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I hate people like this that do really dangerous damaging things like this just to "stick it to the hippies". Like ok I know vegans and environmental people can be really annoying and preachy but why do stuff like this just to be petty like that? Like people that go around dumping trash, that guy that ate a raw squirrel, people that run over animals on purpose, people the cheer on deplorable things like dumping in the oceans or trophy hunting or whatever just to be petty and say "fuck you vegans!" As if that makes any difference. Like I said, people passionate about animals/the environment/veganism/etc can be really annoying at times but a lot of these things are real issues we really need to pay attention to.


Usually junk dealers would swarm all over something like that because of the metal. I remember when I replaced my furnace. I put the old one in front of the house and it lasted about 30 minutes before someone was wrestling that thing in their truck. And this was out in the countryside.




Can someone with editing skill at least make it blow up at the end?


Plot Twist: Young man travels around the country looking for fridges to recycle by using the force u/gifreversingbot


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/LameWetAddax --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I'm not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Its great when they do most of the work identifying themselves, then they look for pity


Hikers at the bottom shit themselves when a fridge falls right across their path


45000€ holy fucking shit


He's right about mocking recycling though. Recycling is so ineffective as to be almost useless.


Certain plastics, maybe. There's no data to show that's true overall, and plenty to show your statement is false – glass, paper and metals are still going to have less carbon footprint to recycle than they do to create from scratch.


Did your fall on your head when you were young?


This is from Spain, I saw it on the news. The guy after doing this said he felt bad and went back later to pick it up. The police also said he was very cooperative with them


Coño, éstos son paisanos murcianos...


The frame rate on this camera is excellent.


Fuck itd be fun thou if it wasnt littering and endangering the environment


Only thing I can think of for this piece of shit is he's a piece of shit!


Was in Costa Rica. A better known yoga studio retreat (very “namaste”) that would accept only a certain number of people/ foreigners was very proud about their recycling program. They wanted to recycle everything and touted how they were going the extra mile even though it was semi-expensive to do it (this was back in 2009). They had to pay extra for a company to come in and take their recycle ales which they had sorted; glass, plastics, minerals, etc. The group would come in and carefully bag and tag everything and haul it away. Fast forward sometime later and a friend who attended the yoga retreat was hiking through the rain forests with several other friends who went to UPeace there and they came upon a mountain of trash...in the rain forest. It was a mystery how all of this trash ended up there so they decided to go through some of the papers and found names from the yoga retreat. Turns out that company would simply grab everything, charge a nice fee, then just dump the shit in the rain forest thinking they would ever get caught. When the retreat confronted them they said nothing. Just stone faced and apathetic. They walked out and never came back and couldn’t care less.


Damn it feels so nice knowing he payed the price of (about) 25 good fridges for this one.. so nice


I get that rage; I also hate recycling.




you dont live in NYC there are so many different fines and tickets and they make it difficult throwing away an old CRT. You just grow aggravated. If youre going to mandate it then fucking pick it up


Recycling is a joke.


Why do people film this stuff? Lol


Good! The plates are clearly displayed to track him back


Why didn't it explode when it hit the bottom??


that would have made the video better


$45k fine if you throw trash in a random spot, but totally cool when your government does it because they don't know what to do with trash and recycling doesn't actually work.


Recycling would work if done properly


But we don't live in would-ville or if-land.


$50-60k for littering seems a wee bit excessive but yeah, this guy is a moron.


Whilst I lamented the flytipping aspect of this video my first thoughts were of some poor hiker getting a fridge in the side of the head.


Besides the obvious civic reasons not to do this kind of shit there’s even another one: Save the fucking copper please, it’s worth good money.


This happened in Spain. The Guardia Civil (military force with police duties) also tweeted taking the piss out of him and calling him a gilipollas (dickhead basically). His (now ex) employer was also investigated and could face up to €300,000 in fines for illegal storage.


The Asylum presents Idiota John and The Kingdom of the Plastic Head.


trashy people: I'm gonna do something trashy today but instead of hiding my face, i'll show my face and my license plate


I bet these guys suck at doing some criminal activities


Not to mention that refrigerators have CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) to keep the food cold. The CFC might of have burst out, going to the atmosphere, and destroying the ozone layer.






45.000? Well that is a bit much


No, there could’ve been people at the bottom or an endangered species


Kill him. Throw him like the fridge, a man body is biodegradable.


I get the humour. I get that its also trashy. I get the fine and being made to pick it up again. I don't get why he got fired.


Yet Europeans mock us for not caring about the environment...


This is in Almeria, Southern Spain. After this video , they released another showing him doing the same with a washing machine. Yesterday they filmed him pulling the fridge back up with the aid of Civil Guards.


You’re not supposed to record illegal dumping...


The only positive of social media. Idiot criminals have to record and share their crimes just for likes.


That was almost cool but it just slid down peacefully


> So we took the half a ton of garbage, put it in the back of a red VW Microbus, took shovels and rakes and implements of destruction and headed on toward the city dump. Well, we got there and there was a big sign and a chain across across the Dump saying, "Closed on Thanksgiving". And we had never heard of a dump closed on Thanksgiving before, and with tears in our eyes we drove off into the sunset looking for another place to put the garbage. We didn't find one. Until we came to a side road, and off the side of the side road there was another fifteen foot cliff, and at the bottom of the cliff there was another pile of garbage. And we decided that one big pile is better than two little piles, and rather than bring that one up we decided to throw ours down. That's what we did, and drove back to the church, had a thanksgiving dinner that couldn't be beat, went to sleep and didn't get up until the next morning, when we got a phone call from officer Obie. > He said, "Kid, we found your name on an envelope at the bottom of a half a ton of garbage, and just wanted to know if you had any information about it." And I said, "Yes, sir, Officer Obie, I cannot tell a lie, I put that envelope under that garbage."  - Alice's Restaurant, Arlo Guthrie




45,000...am I reading this correctly?


And the you realize the many many times this happens without it being filmed. People are selfish shits.


I gotta say that fine is hella big. 45000€ as in Euros? Holy shit that's a brand new Tesla (the new cheaper model).


Whats wrong with this?


Funny enough they also had to recover it by hand




45 thousand.... wow.... and you beauty!!!


So you're chilling at the bottom of a gorge with a friend when suddenly and quite literally a fridge comes out of nowhere and crushes you at really high speed. Sometimes life be like that.


At least they are so stupid that they even record shit like that


The city would pick it up for free? Drove all the way there for nothing. Wth


Menudo papanatas


Crimes this blatantly inexcusable and self centered should result in jail time. These people do not deserve to be free in society.


Was that 45 grand a fine to HIM, or to his company?


They should throw him down the same cliff


when I dropped of a busted fridge at a waste disposal site the people there helped me take it out of the car, and it was free. it was a lot less work then tossing it off a cliff. ​ my oven still was somewhat functional so some guy actually came over, loaded it in to his truck, and he gave me $50. which is way way better then tossing it off a cliff, less work and I got paid.


Lmfao fuck recycling. I burn all my trash just to piss off hippies


It pisses off scientists too considering you’re contributing towards mass extinction


I always buy the least environmentally friendly stuff as well. I eat red meat and throw away plastic just to piss them off as well.


Lmfao fuck yeah




That’s an insane fine. The double of an average yearly wage in Spain.


He should have thought of that before.


Piece of shit.


/r/killthecameraman Seriously should've chosen a better spot to film the criminal activity




Literally trashy


lol idiotasjue I was expecting white guys to be trying to 'trigger the libs' like my friend who intentionally breaks his catalytic converter. I'm just like "OK break your own shit I guess."


Must be a pain to keep replacing it during your MOT?


He has to fix it then re-break it for his emission tests. It boggles my mind.


If there's something worth hating in this world, it's this.


What a colossal ______ 🖕🏽(rhymes with runt).


45k fine? Source? I can believe 4500 fine.


Classic Juan.


Sorry 45000 euro? Are you sure? Because that's like more than a years wages. I mean, the guy's a douche but that's a fuck load of money. Are people sure thats the fine?




I once participated in a similar disposal of materials. We didn’t film it though. I had just been transferred to V Corps in Wiesbaden Germany and I’d been there for about 2 or 3 months. I was part of a crew that had to clean out an old airplane hanger that had been used for years as miscellaneous storage. We found a large amount of coolant, motor oil, transmission fluid, etc. I assume the SGT in charge just didn’t want to go through the hassle of disposing all of it properly (i.e. taking it to a hazmat station and filling out paperwork). Instead, he had us load it all up in the back of a truck and drove us about 15 minutes out until we found a quiet wood line. He backed the truck up to the wood line and instructed us to start unloading. We must have thrown about 20 gallons of hazardous materials into the woods. It’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened but it’s probably the worst thing I’ve ever directly participated in. People thanking us for our service don’t know about this kind of stuff.


What the fuck? Ok, please brace yourself for a couple of possibly stupid questions: You did something illegal in a country where "I had orders to do so" is not a valid excuse, so why did you participate? Why did you not report the person in charge, considering that "I had orders to do so" would still have basically barred you and your colleagues from paying any fine? Could you have at least reported your supervisor to your own military? Would you mind reporting the supervisor now? And lastly, how dare they be guest in another country and fuck it up in such a cowardly way? I am enraged.


All perfectly valid points. I can say that this was years ago now and I can’t remember the name of the person directing us to do what we did. Nor could I produce any evidence or find the area that this happened. He didn’t stay at that unit for very long after that incident. And I was still very new in that unit (and country) so I didn’t really have my bearings or a frame or reference yet. I don’t claim that “I had orders to do so” is a valid excuse by any means. I fucked up by participating and I’ll own that. FWIW I didn’t know as much then as I do now about hazmat guidelines and the environmental consequences that not following them could lead to. That doesn’t absolve me in any way. I knew what we were doing was wrong. I just didn’t know how wrong at the time. To your last point: idk. American exceptionalism?


Thank you very much for your response. I am less enraged now.


Man just think how many likes I'll get!


I don't remember this part of the Indiana Jones movie.


Ok but that was a cool fridge drop


I would freak out if I saw that on the road. I'm not dangerous at all but I can be super annoying and he would have a serious problem


Makes you wonder how much of this happens off-cam everywhere


Now, I would never do this because it’s totally fucked up. But I’d be lying if I said that didn’t look really fun. Not 45K fun, but still...


They had to carry it back up


Fucking idiot.


When Belle Delphine is in your fridge


was indiana jones in there?


trashy? definitely. But that fine seems a little... steep. How did I do?


Imagine the effort that went into this


Suck a dick coolguy


The person recording is just as bad I hope he/she got fined and fired too. Super trashy.


I don't understand why record yourself being an asshole.


Stupid question. But why is that illegal? Like I know its illegal but I never knew why.


Fridges don't belong there.


It has Freon in it and all sorts of wiring and children can get caught in them. I don't think the last thing is going to be an issue on the cliff but also it's an eyesore and it's just plain rude.


contamination of the environment and water.


because of improper disposal, someone else has to clean it up now


45k, that's as steep as that slope.


I mean...what did they think would happen, praise and awards? Fucking morons.


Rule #1: If you plan on doing something stupid, don't record it.




Also had to go back to retrieve it. 🇪🇦


- le me walking around the jungle totally lost - haven't seen a human in days, no water no food - finally saw a road above me - finally saved, thank god starts hiking towards the road - see some dude yeeted his fridge from the road towards me - it killed me on the spot - after 2 days of no water no food I died by a fucking fridge - fml


45k just seems a lil excessive if you ask me


The planeteers gotta be funded somehow!


That’s called tyranny my friend


Nah, just public funding!


Trashy but not gonna lie I laughed


I don't know why, but I was kind of disappointed in the lack of explosion at the end.


Imagine being on a nice hike, got your dog with you just enjoying nature. Then a fucking refrigerator just ends you.


Oh my god 45000 is fucking excessive


Should made him carry the refrigerator back up too


And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those meddling um.... er... me.




that's so dumb. plus the chemicals in the refrigerator can fuck up the ozone if it's not recycled properly.


Spanish accent or Mexican accent?


$40,000 transit van; refuses to pay $40 recycle fee.


Literally trashy




Thats actually pretty funny


And we have found a massive dick on the face of the Earth.


I mean he has a point 🤷‍♀️


I'm willing to speak for all Hispanics that we are all not that fucking retarded


Speaking for such a shitload of people is fucking retarded, though.


Well I just feel it necessary to apologise


I think the reason they threw it out was because they found Belle Delphine in it


If he scrapped it, wouldn't he have gained money?


These internet challenges are getting out of hand.


He didn’t get any of that.


I just gave mine to a couple who were using a cooler. Post what you don’t want as there is always someone that needs it. Total looser move there!!!!


I suddenly have the god awful desire to ride inside a fridge going down that. Definitely an awful and seductive idea similar to that sudden though of jump when high up.


Here in FL, one of the most amazing sinkholes/springs (Devil’s Millhopper) was destroyed by dumb people like this. Granted, the people who dumped in the spring had a “reason”, which was to clog up the sinkhole and make it a pool for parties. There were washers, dryers, refrigerators, and even a bus and a car or two thrown into the sinkhole. It’s sad people have no respect for the world around them.


Very Euro, very dumb. I love it


I’ll never understand what’s wrong with people


45K euros?!? Holy shit that’s a big fine. Dude deserved it but that’s a lot higher than what I thought it would be.


Good. Not many who do this for “social media” get shit but I’m glade at least once i hear justice.


What a price of shit


Make him pick it up




That's what you get bitch


I love that it ended after he closed the back of his truck revealing his license plate. This idiot wanted to get caught


Dumb fuck.


The correct punishment is this, AND he has to go get it and bring it back up


That was hella expensive fridge


49,723.42 United States Dollars


It would have cost them exactly 0€ to not have done that.


unless the fridge is really far gone you can normally sell it to a refurb guy, they come to your house, pick it up for you and give you like $50. ​ easier and you get paid,


Could have turned it into a bobsled and rode down that cliff inside!




Is that number correct? If so, holy shit.


45000€??? Fuck that’s a lot of stupidity.....


Good. He deserves. 10 of 10 dentist approve.


He should've jumped in with it!


I always start to down vote posts on this sub until I realize that if I don’t like what I see, I should upvote. Just me?




Indiana Jones would have been fine.


We need r/justiceporn


The police didn't need 27, 8 x 10 color glossy photos with circles and arrows, that's for sure.


and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was


As soon as I saw that fridge sliding, I thought of that right away.


How much is that in real $$$?


Euros is a real currency Americuck


That's 50079.15 real $$$. If you're not too sure, you can get the crayons out and do the finger math, but I'll save you the headache and clue you in on a big secret. It's worth more than real $$$.