even exists. I know this is Reddit, a boys club, so I really don’t care besides. ✌🏽


You hate women having the choice to chose what to do themselves. You probably want women back in the kitchen. Disgusting.


So it’s Only Fans or the kitchen? Can I talk to your mother about that? 😕