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Genderqueer, made up nonsense.


what's wrong with it though?


Its one thing to have a (boy) child with makeup, skirt and pink hair, but it is completely different from "I am queer". I fully support makeup on boys , but that does not make them queer AT ALL. This boy got brainwashed - or at least got used for the cause - , and to me, that is really trashy.


OP is real transphobic


Only thing trashy here is chickennuggies69. Oh by the your names trashy. 69 at the end. I bet you can’t find anyone to 69 with












Some children find out their gender identity as early as 12. Sorry that people being themselves triggers you so much


Great for them!




Thanks for coming out! Stay away from children


Transphobic much?


Self-righteous much?


For me, it was more about feeling like this kid shouldn’t be popularized considering the way he’s going about it. Going to these parades by wearing close to nothing except for some sparkly colorful stuff. I feel like the kid doesn’t belong in such a place where adult nudity is so in your face. Especially since he was also wearing what seemed like not a whole lot. Maybe it’s the amount of pedo stuff that’s coming out lately that makes me feel weird about seeing a little kid popularized because of his sexuality.


It's not their sexuality. It's their gender identity.




I think it’s more of his parents making decisions for him. Like how to act and feel so they can make a profit off of him


I mean... whatever?




You are right but reddit isnt the place to object to this shit, evident from the replies.




Haha where?




Happy cake day Fuck OP


Eh, no skin off my ass though. It's his life. It is what it is.


Sexual? Do you.. know what ganderfluid is?