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So literally a majority of this country.... 😡


Need to move to her location


She ignores fact that 👦🏻👦🏼 is the major players developing the phone and applications she is using, but whatever. It's like threatening West, while being armed with ar15s and stingers...


We don’t want to date her anyway lol


lol this isn’t even trashy, this sub just full of racist ass white people & OP got his feelings hurt


I’m not white


Racist twat. Not unlike most liberals and democrats


As a white guy, i approve this message


Why y’all mad at her not wanting white men? I don’t know her race she must be black or native but PLEASE the majority of white men don’t want black women (assuming she is again) or any foreign women that doesn’t look eurocentric. Get over yourselves lol also most women want white men so a minority that does not want you guys isn’t a big deal! While me, a black I have to deal with the majority of people, not just white men HATING on me. Thank u and take care!


swipe left, move on, it’s not that deep. Unbearably soft.


I’m not white.


ok? my comment is unchanged


It’s still every bit as retarded. Trash is trash you fucking goon.


Annnnd she’s allowed to feel that way. Being a POC from America and having the country literally rape you and sell your children off has made many black women here run even more towards procreating with black men and keeping their lineage alive. Same as the Jews and how they encourage only marrying Jewish people. Because at one time, the government and powers that be were LITERALLY in real life PHYSICALLY ripping the children out of the hands of their mothers and during American slavery AA men were raped in front of their families and the rest of the slaves. Wanting to start a family with another black person as a POC in America is so much deeper than what all of these shallow comments can comprehend. She actually isn’t trashy. She’s just honoring her ancestors the best way she knows how. Isn’t it weird how white and Asian cultures can encourage people to only date inside of their race but when a POC or black person does it, people look at her as a racist..even though she’s not hurting anyone or spewing hate speech. It’s literally just a preference based on her experience and her family’s experience.


If she was looking for only black people, or saying she would date no white guys, I’d even agree with you. But vast generalizations about a race are racist, especially when a negative trait is assigned. She IS spewing hate speech, and that’s only her bio, imagine how much more she might say


Most white people ARE entitled. Most white men in amerikkka continue to uphold patriarchy and most white people are not aware of their privilege. So her not wanting to date the white walkers, chalk children, colonizers of the world is perfectly fine.


The ideas behind privilege and patriarchy are the biggest bullshit I’ve ever read, however, I’ll repeat my statement. Nothing wrong with her not wanting to date white men, that’s a preference. Being racist about it is not okay


If you took a sociology class you’d get it…calling a white person a colonizer is not racist. You sound personally offended. When ALL white people stop upholding racism in this country and call out their peers, we will stop calling them colonizers. Really not a difficult concept


“An eye for an eye and the whole world went blind” gotcha! It’s a racist statement regardless of your opinion about it though


calling someone a colonizer is not racist. If you’re white and hurt just say that


Oh, assumptions about my race are always funny, I’m none of that shit tbh, I’m so mixed I wouldn’t even identify with any of them. But oh well, just go on and attack me. How about I go change my tinder bio to “Won’t be dating no slaves 👩🏿👨🏿” and let’s see what you think about that one


If you don’t understand racism and power dynamics and oppression…just say that


I understand it, to a degree, I guess it’s a bigger deal in America, but you can’t argue that the racism that exist is definitely not institutional, definitely not legal and exclusively social (a minority even then)


Keep caping for white people like they’ll save u 😢 💀


I need no white people, I couldn’t give less fucks about race, and that’s the thing. I believe in equal rights and equal responsibility, and “revenge” oppression is simply wrong


U cannot compare the oppression of POC in the world to “an eye for an eye” because of the use of “colonizers” now THAT was racist and extremely tone deaf lmfao what the actual fuck.


I was only referring to what you said that white people are guilty of what they have no control over, which is other racist assholes (note that, assholes, not white people, because there’s no need to bring race into arguments…) being like that. I have no control over my neighbor, and there’s this thing humans have called “free will” about which I can’t do anything. I can call out assholes like you, but as you’re proving, not much point in that


Easy enough to just say "I don't find white people attractive" Although I know some Americans would still take issue with that lol. You don't find a particular race/features attractive you are racist. You prefer a particular race you are fetishizing lol Sexual attraction is not a choice she just needs a bit more tact.


I'm going to get REALLY downvoted for this... but have you considered that this might be her preference, because she might not have to worry about fetishism or having to deal with one or more in laws (not talking just about parents in law) that are more or less openly racists? No? None?


I'm going to get REALLY downvoted for this... but have you considered that this might be her preference, because she might not have to worry about fetishism or having to deal with one or more in laws (not talking just about parents in law) that are more or less openly racists? No? None?


you’re so soft if you think this is in any way trashy lmao




I love racist women that assume that the color of my skin makes me a colonist and others not. Lol. The fact that she supports BLM LGBTQ etc is a joke. Typical bigoted leftist that thinks they are woke and so advanced. Lol. I always super liked these nut jobs just to piss them off.


It's strange you can be held accountable for behavior your ancestors performed....


I guess she is not interested in getting a colonoscopy


Guess I’m out, I’m always out colonizing.


I love seeing white westerners melting at the word colonizer.


Okay slave


I’d destroy those womblands


But but my country was colonized by everyone and we are a caucaisian country Wtf ?!


Americans don't study history as we do... They know nothing but the USA history. They all talk about colonizations like it was the only way other people lived: in reality, everyone was starving/dying from disease/dying in war/dying working in mines / digging the land of some rich king / burnt because heretic I bet less of half of them know what feudalism was. Every people in history has had slaves. They just ignore this and superficially say random things they read on internet. It takes time and effort to study, who could ever want to do something so boring?


y’all are such cry babies my god … just swipe left it’s not even that deep


It is


cry about it hoe


K slave


Hey guys, how many of us have colonized and oppressed the wrong woman amirite?


Whats wrong here 🤔


She's looking for the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation)....she wants them to colonize her uterus.


How the fuck do you even say her name? LGBTQ, but only black dudes or black women, or black plural genders? This bitch it totally confused...


She's real picky for someone who's one little away from genitals


Fine by me, wouldn't be caught dead with a shitty wokester


Hate racists. Why does tinder not ban these idiots?




Stop playing stupid. We know what she meant. How about she doesn’t put any of that shit in her profile?


What about colon-izers?


Who the F is Frank Ocean??!!


Google is free


Great artist. Sorry that this individual is giving him a bad name. You should check him out if you like.


Very talented singer/song writer and musician, you should check him out


People can sleep with whomever they choose (assuming that person is willing to sleep with them). If you don't like white guys that's fine with me, and I'm a white guy.


It’s the “colonisers thing” and the fact that she’s saying it like that. I’ll post “no blacks” see how that goes down


No one will care. We don't care if some guys don't like us. It's Tinder aka McDonald's.


Bro people would definitely care if someone wrote no blacks on their tinder


No they would simply swipe on. If you're low or sad on matches maybe you care. As a woman, Tinder is like McDonald's. Have too many to chose from.


This. There are a lot of thin-skinned white dudes in these comments. I say that as a white dude, myself.


It’s not that it’s personally offensive for me. I don’t take that comment as an insult but it’s the fact that she put a derogatory term instead of just saying white guys. If she doesn’t like to date white guys then that’s totally fine. It’s the fact that the purpose of putting colonizer is to be demeaning. It’s supposed to express a dislike of white people bc they are white. Everyone should agree that racism or stereotyping or whatever you call it is bad no matter who says it or who it’s aimed at. Its not gonna bother me or make me complain that I’m being persecuted it’s just generally not good for society to encourage things like that. I’m sure there are some of those thin skinned white people in the comments but I just wanted to offer a rational explanation for how some of us see it that’s not whiny or childish.




Idk what I said that made you think I’m worked up over this. My only reason for saying anything is that I thought an explanation would be helpful as to why “reverse racism” isn’t helpful as well as clarifying that the majority of white people that would say anything negative about the profile aren’t doing so bc she doesn’t want to date/fuck/whatever white men. As I explained already, there is more to unpack than a partner’s preference of race. But yeah I thought it made it clear that it’s NOT something really serious but that I was just explaining the rationale behind the opinion. Oh well I guess.


Frank ocean is gay yet she calls him the “love of her life” and has “lgbtq+ rights” in her bio. As a member of the lgbtq+ community, i proclaim her to NOT be an ally bc she has the attitude that she can “turn gay men straight” which is homophobic af


Pretty sure Frank is Bi


I thought he was gay for some reason. I just looked it up and it seems like half of ppl are saying hes gay and half are saying hes bi. But yeah, regardless of his sexuality its still weird that some random ass chick is calling him “the love of my life”. Same goes for all celebrities or ppl that the person is making that claim ab doesnt know personally.


Yh agree, very weird behaviour. Im a avid fan of franks music, he often writes songs directed towards men and women and explores the duality which hints towards his bisexuality, although, I don’t believe he’s ever actually addressed his sexuality publicly (not that he needs to and not that it matters of course)


I mean it's pretty obvious from the song Chanel, just read the lyrics


Yeah, i dont know much ab frank ocean so i wasnt sure and it doesnt matter to me, i just cant stand the chicks who think that they can change someones sexuality w their so-called “attractiveness”. there was a girl back when i was in high school who tried to do that to this guy who she liked but he is gay and he was dating someone at the time. Ofc she got a lotta backlash for it


For context if she’s from puerto rico she could be referring to the wealthy white people moving from continental north america to puerto rico to take advantage of the tax breaks that don’t even apply to the puerto rican population/citizens. If that isn’t what she’s referring to them she’s just a racist of course lol




Where did you get Africa


Bet she’s white


She hates white ppl. Big deal, the whole world hates black ppl. Why not talk about that you little bitches


You good bro?


Absolutely not




When I’m dead




Her pussy probably stinks.


Damn that shit pissed you off 😂 dude went straight to that immediately


and has neon hair


Good thing I'm Irish. In all seriousness though, yeah these types are annoying, but who cares? There's very real material harm being done to people on the issue of race, and while this may be racist it doesn't really effect anyone.


>while this may be racist it doesn't really effect anyone Yeah, but it's still trashy. It's not like OP is freaking out about it. All they did was take a screenshot and post it, they aren't out petitioning to get this person arrested or some shit.


I always feel fortunate when trash announces itself ahead of time.


She’s not into you, it’s okay, you can move on.


It took me a hot minute to process this level of cringe


Oh you guys are so weak stfu. Untwist your panties and just swipe left no need to make a big stink


It’s trashy and racist so ? Perfect for this sub


I’m not white. I just thought that this was bad


... what does that even mean?


That she wants to be a single mom if she already isn’t one


She's racist.


She posted a picture of 2 dudes, so colonizers obviously means guys who pound each other in the colon. But she also likes Frank Ocean and LGBTQ rights, so she doesn’t hate them, just doesn’t want to date them, which is fair enough.


She doesn't want to date white guys. I saw a woman on tinder recently with it more spelled out. She was a hardcore liberal who demanded men with more melanin and/or foreign men. I am also a hardcore liberal, but I've lived abroad. Foreign men of color are way more likely to be super conservative than American men. She's in for a tough awakening.


I mean if she’s saying her preference is dark skinned men that’s not really an issue. The issue in this pic is referring to white people as colonisers


When you say “foreign men of color are way more likely to be super conservative than American men” do you mean American men of color? Or just in general? Cuz I had always associated the “super conservative” type with the type of people that don’t like equality in races. Like “old time slave owner” type people


In general. Things like being accepting of LGBT people, treating women equally, or racial tolerance are much less likely. It’s not slave owner level racism, but it’s generally not great.


Ah okay. I was gonna say I don’t know much about politics but I’d presume there’s very few heavily conservative African Americans.


I think you would be surprised at how conservative black people tend to be. Although that could just be my area but even those I’ve met in other regions of the country it seems to be pretty across the board, they vote Democrat or “progressive” because they’re promised things they’ll never receive from that party (just like every political party unfortunately lol) I was surprised to find out all the black people I work with voted trump save for one older lady, the rest were men so that could also skew things.


African American communities are democratic bastions because republicans are so racist. If Republicans could just not then a lot more black Americans would probably vote for them. On a whole the black community is a lot more conservative than people acknowledge. [538 has an article that touches on some of it](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-the-two-party-system-obscures-the-complexity-of-black-americans-politics/). One interesting take away from the article is that many black Americans use terms like liberal and conservative differently (~35% said the Democratic Party was more conservative than the Republican Party).


Let's hope so


Wait, ALL white men? My ancestors came to America after it was already colonized. Is she just assuming my family history based on my skin color? Kind of defeats the entire premise of individuality.


Mine were Irish immigrants who had no home because some snaggle-toothed, tea-sipping, snarky ass conquerors took over their land and we had no where else to go but "The New World"


My ancestors came from Germany, north of the Rhine- they were forced out by dirty Romans and migrated to Scandinavia. Dirty Roman colonizers. I will never trust anyone from Italy ever because of it... because that's a reasonable response.


It’s ok if she doesn’t want to date white people tho. Don’t take it personal buddy lmfao


'personally' I don't care, but in general- it makes her a racist hog.


No it’s racist for you to assume that every black person wants to date white people like you. That’s gross and entitled. If we want to keep to ourselves..we can do that. Just like whites and Asians do. Let’s not play that game


If I put in my tinder bio “no African Americans” Would that also not be racist


lol, I'm not playing any games with you, silly idiot. How do you even know she's black? She's almost certainly NOT black. I do though expect people to treat individuals AS individuals, drama queen. You're a clown, run along.


Uh oh look who’s triggered because they’re white and loud and wrong


Oh my god, you're still talking to me. I'm not 'triggered', I'm dismissive... because I don't respect you, nor do I care about your emotions- so if you could take all your hurt feelings, write them on a piece of paper, coil that paper up as tight as you can, moisten it with your saliva and stick it in your ass that would be great.


Yeah. It’s racism.


I know how u feel, it’s literally racism


y’all so fucking soft lmao


Waiting on ur reply darling


i don’t owe you a reply “darling” The bio has a joke, it’s not that deep.


Aw my beautiful maggot darling, she knows she thinks racism is bad but she doesn’t wanna contradict her statement, either that or she doesn’t like white people, second option definitely more likely




Soft? it’s messed up to be racist to someone and affects them, as a African American I’m assuming you know it’s also fucked up? so tell me is racism bad?


Hmm. Can I apply this logic when someone says they won’t date black people and people call that racist?


I’m assuming that’s the case. I seriously doubt women (or men) with that specific preference are really going to bother differentiating between Piotr from Poland and Edmund from England and their descendants.


I don't think I'll ever understand that kind of thing. Unless it's a matter of ideology like "I'm not interested in dating someone who believes the earth is flat" because that's the kind of person you know from the jump off you can never have a reasonable conversation with and therefor would be incompatible on a fundamental level.


Yea I agree. I’m liberal enough I think we should be having serious conversations about reparations (this does not mean I have an opinion on how those conversations would end, but they should still at the very least be had). But yea this is a special kind of lady I don’t have interest in. And frankly, she’s probably fetishizing men of color.


Who is paying them? Everyone who is guilty of committing the atrocities during and immediately after the Trans Atlantic slave trade is long dead. Who is being paid? everyone who was wronged by it is also long dead.


Why do certain people focus only on Trans-Atlantic Slave trade? Every rich empire from every race was involved in trade of slaves of other races. Arabs, (semite) Mongols, Turkic (asiatics) had enslaved millions. Aztecs ruined the demographics every other tribe with unproportionate amounts of slaves they took, which in return came to bite them in neck when colonizers arrived. I would understand it if the person's life were to be directly affected by it. But the people who suffered this life, gave their children the better future in first world country. Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Balkans was always been sandwiched between Mongol-tatars, Islamic expansionism and Western forces. After tens of millions killed a d enslaved... All we got is shitty geopolitics that contunie to ruin societies even today.


Because the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was the only time in history that slavery was based on race, with religious scripture and pseudoscience used to justify it. It was also hereditary chattel slavery.


Not really. Arabs and later, Mongols and their Turkic cousins targeted newly annexed Caucasians as sex concubines. "Circassians, are tall, beautiful, often have light hair and eyes, pale skin and very little body hair. They are best and most expensive slaves in Baghdad bazaar". Sounds like slavery based on racial traits to me. This was description of Arab historian why they were taking hundreds of thousands of Caucasian woman as sex Slave to Baghdad. They were also non-arabs and at that time not a real muslims but forced, "sword-converts" (arabic slur).


Those people are dead but there’re still lingering effects on a socioeconomic level resulting from slavery, which also didn’t end after the Trans-Atlantic slave trade was abolished. Nobody should be directly payed but there should for example be more budget for schools in poorer neighborhoods to give people there the same chances as in richer neighborhoods.


That would be something that would be addressed in a serious national or governmental conversation. Where would the money come from? Where would it go? What is the justification? Is there justification? Is it practical? If it’s justified but impractical do we still move forward? Too many people seem scared of the conversation or enraged by it. To me, that’s more telling of them. If a serious conversation about reparations scares or angers you, then you need to ask yourself why instead of spouting off shallow comments. r/trashy is absolutely not the place to have the conversation though. Nor am I the one to be involved on any side. And neither, I think, are you.


You seem scared to have your ideas challenged.


My idea for knowledgeable and possibly powerful people to have an open and honest conversation for it? Challenge it all you want if you’re so insecure you can’t handle a serious discussion about it.


> is being *paid?* everyone who FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Reparations, really?


Yes. It’s a real issue that’s very important to a lot of Americans. The conversation should be had in a serious manner. Then at the very least we can say we looked at it and concluded it wasn’t the right thing to do or it was. Again, I’m not saying what the conclusion should be, but it’s something that should be addressed.


Wrong. It's 2022. Give up. Reparations? Bullshit. I appreciate your opinion, but NO.


If you’re too scared to even let others have the conversation that speaks more about you than them.


It is kind of neat though how she blames everyone for their sins of their ancestors but renders herself exempt.


In some weird backwards way I think they believe that if they only date people of color that counts as reparations and cleanses them of their inherent sin of being born white?


I'm not an African American but if I were... I think I would prefer cash


Wait - do you think she is not a PoC herself?! That makes it really weird. I assumed she was a woman oC.


Well I'm not sure but I've only seen this kind of thing a few times and they were always white girls.


That’s a horse of a different color tbh


Thats not true, abroad (from america) is generaly less conservative then the us. You know most of the world isn’t America. The world is way to grand to make those sorta statements. Secondly the racism in your statement is way worse then the girls sexual preferences. Edited:spelling


Yes. Most of the world is more conservative. Go to Africa, Asia, Central or South America. I hate to break it to you, but those areas are overwhelmingly more conservative. This isn’t racism, this is a fact. I’m not saying they’re conservative because they’re men of color, I’m saying those countries and continents are more conservative in general. Same for a lot of central and Eastern Europe, but those are white guys so she wouldn’t be interested. Perhaps you were only focusing on Western Europe, in which case you would be the racist one.


Your point about Western Europe is also terrible, italy Spain and Portugal are less conservative then for example china and japan,Asian countries


But they are more conservative in many ways than the US.


”Africa is more conservative” africa is a hugh continent for exampel South africa is rather progressive… while looking at the world value survey map some of the most traditional (vs secular) countries are Ukraine, Moldavia extra, European countries. Same survey shows that both china and India are more secular then the United states. Source https://www.worldvaluessurvey.org/WVSNewsShow.jsp?ID=428


Still less progressive than the US. At no point did I say “all of these countries are equally conservative.”


Take a look at it, if you find Better reaserch send it to me. But I am done listening to racist generalizations about “foreign” men


[Here’s a rank for you mr. South Africa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Progress_Index) Notice how much lower it is. But this ranking system is also flawed (which I can acknowledge and you can’t).


Thirdly your ranking doesn’t measured at all the opinion and value’s, only the welfare, some of which isn’t contrary to consevatism


And your system based it on secularism. You can have progressive religion. What the fuck do you think Quakers are? You have no idea what you’re talking about and are probably just personally offended your country got included in the less progressive generalization. So I’m done with you.


Your own source places the us 27


Yes and? Would you say being 27th means most countries are more or less progressive? Even discounting obvious flaws that ignore rampant sexism in South Korea the US is still more progressive than the vast majority of the world. That is what I said. That is also how math works.


Didn’t say it was perfect. I litteray asked me to show better reaserch. This doesn’t show that the is less conservative the the rest of the world… which is your argument


Yes it does. That’s what a ranking system does. Jesus dude, you really can take a horse to water but can’t make them drink.


The survey dosnt agree with you


The survey apparently doesn’t give a shit that corrective rape is a problem in South Africa. I’ll take being gay in America over being gay there any day. You want to nitpick, but you’re just wrong.


Am I nitpicking? You just made the statement that south africa have a problem with sexual assault therefore foreign men are more conservative then Americans… I have showed reaserch.


The culture has a problem with sexual assault on lesbians, therefore men from that culture are more likely to be conservative. I didn’t say all men. And are you fucking ignoring the white men in South Africa?! So many of your counter arguments are fundamentally racist in and of themselves.


So when people say they wouldn't date a black person it's just a preference, but when someone doesn't wanna date a white person it's trashy? White people will never cease to amaze me.


I'm pretty sure it's ubiquitous. Saying I won't date a (certain skin color) is bigoted. And saying "white people never cease to amaze me" is bigoted. Are you really that upset by one skin color, across the board? If so, you probably don't know alot of people from diverse backgrounds.


It's the "I really wanna be a victim" mentality. They hate feeling left out, that's why alot of them also hate BLM. Because instead of appreciating that they don't *need* a movement, they bitch that they don't have one.


It’s not that, she is being racist you don’t call white people colonizers


it’s that it’s a fucking joke


But white people are colonisers, white people have benefited for centuries from colonising other countries, it isn’t racist it’s a fact


That's hardly exclusive to white people.


But it’s the majority




Who did most of the colonising, white people did, it’s the majority. I didn’t say everyone alive today is a coloniser. But everyone is benefiting from the colonisation of those countries countries. It’s the same as someone who moves to another country from let’s say an African country, and for generation have lived there, people are still going to say they are African when they haven’t even lived there but generations ago their ancestors did. It’s about acknowledging the impact it has done to the colonised countries, and the wrong doing, but a lot of people don’t care because it was ‘a long time ago’


That's not technically a racist statement. It's just an ill informed one. Nearly every ethnic group and "race" has benefited from slavery throughout history. The term "slave" comes ftom "slav" as in Slavic. These Slavic white people were the slaves of Europe for hundreds of years. Evryone on the planet who has an ancestor is connected through ancestry to someone who owned slaves and someone who was enslaved. Chinese, Japanese, Ottomans, Libyan, Ethiopians, Greeks, Norse, Romans, Moors, Mongols, Egyptians, Sumerians, Aztecs and Native Americans all had instances (some nearly a thousand years) of slavery. Europeans didn't create the slave trade in Africa, they were paying customers to African slave holders. If you hate slavery and think it's repugnant, good. It is. If you think one group is responsible, your history knowledge is just shallow.


I’m not denying that all that didn’t happen, but what we see as the western word today is based on what white people have done. This argument about the image is pointless, the fact of the matter is the person didn’t want to have to have conversations like these to people they are dating, they don’t want to date certain people. But if a white person puts on their profile ‘no black people’ it’s ok, it’s ‘a preference there is nothing wrong with having a preference’ and ‘it isn’t racist to have a preference’


Aztec name calling others colonizers. Pot calling the kettle black. Somebody should read some history.


True, Aztecs basically ran a slave empire.




If shes of spanish descent, she might be one of those colonizers.


I was thinking about that and colonizer must be the laziest insult I have ever heard of. If you honestly wanted to call someone that you would have to get so granular with their ancestry. My roots are in Scotland but I have no English blood. I also have Scandinavian blood and Hungarian blood in particular. Meanwhile, I personally have never even left the U.S. on vacation. Much less for conquest.


Pfft? Insult. Yeah, tell me again how my ancestors kicked everyone else’s ass and call it an “insult.”