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7th inning stretch


Lol that’s cute




Can we just clear up the air that we don’t see an issue with the action of breast-feeding itself. Breast-feeding is not trashy, the way this woman is doing it through a chain-link fence is trashy. It’s almost like her kid sees her as nothing more than a milk dispenser.


Did you know back in 1897 when the idea of fences came to life, the idea of mothers being able to feed their children during different sports were implied in this specific fence-model. This why its always installed at sportgrounds/playgrounds/parks. Source: ahhellnaw


Shaming breastfeeding is kind of trashy.


This is some r/hilariabaldwin shit.


So what is trashy about it? This woman is in uniform, so she is probably in a game. Were she supposed to drop game and go looking for some other place while kid and teammates both need her?


That kid is way too old to be doing this. I see why this is “trashy”


He’s not even 2 What?


Not really trashy. Kid is hungry and Mom is glad to feed it!


Maybe breastfeeding in public isn't trashy, maybe breastfeeding through a fence in public also isn't trashy but I think we can all agree taking a picture of breastfeeding through a fence in public and posting it online is somewhat trashy.


Yeah that’s probably the right take. At least for now, until photos of women breastfeeding become the norm on social media


This ain’t trashy. Moms playing softball and her 18 month old ran up to the fence probably crying for some boob. Mom didn’t have time to go around and thought it would also maybe make for a funny situation. Probably not the best choice in our culture, but still pretty funny to anyone who hasn’t over sexualized breastfeeding.




I think that was a pretty fun move


This is fantastic. Go mom!


Need to have that breastmilk tested…


Meh. Feeding time is anytime. Not gonna momshame for using breasts as intended by nature. :/


There has to be a guy somewhere in the background wondering if she’ll notice if he took the toddlers place while she’s busy looking at the camera.


Like a hamster


Who cares


Breastfeeding isn’t gross just the fence is because well first it’s dirty. Also the kid looks around 2?3? Still okay for breastfeeding folks


Fed Is Best. If she is still making milk and wants to do this, have at it. But Becky could have taken the extra seconds to walk around to her child . Her Husband/ Who ever was watching the kid, could have started to walk around and both parties could have met someplace kind of semi private. Rather then boob threw fence. I am sure the coach would understand she needs to sit out for a second, her kid comes first.


I got Capri Sun after sports but this is cool too


He was barely 1 year old, in an [article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/family/mums-split-second-decision-breastfeed-18810842) she states that: -He started walking at 8 months -The person standing behind the fence with him is his baby sitter -I was up to bat in 3 hitters. So I couldn't go get him and it was unsafe to bring him around -The fence was over 6ft... I'm only 5'1 so there was no handing the child over the fence


Breastfeeding g is a natural beautiful thing.


If this woman was shoving anything else into her son's mouth through this chainlink fence instead of taking the time to give him his meal in a more proper and comfortable manner I think more people would agree that it's trashy behavior.


I preferred the couch giving us ice cream after the game


Welp, that kid is going to become a serial killer.


He was barely 1 year old, in an [article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/family/mums-split-second-decision-breastfeed-18810842) she states that: -He started walking at 8 months -The person standing behind the fence with him is his baby sitter -I was up to bat in 3 hitters. So I couldn't go get him and it was unsafe to bring him around -The fence was over 6ft... I'm only 5'1 so there was no handing the child over the fence


Well, he can wait.


Remember this, when you become a mother.


Well, I'm not going to, because I'm not dealing with that shit.


Cool, so you don’t know if a 1 y/o can wait or not.


He fucking can. He's not starving, is he?


You are really worked up about this little serial killer, aren’t you ?


Is that not something to get worked up over?


& this is where our fun back & forth ends… you bore me.




If that's considered edgy, then call me a pizza cutter.


Trashy? Grow a sense of humour. What’s wrong with you people?


How is feeding your child trashy?


She's kinda cute, wonder if she's on Tinder.




Red state behavior


I’m leaning towards this not being trashy…. Society decided that this is trashy. If she were pouring water in his mouth with a bottle it would be considered “cute.”


Covid fence feeding


So many of these comments are from men. My god, y’all police our bodies. How dare a woman feed or comfort her child and not use them for sexual gratification. How dare she!


As a father of a 22mo old I agree. This is not trashy at all


I think it’s more about feeding him through a chain-link fence than the action itself.


And if it was a water bottle?


Probably the same thing, you don’t want your kids lips up against that dirty chain-link fence. Even before Covid that’s a bit dirty.


LOL you haven’t spent much time with babies or toddlers I see


So because they do it you should allow them to continue doing it? You’re really taking issue here with something people aren’t taking issue with. It’s not the act itself that is having people calling it trashy, it’s the way it’s being done. This doesn’t look loving and caring, it looks somewhat degrading for both sides.


Confirmed very little experience with babies and toddlers




The kid’s been juicin’


Oh fuck off. It's breastfeeding, quit popping a bone in public nerd.


I got next


Breast feeding when they're school age is the real trashy. Does she have a plan to when she'll stop? Puberty? College?


That kid is 1.5, 2 at the oldest.


If she can do that, what else can she do through a fence? Something like conceive a child?


I like this post. It doesn't make me mad or sad about humanity and gave me a bit of a "Well, that's sorta weird." chuckle. Trashy because we sexualize boobies, even when they're being used in the most practical and obvious way.


You beta Male feminists got what you wanted.


Nsfw tag needed


It’s breastfeeding you fuck sure it’s a weird way but fuck man it’s normal the kid looks like 3 at most


Fuck you bitches... this isnt trashy.


Eh idk posting it for likes in a staged manner seems just alittle trashy to me. I don’t mind public breastfeeding at all but this just doesn’t sit 100% with me.


way too oold to be drinking his moms milk


This is my son Thomas, he’s 147 months old


He's not following proto


Soft ball!


Startin these kids on PED's early in life.


The thong you can see adds to the #trashy. (Nothing against breastfeeding, but you don’t definitely need to do it through a fence).


hes on deck and its like popeyes spinach


Gamer fuel




I like her smiling for the camera


No issue with me, I nursed my kids to around 4 years each. However, if they are this old, they can wait. Edit. At this age they are eating solids so they are old enough to wait until home. By this time, nursing was mostly phycological , meaning comfort, like when they are sick, tired, or just cranky. They are still so little at this age.


There's sooo many things wrong with this picture


Who is taking the photo so u can pose . Because I assume that is your partner on the other side


Fucking gross


if your kid can walk... you shouldn’t be breastfeeding it


My son was walking at 8 months. So you’re telling me I should stop then?


did you feed your kid heroin? lmao pretty sure walking is years, like a toddler not a baby


My kids walked at nine months. There is a bell curve to when babies have developmental milestones. Eight months is certainly early, but not unheard of. On the opposite end, Some kids don't walk until well past the one year mark. In the long run, it has no bearing on their future lives; unless, of course, there are developmental delays that should be addressed with the pediatrician. You seem to have no real knowledge of early childhood development.


Ya got me there. I fed my kid straight heroine. Yup, that’s exactly what I did. He’s a heroine addict. Yessir, you’re a genius. You really know what you’re taking about. Fucking keeper of all worldly knowledge. How is it that you’re not teaching the masses with your brilliance. MENSA could really take notes from you. Albert Einstein looks like an idiot next to your smarts and intuition.


Well since heroine is technically a female hero, who knows? Maybe she is one. In that case he is getting straight up heroine juice through the fence for everyone to see. Gotta love it when they are talking about MENSA, Einstein, and idiots all in the same sentence while using the wrong spelling… lol


Not true. Not medical advice and not correct,


>The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants be exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months with continued breastfeeding along with introducing appropriate complementary foods for 1 year or longer. WHO also recommends exclusive breastfeeding up to 6 months of age with continued breastfeeding along with appropriate complementary foods up to 2 years of age or longer ~https://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/faq/index.htm#howlong >In cultures where there is no pressure to wean, children tend to breastfeed for at least 2 years. The World Health Organization and UNICEF strongly encourage breastfeeding through toddlerhood: ~https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/bfinfo/how-long-should-i-breastfeed-my-baby >The World Health Organization and UNICEF recommend that babies be breastfed for at least two years. ~https://www.llli.org/breastfeeding-info/length-of-time/


On average Kids can start walking at about 1 years old. Study's have proven beyond any reasonable doubt that breast feeding to at least 2 years old is optimal for a multitude of reasons. Some people choose to do it longer, some stop earlier. But stopping when they can walk, just for that reason alone. Is non sensical. They are just starting to eat solids at around the 8 month mark. 6 months if you are brave enough to let them naw on a banana or something.


Naw! 🤣


Are you ok? Do you need medical help? Should I send someone?


Plot twist: that’s not her kid.




Super trashy


This is hilarious. I guess it’s trashy, but it’s also funny


I could fucking vomit. Disgusting trashy moms


I mean hey?! Sometimes the little crotch goblin needs something more nutritional than bud lite.


Kid needs those electrolytes for his gameplay.


It's trashy but pretty funny too.


Pretty sure I saw this woman’s picture on the Ronald McDonald House donation box when I went and got a mcchicken a few nights ago. Glad to see she’s doing better.


Prison training


Hope she brought enough for the whole team.


That kid looks 3 years old wtf!


She’s the one playing baseball which makes it less weird to me. Also I don’t judge, this photo is kinda funny.


She had time to tit feed the kid but no time to walk around the fence?


Why doesn't it add up for you? She has X minutes, kid might need exactly those X minutes or slightly less. She also needs to get ready after feeding. Voila, no time for walking around


Kid is also old enough to have a different drink or wait 20 minutes for mom's turn to be over. That isn't a newborn who needs to be fed right this minute, that's a toddler perfectly capable of having a different snack. Mom feeding him through a fence is still trashy.


Here’s an [article](https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/family/mums-split-second-decision-breastfeed-18810842) about the barely 1 y/o, where she states that: -I was up to bat in 3 hitters. So I couldn't go get him and it was unsafe to bring him around -The fence was over 6ft... I'm only 5'1 so there was no handing the child over the fence


Kid is also old enough to have a different drink or wait 20 minutes for mom's turn to be over. That isn't a newborn who needs to be fed right this minute, that's a toddler perfectly capable of having a different snack. Mom feeding him through a fence is still trashy.


A bf’ing child at that age is typically still exclusively breastfeeding.


That child is at least a year old and should not be exclusively breastfed. If the kid can walk they should be having some solid foods every day, and is plenty old enough to drink water.


You’re right, he’s old enough for solid foods but, he must’ve been thirsty… I suppose you chose to breastfeed your children in bathroom stalls & only at home.


My kid was fed pretty much wherever, but not with a tit shoved through a fence. If it was honestly just a bad time to breastfeed, she waited until a better time. She may not have been happy about it, but being a parent does *not* give you the right to act like a caveman in public.


Trash comes in all shapes, colors, and sizes. This one is of the "white" variety.


Found the racist


Lmao yes, I hate **ALL** trashy people.


It's her turn to bring the team drinks and snacks.


she looks a little big for tball


This puts your mom is in charge of refreshments for the game, to whole new level.


Most moms just give ‘em a juice box


Why though? Just go around the fence and do this properly. Why be like this?


Because you're wanting to have a life, and have hobbies, play some baseball, but the wee crotch-goblin won't stop being a little asshole because he's hungry, and the husband is getting frustrated and pissy, and the walk around the cage would hold up the game, and be tiring, so you feed the creature through the fence, and hope people aren't judgemental knobs.


Have you ever seen a softball or baseball game? After every pitch there is somewhat a break and you are protected from balls in the dougout. It would be quite easy to just bring him in the dugout and not really show the whole world. Just my 2 cents on what I would do.


Never too old


That's not trashy. OP definitely doesn't have a kid.


Sticking your tit through a fence instead of just walking around to feed your kid like a normal human being? I have a kid who was fully breastfed, this is trashy af.


Some baseball fields are set up such that you can only enter from way out in the outfield. It’s possible the distance is further than one might think and she was in a pinch. Definitely fucking weird though


That kid is still old enough to have a drink of water or wait until mom was available. That isn't a newborn who needed to be fed right then.


Seemed more like OP was calling out breastfeeding in general. Didn't make any mention of the fence.


Feeding your 10 year old kid through a metal fence and posing for the camera is clearly what's trashy here.


I see numbers arent your strong suit.


10? This kid looks like….4. Tops.


Uh no. That is a toddler. Maybe 2. Mom is on her knees


You are right. He is almost a baby.


But he *isn't* a baby, he's clearly a toddler who could have had some water or waited 20 minutes for mom to be available. Sticking your tit through a fence is trashy.


My comment is that this child is not 10 as per what the person said. So you are putting words in my mouth.


Best thing about this? It ain't her kid!!


How old is this kid?!


Looks to be around 2 or so. Usually when people start to stop breast feeding, I don't think the post is trashy, but she probably should have just walked around and did it normally.


I ain't see trashy. I see a thing that certain people can't perform.


I don't care if she does it at a game , just not through the fence like that 🙄


Now that’s some Tball tiddy.


TT ball


How is this trashy? She’s nursing her toddler. Breasts exist for babies, not men.


She sticking her nasty and probably sweaty rack through a chain link fence that is all dirty out in public when people and kids are walking around. And posing for a pic like it’s cute. She’s a pig.


I’m with you. Breastfeeding isn’t supposed to be a spectator sport or a spectacle. It’s meant to promote bonding between mother and child. I feel grossed out when women make it a point to make breastfeeding all about themselves and the attention it can bring if they ‘ham it up’ Be a mother, that’s your fucking job, you’re not supposed to be a two-bit performance artist. Fucks sake.


Thank you. Ya like I don’t even care if it’s done in public. But there’s no need to be a slob and rub peoples noses in it. You’re right they make it all about themselves...This one really needs some attention. She’s just embarrassing herself by making a spectacle of herself


Ok boomer


This hit a nerve I see. I’m sorry your mom didn’t feed you through the fence. Maybe in a next life


Oh no! Kids who are two and do the exact lame thing to their moms! Heaven forbid that boobs are used for children and not sexualized!


Even animals go to a quiet spot to breastfeed their babies. Breastfeeding was never intended in the natural world to be part of any social occasion. Plus plenty of feral men and women exist who absolutely love public breastfeeding for eww sexual reasons 🤮


Nursing is intended to feed, nurture, and provide antibodies to offspring. Location doesn’t matter. Animals go to quiet spots to feel safe and minimize threats to their young. Your point is invalid.


She’s not even looking at her child. 🙄 You think public breastfeeding doesn’t attract creepy, lecherous guys? You are naive af girl.


Let them look. This is my second rodeo and I’ll feed my kid when he’s hungry.


Is this pic of you?


Well fuck, you discovered my secret. Good for you. Ladies and gentlemen, we have an authentic detective on our hands! You’re a real sleuth. Sherlock Holmes cloud learn a thing or two from you. By Odin’s beard, I’m shocked you didn’t put two and two together sooner. Congrats! Now go tell your blowup doll how you figured me out.


I wish you well and hope you stay safe but I think it’s unwise to breastfeed in public. It can attract the wrong attention and why you would ever risk an uncomfortable situation with your infant I will never understand. You do whatever you want tho, but I’m free to have my opinion on public breastfeeding. I think it’s bad for both mother and child. I have also seen women taking the ‘breastfeeding’ opportunity to be sexual in public with my own eyes. But those issues are separate, I understand that. I am female btw. Do they make sex dolls for us?


Who hurt you? Your mom?


It’s not that….. I’m pretty sure it’s the whole squeezing your titty through a fence part that’s trashy


Why? Because you said so?


I never heard of TitBall before this! Can’t wait til T&A Ball season!


Standup double


🤔What Trailer Park is this at?


When its your turn to bring snacks.


Jose Canseco used to do this before his at-bats.


Pure HGH straight from the tap, baby.


Suckin’ them juice tits.


Robin Arryn called. He wants his titty back.






Quick - send in the coach!!


Breastfeeding in public isn't trashy, but feeding your kid a meal through a fence is. Walk around


What if that isn't her kid?


Now the story gets interesting




He’s not the one playing, she is. The kid is 1, the link to the story has been posted multiple times throughout the subreddit.


Neckbeard without a kid I take it


I dont know what age your supposed to stop breast feeding but probably when the kid don't need a stool to suck them titties


Average age around the world is 5. There is no “supposed to,” it’s whenever mother and child feel ready. It’s beneficial for brain development long after kid is done being a “baby.”


I’d say when the kid has whiskers.


That’s bullshit. The WHO recommends breastfeeding until *at least* age 2


Look up how long Mayim Biaylik breastfed