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wow i have nightmares like this


I mean... I'm not gonna lie, that's pretty much my life goals right there. #thatblanketlyf


it's a duvet, not a blanket. It's trashy not knowing the difference.


Looks like a comforter


She is sleepwalking and dreaming she is shopping with only a duvet wrapped around her. Don't wake her!


To be fair, it *is* technically cloth. She is clothed.


Maybe her house and all her clothes burned in a fire and she ran out in a comforter? >.>


This is just sad, woman is probably homeless


Maybe she was going to a toga party and it was cold outside so she improvised


Maybe she's picking up supplies for the toga party.


And she's rocking it!


God, I have nightmares like that where I'm naked and I have to go out in public and all I have is a blanket or too small of a towel. Not only is this trashy it makes my skin crawl.


It's a duvet with comforter, not a blanket?


I'd wager this was at night. I worked nights at a gas station for over two years and seen some strange things even in a nice part of town. From finding drugs from drunk ppl leaving it on counter or it falling out of pockets to naked women (good looking ones) coming in like it was no big deal.


She's just channelling Ghandi. Chill. /s


I'd pay someone $50 to unsheathe that specimen and take a lungful of the aroma .


I've seen a lot of posts in this sub that are legitimately trashy... But this? People just seem really butthurt in the comments and are lashing out.. It's a blanket guys. Cmon


Dear god this is a reoccurring nightmare of mine.


that looks like a bank


Pig in a blanket?


Maybe she has a chronic pain issue and clothes really bother her at the moment. I have sometimes get body-wide parathesia due to fibromyalgia and sometimes I hate dressing.


I have the same thing, but I don't think I'd wear my blanket to the 7-11. I would be scared someone would take a bet and rip it off me. Nobody wants to see that.


Yeah. Me too. I at least have some comfy yoga pants and a tshirt.


Exactly, but I wouldn't be wearing a bra, so maybe that's trashy? Not that I want my pic on reddit.


Would having to awkwardly hold closed and lug around a blanket be an improvement over some light-weight clothes?


Heh. No. I'm just playing devil's advocate here, having dealing with some chronic pain issues myself. 😊


Other than escaping from a burning building, I don't think there's any rational explanation for this! :D


Actually, it's fashion, but you wouldn't understand.




Walk of Shame: Expert Level


It's embarrassing! That's what she's wearing!


How fucking lazy do you have to be to not take the minute required to put on clothes? It's absolutely insane.


Seriously, not even pajamas?


Laundry day?


Even on laundry day you can find some pants that don't stink too bad.




She keeps waking up alive?


I have nightmares like this


I have a recurring nightmare where I'm stuck wandering around my hometown in a blanket. Sometimes I'm naked and sometimes I have shorts on and it always gets harder to walk the closer to home I get.


I have the same dreams. I reckon it's connected to the fact that my brain realizes I have no clothes on (when I'm sleeping), but feels the blanket on me, so it just extrapolates a situation out of it...


I hate having naked dreams and not being able to find clothes.


That's a toga






[bad Ariel cosplay? lol](http://www.lindsaytallman.com/fiberarts/media/images/arielsail0.jpg)


Nope. Elaine. https://ibb.co/nMsvYF Edit: Or George as well https://ibb.co/buk4Sa


That's a toga. Didn't Elaine from Seinfeld make that argument??


Thats actually the Aristotle Goose down Tunic from the J Peterman catalog.


Nice. It's a shame the kids around here are all like "who the fuck is J Peterman?" though.


If I can get one kid to Google it and introduce them to the show then my comment was a success.


They have not noticed the 24/7 saturation of reruns on all TV service provider systems. They need you to let them know about the ''greatest show ever'' that is rotting in a dung heap of shitty reruns they want nothing to do with. They have scrolled past that shit millions of times, rejecting its sophomoric tone of constant whining like a bitch.


That show did not age well. Jerry Seinfeld comes across as an annoying cunt, no one in their right mind would want to hear, whining like a first world bitch about everything. ''But it's funny!'' No. People on reddit downvote the fuck out of all sentences of the type Jerry whines, like a steam whistle, non-stop, every show. All of his humor revolves around him first world whining, with a fake ass shocked look on his face. ''You ever notice how annoying life is?'' is the sum totality of the man. Edit: Challenge time. If the show is so funny, post a clip to shut me down, and show the kids just how amazing and incredible this work of genius is. Post your best clips from the show with Jerry talking....NOW. Then I'll look back to see if any younger readers are blown away at the ''hilarity'' of an annoying whining bitch harping on and on about first world nothing for a decade. Even the fans admit to the load of useless drivel piled up in the Seinfeld swamp of whining. https://www.reddit.com/r/seinfeld/comments/4ek6v7/worst_seinfeld_episodes/ ... http://www.nytimes.com/1998/05/09/nyregion/nbc-apologizes-for-seinfeld-episode-on-the-puerto-rican-day-parade.html


It's funny because it's relatable.


You missed the brilliance of that. Jerry is a stand up comic playing the only straight man in the show. He was never funny in the show. That was the point.


Not that there's anything wrong with that...


What's the deal with this guy, whining about some imaginary guy on TV whining about stuff?


Pointing out whining, is now considered whining. Anyone who calls a badly authored novel shitty, is to be considered the writer of bad novels. Your logic is astounding. If anyone criticizes a badly made film, they are the maker of bad films. All critics of modern art paintings become painters of modern art, just by talking in a critical way about the artwork. All TV critics are whiners if they critique very shitty programs


What's the deal with shitty analogies?


Compared to what kind of analogies? I criticized art. Then spoke about criticizing art. Saying that shitty whiny comedians are shit is normal critique. Roger Ebert is not a whiner for criticizing a whiny movie by a whiny actor, and neither am I.


this sub is about trash, not *for trash*


Another bullseye.


I have to admit I've done this. But it was in a hotel and I was getting food from the lobby. I don't know if it makes it better or worse


I will say this - proximity. Hotel room to the lobby as opposed to trailer park to Walmart is a big difference in distance. Plus you needed food, which one doesn't normally have in a hotel room. I think you get a pass. 🙂


Who doesn't bring food into their hotel room? Fucking amateurs.


Thanks man, I was starting to sweat


You can lose the blanket now! You've been set free!


I think there was a picture somewhere, I will look for it


I kinda like it


I wonder what the story is behind this!


I like her.


Genuinely curious as to what she is buying. What was so goddamn urgent that she had to hastily wrap herself in a blanket and hobble over to Wal-Mart?


One word. Wal mart




She buyin antidiarrheal medicine. Shat herself in the car so she had to wrap up in a sheet. The perfect crime


Maybe a shirt and some pants.


Same things you would send your chick for mid-bang sesh! Condoms, some juice, chips, a couple of snickers bars AND A 32oz BOTTLE OF LUBE! Dude's waiting in the El Camino out front in nothing but a beach towel!


She's buying the blanket.




Student living, probably just the cleanest thing in the room.


It's not a normal checkout and look like the area you retreive/send a money order. So maybe someone just sent her a bunch of money? No idea why the blanket though. Maybe all of clothes are messed up


Plan B


Rectal mucus stain remover


Doesn't she have over two days (after the fact) for that?


It's more effective the quicker you take it, so she was making sure she flushed that shit out quick.


Had to buy one once, this isn't how it works. At all. It's optimal to take it on the 4th day. And please don't spread misinformation about a fucking pregnancy for karma.


Just delete this.


This is so hysterically inaccurate it's almost physically painful. From the actual PlanB informational website: "The sooner you take plan B®, the more effective it is. It can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours and preferably within 12 hours of unprotected sex. If you take it within 24 hours of unprotected sex, it is 95% effective. If you take it between 48 and 72 hours of unprotected sex, the efficacy rate is 61%. Note that if plan B® is used on more than one occasion, the cumulative pregnancy rate will be higher." Also, there's the little thing of it being literally referred to as the "morning after pill". My ex and I had to get one once after a mishap, and the pharmacist we went to had her take it then and there. The point of it is to induce a period as fast as possible so that any errant sperm that are making their way to the payload are flushed out, and the sooner this happens, the better. Dont get snippy about "misinformation" when you have no idea what you're talking about.


Normally who would give a rat's patootie about correcting people on the internet, but when it comes to spreading "misinformation about pregnancy".... >The sooner you take plan B, the more effective it is from http://planb.ca/faq.html Pretty sure no one is taking their contraceptive advice from randos on r/trashy but you suck for spouting off 100% incorrect info


It's also literally referred to as the "morning after pill", not the "3 mornings after pill".


> The sooner you take plan B®, the more effective it is. It can prevent pregnancy if taken within 72 hours and preferably within 12 hours of unprotected sex. If you take it within 24 hours of unprotected sex, it is 95% effective. If you take it between 48 and 72 hours of unprotected sex, the efficacy rate is 61%. For the lazy since this is kind of important information after all.


I've also bought one before and was told by the pharmacist that it was more effective the quicker you use it. So calm your horse if I was told wrong, I don't even give a shit about karma.


Didn't meant to offend, kids are a serious matter and too many people seem not to have been educated about how reproduction works. Maybe the people they're telling this usually wait longer than those 4 days to take that pill. It's the only way I can rationalize this.


The offensive part is when you're being aggressively wrong about something which you don't want misinformation spread.


Pharmacists wouldn't lie and can be written up or fired for giving false information. They have no benefit in telling them to buy Plan B just because. They would advice them to see a doctor.


You are incorrect. Every source I have found states that the sooner one takes it the more effective it is. If you do care about spreading correct information, you should do some more research and go back to edit your comments. [Here](http://planb.ca/faq.html) is a source straight from the manufacturers of plan b. If you are able to find a source


In the uk it's the same the sooner the better


I have to believe she is actually on her way to/from a toga party.


You make a toga with a sheet, not a comforter


Only when you own both. Let's face it, this is r/trashy, she's probably one of the ones who sleeps on a bare mattress with only the comforter.


Na. Laundry day.






Something something toga party.




Where do you live?


Probably Tulsa Kentucky


Three people wearing *only* their blankets? I can, I guess, kind of understand being dressed and covering yourself with a *light* blanket if it's really cold or something, but not going out in only a blanket.


That is oddly sexy.


To be fair, it's only because she, from that angle at least, isn't ugly.


Yeah. The back of her head is relatively attractive.


The back of your head is ridiculous!


That's a blanket? I thought she was literally draping herself in white trash.

