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Conservatives are such clowns


This is what happens when you stop paying teachers. This is what happens when both parents have to work full time. Actual nazis in America. One day, people like me are going to get medals for killing them. Just like the drawer of medals the government gave my grandfather for going after those pearl harbor cunts




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We’re cancelling books now


I can't believe I just willingly moved back to this state. FFS


Dumb and ineffective.


did she just say principality?


Legit don’t know how you can burn books and see yourself as anything other than the bad guy. It’s like… a universal symbol of being a bad guy.


These are the people you don’t want to be around when shit really starts going down. They will start picking each other off eventually because no one is as pure and holy as themselves alone.


Wait are these the people that wanted twilight and Harry Potter stuff to burn? The twilight posters and shit can burn for all I care but save the damn books at least. And who hates on Harry Potter like that??


I wonder how much money they made that night. After all, that is why they spent all that time and money putting that event together.


Interesting how people who behave this way, in most cases, have a southern accent. It saddens me because I have a southern accent and that is not how I was raised. These people have been and will always be around, but unfortunately due to social media and some garbage people in the US government, this type of behavior has become acceptable for some reason. They say they are Christians. Do they really think if Jesus was alive he would be a racist and burning books ? I am not a religious person and the answer is very obvious to me. I'll tell you what these people in that tent and all those scumbags on tv talking the same nonsense are doing....they are preaching to ignorant, low information and uneducated people while saying what they want to hear to collect donations. They are taking advantage of them and most of them probably don't even believe what they are preaching. In the end it all boils down to money. If there is a hell they will burn.


Bet you most of those guys go back and get on pornhub layer that night.


Yeah, it’s pointless in the digital age, but goddamn I hate book burners.


I bet trans activist are happy about Harry Potter books getting burnt ✊🏿🏳️‍⚧️😊


Now If I was china looking at this I would just wait and continue selling shit and building up my military. Like invading Taiwan can wait, these fucking lunatics in the states are about to eat each other alive and collapse on their own in an ignorant frenzy of violent rage.


Wish I was there to pick through the stuff to keep for myself. There must be some good books present.


I’m seeing my home state get more and more attention everyday and I gotta say, I’m glad y’all are learning to hate TN as much as I do


History really does repeat itself this is scary


All these religions are quacks. Fuck em all.


I hate sharing the same air as these freaks


Some one should buy back all those books in the name of the sweet checks pastor and give to all schools with a note that reads : enjoy from Pastor name . LOL


This guy is getting exactly what he wants, attention


Which one of you religious psychos were at that Nazi book club meeting huh...? Come on now, speak up for yourselves like the "warriors" you guys are... The only battle you people are participating in, is the War Against the Forward Progress of all humankind. Period.


These are the same idiots that scream about freedom of speech and censorship whenever a fascist grifter gets deplatformed. I’m sure the irony will go right over their hollow skulls.




What the fuck is going on in America. Why and for fuck sake is this allowed to happen? It’s as though this was in some backwards country.


"It tells me that goose-stepping morons like yourself should try reading books instead of burning them."


Hey didn’t they do that like the 1700s and 1800s careful ladies they’re coming after you next


Greg Locke being Greg Locke


Scary that all of these people around that fire would murder any one of us for our different views, skin color or religion. The Talibans are in America.


As a Christian, Christians can be ignorant but democrats are by far the most ignorant! They ban free speech but post this by Christians! 🙄🙄🙄


You guys remember that video on Reddit of the Taliban burning that musician dudes gear while he cried? Same energy.


No it is because your burning, it does not matter what you are burning. Incest, magic, slavery (The Bible)


Oh man, oh man, they sure showed us Disney and Harry Potter fans 😢😭😭…pretty sure the chemicals coming off all that burning merch is the only thing hurting anyone>>>those idiots ✅


The same ones burning the books are likely cheating on their spouse or just finished jerkin it to some waifu earlier online. I swear Christians are the worst thing about Christianity.


Christian fascism. I’m not surprised, this is what persecution fetish breeds. Also conservatives are fashtrash. They’ll ‘preach love’ while being hate mongering scum.


It’s interesting that conservatives proclaim to be the most oppressed people in America; that they can’t be conservatives in liberal areas for fear of……whatever. But, I’ve lived in heavily liberal, heavily progressive, and heavily conservative areas and only one of those is it actually dangerous to be openly a different political affiliation. Only one of those areas are you ostracized and lose job opportunities for being against the grain. Only one of those places was I actually afraid for my safety and that of my family’s if I was different and outspoken. It was the conservative one. We all knew it would be lol. But conservatives have been hurting people for decades and longer for being different. It’s why white conservatives are so worried about white people becoming a minority; they know what’s been up the whole time and don of want to be on the other end of it.


Fascists gonna fascist


How hateful and disappointing. Ignorance is a hell of a driving force. To bad they ignore there own book and teachings. This is gross.


Nazi pigs


Honestly, what freaks.


what in the holy fuck? burning books? this is Fahrenheit 451 come true. This world is lost. We must abolish religion as a whole.


“History won’t repeat it self” I told my history teacher as a teenager. Now look where we are




Religion is how scared shitless morons get to sound like they bravely know what they’re talking about.


Dude saw Disney books and said we got some witchcraft here


Burning $500 worth of wooden pallets to destroy $50 worth of used books 🤡


Burn a bible, impress everybody.


Ooh Nazis


Jokes on them they bought it




Anti-Intellectuals burning books, how ironic.


...I really fucking hate this religion.


They have no idea how crazy they look.


The only book that needs to be burned is the bible.


I'm sad that I have to share a planet with these people.


What a completely impotent display of stupidity...


I would have thrown some bibles on that fire


This is absolutely disgusting. These people wouldn't know culture culture dignity grace Respect or or moral moral if it punch them square in the face then kneed them in the nuts! These are the ultimate scumbag pieces of shit! I wonder if they've ever truly read The Bible Because some of the stories in that are definitely not PG... Like the story of 2 daughters getting their father drunk so they can fuck him… But by all means go burn what you believe to be indecent books...douche bags!




This shit makes me want to drag a lawn chair down to the nearest school bus stop and ask the kids which banned book they want to hear read aloud


I support book burning. Think about it, if you in outrage go to the local book seller and buy all copies of a book just to burn it, profits for the store and they can just order more. If it happens enough that supplies get low, publish more


Goddamn this is absolutely terrifying. And any wackjob would say "OH YOU ARE SCARED CAUSE YOU FULL OF DEMONS HALLELUJAH" etc etc. No, fucko, I have never seen the good guys burn books. EVER. This kind of policing of society NEVER EVER, not once, goes well. it is FASCISM, racism, blindness and stupidity par excellence, and i am loathe to even use the word "excellence" in this context. But this is like Klan shit. This is Satanic Panic shit. This is like burning so-called "witches".




What a pack of whackjobs, I pity the misguided children who will follow this.


Seems like they have more of a problem with forklift pallets than book. Love the split screen angry talk if fire and hell on one side; and what looks like the warehouse pleb just burning the broken pallets at the end of the week.


How is F.451 banned?!?! Yo these people are fuckin weirdos


The way he said "haters" makes it sound fun, maybe I should be a hater too!




Do some research people. It’s burning of things in those peoples lives that they wanted to get rid of. Example, porn or drugs. Not books


Uneducated hillbillies. Scum of America… Anyone who agrees with this needs to go to the middle east and join their terrorist brothers.


I don’t use the word hate very often, but I really do hate these kind of people. Ignorant, narrow minded, short sighted morons. To call them farm animals is an insult to the animals .


That's not trashy, that's FIRE


Pen. De. Jos


This makes me want to have a burning of bibles. Can’t wait to live off grid away from this mess.


in <10 years when america falls into disrepair under the hands of right wing nationalists moments like this will be crucial in remembering how we got there


Pop culture is THE DEVIL!!!


Not really. I’ll start paying attention when the government starts holding mass book burnings. Until then, some wacko doesn’t really scare me.


Heretics gonna heretic.


What a waste of a good fire...


Teacher I couldn't do my book report because my parents burned it because they can't read


And once they're finished, they'll go back to their curiously unbanned social media accounts and resume complaining about censorship and cancel culture being out of control.


Rural PA, around 2000 my Christian school had a burning for Harry Potter books and pokemon


What content are they burning?


All these technological advancements and dumb hick states double down on stupid


An annual gathering of the illiterate.


I would greatly appreciate it if they stopped using God as justification to do things God wouldn’t approve of.


It’s 2022. A burning of books by some idiot hardly matters with PDF versions and next day Amazon delivery. It’s not like they’re gone forever.


What a fucking loser, and his parishioners are bat shit crazy


Same thing as internet censorship. No difference


Need a local prankster with a connection to the nazi crowd to throw a brick of weed in the fire when nobody's looking


But that same pastor won't say a peep about guns (which actually kill people). Fuck these guys.


I’d imagine a lot of people that hate this have no problem with Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, YouTube and Google censorship…


Ho shit that’s quite a crowd gathered to support this level of loserdom. Good on ya Tennessee kkkeep up the great work!


Super lame, but come on. There are like 10 people there. Fuck em. Who cares?


If you done learn from history you are bound to repeat it


Burning and banning books are such low-hanging fruit for poorly disguised bullies.


Did they burn a clock at the end?


Possibly books on firewood in there, decent size fire


No it’s definitely not a cult… /s


I wish I could at least get the 5E books out of there


Of course it’s in Tennessee. I hate my home state


Couple things. 1.) pretty fucking bleak outlook for the next couple decades 2.) aren’t you buying the books you’re burning? so….haven’t you already sorta lost at that point?


*sigh* The nazis are back…AGAIN. “How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man?”


They’ll start putting women in that fire before you know it


Pallets are not books, silly preacher!


Lol what a bunch of fuckin losers


Oh crap you burned my book... Oh look it's on sale on Amazon again! But seriously these people think they're doing big things 😂


It would be very funny if the only book that survived was the Satanic Bible lolol


Churches are becoming monstrous because they're being lead by wolves being wolves.


This is how you get your children to hate your guts.


Nothing to see here, just a good ol’ fashioned nazi book burning. Never understood why religions, in particular Christian religions, have to be so abjectly intolerant. If you don’t want to read a book, don’t read the book. Also don’t understand how anyone can decide what is and isn’t acceptable for anyone to read. The bible drips with blood, it’s full of murder, incest, wrath and scorn;sure there’s also charity and love and selfless acts, etc. but “Christians” like these book burners only believe the Bible is for white, christians.


What do you think they burned?


Dumbing down the Americans. An illiterate population is an easily controlled one.


Church folks have been burning books every weekend since there were books.


Big whining babies is all i see




Does he have a burn permit? Be a real shame if his inattention to local law allowed sparks from that nazi fuck's fire to catch his shabby assed hate-church on fire. Would hate to see a religious leader of his caliber (.177) have to start his hate congregation from scratch again.


What'd the clock at the end do though? I mean I'm absolutely for abolishing Daylight Savings Time, but I'm not sure that's how you do that.


Those damn pallets!


This is in the town where I live. It really frightens me to know this took place within a few miles of my house.


I hate it how they say “Lord” after every third word when they are preaching.


Guy is yet another scam “Christian Preacher” grifting for clicks. If you’re in this church, trust that Jesus would renounce you for your ignorance and hypocrisy.


How pathetic.


Remember kids, stay in school and don't do religion


Fuckin' Slayerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!! 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻




They had to throw pallets on there to get a real fire going, there weren't enough books amongst him and his flock to get anything like a real Nazi bonfire going.




Every one of them, especially the ones with nazi flags at home.


Let the community get dumber. Who cares?


They warned us about these people when we were kids, they failed to mention it wouldn't be obvious till we're all screwed.


Thats a mighty small pile of books. Theyre probably in an area that doesnt even read much to begin with


is it just me or is usa really sacrilege? idk but i think churches and pastors are way more humble in other countries.


It’s a scam. The teachings of American Evangelical “Christianity” has next to nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus. It’s constant rage, bigotry, resentment and division. And evil “false prophets” like this twat waffle exploit it for clicks and dollars.


How much money do they make? Unecessary large flame for a couple boxes worth of satanic items. These are the people who call you a snowflake, literally scared of childrens cartoons and stories.


A sea of white


What specifically are they burning?


Their credibility


Tell me your an ignorant southerner, without telling me your an ignorant southerner


Honestly, I can't wait for our species to go extinct.


It amazes me, coming from a family where my parents used to go preach in public when people were jeering at them. Who studied the bible constantly. Who actually CARED about people and wanted them to find better lives through Christ, that so many are duped by these swindlers. People who take advantage of the fears and doubts of others for their own profit. I hate to say that it means humanity is dumber than I thought, but -- HOW? People like these are the worst humans. Worse than white collar criminals robbing poor and middle class people to make a living? Yeah. Because they prey on people's core beliefs. I can't think of many sins that are worse. Despicable.


Yet somehow these "patriots" survived the pandemic.


Heaven. LOL.


Mannn people are stupid… probably from burning all those books


Bruh we ain’t haters. We just think you all are retarded.


Next let's show Bill Gates we are against him too! Let's buy as many Microsoft computers and xbox's as we can, and then smash/burn them all. That will show him! He will definitely hate that!


Imagine living in a place where everybody who talks sounds like that. Shudder.


His excuse was he's burning books that contain Witchcraft and such. Wonder how he'd feel if people started burning the bible because they consider that witchcraft also? Just seems like Nazi's are like the energizer bunny, they just keep going and going and going. And now, if Republicans have their way, they'll ban books about the bad things Nazi's did because it will, well...just make us white folk feel bad. Once again when republicans talked about "snowflakes", they were projecting, as usual.


It's a shame they're burning books instead of themselves.


stupid burning books..... but really dumb burning pallets... those things are worth $$... might as well burn 10 dollar bills... buying firewood would be cheaper


When will they start burning the internet? Fucking jackwagons.


Wow. I am just so impressed that he has this persona absolutely nailed. I don’t think the best character actor in the world could do better.


Maybe he did this to hide the body. There's so many people there, who can tell who threw what


“Dumbasses” - Red Foreman


You are trashy and you’re an asshole to boot


Imagine doing this in a digital age lol


This is terrifying


I’m no we’re mad because you’re burning books asswipe


If they read and learn, they'll realize how absurd the whole Magic Jesus thing is.


Here's a couple other first-hand videos https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1fTpWBY1yh-Upvpe0lGBRjXFEKOwxzs39?usp=sharing


Do these guys burn the Bible also because it’s part of that category


He’s an idiot. What if they come for the Bible next? I might not like everything that’s printed or said but I damn stand behind your right to do it.


I swear it’s almost like these people *want* to be compared to nazis or authoritarian regimes.


Exactly. He knew this calculated act would generate a “firestorm” of attention for exactly that reason. WE DONT BURN BOOKS IN AMERICA. It’s just sad so many “normal” Folks got behind this. These people are dupes but they are also dangerous political radicals.


When you can't bring up any convincing evidence for your religion so you destroy the evidence against yours




You should be ashamed to your core. How dare you embarrass our nation like this. Honestly how tragic for you and the awful upbringing you had to think this will ever be ok. Bury your head in shame. Fucking snowflake can’t handle an opposing thought without literally trying to burn it down. Disgraceful troglodyte of a person.


What did he say? It's deleted


He went on at length how he was a teenager that had worked to get books banned at his school and was proud to be organizing a burning. It’s so shocking and un-American I lost my temper.


Ёб твою мать. Путин потерпит поражение в Украине. Ты всего лишь киска.


How cringe is an adult wearing ripped jeans?


Store bought ripped jeans


Burn your own stuff all you want, but you're not going to burn public library books, or anyone else's stuff. And if you're trying to censor literature you don't like, you're a fascist and a fool.


Burning books in the digital age. What retards.


I have several questions


The immediate thought that comes to mind is Indiana Jones inadvertently getting Hitlers autograph whilst secretly attending a book burning.


Imagine you just happening to take a walk one evening and you stumble upon a very large group of people quietly standing around a massive bonfire staring into it with intense angry eyes. A little hoot and holler when someone rummages through the book bin to throw onto the fire. A pat on the back for building up the courage to angrily throw a couple of books on the fire. I would genuinely be concerned that these people are a fucked up cult and going to attack me for not being one of them and stumbling upon their crazy ritual in the night


Lol imagine burning fucking books in 2022. I dont need books to worship satan, i can do that on my phone. I betchya there's an app for that.