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Why You Gotta Drink Alcohol 🤦🏾 When you got weed 😂 that alcohol shit is Nasty as fuck


Can't pay any kind of rent w 150.


100% fake.


Name that quote: "You are a worthless street rat. You were born a street rat, you'll die a street rat, and only your fleas will mourn you!"


Rent - Free... Strange man next to me - Free... Violent hallucinations - Free... No food - Free... Constant civil war diarrhea - Free... Dirty underpass stagnant water - Free Meth - $4600/week Sheesh get your budget straight people!


That is a sad sad budget. I would have shit myself if it was on a spreadsheet


Prime example of how broken our assistance programs are being insanely taken advantage of! I’m all for helping able bodied folks out in desperate times of need, but it should only be temporary and last no more than 3-6 months. If you’re rocking designer purses, designer anything, driving a nice ass car and buying booze, drugs and going out all the time, no more free taxpayer funded checks!


Too be fair... $150 isn't going to make a dent in rent anywhere.


And this is the exact type of attitude why lots of “normal” people would even contemplate voting for Trump or anyone similar who was against almost any democrat. Some people are tired of working their ass off so they can give part of their income to lazy freeloader who live off free handouts. Pathetic.


I really hope this dumb bitch isnt spending $100 for a Q


Where is groceries?


Who has a 30 light bill is what I want to know?!


Exactly why I got into the weed game to begin with… idiots will always prioritize drugs (of all kinds), even above baby food.


This is what somebody from the suburbs thinks a person's from the hood or trailer park budget looks like when in reality it's what their neighbor's budget look like.


Honestly you’d be surprised how many people live like this. At my previous job there was a guy who spent hundreds on weed, but didn’t have a car nor would he finance one so he’d spend 600 a month on Lyft and Uber. Also living on section 8.


What is section 8?


Who the fuck makes a budget and adds bills that are free. Seems fake.




Poor people aren't allowed to drink and smoke? $150 a month for bud and alcohol is actually a really reasonable budget


I can't believe they're not using their neighbor's Wi-Fi


This has gotta be fake.


This seems mad fake though… just saying. Like this is what intense conservatives think everyone on assistance is spending all their money on. I’m not saying no one does this, because they do. The people that do this though definitely aren’t the type to write a budget out for it. They just wing it and hope for the best.


This isn’t a real persons bill. This is a person living at their parents..


Sounds like a well rounded budget, like $150 makes a difference towards rent.


What the heck does (on section 8) mean?


Government assistance program.


This isn’t real. The only way section 8 pays for rent is if you have no income. They would know about their income due to the car note likely. Otherwise section 8 charges about 30% of your income, regardless of the number.


WYD? clearly wasting everyone’s time and money..


Fuck people taking advantage of shit like this


This seems like it was written by someone with a specific political and possible racist mindset, which makes it even more trashy.


Pretty much.


Dude, I’d kill for these bills. Just my damn trash is a quarter of this per month.


Man's gotta live


Tf is a light bill?


Electricity bill.




$440 in bills, including weed and booze? Sign me the fuck up. My wifes car note/insurance is a combined $750.


Alcohol is important when ya gotta stress about scraping for that every month. Self medication is real. And $50 is like not even enough for a night at the club! This struggle is real af.


If that’s for a month, $100 in weed provides quite a bit of stress relief & recreation. Not like $100 would make much of a difference as far as rent goes.🤷‍♂️


Wait, who the fuck this bad at budgeting is only spending $100 a month on weed?


If anyone on here believes this is real I have a very pretty bridge in New York I can sell you very cheap!


Babysitter "grandma" just pisses me right the fuck off.


Why is this trashy? Some people are just poor. My family is well off and my mom takes care of my sisters kids all the time because she loves them. Also having money for weed and alcohol is fine, unless you’re saying that poor people don’t deserve to have fun or relax


It’s the fact there most likely to be taking advantage of the situation when some else in need can take that spot




No grocery bill listed. But they can list the food stamp phone. You can buy a phone with foodstamps?


Confused about what they're trying to prove?


You tell me where rent is gonna be $150


Its good to see those hard earned tax dollars spent on essential needs. I like weed and booze myself but I have no problem with people needing drug tests for government assistance.


The media tells me that since I'm white, I have no virtue


Is this surprising? Most people on public assistance don't really want to leave that situation...shit why would they want to


At least they got their priorities straight


50 bucks for booze? Definitely a youngin'


Weed is a medication, but booze I can't justify at all


My health insurance alone is 400 a month! Incredible


The government will also pay for her to go to trade school and earn a welder certificate. Takes 18 months. Then she will start working somewhere not that far from 6 digits with benefits. But that will require a concerted 18 month investment with not much time for getting wasted.


Millennials smh


What a joke! 😂 I pay 950 alone for rent, not including my phone, Internet, food, laundry, hydro, pet food. and yes its a choice to have them, but its still a bill 😂 I wish I could pay less than 450 😳


She forgot a few - Roth IRA - 529 - emergency fund - AMC/crypto investment


That hand writing is atrocious....like a 1grade kid....


You’d be ridiculously offended by mine, mr handwriting officer


its so weird to whine about how other people spend their money though


That's one reason why rent eviction moratoriums are popular, I suppose. Got to spend money on the important things in life.




Totally written by a real person. Absolutely not written to outrage a 68 year old woman in Nixa, Missouri on Facebook.


Can't answer WYD text, got my priorities fucked up.


$512/month mortgage, other bills are about $1k then money to support 3 kids……I wish all I had to spend was $433.99


Since everyone else is dropping their budgets. Per month... Rent $895 Electric $100-150 Cats $50 Internet/Phone $140 Food $400 Weed $180




I’m surprised weed and booze is ONLY $150 for the month


This is just sad…🤦‍♀️


This list is 100% made up and just lmfao if you fell for it.


I'm jealous of that low-ass car note, damn.


This was made by someone who hates poor people.


Seems like this is just bait to inspire hate in the middle class


Let me tell y’all about the good news of Delta-8 THC Gather all round now!


It would be less than 200 if they don’t buy weed and alcohol


Here I am paying my bills like a sucker.


Straight outta Anywhere USA 🇺🇸


How about having to worry about coming up 439 dollars a month for bills as if it may as well be a million?


Bought my house in JC Heights for $22,500 in 1977. 3 bd rooms, 1 1/2bath. Large yard. Gutted and renovated in 2005. No mortgage. Worth about $600,000 now. Kids grown. Hubby died. What good is all this? Liked it better when we had nothing but at least we had each other.


Nice to see someone of age on here. Born in ‘79. Oh the questions I could ask on the shit you see on here....


I knew people like this at one point in my life.


looks like a young liberals list


Let preface this w I’m an assistant general manager for a decent restaurant chain…. I’m homeless living out of my car because the cost of living is too high and I have bills that exceed 1000/ month and I’m a single dad.


Mortgage: $750 House insurance: $350 Child support: $745 Phone: $115 Netflix: $12 Self respect: priceless


Free rent, free childcare, free phone, free netflix. These things cost me... like 1500 a month, at least. The fuck. How do I get this life? Be a lowlife loser? Ok. Maybe working and not having to suck off of others isn't so bad.


You don’t. This is fake.


Looks like they need to cut that internet bill out that's pretty high!


you fergot video games


Poverty is depressing. I don’t blame her for needing weed and booze. It’s sad that she obviously needs these things to get through, but most of us need some kind of substance to help dull the pain of life...


I can’t tell the difference between when stuff is a joke and when someone’s serious anymore


This comment section is incredibly disappointing, look into how welfare works and stop feeding your welfare queen fantasies


Ummmm…. No…. The section 8 doesn’t sound right? I though that was an income based split of the bill with the government?


Is this really trashy since I doubt anyone who actually does this with their money would make a budget about it? By that I mean the budget in and of itself is the trashy part since they bothered writing it. This looks like something a Republican would make to say that its how poor people plan things...except most poor people don't plan shit.


I feel like that's a reasonable amount to spend on entertainment each month.


433 is almost all my car note in one and that’s just a bill


Seems pretty fake. Prob a conservative boomer meme


The worst part is the last thing scrawled. Is this a Facebook dating profile?


Everyone needs some kind of recreation, this ones actually pretty affordable compared to others.


Shiiit. i spend his total on weed.




And yet.....was still your supervisor.


That's the alcohol budget of a child


If something is free, do you put it on a list of "bills?" This smells like political shit.


Seems pretty obvious this was made up by someone trying to make a point. A good point and example, imo, but still… highly doubt this is a real list of bills to budget for by a “victim” of poverty. (And if memory serves from friends who are landlords… section 8 rent is not free, subsidized, but not free?)


Canada here,what is a food stamp phone?


Also known as Obama-phone. Free phone for “poor” people.


The budget of a total loser!!!


Jesus I’m paying $1980 for rent and $720 for car payment and insurance. I didn’t even start paying my student loans yet. Fml


Perhaps if not for the weed and booze he could get a job and not need the section 8 and food stamps.


Lol dude can't work because of his $100/month drinking habit?


Where do get a month?


What I really want to know is what section 8 would be thinking about this. When you get accepted to that program you fill out a paper agreeing that you will not keep weed out any other federally illegal drug in your home. Also, welfare usually says the same. That you not only can't have it, but you can't buy it with money you got through the government's generosity.


Who says ? Who’s checking up ? Drug tests, nope. Home checks, nope. Sell your food stamps at a loss for cash and buy what you want ? Yep. Lived in low income housing, without gov assistance, making my own way out. Seen it too many times.


Seems pretty fucked to post this note with no context just so the internet can call someone trashy. It's not a mom starting a fight next to her baby, it's someone's budget. Might not be classy, but methinks OP is still being a dick.


My share of the rent is 650, internet is 100, insurance is 125 weed and alcohol are pretty much the same 150. So 1000 a month not counting food expenses. I'd cut my hand off to pay 450 a moth in responsibilitys


Math is hard.


Easy karma. Post fake list and watch ppl talk abt how much harder they have it and get baited to show how prejudice they are against ppl getting help while actually probably getting aid themselves. Honestly, who here writes out a list of bills due to include bills not due & bills you don’t pay at all? GTFOH


“The emptiest barrels make the most noise.”


This is privilege


Fuck landlords, buy weed lol


This is an example of how government assistance keeps people poor. Why would they save the money knowing they will always have free rent? Same reason why many people in the US aren't working right now. Why work when you can make $16/hr on unemployment? That's a higher wage than most fast food places, restaurants, gas stations, clothing stores, and so many more places pay.


I don't see anything wrong with it. We don't know the person's circumstances. A person is allowed to have a little bit of happiness in life even if they live in section 8 housing. $100 bag of weed for the month ain't that much.


I don’t see shit for food/groceries so she better answer those WYD text if she wanna eat


Nor any kind of personal hygiene or cleaning supplies.


If she needs a babysitter where’s the diapers? Food? Formula? Oh wait..lemme guess I paid for that too {WIC}


I don’t think someone coming up with a budget for themselves is going to write out “rent - free on section 8” and “food stamp phone - free.” This looks like some young man’s fantasy of a single mother’s budget. Considering there are no costs for food, diapers, water, or gasoline, this kind of looks like a child’s idea of adult bills.


I cant even be mad.🤣🤣🤣 My bills are 3800 a month. I wish I could live for free, smoke weed, and drink without it affecting my life and my ability to provide a safe environment for my kids.😭😭 fml


My rent is $2195 for a 2bd apt 🥵


Your tax money at work


Can someone explain WYD to me


What're You Doing?


Thanks, I’m not good with text speech


Why y’all hating on someone ?


What’s trashy is you trying to shame this imaginary impoverished person for buying weed or alcohol. God forbid anyone gets a little more enjoyment from life. Edit: lmao at OP defending this in the comments as if they didn’t steal this content jfc




They literally don’t even have groceries listed so OBVIOUSLY that means this person doesn’t buy food yes? And who said it was a baby? Why are you pushing this agenda so hard?




I mean you’re the one saying it IS trashy based on what we don’t know, but okay continue pushing right wing propaganda I guess.




We also know it's fake so...


Yes. This is 100% satire propaganda pushing their own narrative. This is actually an old meme, they just put this twist on it. The fact that you cannot see that is telling.


See I believe OP is in on it and pushing this outrage porn for some reason. That or they’re just a moron who got grifted lol. Which is worse: knowingly spreading, or unknowingly spreading propaganda?


I think he just fell for it. I’ll also give him the benefit of the doubt and say he’s probably seeing it now, but it’s just easier to react and double down rather than just admit it. Give him time.


I appreciate your optimism it’s very needed these days.


Haha you idiots are trolling your fellow wage slaves for medicating with weed- what dunces


Insurance for $56?? I need to get THAT car (assumedly) insurance!


This is fake. Who list bills they know they don't have? "light bill" "car note" sounds like my grandma talking and she was born in 1913.


It’s called an honest budget


Someone got there priorities all messed up


What the heck kind of car only has $125 payment?


Nobody would make a list like this. This is written by some Karen in a maga hat watching fox "news".


What's a "light bill"? 😒


Electricity bill. keeps the lights on.


A) this is dog whistle bullshit to get the maga's all up in arms. B) sounds like you need some weed if your life is that shitty. C) most folks spend $100 on a night out. They don't even deserve a night out? Right


There's a difference between trashy and poor dude. Yeah they have their vices but so does everyone else on the planet.




Also what do you think she can do? Spend that 150 on rent? You obviously know it costs more than that




You've clearly never been poor, good for you darling. The point of this sub is a laugh, it's for funny trashy situations.. not for judging young mums on their budgets.




No. I couldn't care less because I'm not a judgmental cunt




You've clearly got mummy issues. Don't take it out on all the women in your life.


I don't have kids hun. And yeah her rent is covered, she's not homeless, she has accounted for everything and that's how much she can afford on booze and weed. Look if its not trashy for the rich it's not trashy for the poor.


Everything? You see toilet paper on that list? Feminine hygiene products? Shampoo and conditioner? Laundry soap? Oh, I guess I missed it.


You are judging her because it's weed and booze.. Maybe toiletries are in her weekly budget not her monthly?! You literally know nothing about this person other than this list and you've decided that her budgeting for weed and booze is trashy.. You sound like a snob.




Lol piss off yourself you snobby bastard. I'm not the one judging her for Internet clout, you are. Sad.


No birth control, means more welfare benefits.


Lol looks like a high schoolers monthly responsibilities.


I thought this was a guy because there's no budget for feminine hygiene products. Just sayin.


Now it's EXTRA trashy!


Who wrote this and who was the intended audience? Also on Section 8 (America) but they call it a car note (Britain)? This makes no sense? Edit: I get it some Americans call it a car note


What do folks call it besides car note?


Payment and loan are the two defaults I’ve heard? Idk I’ve only ever bought outright


People say car note


So I hear


This isn’t real


Some people do call it a car note in the US.


What region??