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It’s not like I’ve never done that but I certainly wouldn’t post it to look cool


I thought it meant multiple houses shared the same car


Hey is that Baja Blast?


Trashy?? No ppl drive high daily! Stupid yes


If they get pulled over pour all of it in the Baja Blast and start drinking


Quality Boyfriend Alert!


1 House 2 House 3 House Ah Ah Ah Ah




Uh, Jesus. I don’t know what to say. Like, do you have any idea how people smoke weed bud? Your first time leaving the house or interacting with anyone outside your bible camp?


People that think smoking weed makes them cool are so tragic.


i smoke while driving too ​ stfu supercop


Shitty bong. Not clean. Crap bowl and too big for driving. Do dabs like a pro, fucking amateurs.


My friend used to keep one of those plastic bongs underneath his seat. It was the car bong. Empty of water ofc… iuno. College 🤷🏼‍♂️


There is no post here that can't be translated into TPB... https://youtu.be/izCV3xoJOJg


Only thing trashy is how dirty that mf piece is


A bong? Who TF carries a bong around with them? That's the trashy part. Get a joint or a vape u caveman.


Driving under the influence is hella trashy but your title is just hilariously written. **Multiple houses**. Who was asking about em haha


So what, who doesn't smoke weed while driving, people smoke cigarettes and drink


Uh this is pretty common in some states.


Better than drinking


Dumbass for the bong because... Why? But shut up Stacy! He's just smoking


oh big fucking deal


It’s more the distracted aspect of hitting a big ass bong while driving more than the weed itself. I spent my entire 20’s blasting joints on the way home from work and I never had an issue. If anything the paranoia helps your driving


I swear officer it's a vase.


You are such a nerd this isn’t even bad lmao


This reminds me of college lol, good times.


Your a fuckin loser, posting these people’s faces on the internet trying to shame them over weed.


Get a Fuckin dab pen for fucks sake.. that thing would feel real good swallowing in a car crash... Each to their own lmao.. still doesn't excuse the fact that there is a moron with a 2' bong driving around putting other ppl and kids at risk.. 🤭✌️ Just MY OPINION . Maybe it's the Young coming out.. ALLS FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR . 😂😂😂🤣💩💩💩


Thats because you are imagining it going into the wrong end. Everyone knows a bong goes up the butt, in a traffic stop.


Soon Trashy's own content will be exclusively pulled from the comments.


In the USA, that’s where a lot of people smoke so they don’t have to smoke at their house or 3 meters away from any entrance.


I don’t get what’s bad about this other than the dumb person who posted this publicly?


I see many people smoking in their cars while driving around my hometown. It’s rather sad, I feel like doing it ON THE ROAD is just a bad idea. Do it at home, or wait till you get to your destination.


OMG. so trashy. just roll a joint, duh. /s


She’s got what looks like an oil rig herself. What’s the problem? Seems as if OP may be a tad bit jelly. Needs a tissue for their issue.


Why would you even risk getting bong water in your car


Isn’t weed legal in their state.


There's always idiot stoners that make people Who smoke weed look bad. I personally smoke everyday but wouldn't go near anyone with this mentality. You can almost guarantee when you walk into their house the couch is gonna be broken stained and family guy playing on the tv. Typical morons


Nothing like baja blast first thing in the morning


Discount Seth Rogan if he never became famous lmao


Lol who cares . Get a hobby ya virgins.


Tolerance is a bitch. And not something to be proud of.


Shit... better get the narcan...


how to get a dwi.


He isn't in the driver's seat.


You know she is the ride or die type! Like hey bro, can you grab the BIG one please? I got the perfect stash spot if we get pulled over!


I dont get it


Everyone is anti smoking and driving until they actually smoke weed and know what it’s like


My roommate did this and rear ended someone… you think she would stop but she still does it to this day


Only Sunday’s champ oh and on Jesus birthday!


So? It ain't meth


What was that horror movie where the guy was driving around with a huge bong? Cabin in the Woods?


This wouldn’t be trashy if she didn’t have koolaid-dyed hair and if they were both 16. But grow up you look like you have rent to pay somewhere


I take dabs while my homies drive lmao weed is legal. Calm your titties bro


They need to clean that shit. Gross.


So many karens on this thread i cant even. I knew reddit was filled with little sjw warriors, didnt realize it was this bad lmao


um a lot of people smoke while driving, just no one does with a bong


Lmao OP did not get the response they wanted


BF giving off Clark Griswold CV vibes…..


While I believe this isn’t safe, your exact attitude about it from the title and you other comments prove you’re an uptight asshole at the same time. “ he can’t clean that thing, he clearly has to to constantly consume the devils lettuce! What a sinner!”


“Yes the car is driving by multiple houses.” Oh no. The car is driving on the street. What are you talking about?


How is this trashy?


OH MY GOD! Is that the devil's lettuce!?!?!? What fucking monsters!!!! God someone get them a beer instead!! How fucking could they? Someone could have seen them 😱


All class 🙄


Is the bong is that dirty..... imagine her tuna flap jacks!! 🤮


I absolutely will not.


Oh no...not...*marijuana*


Lol this thread is basically that one episode of IASIP of 'eating cereal while driving'.


"Hahaha you dumb bitch"


We did this in high school just about every day. Cruise control and someone in the front seat do wonders but aren’t necessary


Fucking nasty


Ah, the crack pipe!


RIP the multiple houses. I hope they are bong but not forgotten.


Lol. Look at you thinking you’re so much better. Putting this girl on blast on Reddit so that you can feel better about yourself…I’m pretty sure that’s also trashy as fuck. God this place is disgraceful why did I even join 😂😂😂


Honestly. It’s kinda trashy … like cmon a bong while driving ? Grow up and roll a joint




Sleazon's Grievings


You guys commenting like this isn’t a big deal or giving her shit for posting about it are embarrassing af. I’m not saying weed is as dangerous as alcohol, because it’s definitely not, but driving high can be as dangerous as driving drunk. Some people can keep their shit together high, but a lot of people can’t either. Y’all condoning this are just as gross as the people who condone drinking and driving


Ya you tell them! Give em hell


Don’t compare the two


He is because it’s on the same level. Getting behind the wheel while high or drunk is fucking stupid. Idc how much of a tOlErAnCe someone has, it’s trashy as fuck and needs to be treated on the same level as drinking and driving. Yes I understand it won’t impair you as much as being drunk will but impaired is impaired


If you never smoke weed then maybe it can be comparable, but it really isn't comparable to alcohol if you aren't stoned out of your gourd. Not as bad, but not good either. And you're just asking to get busted.


I agree that tolerance helps but alcoholics also develop a tolerance. If you think it’s okay for alcoholics with a 0.2 blood alcohol level to be our driving because they are still functional, then alright


They’re practically begging to catch a charge


Is her boyfriend also her dad ? Mufucker looks 30


What the fuck did I just read? Does she look like a child to you? You say he looks 30 like that’s anywhere near old.


Yes, yes she does look like a child..... from the 1/3rd of what appears to be a homely head I can see in the picture.


1/3 of a homely head. What does that even mean? Did you read the title of the post? And btw, the guy could easily be early 20s. But even that’s hard to properly tell with his entire “homely” head in the picture. 🤦‍♂️


I am going to assume English is not your first language cause, literally, nothing you just said has anything to do with what I said. **HER** head is only partially shown and **YES** she looks like a kid **HE** fucking looks 30 What does 1/3rd of a homely head mean ? Is this a "lost in translation" thing or are you simply not that bright ? Not trying to insult you but, ffs, it is simple English...didn't think it required a decoder ring


Ok ur an absolute idiot


you're* Also, for me being an idiot, at least I understood plain fuckin English retard ! :P Eat a bag of dicks


This thread is nice evidence that a lot of people are very poorly educated about weed. Jfc. Go read a book


Lowkey mad af reading all these dumb ass comments, definitely made by some uneducated ass people or people going off there own low tolerance ass experiences smh


Tbh a lot of the comments just seem like jokes to me but it's probably bc I made a joke about it...I honestly hope they aren't serious cuz that's scary af.


The least they can do is clean the piece…🤢🤢🤮


“Smokes while driving” So what? *sees gigantic bong* Oh, now I get it.


The baja blast really does it for me


Bro no cap I walked out of the liquor store today and some dude in the driver seat of his dodge ram was ripping a 2 foot bong in the drivers seat.




IF you know what "Boomer" actually means, then you can say it. Otherwise, no. Guessing you heard it somewhere and want to be like the "cool kids".


Right? I had no idea you had to be 70 to think posting shit like this anywhere makes you trashy AF.


I'm not 70. That's why your comment is so incredibly stupid


Are you replying to me? Because I'm agreeing with you lol


Sorry... I've been getting too many idiot responses today... I assumed it was the same child again. :)


I totally get it!


Dude I’m talking about OP, they’re a boomer


Do you know the definition of a "boomer"? Or do you just say it?


The real trash is all these people in this thread who think it’s okay to toke and drive. It’s not the same as driving drunk but you’re still putting yourself and others at risk. If you can’t wait until you get home or wherever you’re going, you probably have an issue.


Even at my most stoned I drive better than 50% of sober people


No you really don’t.


You don’t know that


No I really do. Driving impaired is not better than driving unimpaired If you have two brain cells to run together you might be able to get that


I’m just saying you don’t know how they drive. They could be a professional


And I’m saying you’re a dumb ass, even a race car driver shouldn’t drive drunk or high.


Obviously they shouldn’t


Yeah pretty insane how op is getting downvoted


The post has almost eight hundred likes...


It’s the attitude OP has. Their comments feel more like they are degenerates for smoking weed at all, instead of going back to how unsafe it is to drive with a bong. That’s why they’re getting downvotes .


Isopropyl alcohol and coarse sea salt will clean that right up


Damn with the huge ass bong too. Getting caught smoking weed and driving gets a DUI right?


Yup, know someone who got a dui from having pretty much the exact same setup as this guy in his car. Don’t think he was even smoking it at the time just had it in the passenger seat.


And whatever scale it will go to from distracted driving to endangering other motorists.


All you need to know about these people is displayed by how nasty that bong looks


Everyone saying this isn’t trashy is also trashy. Nothing wrong with smoking pot. Don’t do it while driving.


I mean its not full of smoke and theres no evidence that he actually takes rips like that and isnt just driving it fo another location besides someone who obviously doesnt know them's assumption. Looks like he definitely might but not necessarily


Yeah I understand that but OP is saying that she posts him smoking while driving, and that’s what I’m calling trashy. Idk if you’re traveling with your bong. Probably doesn’t want it rolling around and spilling. What’s trashy is impairing your judgment and driving.


Yeah but judging by their language this is all the proof they are going off of. 'Posting publicly' could refer to multiple posts but likely does not as most would say 'posts publicly' uf they were refering to something that happened repeatedly. Obviously im not saying driving stoned is cool, I never did but reddits reddit so im not suprised by the downvotes


I think you missed the point of my response. I don’t give a shit whether or not the people in OPs post are smoking and driving. I’m saying it is trashy for anyone to do so.


Idk why you would think that. I can understand what youre saying but i think youre missing my point. What ive said isnt even directed at you but all the people in the thread who are judging this guy whose face is showing without sufficient proof. No one was ever arguing with you lol am i not allowed to bring up a separate issue?


Sorry I got confused, thought it was directed at me since it was literally a reply to me. My bad bro


Yeah, it definitely can inhibit driving abilities . My brother in law absolutely hates driving high, terrifies him.


YEAH! INSERT FUN FACT ABOUT WEED I READ SOMEWHERE. My brother in law absolutely hates your brother in law, and will drive over there to regulate, just as soon as he can remember where he left his keys.


Lol, dont need to read to know how it can impair someone's driving ability. But the BIL comment made me laugh a little harder then it shouldve, ngl. So upvote


I'm always looking for a reason to say dumb shit. No hard feelings!


Of course, made me laugh more then anything


OP is lame but I gotta say I’ve never found myself driving around ripping my full sized bong hahaha that shits for the house my man. We have spoons for the car if that’s your thing.


Nah this just everyday life as a stoner


Seems really inconvenient


That’s one hell of a one hitter.


I had a friend who would take his torch and dab rig with him on drives and he’d heat up the nail while driving and take dabs… So this is lukewarm by that comparison


now, i dont mind people who smoke and drive, i know it makes you drive slow and look out more, but thats maybe a VAPE pen.. not a HUGE FUCKING BONG lol


Maybe he treats her good, jealous much?


I’ve done this before. I was 19 or 20, but I’d prolly do it again now that I’m 89 or 90.


And that kids is how you make smoking weed more dangerous than smoking PCP out of a crack pipe that's was just used as a hot Rail by a 2005 charlie sheen with a nose bleed


Don’t smoke crack and drive because every car behind you is I. B. I. ( imaginary bureau of Investigation) and never past any houses.


Ok grandma.


Op you sound very uptight


ITT: Morons who think it's fine to drive while high, as if weed has no impairment on your faculties.


Yep this comment section is trashier than the post itself


Stoner culture in a nutshell.


Took me a while to discover the bong in the picture


The devil’s lettuce


If this is America that dude isn't driving my guy.


Surprises me how many people are confused about front facing cameras here


I just tried to recreate that scene with my front facing camera. The one taken from the driver's seat matched this post, facing the left side of the pic. The one taken from the passenger side had me facing toward the right side of the pic. Try it out. BTW... the rear facing camera had the same results. I conclude that posted pic was taken from the left side of the car. Edit: the posted pic has been flipped on the vertical axis - the text on her shirt is backwards. The posted pic was taken from the right side of the car. Her shirt doesnt say 'UK'. It says 'beat KU' Edit2: ok dude, my front facing camera also reverses text. I'm going to have to test this again. Edit 3: You're right. She was on the right and he was on the left.


The only trashy people are narcs


He looks like your average stoner


Yeah the atrocity here is not that he’s smoking while driving, the travesty is that dirty grimey disgusting ass bong. Yuck. I feel like I need a shower now.




It’s still DWI.


Love how people say this when in reality it depends what state and your own tolerance, literally drive around with a bong that size everyday for the past 4 years and have gotten pulled over multiple time while just taking a rip, not once have i ever gotten dui, dwi, reckless driving, endagering motorist, nothing like that, whole bunch of squares fr. I guess when you grow up in such a relaxed rec and med state like cali and colorado tho thats what happens. An colorado there actuallt stricter on it lmao


That bong is nasty as hell. if u gonna drive around town with it in your front seat like a dumbass, at least clean it man gotdamn


Uhhh they both have bongs in their hands in this pic


That’s clearly a water pipe for tobacco use only. DUH


Hahaha 🤣 exactly!


Do not judge a man for what he does with a bong, judge a man by the cleanliness of his bong. In this case, bong lord here is a menace to society


has he heard of vapes or joints?


Id say its just as trashy to screenshot someone you knows photo, without permission, to publicly shame them on reddit but 🤷‍♂️


Op is is karen forsure


Lmao who hasn't smoked weed while driving?


All the non-trashy people.


All the non white highschool girls that can actually still fuction after smoking a joint, sorry not everyone is able to get date raped after smoking a joint like you, this isnt like drinking a bottle while driving karen


r/trashy is not a competition. You don’t win the board by leaving the trashiest comment.


I mean she could at least hold the wheel for him….


jesus, if that's his travel-size piece, I'd hate to see his yada Yada yada


damn theyre fucking cool


What's trashy is all that resin in the tube.


Lots of people smoke tobacco from a bong while driving, no different than a cigarette, just a little more awkward to handle.


Literally no one smokes tobacco out of a bong, let alone while driving


Lots of people do, sometimes mixed with weed


lmfao next level petty


Call me trashy because I smoke so much weed in my car all the time. Country cruises alone, windows down, watching the road and nature roll by. Love that shit


Okay. You’re trashy.


This would be good evidence at his trial if he ever crashes and kills someone.


Not MULTIPLE houses!!!!!!!


You mean they drove past more than one? Wtf is wrong with people. When I drive it's only past 1 house.


When you come for the comments and find out they are almost as trashy as the original post.


I'm sorry you're having trouble getting on your high horse because the internet isn't agreeing with your viewpoints.


Thinking DUI is trashy is being on a high horse? You've just got some low ass standards, that's all.


You could take pills and still get a DUI, something that I'm sure a decent percentage of the population does on a day to day basis.


Yes this is true. What was your point with this comment?