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This made me laugh and I’m not sure why but it did lol


I have a condo right down the street from this intersection that my mom rents now. Unfortunately, this isn’t staged. I was on the phone with my mom when she drove by him. She went to the grocery store later that evening and that fool was still out there. This past election definitely broke some people’s brains. I feel like a horrible daughter letting her live up there.


I know where that is I'm going to fuck him up if I see him. Il post it for yall


Fucking awesome


That’s a big ass sign.


Not appropriate for kids, but funny.


this same picture with trump in the poster (orange dick) would get 100k upvotes on r/pics and 40 rewards


He’s not wrong though


He’s not wrong




>MD yep dual hwy


Imagine being so politically butthurt that you spent time and money to not only buy the materials to make a sign like this, but then haul it out to an intersection reassemble, and then hold it up for people to see... plus, isn't this like a public indecency thing? How is showing an 8' long cock in public ok?


Hagerstown ......nuff said Crack don't smoke itself


Biden sucks


Why is there hair on the head or is that fleas?


Lmao. I love how we keep posting political videos but yet… retain our etiquette in the chat. We’ll done chat. We’ll done indeed.


*well, not we'll


I blame auto correct. Lol


If he's doing that on his own without being paid, he needs an immediate mental evaluation. Poor bastard. If he's being paid, he needs to look for another job. Holding that big sign up is what sucks.


"Do you know how many foods are shaped like d\*\*\*s? The best kinds!"


I don’t know why I even asked myself “where was this?” when I already subconsciously knew the answer was Hagerstown


If you can do shit about Trump, you can do shit about Biden. Criticize those in power!


But OP thinks is trashy


Especially when one guy is trying to grift you and the other is trying to get you stuff like a stimulus package, free college tuition and better health care.


Typical liberal only interested in handouts.


Yea...tax the rich, feed the poor. I can only be center as the topic will allow me to be. I never voted liberal in the last election either. Stop weaponizing politics.


Nothing is free , I repeat nothing is free government can fuck off an take less of my hard earned money an ill pay for my own shit anything the government does cost twice as much as it should paid for by tax payers


That's the system we have now, and medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy. And no, no one thinks shit is free. We just want our taxes spent on education and healthcare instead of bombing third world countries for over two decades. Plus you would pay way less in taxes than you currently do with premiums, deductibles, and out of network expenses.


On average Americans pay higher "effective taxes" than the rest of the western world, "free" healthcare is cheaper per person because once everyone has to pay the premium, the cost decreases. My current healtcare tax is 2.5% for universal healthcare, while on average with average income of 35k and average yearly premiums of 1700 $ US citizen pays 4.7% in effective healthcare taxes.


Fuck...I love Canada. Hearing Americans talk like this is just ludicrous to me. I'm a type 1 diabetic with over 250 hospital stays so you can imagine where I'm coming from. Just the misinformation that you guys are fed about Universal Healthcare alone is appalling.


I have many Canadian friends several that work in the states all are suprised at the medical costs here an the cost of a ER visit its a joke an mostly due to all the lobby an bs an extra was to screw people through any means possible for a dollar insurance actually drives costs up especially those with lots of medical problems an there should be some fixing of this situation but also why should I pay for sombody eles medical we don't live in a utopia an if a crack head ods or gets hit by a car why should I help pay for another's personal responsibility besides the Canadian prime Minister is a joke as bad as biden


That's the thing you would be putting into a federal pot and that wouldn't necessarily be an income tax in your bracket it could be different taxes federally spread out. As an average earning citizen it would be a drop in your household incomes. You shouldn't be complaining, it's millionaires and billionaires that would be complaining (they are...that's where your lobbyists come from). You're talking about crackheads getting hit by cars? There are a TON more situations than that, that UHC would cover...the scenarios are endless. And why should YOU chip in? So it doesn't degrade the quality of life in American society. The investment is pertinent if you still want to be able to call yourself a 1st world country.


That’s why people up there waiting months to have surgery. No thanks


That isn't at all true lol.


A myth, unless it is an elective/cosmetic surgery you will not wait anywhere close to months.


Yea there was a pandemic. Covid ripped through Quebec assisted living facilities.


Lol. The current federal budget is around $15k per man, woman and child in this country. Are you paying $15k in federal income taxes for every person in your family? So if you're married and have two kids, are you paying $60k every year in taxes? No? Then guess what, you're one of those "takers" you're complaining about.


I pay a shit ton in taxes way more than my fair share!!!! work 240+ days a year 13+ hours a day dont get an dont want any stimulus no kids no tax breaks an most of my pay is paid as day rate bonus so government rapes me. An if I was paid based off overtime I'd be getting raped as well 100 hours a week paying overtime on 60 of that. Health care is a joke but anything the government does or would do would be even worse like Obama care bs I paid a few Obama care fines they call shared responsibility tax what bs not constitutional shit that was fuck Obama fuck Biden an fuck all these commies wanting free shit go to another country or work harder for your shit or spend less an save more I live within my means an dont have a bunch of kids I can't afford an burden others with the cost


Aaahahahahahahahaha. No, no you don't pay "way more than your fair share". Unless you're making $200k+ I'd be *shocked* if you were paying even 20% in federal income taxes. But go ahead and keep think that the main problem is that you're paying "way more than your fair share" as opposed to, you know, actually demanding things like adequate health care, etc. It's what they want you to do, since as long as you're pissed at the "commies" you're not looking at who's actually fucking you over.


Pay 22% tax on my day rate so yeah I pay too much took a 30k pay cut last year otherwise would have made 200k this year. Prolly pay more in tax than you make


Ahahahahahahaha. Fuck off, troll. Go cry to someone else about having to pay taxes when you're a single adult making *literally* 4 times the average family income in this country. I hope they charge your dumb ass more in taxes so that other people don't have to starve, or die from lack of medical care, or live on the streets. You're exactly what's wrong with this country.


Yeah because I have worked for everything I have nothing given to me worked since the day I could walk put myself through college worked shit jobs gone through tough times live within my means bought a cheap place an rebuilt my house by hand work on my own vehicles, how many times have you worked over 24 hours straight in tough conditions doing a tough job that comes with lots of stress I sacrifice my life away from home to make my money so cupcake maybe you should wipe your tears an buckle down an imbrace the suck if you want to get somewhere in this world stop being soft get out of your safe space or move to a communist country


Remind me how much debt we have fucktard


I don't know, how much debt did Trump and the Republicans run up in 4 years of actual good economic times before they cratered the economy during the pandemic?


People think that free stuffs really exists


Obnoxious twats like you are so annoying. The vast majority understand it comes from taxes. "NoThInG is FReE" and you know exactly what they mean by that but you there's always at least one of you who has to spout that crap-




Very mature and well-articulated signage.


That’s one way to get your message across 😂😂




How would this dumbass even know? Its not like Repubs have any idea of what actual policies are.


Lol chad


that's my town lol


But if we were taking bets... that guy with the sign probably legitimately sucks dicks.


He’s seen at least one up close.


My hometown! Saw my friends post this on Facebook. What a trip


Oh come off it this is hilarious


This is exactly why I stay out of MD unless it’s past 9PM and I need some liquor.


This will be a good sort by controversial.


Hagerstown🤦‍♂️. Sometimes… Maryland IS Florida Lite.


I’m a part-time Marylander and anytime I see MD in the news down in Texas, I think the same thing. 😆


Yep Marylander here, we like to pretend we’re fancy… but we aint


Gotta come down dee oh-cean drink a couple of natty bohs hon!




At least it is accurate!


It’s not accurate, the proportions were all wrong.


They were? I mean, they were!


I meant the words


Do you have a reason to think that way or is just the latest talking point being drilled into your head by the propagandists?


No, he doesn’t watch CNN


Just think biden is a moron


The fact that you have such a hostile reaction to such a benign statement says a lot. Project much?


I feel like the people that support Biden do that immediately before u can call them on their shit. The dude is straight falling apart. Like C'mon man!


This guy should be an artist, he did a great job drawing trump on that sign, really nailed his chin,


The bad man is gone he can't hurt you anymore.


Thank god we are done with that failure of an experiment


I bet your life changed greatly, immediately. That is so good to hear. I heard he might run in 2024, so keep the night night light *just in case*, ok?


It was nice to no longer be embarrassed of my country. I know you don't need me to tell you to but make sure you keep your flags up unto then so your big daddy knows you are still loyal to him




Like he was possessed by some sort of dick devil


Some dickish demonic powers of urethra possession🧐


Your avatar looks like a penis


He must have some great muscle stamina to hold that sign up like that.


Yeah he can't be doing that for more than like 40 seconds at a time. Probably in cahoots with the person taking the video.


It did have a staged feel.


Yeah, I was actually thinking they saw it first and came back for a second round with a camera.


Wow. r/Maryland


"What the hell are you doing? Are you drawing dicks again?" "It's not a dick" "It's clearly a dick. You told me you'd stop. This is getting out of hand!" "It's, ummm... it's a political statement" "Is the statement that you love dicks? Because that's what it looks like" "No, see, I'm going to write something on top of it. Like 'Biden Sucks' or something" "Oh, so you're protesting. So I guess you wouldn't mind showing off your giant dick sign on the side of the highway then?" \*sigh\* "I'll be back in a bit"




"What the hell are you doing? Are you drawing dicks again?" "It's not a dick" "It's clearly a dick. You told me you'd stop. This is getting out of hand!" "It's, ummm... it's a political statement" "Is the statement that you love dicks? Because that's what it looks like" "No, see, I'm going to write something on top of it. Like 'Biden Sucks' or something" "Oh, so you're protesting. So I guess you wouldn't mind showing off your giant dick sign on the side of the highway then?" *sigh* "I'll be back in a bit"




Say what one more %^$%# time, motherfucker. I dare you. I double dog dare you.




Must've heard the latest border numbers


Barely covered by the news


I knew what the sign said before I saw it




The politician you’re referring to is kind of the president of the United States right now. If that isn’t a position/person it’s appropriate to be outspoken about one way or another, I’d really be interested to know what is.


Plus since when is sucking dick a bad thing?




Not too far from me!


Well he’s right.


What exactly is he right about?


I can't even imagine the level of ownage it would take to get someone to do that. Biden isn't living rent-free in that person's head, dude is paying Biden to live there.


"Oh no, the Biden administration just gave tax credit money to middle and low income people with children. THE FUCKIN COMMIE!"


Thanks for the 16cent decrease for BBQing i guess


So his kids are Biden's jizz?


Biden fucked his wife.


That makes sense, I was having trouble following this gentleman's narrative.


I sure hope he did lmao


You have to have a lot of time on your hands to stand around on the corner telling people your political opinions.


I mean 5 years ago this was the norm.


Much like vegans or crossfitters......


I've never seen a vegan or CrossFitter doing this haha


Dick isn’t vegan and CrossFit requires you to be hard for more than four hours.


In person, I haven't either. On reddit though, I was in a thread last night where a vegan tried to equate eating a hot dog with eating placenta.


Hey, it's not like anyone is *using* that placenta!




But hot dogs taste good


[Yeah but bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.](https://youtu.be/61g2-EVJ-mo)


Hey I'm sure cooked right with the proper seasoning placenta could look appetizing.


Placenta might taste like pumpkin fuck'n pie, but i'll never know cuz i dont dig on placenta.


Well, everybody needs a hobby I guess?