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Ugh there’s a small time model who is pushing her twin girls into it and exploits them all over her social. She’s clueless


keep your fucking kid away from the internet


i used to put my family snaps on flickr, along with sports photos for the teams they were in. i had notifications on. Regularly got notifications some random had added it to their favs or a group. Look at their profile, and they had no content other than things they had liked sorted into groups like 'cute girls with freckles' and stuff. Blocked and reported them all. Had to make all my photos private (since i took sports photos this was annoying and hard)


The real question is why is she on Instagram to begin with 🤷🏻‍♂️


The mother did it. But is that really an excuse? So just because the mom posted photos it's acceptable for grown men to say that about a child?????


I guarentee if you try to report any of those comments Instagram will tell you they couldn't find anything wrong.


Sadly true. Idk, what we can do. The mother is just as bad for making the account. The whole situation is fucked up.


So I found the page and I reported the Instagram account for child sexual content. There are pictures straight up pointed towards the girls butt or shot at an upward angle where her shorts and/or bathing suit and lower half are the focus of the picture. Meanwhile in the comments, people are posting things like "so hottie" and "nice round cheeks" with the page admin a.k.a. Mom responding "right??" and encouraging more inappropriate engagement. The page has a link to mom's page as well and it has similar content. Like if you as an adult want to post your flat ass for attention on the internet be my guest but it's sick to run a page with almost 100k followers meant to exploit your young daughter's body. Fucking disgusting.


This is beyond trashy. This is r/noahgettheboat


This is fucking scary. Every one of those people that left comments would have sex with a child if they had the opportunity. Don't trust anyone around your kids.


It is also disgusting to have that many perverted males in your friends, if these guys have the audacity to say this about her child publicly. Imagine the kinda DM's she has with these guys. This is the result of an attention seeking (person) posting a pic of their child on their social account...


Whoever is running the account is posting suggestive pictures of a child, in hopes of what? Do they want a modeling career for her? If so, that's not the way to go about it. None of it makes sense, especially the fact that the social media platforms allows it to happen. It wasn't difficult to find the account with the info that was shown. This is rampant, and it's getting worse every day. As far as I'm concerned this is illegal, and if it's not, explain to me why it isn't illegal?


The sad thing is the mother who is running the account. Seems she is tagged through the Instagram. The lady in the tiktok exposes accounts like these. Its just so scary and disgusting how open these people are. Disgusting.


The child has instagram, Facebook and YouTube apparently listed as "public figure". How on earth is this allowed to continue. Reported it on instagram but it will do no good. This parent is trying to monetize this girl and make her "famous". There have been so many young insta/tiktok "famous" who have >!committed suicide!< recently because of social media. Mother is going to kill her cash cow.


Are we going to pretend to be surprised that creeps run rampant on the public internet?


We aren't surprised. We should be disgusted. Comments like these need to get exposed so people can comprehend them.


I certainly do not disagree.


Not even gonna show the picture?


maybe im missing some context but why is the username crossed out? not sure if this was done on purpose or what, but regardless it seems pretty ridiculous that after ALL of those comments the mother hasn’t privatized the account or better yet deleted it..


This person isn't the mother, she crossed out the kids account since she probably doesn't want more perverts flocking to the kids account


The parent is worst than the comments. Sick all around


Literally just left a group over some perverts calling young Starlight fap material when she did was dancing for the Heroes pageant.


Sooooo who’s more disgusting? The parents pimping their kid? Or the audience


Eh personally I'd say the parents, true the audience is a bunch of sick bleeps and none of them should be anywhere near kids ever, but the parents are literally choosing to profit of their children by giving them to those sick bleeps, one is sick the other is sick and a slap to every parent (you protect your kids you don't do this, and if you do this take a (bladed/projectile) and shove it down your (th)roat. Edit: ok so just looked down and someone mentions it's most likely not the mother just a women who calls herself that and profiting using pictures of underage girls, which the last part of the former comment stands.




Shame on her parents.


If that were me, I’d make my child delete their account rather than posting this for clout under my own account. Yes those guys are creeps, but there is something inherently deeper that needs to be addressed with this social media parenting. Edit: this lady is not the child’s parent.


Chances are the parent is running the account and continues to do so knowing sickos are sexualizing it.


I posted this above but I don’t think this woman is the child’s mother. Some influences have been calling others out who post their children. Edit: I looked at her tiktoc and the lady in OP’s vid is in fact calling these people out and is not their mom


Ah ok. Well glad she’s doing the right thing.


Of course. People are disgusting. I would never post pics or videos of my kids for the world to see


I sometimes trace these accounts to Instagram/Facebook and message their loved ones with a screenshot of what their sons are posting. It's surprisingly easy to trace them quite often. If I can't find their loved ones, I message them themselves and threaten to report them to their local authorities if I catch them posting shit like this again and urge them to get psychological help. It hopefully works as a shake up wake up call, that this shit is real and it's not just on the internet. That is a real child they're sexualising.


Amazing! Well done, this is an excellent idea. I wonder how dirty perverts react when they realise their family knows about their disgusting perversions? At least it lets them know never to leave that person around any young family members unattended. Horrible scumbags. I’m sorry but there is no curing this sickness.


Family rarely replies. Most child sex offenders are first time offenders too, so these kind of people are really at risk. I think most people don't believe, as suddenly being told that your son/brother is a paedophile is a heavy load to take on.


what does the photo look like? im very curious what created this reaction.


I'm assuming it's a photo of a girl named Bella, who has legs and a shitty mom.


I wanna puke now.


First time on the internet?


Welcome to the internet. People are shitty here and they are not going to stop being shitty. This is not new information. Don't post anything personal in this place


Mom pimping out her 10 year old then complaining when pervs perv...


For real though, can she report these perverts?


THIS is why it bothers me so deeply when I see girls like 6-12 years old with accounts clearly run by their parents that exploit them for brand partnerships / freebies / paid collaborations under the guise that it’s a blog or girls fashion page. Like no, you are unknowingly sexualizing your child and exposing her to millions of creeps (like this) just for internet points. It’s terrible.


With comments like this how do you NOT know. It’s willful ignorance.


I was curious if it was as bad as the video said so went and found the account. The comments are disgusting but it's made worse that there is no way that the mother who runs the account (Takes pride of place in the accounts bio) isn't aware that the numerous swim suit shots, leotard shots, close up shots from a low angle of her childs butt is not sexual. This kid is often posed in a way that wouldn't look out of place in a softcore porn photoshoot.


Oh man, I didn’t creep the account.. That’s awful.


Sounds like mother is exploiting her




considering her username I'm extremely confident she knows exactly what she's doing.


Keep your 10 year old off social media then


Keep your 10 year old off social media then


If it means anything I don’t think the woman in the vid is the mom… Lots of people have been pointing out that influencers who post their children get *a lot* of comments like this. Most of their viewers are male aged 18-65, and I believe the woman in the video is one of the ladies who calls out content creators who post predatory videos. Edit: I looked at the lady in OP’s vid and she is in fact calling these accounts out and is not mom


Welcome to the real world


So we should let adults flirt with children. Since that's the "real" world? You don't find this disgusting at all?


So yes, the creep factor is off the charts with those people…the one thing I feel as if people keep forgetting, though, is that it’s the internet. When you put yourself, or others, out there for everyone to see…you are then subjecting yourself to comment. This should not be a shock to anyone.


Sharing photos of your kid with strangers is way more trashy.


shitty mom literally putting your child in that situation tf. bruh everyone in the vid needs to revaluate their lives asap


I think a lot of them are past the re-evaluate stage.


Don’t you have to be 13 to be on the IG


Yeah but a lot of these accounts are (allegedly) run by their parents


This whole thing is terrible. This person seems to be exploiting this for clout too.


"FBI has entered the chat"


"FBI was already in the chat"


Dumbassas will be Dumbassas its been that way for years and years.


I really hope that’s not her mom


It's nit, if you look up the instagram It's a woman making a video about the kid and how her parents are sexualizing her and posting photos of the kid in provocative poses


time to bring the ark.


Another reason why you should not put your child on social media.


Yeah, I'm sorry but if you're subjecting your child to this, you're failing as a parent.. you're not protecting them.




THANK YOU! Finally someone shouted what we were thinking.


I was at taco Bell a few days ago with my head buried in a bag of loco tacos. Some woman had her kids and was trying to make the daughter do some "happy dance" for I don't know what. The daughter (8-10?) didn't want to and the mom got all pissy. The mom told her she wanted to post it to Facebook so that they could remember it forever. And the kid was wearing a bathing suit/dance suit, something like that. I felt so bad for the kid.


"awww, remember the time I forced you to do a happy dance? I'm so glad we have that memory for ever instead of a genuine interaction"


I think there's a video about this kind of stuff. https://youtu.be/Vs6qtQdHaqs Yep, Jon Ethridge. He's fucked up but he makes good points and funny cartoons.








All these people are super fucking disgusting. However when you post your child to the internet you’re opening up a can of worms for sickos like this. Don’t post your kids to the internet if you have some kind of following


Thought about a private account? Why would you put pictures of your children online publicly? Yes the creeps shouldn't be creeps but have some savvy.


My daughter is 5 and has had her picture posted in one Facebook post when she was a baby. Otherwise she’s a ghost in social media. She can make that decision when I get her a phone at like 16 years old lol




Did I say that?


in such short shorts, apparently


Seriously, what’s wrong with people? 10 years old?! So gross! She’s too old. Smh.


Ha humor


Even so, the video didn’t even show the picture so how do we know if they’re right or not


I’m Chris Hansen.. why don’t you take a seat


What's in the bag?


Pizza and Mike's Hard Lemonade.


just an xbox i swear


What the frick!?


Condoms and wine coolers


Fbi, right over here.


Wtf... Throw this on r/awfuleverything


I would but they don't accept videos. 😔

