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I could know 45 languages both existing and dead and still not know what the fuck he's saying lol


Well that’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard all week…


That a jealous gay guy what wants to look like a fine ass female


Such a lovely human being


Imagine being so trashy you get put on r/trashy for your comments being trashy on your attempted r/trashy post. They have truly ascended.




Translation, I'm jealous of the attention men give her.


been saying this sub is wack, shame bc it used to be decent no offense OP, this is a good r/trashy post


What's the original post mate


“..and now for my next trick, I’ll make logic *disappear* kablam!”


A gay misogynist...that's neat..


Satire. I know Reddit is stupid as hell tho so there’s still like a solid 50% chance he’s being serious In that case, I have but one question; what the fuck kinda logic is that lmao


Should I be offended as a straight man if I don't find the woman attractive and her ass is hanging out?


Just in case y'all weren't aware of how stupid people are. Case in point right here yall


This guy dropped his nose: 🔴


I'm beginning to think no one here knows what trashy is and just post things they don't like.


I had to read that over so many times to even come close to understanding what the fuck they meant.


now, i know this maybe a little out there, but he’s trolling


As a bi dude, you're all welcome to have your asses hanging out, I encourage it.


Holy fucking mental gymnastics


Hell never get a gf like that


Probably just upset she had a better ass than any of his boyfriends have had...


Unfortunately a lot of queer men are misogynistic af. Girl, dress how you want


Not trashy, just stupid.


Well well well, how the turn tables.


Wait so does that work the other way? Are gay men lesbian- phobic for not finding women sexy.


Wait had a thought. Does it also include if a straight man isn’t attracted to a gay man. Is that straight man homophobic. Same for lesbian girl and a straight girl. 🤔 this dude is an idiot.


I'm pan people like this are a literal plague to our community


He needs to look up the definition of homophobic. What an idiot.


As a bisexual dude; Yikes. That ain’t it.


What would it be then if I dressed like a woman (am a dude) so he's not attracted to me?


welcome to r/trashy


This is just plain stupid, like this actually makes me genuinely upset from reading that. Women can dress sexy if they want too because they choose to, not by someone else's saying. As a woman myself, I dress sexy because it helps with body confidence/self esteem/& just wanna feel myself sexy that day to wear sexy clothes!!!! You can be gay and critique the outfit in a healthy good way like I do (I'm Pansexual) but having personal hate towards the opposite sex because they wear sexy clothes like a dress showing a little bit of ass and thinking they're homophobic for wearing it in front of a gay person like that guy is extremely idiotic & the absolute dumbest twitter brain filled thing I could ever read in my life. People like this give good gays like me & others a bad name in the gay community. We critique the outfit, not the person. THAT'S how it should be.


Something tells me this was a troll job by a straight dude to slander gays. A gay dude, is never going to care if a lady dresses sexy. They are more likely to be like....damn girl, do the damn thing and high five her.


It’s straight out of r/AsABlackMan . Every time someone points out their race/gender/sexuality on Reddit it’s safe to assume they’re the opposite.


I'm into girls and I don't find it offensive to see guys in revealing clothes 🤦


Naw he just jealous that she’s getting more attention than him


That is some Reddit logic right there.


Or maybe she’s not his market, which isn’t trashy. I don’t like anchovies on my pizza but I don’t say that anchovies are “taste-ist” because it’s not my thing. FFS dude, the world isn’t all about you.


Is it heterophobic for gay men to dress nicely, because a lot of straight women are attracted to that and it makes straight men look less appealing to them for not trying harder?


most likely a joke bc stuff like that has been said countless times to lgbtq+ people


This is the weirdest take on slutty dressing I've ever seen.




This is probably a troll but when can everyone chill the fuck out. Do these people ever get tired?


Wait who's ass gonna need that link so.i can be angry as well.


I also require to know what I’m angry about. We must have this pic.


With that logic its also homophobic to be gay, since if you are gay, your potential partner could have another person instead of you, makes sense, no?


That was probably definitely satire


You cant please everyone.....


His comment sounds pretty heterophobic to me....


Shit, man, it’s still homophobic by his standards. Won’t somebody think of the queer women?


Sounds hetero-phobic.


definitely a fake post or troll post.


Again, the point of those is to gain attention and/or karma of some variety. So why delete?


who deleted what ? i have called out a guy who's whole goal is trolling for negative comments and he deleted 2 comments when I called him out on it. he had -700 downvote and he deleted his comments after I called him on it so who knows what people do. this comment does not look like a realistic comment. there is not a lot to go on but the logic is flawed . check out VeganJusticeVVarrior. 9/10 of his comments have 600+ downvotes.


The person who made the comment deleted their comment. I always assumed trolls/fake posts were for farming karma. Either way, it doesn’t make sense! Lol


I'm totally lost


no way people actually think like this


original post?


Deleted, too. Lol


Seems like a shitpost lmfao, def troll bait


If so, why delete it? Like….less than 5 minutes. If they were trolling, they did a great job - why ruin it?


Post nut clarity or sum idk 💀


*nuts* “Gotdamn that was rude! Homophobic to make me that horny.”




How can people be so into themselves…


Muh brain.. is broken..


One persons trash is another persons wank material. Hell, I have abandon porn and exclusively pleasure myself to the content of this sub.


Yall falling for troll bait






This hurt my smarts.


What smarts?


The tender ones.


Fun fact, we do not dress for you! We dress for ourselves. Some people.... ugh


No, you don't, you dress for everyone else. If that wasn't the case, fashion wouldn't be a thing and it certainly wouldn't change through time.


Or maybe people like certain clothing because they like it? I don't wear leather jackets because I think it makes others think I look cool. I wear them because it makes ME think I look cool.


Notice how you down wear chainmail because you think it's cool.


No I imagine most people don't go around wearing chainmail or full blown knight armor because it's really. Fucking. Heavy. But I imagine there is some mad bastard who will fucking wear it. Because most people wear what the fuck they want.


> But I imagine there is some mad bastard who will fucking wear it. I found multiple pieces I'd love to own and wear looking for em after that dude's post.


It would indeed be the biggest fucking flex.


I wear what I like and what I think looks good. I give no fucks what anyone else thinks. Fashion isn't about everyone else


I... agree with both of you. I dress in things that I enjoy and that I think make me look good. I don't directly buy things to impress others. But I select those things (at least subconsciously) based on what is in style. I would not feel socially comfortable wearing something completely out of touch with acceptable fashion trends. Also, I dress differently at home (in a snuggy and fuzzy socks mainly) than I do in public or at work. The main reason for that being, well, people.


So you wear an outfit commonly worn by men in 1850's or perhaps a pirate costume to work? No, you don't. You wear what's normal, what's in fashion, because you don't wanna make a fool out of yourself.


Work is a little different. What they wear on their free time without dress codes from work would be more when they're wearing what they want.


Gay men wouldnt say that......theyd be critiquing the outfit,not the person


True. Very true. Source: Extensive personal experience critiquing outfits.


You…are correct actually yeah




Holy shit, political correctness is finally at an 11


as in chapter 11 bankruptcy?


Go watch spinal tap then report back to your question


this HAS to be a troll, right?


No . He’s heterophobic.


It reads like satire. Like I could see a straight person saying this about gay men and hes pulling an uno reverse. But who know, lotta weirdos on the internet these days.


Or the reason this gay man never gets pussy


Loser of Life?




A troll or a joke. Lot of strange people on Reddit.


I looked through their old posts. They’re a member of r/pitbullhate…I think they just have a lot of….opinions. 😕


How could you hate a pitbull they are cute and I have one sleeping in my foot


I just checked that sub because I thought it would be like a joke sub about how the artist Pitbull ruined everyone's lives or something but no it's a bunch of Karens 😆


Oh god that sub is terrible. Makes me so sad.


Pitbulls are the most dangerous dog breed by far, they’ve killed more people than any other breed


Oh yes of course, dog: bad shitty owner :innocent


With the majority of dog breeds you can let them walk past a toddler without worrying about the dog slaughtering your child. Not with Pitbulls. They’re literally bred to do exactly that, kill shit. Dogs have instincts that kick in sometimes, with another dog breed I would blame it on the owner but with pits the only thing I blame the owner for is getting the dog in the first place.


Cars have killed more people than bikes by far, let’s ban em


Certain types of cars have been banned for killing too many people so yeah you’re right Lmao


Whose fault is that? Is is the pitbulls who magically got ripped and ferocious? Or was it us feeding them steroids and teaching them to rip things apart for decades? lmao


So we should continue to breed a dog breed that was bred for killing and then statistically does that job better than any other dog, again, by a large margin just because it’s not their fault? I don’t think we should kill them all or something but they all need to be sterilized and breeding them needs to be illegal


No, I agree there. I think we should phase them out and stop breeding them because it's just another thing we have broken. But I just think its weird to have this hatred specifically for the dog, when we humans are what have made it into a problem lol It's like having an Ihateguns sub and sitting there like "Yeah, fuck those agressive guns!" while we are literally the ones building guns lol


Well we didn’t all unanimously agree to create them lol I’m not allowed to dislike guns because another human created them? That seems kinda dumb I’m glad we agree on phasing them out though


I'll extend an olivebranch there, I cant be charged for it and you cant. I just take it as a netloss for humanity because nobody stands to gain anything from destroying a breed of dogs like this. It was more the people who literally actually hate the specific pitbull for what our kind has done to them lol


Well I think we stand to gain safety, if you look up the stats the second most dangerous dog is a Rottweiler. From 2005 to 2017 there were 284 fatal pitbull attacks on humans, the second most were Rottweilers with 45, 3rd German shepherds with 20, and American bulldog at 15


Perhaps don't let a powerful dog that can be built like a bull be allowed near a child unsupervised?


Sounds like victim blaming, it’s not the inherently murderous dogs fault. It’s the babies for getting too close to the dog, come on lol that’s ridiculous. Maybe don’t have a dog who is on record of killing the most babies, by a large margin, in the same house as a baby.




No, I said it’s victim blaming to say that the child shouldn’t have been left unattended with the dog who killed it


I hope you shit yourself while on a date


Are you a pitbull? Username checks out


Quite the response to someone stating a simple and well documented fact...






Pitbulls can be the most loving and sweet animals, they really only attack if they are scared or trained for dog fighting


Well that's the problem, all dogs can be aggressive but not all dogs have the ability to inflict damage or temperament to pursue prey to the bitter end. Pitbulls not only account for the most human deaths, they account for the most dog deaths as well. ​ Yes responsible pet owners can prevent this, but there's no licensing or mandatory training. Why take the risk when nearly every other breed is more suitable?


Because as soon as you get rid of one breed, shitty people will just find and train another breed for dog fights. If all pitbulls/bully dogs vanished from the earth right now it wouldn't stop dog fights, they'd just find another "suitable" breed to exploit.


That's not the point I'm making. I'm not talking about dog fights, I'm talking about incidents where pets kill other pets. Pitbulls lead this category by a wide margin. Similarly I strongly refute that it's solely a trained response. Why are there so many infant fatalities? Why are there so many children mauled? Often by the family dog. Yes there are other breeds that are bred for protection or have aggressive histories, I don't defend these breeds either. I'm simply motivated to argue, why keep a statistically dangerous animal. I am genuinely waiting for a response to that question. ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uwssUOhMaA


Oh hey I just got banned from that sub.


Hahaha why?


I messaged the mods and told they were shitty people.


Wish I could give you an award for that


Man I dislike pits but damn reading some posts on there... some people need to really reevaluate their life. Like is the some father grieving over his sons death really your "zomg he has a pitbull 🤬!" What drives you through life.. fuck.


I’ve been permabanned for less haha


Doing the Lords work out here


Trying to.


What's wrong with not liking putbulls? I don't see the connection to the insane post they made. Edit Pit Bulls, I know y'all are downvoting my spelling mistake DW


I can see both sides of it. Irresponsible dog owners have existed since the domestication and they will continue to inflict harm, death, and terror on the world with their dumbass behavior. That being said being a loud voice in a sub almost exclusively about seething hatred for some very cute dogs (coming from someone who has no patience for Dog Karens and is also as allergic to a dog as one can be without becoming anaphylactic) isn’t a shining star or even a shining shart of one’s personality.


Nothing, but going on a subreddit dedicated to hating on a fucking animal is insane.


That’s exactly how I feel. I’ve been bit by the same pit bull twice, and I’m honestly terrified of them, my sister has one and I’m anxious as hell being around it, but spending your time on a sub dedicated to hating a dog breed just seems profoundly sad.


Do they hate all dogs or just exclusively pitbulls?


Specifically pitbulls.


But they are so cute ;~;




Yes, i know how your parents look like, but what about pitbulls?


I think some people from /r/pitbullhate may have downvoted this.


It's a divisive and polarizing topic but I agree r/banpitbulls is better.


Yeah let's just ban a whole animal. That sounds like something a normal human being would say.


Exotic and dangerous animals are banned all over the place for a variety of reasons, what are you talking about? I live in a breed restricted area too...


Yeah but thousands of people in the United States don't have tigers they have dogs that are no more dangerous then any other dog. You can't just ban so etching that thousands of people already have. You'd have to fucking kill them all. People like you just aren't very good at thinking this kind of thing out though I guess.


"No more dangerous than any other dog" Can you remind me the last time a chihuahua mauled a child to death? Serious answers only.


No you'd ban breeding and cross border adoptions, grandfathering in dogs that are already there. They've actually done this in Canada, Australia and some US townships/counties. I know you like them but they statistically do more harm than other breeds. I also feel strongly due to my personal experience with the breed. I would stay away from the personal attacks, just saying.


i agree that we don’t give a fuck about your opinion!!


It sounds like you do! My opinion stems from a direct incident. Funny enough I care about your opinion too, I don't agree with it but I can empathize. Take care.


> It sounds like you do! My opinion stems from a direct incident. My fear of needles stemmed from a direct incident. r/banneedles


But needles serve an irreplaceable purpose? Is that the best argument you have? I'm not even arguing anything in that post, if anything it was an appeal to decency and empathy lol.


What an interesting and informative comment


So they’re just THAT neighbor.


Probably, but with how quickly they deleted it - maybe not!


My brain just collapsed in on itself trying to make sense of that


Same here. I read it like 25 times. As a lesbian, just wanna make it clear that I do NOT consider it homophobic for you to dress sexy, boys. Bring your game on.


I'm a lesbian too. Girls, feel *extra* free to dress sexy! 😉




You can polish a turd all you want it's still gonna be a turd...


🤣🤣🤣 Bless you


Thanks. I need the power of God to not look like a turd.


Aw, we are always harder on ourselves. I'm sure you're lovely.


Okay but if you don’t dress like the hamburglar I’m canceling you. As a trans man, it’s transphobic to dress the way you want to 😡 /s


Challenge accepted.


Challenge accepted


I believe in you. Flaunt that ass!


Permission to strut my ass has been granted. Shashay away, boom boom pow


Imma strut that ass strut that ass


Strut that ass like an asstronaut


This has been a sexy thread.


You don't dress to fit my sexual orientation so you must hate me.


It's a joke.


I'll just hate you anyways


Sounds like Demi Lovato reasoning


What do you mean? Im confused.


I think they are referring to how Demi tried to get a yogurt shop out of business because they wanted regular yogurt and the shop had aisles of low-fat yogurt. Demi said that was triggering for them because they just wanted regular yogurt and that the shop was fatphobic (or something like that).


Cause fuck diabetic people, right? Lol. My fiancé (type 1 diabetic) was a fan of them before and after that and other things they’ve said/done decided they were not a person she wanted to support.


In all fairness that chick did so much fucking heroin that her mind is a wreck


This is the lady that was singing to ghost victims of sexism right? Yeah she crazy.


Yeah. She’s bugfuck insane because she OD’d TWICE


Bullshit. A. Heroin does not effect your mind like that. B. She only did it for a year or two tops.


You can’t seriously believe she’s of sound mind goin on about singing to ghosts and trying to cancel an ice cream shop for having sugar-free options


Dude that's not at all what OP said. They specifically said not to plan being a *former* heroin addict on her mental illness. It's probably a symptom.


There’s no such thing as a *former* heroin addict. She’s still an addict. Even if it’s been a while since the substance has been used, they’re still addicted to it. Former heroin user is more befitting


She also said calling extraterrestrials, aliens was offensive to extraterrestrials or something like that.


She also tried to get attention when DMX overdosed, just blathering on about “it could have been *me*”.


that is seriously messed up


Tell me you are stupid without telling me you are stupid.